Spiritual Alchemy – Transmuting Our Inner Matrix. Alchemy can be defined as any magical power or process of transmuting a common substance, usually of little value, into a substance of great value.’ Early alchemists are best remembered for their attempts to transmute lead into gold. Over the centuries, the concept of alchemy has grown from its foundation in metallurgy to encompass psychological and spiritual transmutation. Dr. Carl Jung’s work, for example, focused on the alchemical transmutation of shadow into light, or the transformation of leaden aspects of the self into enlightened, golden aspects of the self

Spiritual Alchemy – Transmuting Our Inner Matrix. Alchemy can be defined as any magical power or process of transmuting a common substance, usually of little value, into a substance of great value.’ Early alchemists are best remembered for their attempts to transmute lead into gold. Over the centuries, the concept of alchemy has grown from its foundation in metallurgy to encompass psychological and spiritual transmutation. Dr. Carl Jung’s work, for example, focused on the alchemical transmutation of shadow into light, or the transformation of leaden aspects of the self into enlightened, golden aspects of the self.

And modern spiritual traditions invoke the power of alchemy in the transmutation of the self from a singular inward-turning consciousness to one that is awakened, dynamic, and open to the subtle energies around us.

Traditions of energy healing—that is, activating, supporting, or unblocking the body’s own subtle energy fields to facilitate healing and well-being—can be seen as a form of spiritual alchemy. In restoring a balanced flow of energy through the body, energy healing brings us back into alignment with universal energies, or the Source from which all form and energy emanate. Thus aligned, our consciousness opens; our inner matrix meshes with the world around us, and we are drawn to the path toward our highest self. If we intend to undertake the spiritual alchemy of our own inner matrix, we must begin by exploring what that matrix is made of. That conversation begins with the concept of vibration.

There is no political alchemy by which you can get golden conduct out of leaden instincts. (Spencer 1969: 669–70). For individuals, then, the path of progress is always open;  steep and difficult, especially at first. There will never be a crowd gathered round this gate; “few there be that find it.

The alchemical steps which lead to the making of gold were processes in their own bodies and built up and vitalized organs. This body of gold was to be transmuted out of the ordinary body, which is like lead. The symbols of transmutation: Both the body and the psyche can be transmuted, or refined and perfected, by means of a regenerative transformation which is psycho-spiritual alchemy.

Alchemy— The science of alchemy is the philosopher’s stone, the key to the mystery of life. Mystical” refers to revelations of supra-rational character concerning the origin, activity and destiny of the soul.

Those who have read something about alchemy will know that the fabled Philosopher’s Stone (believed to be capable of prolonging life indefinitely and transmuting lead to gold) was said to appear in three stages. The initial dark phase (nigredo) signified unenlightened matter, and could refer to most of the Earth’s dormant rocks, which are spiritually asleep. The second or white phase (albedo), signified a state of spiritually awakened matter, capable of attuning to spiritual Light and awakening the alchemist to his or her higher destiny. The third and final phase of the development of the Philosopher’s Stone is the red phase (rubedo), in which the Stone has fully developed all of its powers. In its red phase, the Philosopher’s Stone is believed to supply the alchemist with power over his or her own longevity, and the ability to heal others and transmute matter from one state to another.

Man’s inner self hides various latent and active abilities which expand his being, his consciousness, beyond the physical. It has also been pointed out that the familiar reference of turning base metal into gold is a metaphor referring to the psychological transmutation of turning the leaden aspects of our mind into the golden strands of consciousness.

The art of alchemy is shrouded in mystery and intrigue. In a historical sense, the chemical reactions and mathematics explored by early alchemists gave rise to the modern science of chemistry. But even amidst the birth of a hard science, alchemy followed a spiritual directive. Today the notion of alchemy has mostly been reduced to the search for the philosopher’s stone. It has been veiled as a romanticized treasure hunt, one that possibly yields unimaginable wealth and eternal life. The true work of the alchemist, however, isn’t oriented around the physical world; it is a spiritual journey that uplifts and refines the heart.

Literature has favored a technical approach to alchemy. Obscure tomes are littered with arcane symbols and complex rites and formulas depicting the Great Work of the alchemists. However, alchemy could also be seen as an art so simple that it could be written on an emerald. Alchemy is not a process to be explored with reason alone, for it is the process of reuniting our heart with the divine mind. Thus, the master alchemist is our own heart. Listening to our heart and actively working to remember its union with Source are the only tasks we need to perfect.

When we stay engaged in spiritual practice, our life begins to change. These shifts may be small at first—almost imperceptible—but will grow exponentially with diligence. The outcome of healing the heart center is a return to Source, the source of all love, and this change is so radical that it empowers the heart to transfigure our entire life to become congruent with this spiritual perspective. As ego dissolves, the conventional separation between heart and mind yields to a state of perfect heart-mind unity, and, similarly, other tokens of duality or conflict in the material world are reworked into the truth of unity.

The process of raising consciousness beyond the limits of duality and into oneness is a lesson in alchemy. Historically, alchemy focused on the processes by which we might transform base metals into precious metals, such as lead into gold. Although many historical alchemists pursued the literal transmutation of one substance into another, the core principles of alchemy reflect spiritual transfiguration, with physical changes being a secondary manifestation of the inner changes taking place. In healing the heart center, we are brought to the cusp of this evolutionary process. Once we arrive at this plateau, we must make a concerted effort to rise to the next level in growth. This is where we stop identifying with the world of the material plane altogether and find our awareness moved into the realm of the unseen. Even the word spirit denotes an invisible essence, something that is just out of reach or comprehension in the physical world. The heart recognizes this quality, and embracing it yields dynamic change in our life.

Spirit is the basis for inspiration. It is literally the act of being filled by spirit, and it applies equally as well to the breath as it does to creative pursuits. In both instances we empty ourselves in order to receive the blessings of life itself. Medieval texts describe “spirits” as vapors or energy fields originating from the heart, not unlike how the heart center, or Anahata, of ayurvedic tradition is closely linked to the air element and to the breath. Whichever view you choose, the heart orchestrates our existence, as it is at the center of our physical and nonphysical anatomy.

The very hollowness of our physical heart reminds us to become empty as the alchemical crucible. By focusing on a spiritually oriented paradigm of the heart, we start to lose our attachment to the mundane, dualistic world. The leaden consciousness of the slumbering mind is transmuted into its golden, luminous state of perfection: the heart-mind that identifies with its own holiness. In this awakening, we cultivate a direct, continuous relationship with Creator, and through this relationship, unconditional love transforms everything that it touches in our lives.

The stones that support the process of heart-centered alchemy have uplifting, opening, and evolutionary energy. These crystals are often described as “high-frequency” stones, for they have tangible effects that border on becoming overwhelming, especially when we are not quite ready for them. Use them with respect and a modicum of caution, as it is easy to overload the energy field when being introduced to these alchemical gemstones. These Stones for Alchemy of the Heart accelerate our spiritual growth. They clarify and strengthen our connection to Source and speed up our processes of manifestation, growth, and healing. As they broadcast their energies into our aura, these gems fine-tune and elevate the consciousness of the heart, assisting it in broadening and strengthening its influence. When the heart is fully awakened, it can be harnessed to transmute any aspect of our existence into its highest potential. Thus, the pinnacle of healing the heart can be considered the noblest form of alchemy.

The individual frustrations and social tragedies of our time are leading men of conscience and goodwill to search for some alembic that will transmute our leaden instincts into golden conduct.

For alchemy truly was a profound marriage of science and spirituality. Its actual aim was for the alchemist to transmute from a state of “leaden” earthly awareness to one of “golden” spiritual perfection. And its core philosophy is that an underlying and all-pervasive energy or consciousness connects everyone with everything, all with all, mind with body, and biology with psychology.

Within the individual, it is coming into true wholeness. In an interior alchemy, our leaden, fragmented self is transmuted into gold, its true nature and highest expression. Whether we then are immortal, as the alchemists predicted, is a mystery beyond knowing.

  • The esoteric alchemist’s aim was to transmute the base metals of ignorance into the gold of awareness.
  • Turning base metal into gold is a metaphor referring to the psychological transmutation of turning the leaden aspects of our mind into the golden strands of consciousness.
  • The objective was to transmute leaden consciousness into golden consciousness. It was to transmute bondage into freedom and poverty into prosperity through a direct rapport with the Higher Self.
  • The Philosopher’s Stone – the latter was said to be the catalyst for the transmutation of lead to gold. In alchemical writings, this was often viewed as a metaphor for the transmutation of the self from the crude ego-bound person to the awakened spiritual human.
  • “This resonates with the old alchemical assertions that the lipid” is inherent within the lead; and that the processes of transmutation will “free” the gold within the lead.
  • The alchemical steps which lead to the making of gold were processes in their own bodies and built up and vitalized organs. This body of gold was to be transmuted out of the ordinary body, which is like lead. The symbols of transmutation: Both the body and the psyche can be transmuted, or refined and perfected, by means of a regenerative transformation which is psycho-spiritual alchemy.
  • For alchemy truly was a profound marriage of science and spirituality. Its actual aim was for the alchemist to transmute from a state of “leaden” earthly awareness to one of “golden” spiritual perfection.
  • The very hollowness of our physical heart reminds us to become empty as the alchemical crucible. By focusing on a spiritually oriented paradigm of the heart, we start to lose our attachment to the mundane, dualistic world. The leaden consciousness of the slumbering mind is transmuted into its golden, luminous state of perfection: the heart-mind that identifies with its own holiness.
  • The master alchemist is our own heart. Listening to our heart and actively working to remember its union with Source are the only tasks we need to perfect.
  • The process of raising consciousness beyond the limits of duality and into oneness is a lesson in alchemy. Historically, alchemy focused on the processes by which we might transform base metals into precious metals, such as lead into gold.
  • The soul in its chaotic, unregenerate state is lead.
  • The leaden consciousness of the slumbering mind is transmuted into its golden, luminous state of perfection: the heart-mind that identifies with its own holiness.
  • Hermeticism could have to do with transmuting the “lead” of ordinary experience into the “gold” of consciousness.
  • We can learn the art of transmutation, that process philosophers and alchemists dreamed of long ago by means of which we might turn the lead of ordinary consciousness into the gold of self-realization. Transmutation of the human identity into lasting awareness of the Self cannot take place unless it is preceded by a process of individuation.

The true alchemical transformation is the true gold of conscious realization of the Self, redeemed from the leaden matter of its unconscious existence – a emergent evolution, an alchemical vessel that takes our leaden thoughts and turns them into gold- a flame burning and purifying the ignoble leaden condition until it reaches the sublime golden state

The ordinary state of the body and ego is the slumbering state of leaden consciousness, so civilization has been kept in this state of mind for eons, thousands of years, generation after generation by the controllers of this planet.

The slumbering state of the veil of ignorance may be the leaden consciousness that´s keeping humankind trapped and imprisoned within matter, and prevents the spark of life to become enlighten. “This resonates with the old alchemical assertions that the lipid” is inherent within the lead; and that the processes of transmutation will “free” the gold within the lead.

Man’s inner self hides various latent and active abilities which expand his being, his consciousness, beyond the physical. An alchemical process can occur whereby the leaden ego is transmuted into the gold of the Self.

The Transformation of Human Nature and Consciousness

The fiery energy passes up through the body’s energy centers, energizing them and burning off the “coverings” that block or dwarf their expression, finally to unite with the spiritual consciousness in the “crown chakra” at the top of the head

Unfolding the Tree of Our Life of the human nervous system itself (the “tree”), caught in the crucifix of dual opposites — good and bad, pleasure and pain, craving and aversion. Each of these myths also points to the release from bondage.

Blessings is said to set in motion a series of neurobio-logical shifts within the brain of the recipient by which previously dormant functions of the frontal lobes are activated; this eventually results in a new enlightened perception of reality.

We cannot activate the future circuits of our CNS/RNA-DNA systems until we start developing a new language for it.

Meditation activates the inner Language of Light. Consciounsess is Light, and Light is Spiritual Intelligence. Meditation is like building a spiritual bridge were spiritual energy or electricity can flow through the system. Meditation activates the lamp and electricity and activates dormant light codes of higher level of consciousness. Meditation activates this spiritual alechemy and meditation it the experience that will make the lamp to shine brigher and brigher. It has taken thousends of years of conditioning to downgrading gold consciousness to the lead consciousness, and it will take some time re-connect, re-program to re-store this inner temple.

Language of Light and DNA Light Codes Activation

Each of us holds light codes in our energetic body that are connected with our DNA, these light codes are pre-set to activate higher consciousness at different stages of one’s life. Everyone’s are different; you can speed up the activation with Light Language, meditation, light body activation, and with assistance from inner guides, and one also activates these light codes during the travel to your home star during mediation.

On your journey toward self-realization, you start out as an apprentice Alchemist. Eventually, you will acknowledge the urges and impulses that compel you to seek knowledge that will empower your transformation.

To accelerate the process of attaining the ‘golden consciousness’ that unlocks the full might of your Inner Power, requires the presence of a catalyst. The most powerful catalyst in the metaphysical Universe is the Philosopher’s Stone. The Stone will accelerate your growth exponentially and grant you access to true power.

According to medieval alchemists, the key to activating The Philosophers Stone is with a substance they called Vitriol. The word Vitriol derives from the Latin word vitreus, meaning glass, referring to the glassy appearance of the sulphate salts. For example, blue vitriol is copper sulphate and green vitriol is iron sulphate. Vitriol was so important to the alchemists because it is extremely corrosive. In fact, it can dissolve every metal it encounters, except for the one that they were seeking — Gold. Gold is the only metal that can resist the corrosive action of Vitriol!

Pay particular attention to the wording on the outside of the emblem, which says Visita Interiora Terrce Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapideni. Upon closer inspection, you will notice that it is also an acronym spelling V.I.T.R.I.O.L. This then is the secret formula to producing the esoteric alchemists Vitriol. So what does it mean?

Translated, it simply says ‘Visit the interior of the earth and, by purifying it, you will find the hidden stone’. The interior of the earth is a metaphor for consciousness or awareness. So, to forge the stone, you purify your awareness to the point that mind is transcended entirely. That is, to enter the state of ‘no-mind’, also known as ‘cessation’.

Hence, the Philosophers Stone is not a thing, not a stone, but the state of mind that transcends mind and its polarity altogether. It is to abide in the domain of First Cause, of Pure Awareness itself. During these brief windows of cessation, you achieve the integration of the part with the whole, the local with the non-local, the finite with the infinite. The contemplative traditions refer to this state of being as Cosmic or Unity Consciousness. You experience the brilliant radiance of your own true nature, Pure Awareness itself. Like Vitriol, Pure Awareness dissolves everything in its presence, except for true gold. As a result of repeated exposure to the Stone, you take the individual (part), infuse it with the Universal (whole), and take both back to your everyday life. It results in the ultimate realization of your essential whole/part nature. To produce the Stone is to unite with your wholeness and to open a window to the causal domain of the metaphysical Universe.

Amrith in ancient sanskrit refersing the secretion of the pineal gland. following the yogic metaphor, even as a tiny drop of this nectar may, under proper conditions, influence all the glands and chakras and confer enlightenment. Spiritual alchemy has been used to describe spiritual practices from Ancient Egypt, and elsewhere which lead to transformation and realization in which all apparent opposites—masculine and feminine, heaven and earth, divine and human, the whole and the part, the visible and the invisible; body, heart, mind and spirit-are reconciled, integrated and made whole. The underlying principles of the universal human concept are the same as those that guide the evolution and development of the universe and life itself.

The core alchemical maxim as above, reveals what we learn about the atom teaches us about the solar system, and what we see in natural processes around us reveals the pattern of our own inner development. Edgar Cayce explained in reading (137-181) that every physical being is composed of atomic force, and each atom is a universe in itself, with a mind of its own, under the supervision and influence of the body’s mental faculties. The process of spiritual transformation is a part of the Great Work which is at the same time a spiritual realization. This fact is very often overlooked in alchemical studies claiming alchemy to be wholly a spiritual discipline (Sadhana). In order to obtain the Elixir man has first to triumph over obstacles which culminate in the production of the Philosopher’s Stone which has the property of transforming base metal into gold.

The best authority on spiritual alchemy is our inner guidance and our awareness that when we meet our master, God is the force listening. As soon we see the master, we will steer ourselves toward inner peace, put our light on the map that shows our unfolding path, and attract God’s grace by allowing our inner self to reflect Divine Peace. The journey to inner peace takes time, patience, persistence and faith. After we have gone within and transformed our lead to gold, we will naturally attain the real peace just by direct and constant awareness of God.

The Foundation of mysticism teaches symbolically the fundamental unity of all substances and their inherent faculty of transformation. To the alchemist, the faculty of transformation has a universal meaning. This miraculous power of transformation went far beyond the Philosopher’s Stone, which is supposed to fulfil all wishes or the Elixir of Lift which guaranteed an unlimited prolongation of earthy life. He who experiences this transformation has no more desires, and the prolongation of earthy life has no more importance-for him who already lives in the deathless. That Elexir gained is gained by the way of miraculous powers loses in the moment of attainment all interest for the seeker, because he has grown beyond the worldly aims which made the attainment of powers desirable. In this case, the means sanctify it into a higher aim.

Without a living Master spiritual alchemy wanes, as a lamp goes out when the oil is exhausted. The real Master always teaches man that God is within him, and he always shows his devotees the exact way to God realization and helps them to Self-realization. For this very important reason a living Master is always essential.

Man is steeped in illusion. and he cannot free himself from this illusion. He forgets his origin and he does not understand the Universal Absolute. However, if this situation did not exist, there is no reason why the overself should come as an Avatar (God man) at all. What exists as a reality is only one, but what we see is manifold. What is real is the supreme-Light. This Supreme-Light is the splendor of the Self. That has been called the Light of Oneness. This light of oneness is the Light of the Sell which is the embodiment of Bliss. You can only experience the embodiment of Bliss and it is not possible to exhibit it in any other manner. You are the image of the Supreme Self; the image that is reflected in the body that is part of Nature. It is to discover in and through this agitated world the Peace that is your birth-right and utilize that peace of the illumination of the heart, which will reveal the splendor of the Self which you really are. The devotee must so act so that the heart of the guru melts at his devotion. Only that will cleanse the mind of evil and vice. If man develops devotion and steady faith, he will achieve the glory of Self-Realization.

The Divine alchemy transmutes human clay into something noble and indestructible, that makes from a base substance a precious spiritual distillation. Love is the path, the love of the person for his creator, the individual for the Divine, the man for God. Only in this way does inner alchemy of Divine love transmute the entire existence into a Divine fire with a Divine purpose. Whereas chemistry deals with scientifically variable phenomena, the alchemy constitutes the hidden ESSENCE of all religions. Alchemy teaches the latent forms of things (TRUE ESSENCE) according to their truth and not according to their appearance. If consciousness is transmuted from an ordinary (lead like) level to a subtle (gold-like) level of perception, the TRUE ESSENCE, can be realized as the highest love.

True alchemists have actively sought the universal Medicine, which, ultimately sublimated, becomes the Elixir of Life, the Fountain of Youth and the key to Immortality in a spiritual and a physical sense. This Elixir rejuvenate the human body into an incorruptible “BODY OF LIGHT”. The Adept (he who has attained the Gift of God) would then be crowned with the triple crown of Enlightenment, Omniscience, Omnipotence, and the joy of Divine Eternal Love. But the very few among the few have succeeded in reaching the ultimate goal. The gold-making is relatively of little consequence comparable to the super-power obtained by the great sufis, which are important by-products of high spiritual attainment.

Through the gift of prophecy that through certain techniques of ecstasy reached by long exercises of meditation, the soul of man acquires some of God’s power. It is on that assumption that Alchemical Activity and Transformation are based. Anyone who does with repetition experimental prayers, meditations of Devotion and Love; changes his own personality and acquires divine power by which he will succeed in producing Alchemical Transformation. God is the highest and greatest that no body can conquer. Divine Love has a great inner value. This inner value is the greatest treasure, it is loving to everybody and hostile to no one. Change Yourself, the heavenly wisdom says, from a dead Philosophical Stone into living Philosophical Stone.

Within one’s Self but not from his ego, is everything which he needs and which he wrongly seeks outside. The light which we must find  within us belongs to God who has put it into us. So the truth is not to be looked for in our ego but in God which dwells within us. There is no God except God and in Him is the whole of existence.

By finding the inner truth within ourselves, all doubts get slowly dissolved. In the alchemical sense, the melting of our false egos and putting them into an inner melting pot, out of which comes the one inner truth. We have to begin with ourselves.

The soul in its chaotic, unregenerate state is lead.

The Philosopher’s Stone is the Divine Name, in contact with which the soul in lead is transmuted into gold which is its true nature. This true nature is revealed unveiled, and realized by the practice of dhikr. The alchemical work thus symbolized spiritual realization. The essential work is a transformation of that which is base into that which is noble.

Finding the “hidden stone” and the soul journey;  1. Meditation is the experience, 2. Alchemy is the tool for transformation, 3. Sel-realization is the consciousness/awareness to choise. Liberation is the goal, 5. Mind programming is the fueling ingredience/the spiritual food

Humans have two consciousness, so there may therefore also be two alchemist of the human thinking system. One negative ego mind alchemist that programs the mind with fear and negativity, and the other alchemist is the Divine alchemist of Consciousness. If the inner Divine trying to enlightens and uplift the mind, so does Satan darkening the mind by dumbing down the masses to keep them in the state of ignorance or keep them in ordinary “lead consciousness” and prevent it to be transformed from lead to gold consciousness or Christ Consciousness.

The ego has become the God of this world, and it may be Chemtrails is a result of this ego-outer-external alchemy to gain control over humanity.

Satan and God as two alchemist who can create its own alchemical formula to gain power of mind

By retrieving the sparks of light trapped in our bodies and uniting them with the light of consciousness freed from egotistical control, we create a brilliant beacon to the universe.


When we experience the world in an ordinary state of consciousness, it is radically extemal to us

Then from within, a power works on the outer to make it a conscious instrument so that finally the inner and the outer get fused into one another and become one!

We can learn the art of transmutation, that process philosophers and alchemists dreamed of long ago by means of which we might turn the lead of ordinary consciousness into the gold of self-realization. Transmutation of the human identity into lasting awareness of the Self cannot take place unless it is preceded by a process of individuation.

Hermeticism could have to do with transmuling the “lead” of ordinary experience into the “gold” of consciousness.

The first three levels of consciousness are considered to be ordinary states of consciounsess , and the fourth one is said to be a nonordinary state of consciousness.

The fourth state of consciousness is the nonordinary state of nondualiv or turiya.  Upanishad defines turiya as: The fourth state is not that which is conscious of the subjective, nor that which is conscious of the objective, nor that which is conscious of both, nor that which is simple consciousness, nor that which is all-sentient mass, nor that which is all darkness. It is unseen, transcendent, the sole essence of the consciousness of self, the completion of the world. Turiya is said both to permeate and to transcend the three states of ordinary consciousness. The subject of the first three states of consciousness is the ego, while the subject of turiya is the higher Self.

From a alchemical understanding the three first levels of consciounsess may also represents the three first physical chakras that needs to be transformed. From a chakra perspective the fourth heart chakra is the Christ Consciousness, so the fourth state of consciousness is the transformed fourth chakra or Christ Consciousness. Then we have turned the lead of ordinary consciousness into the gold of self-realization or Christ Consciousness.

Meditation is a two-way process. It is a lifting of the conciousness upward and then a holding of it there to receive that which comes down from a higher level. The mind and the heart must be absolutely stilled. Only when so stilled can an know his true purpose and destiny. Only when so stilled can his consciousness perceive the higher.

Meditation is not an exercise. It is an experience.

With all the faculties, inner and outer, under control and mastered, the consciousness is made to rise higher and higher, until it experiences.

The guided meditation involves visualizing the progression of dying from the “outer dissolution” of the senses and elements of the body to the “inner dissolution” of consciousness, culminating in the arising of the clear light or ground luminosity of pure awareness. What would ordinarily be considered the moment.

“Bardo,” as noted, means in-between state. So whenever we’re in between two states, no matter what the scale, we’re in a bardo state. These two states could be living and dying or being awake and being asleep, but they could also be the just-past moment of thought and the moment about to come. Thus “bardo” includes the gap between the cessation of one moment of thought and the arising of the next moment.

Every process, transformation, transmutation is in the middle of change, and this includes self-realization.

The purpose with meditation  is the progressive expansion of human consciousness and awareness.

The veil of ignorance and alchemy

Piercing the veil of ignorance is a process of meditation and alchemy

The veil of ignorance represent darkness and negativity and this veil is what creates separation between minds and consciousness, or separation between inner and outer consciousness

Through meditation and alchemy one start an spiritual light transformation process

Alchemy is the alchemical-spiritual process that activates the light within us.

Meditation is a two-way process. It is a lifting of the conciousness upward and then a holding of it there to receive that which comes down from a higher level.

Meditation activates an alchemical and spiritual transformation and changing the lower outer/ego awareness (darkness of mind), into inner higher self light consciousness.

There is a time to adore the rose and there is a time to probe its secrets. If you would become the rose, if you would unfold the petals of your own Christ consciousness, you must be willing to pursue the alchemy and the geometry of creation. Without the freedom to create, there is no freedom. The way of freedom is to find the path that leads directly from the place of the soul in the seat-of-the-soul chakra to the place of the Christ in the heart chakra.

When one remove the veil of ignorance from the eyes, one will behold that which many have sought and few found.

The veil of your understanding, who are wrapped in the darkness of ignorance

Alchemy and Christ Consciousness

One can´t reach Christ Consciouness without alchemy and meditation

Meditation activates transformation, and transformation is alchemy, and alchemy removes and purifies, and transmutes lead into gold.

Meditation and alchemy enlightens and strenghtens the inner lamp-Christ Consciounsess.

The letter is the Philosopher’s Stone which is the elixir to Immortality. It is symbolized as a substance that can turn lead to gold. The lead symbolizes man’s basic dense self. The Philosopher’s Stone is the knowledge to transform the basic self to awaken to Christhood. Gold symbolizes the Christhood of being Awake.

The guided meditation involves visualizing the progression of dying from the “outer dissolution” of the senses and elements of the body to the “inner dissolution” of consciousness, culminating in the arising of the clear light or ground luminosity of pure awareness. What would ordinarily be considered the moment.

The Philosopher’s Stone is an allegory used as a legendary alchemical substance that is used to transform base metals into gold. It was sometimes believed to be an elixir of life. useful for rejuvenation and possibly for achieving immortality. This was a sought out goal in western alchemy. In spiritual alchemy the philosopher’s stone would bring enlightenment. Alchemy was the very early step into understanding chemistry. The main difference between the two is that chemistry is motivated by science whereas alchemy was motivated by the belief in the supernatural. In other words chemists believe that there is a reproducible and rational explanation for why things happen. whereas alchemists tended to believe that there were certain magical or charmed things that would get the job done for them. Alchemist did chemistry; they just had a different view of it.

This also applies with spiritual alchemy which is really biochemistry. We are still learning about the human body. Spiritual alchemy or Inner alchemy such as the practices of meditation and yoga for example were once considered magical practices. Today it is known by science how meditation and yoga benefits us. It is based on biochemistry. The ancients knew in order to become spiritual required proper diet, exercise and meditation. They may have not understood the science behind it. Our body chemistry has to do with how we feel our personality our whole well-being. Biochemistry directly affects our psychological well-being.

Meditation, Alchemy, Self-realization, Liberation – Mind programming -The veil of ignorance

1. Meditation is the experience

2. Alchemy is the tool for transformation

3. Sel-realization is the consciousness/awareness to choise

4. Liberation is the goal

5. Mind programming is the fueling ingredience/the spiritual food

There is a time to adore the rose and there is a time to probe its secrets. If you would become the rose, if you would unfold the petals of your own Christ consciousness, you must be willing to pursue the alchemy and the geometry of creation. Without the freedom to create, there is no freedom. The way of freedom is to find the path that leads directly from the place of the soul in the seat-of-the-soul chakra to the place of the Christ in the heart chakra.

The human ego fears the moment of choosing, the moment of reckoning when the soul will rise up, fired by the flaming fountain of the purity of the Divine Mother, to proclaim its liberation from the claptrap of the noisemakers with their perpetual distractions luring the soul from the direct route to the center of being.

There is a time to adore the rose and there is a time to probe its secrets. If you would become the rose, if you would unfold the petals of your own Christ consciousness, you must be willing to pursue the alchemy and the geometry of creation. Without the freedom to create, there is no freedom.

The way of freedom is to find the path that leads directly from the place of the soul in the seat-of-the-soul chakra to the place of the Christ in the heart chakra. Let the consciousness of a planet and a people rise! Let them be elevated by the power of the resurrection of the Christed one to the hidden chamber of the heart, where the Christ Self of each one is the true teacher and mentor.

Through the Divine Spark within him, which is really his real Self, man is connected with the Infinite. So long as man has doubts and fears or disbeliefs, this special power is not available.  As soon as man realizes the truth of his relationship to the Infinite, he passes from weakness to power. Union with God is established by neutralizing the restless thought- and desire-waves of the consciousness.

The spirit of God wants to come out of the earth symbol. So Spirit becomes the gems and the stones, and then it becomes the trees and plant life. The roots represent the inner condensed rays projecting out of the universal rays of cosmic energy. The branches represent the condensed outer rays emanating from the inner rays. In the animal and human nervous system the condensed rays of the nervous system become apparently free from cosmic energy. Man’s outer nervous system was created out of the soul’s desire to free itself from the bondage of the cells, and to be released in Omnipresence. The outer nervous system of man keeps the soul busy with the limitations of matter. The superman with-draws all rays from the nervous system and floats them through the spine and lets them out through the medulla oblongata into the infinite sphere of Light.

The body is heavy, a bond, a chain, a prison for the soul; the soul is the true man, which tends to free itself from the body in order to achieve its true nature.

The state of the Soul! Go beyond the subconscious and conscious minds and go to the Super-conscious, where the Electricity of God flows into the Spine through the Medulla Oblongata; and diffuses into the spine, limbs, organs, tissue and brain. Do not in any way be a slave to the senses! Meditation is a practice in the Presence of God!

You become what you contemplate, and by dwelling on the attributes, qualities and potencies of the Infinite within you, you are no longer in the world, or mass mind. You are then in tune with the Infinite, and you are living at higher levels of consciousness, enabling you to find peace in this changing world.

As man realizes his Oneness with Creative Mind, he is released from the bondage of false thinking. Man has to realize his inner nature, that is, his spirituality which reveals oneness with the ultimate.

It is only when man realizes his oneness with the Infinite and believes that Omnipotent Power is at his disposal, that the Spiritual Power within becomes available. So long as man has doubts and fears or disbeliefs, this special power is not available. It is his, but his state of heart and mind prevents him from either realizing the presence of the Power or making use of it. Before the machinery of a workshop can run it must be connected up with the engine room. In the same way, man, before he can live the new life, must become one with the Infinite Life and Power.

Through the Divine Spark within him, which is really his real Self, man is connected with the Infinite. Divine Life and Power are his, if he realizes that they are his. So long as he is ignorant of his oneness with the Divine Source of all life, he is incapable of appropriating the This Power, then, is Divinity’s, yet it is also man’s, but it is not revealed to him until he is fit to be entrusted with it. It is only when man realizes his oneness with his Divine Source that he becomes filled with Its power.

Our higher self s capable of aligning with Source.Man is not separate from his Divine Source and never has been. He is, in reality, one with the Infinite. The separation which he feels and experiences is mental, and is due to his blindness and unbelief. Man can never be separated from Spirit, for he himself is Spirit. He is an integral part of one complete whole. He lives and moves and has his being in Divinity (Universal, Omnipresent Spirit), and Divinity (Spirit) dwells in him.

The majority of people are unaware of this intimate relationship with the Divine, and, because they are unaware, or because they refuse to believe it, they are, in one sense, separated from the inner life of Divinity. Yet this separation is only in their thoughts and beliefs, and not in reality.

Man is not separated and never can be, yet so long as he believes that he is separate and alone, he will be as weak and helpless as though he actually were. As soon as man realizes the truth of his relationship to the Infinite, he passes from weakness to power, from death unto life. One moment he is in the desert, afar off, weak, separate, and alone; the next, he realizes that he is nothing less than a son of Divinity, with all a son’s privileges and powers. He realizes, in a flash, that he is one with his Divine Source, and that he can never be separated. He awakens also to the fact that all the Power of the Infinite is his to draw upon; that he can never really fail, that he is marching on to victory.

It will thus be seen how great is the power of man’s thought. While thought is not the power of the Spirit, it is the power by which man either connects himself up with the Infinite Power, opening himself to the Divine Inflow, or cuts himself off and separates himself from his Spiritual Source. Thus, in a sense, man is what he thinks he is. If he thinks he is separate from Divinity and cut off from His Power, then it is as though this were really the case, and he is just actually existed apart from Divinity.

If he believes and thinks that he is a mere material being, then he lives the limited life of a material being, and is never able to rise above it. But if, on the contrary, he thinks and believes that he is a spiritual being, then he finds that he possesses all the powers of a spiritual being. The powers within you are infinite and by having faith in themselves humans can be connected with the Infinite Source .It depends each individual to harmonize body, mind and spirit to reach the state of higher consciousness the body, mind and spirit connects him to the Sacred Flame, thus making him potentially a Divinity in the making.

We’ve been programmed by current culture and media to believe that we can’t thrive without constant distraction of cell phones, computer games, social media, and the latest music. These build up the illusion that there isn’t anything significant going on within us if all this barrage of input ceased—which is very far from the truth. The glories of Divine potentials exist at a subtle level of consciousness. These are as powerful as the roaring ocean when we develop our skills of opening to them. They will most likely remain hidden to those who tune their consciousness mainly to the mass mind and the latest popular fads. The sacred treasures of higher potentials reveal themselves freely to those who approach with quiet respect, clarity, purity, and patience. There is a conduit of powerful energy that opens up from one’s crown center at the top of the head and gradually accesses up toward the higher Spiritual levels of consciousness which come down to meet it. This is one’s connection to higher realities. It is one’s lifeline to expressing brilliance and profound capacities. This pathway to God Consciousness is a superhighway that cuts right through the chatter of the mass mind and limited thinking and self-doubt. It is a direct access route to the powers of one’s Higher Self and God.

As you ascend spiritually, you will automatically avoid the negative experiences of the mass mind.

The Almighty has implanted genius within the soul of everyone and what we need to do is to unearth that inner genius and cause it to shine forth. We will never do this while we look to others for guidance. “To thine own self repair, wait thou within the silence dim, and thou shalt find Him there.”

All the power and intelligence of the Universe is already within, waiting to be utilized. The Divine Spark must be fanned into a blaze of the living Fire of your own divinity.

Self-reliance is the word to dwell on. Listen to your own voice; it will speak in terms that are unmistakable. Trust in your own self more than in all else. All great men have learned to do this. Every person, within his own soul, is in direct communication with the Infinite Understanding. When we depend on other peo-ple we are simply taking their light and trying to light our path with it. When we depend on ourselves we are depending on that inner voice that is God, speaking in and through man.

We are not limited by actual boundaries, but by false ideas about life and by a failure to recognize that we are dealing with the In-finite.

Limitation is an experience of the race, but it is not the fault of God, it is the fault of man’s perception. And to prove that this is so, let any man break the bonds of this false sense of life and he at once begins to express less and less limitation. It is a matter of the growth of the inner idea.

Arjuna is to become aware of himself as existing only in God and as acting only by the power within him, his workings only an instrumentality of the divine action, his egoistic consciousness only a veil and to his ignorance a misrepresentation of the real being within him which is an immortal spark and portion of the supreme Godhead.

In Gnosticism, again, man contains the divine spark, the inner seed of heavenly light imprisoned in the darkness of the material world and the physical body, a spark which can escape from its prison to be reunited with its source in the godhead.

Union with God is established by neutralizing the restless thought- and desire-waves of the consciousness. Then realization that we are an eternal, indestructible soul will give us strength to solve the problems of life.

The devotee must know how to calm the senses, i.e., take consciousness away from them, and how to withdraw the life force from the sensory-motor nerves, which are the conductors of disturbing sensations. Thus he will know how to enter the eternal life, the ever conscious, ever existing, ever new bliss cf the soul. The life force in the nerves keeps the soul entangled with messages of sensations from the eyes, ears, hands, and so forth; but when the life force is plucked from the eyes and cut off from the hands, and from all conscious-ness of the body, the soul’s attention becomes freed from the distracting messages of the senses. Then the soul becomes cognizant of its divine nature. Only then is a state of complete concentration reached.

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