The field is there, Contact with it releases power. When two body system binding energy they goes to zero. The law of resonance states that when two or more energies are vibrating at different rates of speed that the lower frequency will be raised, the higher frequency will be lowered, and the two will meet in the middle, until they are vibrating at the same rate. The middle is the entrance to the Zero Point Field of Universe, it is The Magnetic Resonance Key to the Fifth dimensions of Heaven. The law of orgonotic law is built up on the law of resonance.  The law of the orgonotic potential says; This law, which is supposed to be valid for all kinds of energy, says that when systems with different energy charges are brought into contact, their energies will equalize until both systems have the same energy charge. This is the central key of knowledge in Alchemy and the keystone of wisdom to produce the unified zero-point field of energy, and the “Philsosopher´s Stone.

The field is there, Contact with it releases power. When two body system binding energy they goes to zero. The law of resonance states that when two or more energies are vibrating at different rates of speed that the lower frequency will be raised, the higher frequency will be lowered, and the two will meet in the middle, until they are vibrating at the same rate. The middle is the entrance to the Zero Point Field of Universe, it is The Magnetic Resonance Key to the Fifth dimensions of Heaven. The law of orgonotic law is built up on the law of resonance.  The law of the orgonotic potential says; This law, which is supposed to be valid for all kinds of energy, says that when systems with different energy charges are brought into contact, their energies will equalize until both systems have the same energy charge. This is the central key of knowledge in Alchemy and the keystone of wisdom to produce the unified zero-point field of energy, and the “Philsosopher´s Stone.

The magnetic field of the Earth are vastly different from the Zero-point energy in the universe. Then Zero-point energy has no gravitational pull, is weightless, and therefore is faster, clearer and without distortion.

When two body system binding energy they goes to zero.

That which can be seen has no form. That which has form cannot be seen.

When these two quantum fields overlap, electrical current flowing through our personal quantum field is transmitted through the magnetic field that develops as a result of the current flow, creating a condition known as inductance. Inductance involves the expansion or contraction of the magnetic field.

As the magnetic field varies, it causes an electromotive force that provides a stabilizing effect by opposing any further change in the electrical current flowing through it. In other words, inductance is the process by which the flow of electrical charge is impeded by the temporary storage of energy as a magnetic field. Inductance can occur without two objects physically touching each other (such as two quantum fields in proximity to each other). Inductance also amplifies the electrical potential of the energy.

Electrical impulses or arcs, created by the spin of quantum particles (photons) as described, pass between the fields when they are in high magnetic resonance with each other. When these two fields are mutually inductively coupled (magnetically coupled), the Source genetic code information as quantum holographic light patterns are transferred from one field to the other when conductance reaches its maximum. This mechanism is consistent with the theory of inductive coupling described by science.

“When these two quantum fields overlap, electrical current flowing through our personal quantum field is transmitted through the magnetic field that develops as a result of the current flow, creating a condition known as inductance.”

What´s science research has discovered from meditation studies is that Gamma brainwaves resonate in balance with Epsilon brainwaves. This could be the inductance when the highest frequency of brain waves (gamma) overlaps with the lowest frecuency (epsilon) and in the middle creates a new field or entrance to the “Zero-point” field of Divine energy.

Science seems to have discovered is that there are brainwaves faster than Beta, the rate of our normal waking consciousness, in what he calls the `Gamma, Hyper-Gamma and Lambda’ frequencies (40-200Hz). And that these resonate in a harmonic way with ‘Epsilon’ brainwaves (below 0.5Hz), which are much slower than Delta. Perhaps, by now, we shouldn’t be surprised that this pattern of waves seems to be linked with states of heightened consciousness, psychic ability and healing.

There is gamma brainwaves beyond Beta waves and there is Epsilon brainwaves beyond the Delta (sleep).

An interesting observation about brain waves is that as we approach the limits of very high frequency and very low frequency, the states tend to overlap.

Energy field existing together within a common field

This point is extended to trace an axis of symmetry called the ‘plane of infinity’, towards and from which space vibrates in an alternating field of contraction and expansion. The new scheme on a series of levels terminating, on the highest, with a platform which overlaps and resolves the two orders. This primary axis links an existing willow tree to the south and a new pool to the north. A secondary axis is stretched between an existing “tree” to the west and an apple tree planted in the entry garden to the east.

Further intersecting links are made between the rectilinear fragment, and the elliptical geometry of the new scheme on a series of levels terminating, on the highest, with a platform which overlaps and resolves the two orders – super- imposition of geometric diagrams evolved from conceptual origins and embodying two major constitutive aspects; the ‘Tree of Life’ as universal order arranged in a three dimensional hexagonal layering, and the intersecting circles of ‘knowledge and life’ yielding, in the vesica pisces, the ‘cosmic heart’ and soul of man. All its parts are fused into a new order which binds the whole and establishes its defined limits. The threshold occurs at the intersection of an elliptical shape with the rectilinear garden walls and along a glazed bridge – and the intersecting circles of ‘knowledge and life’ yielding, in the vesica pisces, the ‘cosmic heart’ and soul of man.

A similar expansion is obtained for the magnetic potential due to a unit current in another circle. Combining the two gives a formal expansion for the mutual inductance of the two circles.

If you wish to transmute something that already has a solid form, for example your body-mind and soul, then that object has to undergo a process of disintegration and transformation to move toward the zero point. From the zero point it can begin moving toward materializing its new, transformed being.

The “nearer” one is to the zero point, the higher the vibration. So, in order to prepare your physical body to receive all the other bodies of light, you must raise the frequency, clarity, and spaciousness of your physical body, bringing the physical closer to the vibrational levels of the more formless bodies of light.

When one have achived this proceess the mind have the power over matter and can then create. The super conductivity of the brain will allow one to have the power of mind over matter.

The law of resonance states that when two or more energies are vibrating at different rates of speed that the lower frequency will be raised, the higher frequency will be lowered, and the two will meet in the middle, until they are vibrating at the same rate. The middle is the entrance to the Zero Point Field of Universe, it is The Magnetic Resonance Key to the Fifth dimensions of Heaven. The law of orgonotic law is built up on the law of resonance.

The law of the orgonotic potential says; This law, which is supposed to be valid for all kinds of energy, says that when systems with different energy charges are brought into contact, their energies will equalize until both systems have the same energy charge. This is the central key of knowledge in Alchemy and the keystone of wisdom to produce the unified zero-point field of energy, and the “Philsosopher´s Stone.

For example, if the human mind were to have greater contact with external magnetic fields, we would have greater control over matter. If superconductors were, one day, to be embedded within objects, then they could create magnetic fields that could be controlled by human thought.

With organized entropy, a form of overall order or coherence arises naturally from the interactions between parts of a system showing disorder—in this case, when the two separate quantum fields exhibiting entropy (fluctuating electrical current) overlap. The interaction of the two fields, when inductively coupled, results in the self-organization of the information contained within the fields spontaneously, which is amplified by any positive feedback.

This creates a condition of decentralization, which is more robust and enduring, in other words, more coherent. Therefore, the mechanism yields a trend toward order, or coherence, as opposed to disorder.

Higher vibrational states therefore yield greater electrical impulses and coherence in quantum emissions or holographic light information and, thus, represent a more effective means of information transfer and communication. “Coherence establishes communication. It’s like a subatomic telephone network.

The better the coherence, the finer the telephone network and the more refined wave patterns [that] have a telephone. Once energy reaches a certain threshold, molecules begin to vibrate in unison until they reach a high level of coherence (this could be the fact with Epsilon and Gamma/Lambda brain waves or they create the zero point energy). The moment molecules reach this state of coherence, they take on certain qualities of quantum mechanics, including nonlocality. They get to a point where they can operate in tandem.

The process of communication has been described as being between ‘DNA loops” within this quantum environment, which has a magnetic component to it. Apparently, ‘each loop of DNA has a magnetic field that overlaps the loop next to it, which overlaps the loop next to it. Trillions of overlaps equals one (single] consciousness. This then represents a magnetic imprint, which Humans [carry] around with them.

Since our physical DNA is shaped like helical coils, they most likely function as inductor coils and exhibit superconducting The shape creates a magnetic field as the current now expands across adjacent coil turns. If the current changes, the induced magnetic field changes. creating a force called the counter EMF, which stabilizes additional changes in current. This is the exact same inductance phenomenon described earlier.

This counter EMF effect only occurs during dynamic current fluctuations characteristic of alternating electrical current (AC) circuits and not when the current is static. as in direct current (DC) circuits. As previously stated. physical DNA has a crystalline structure that is conducive to transferring electrical impulses and. thus, Source genetic code information as quantum holographic light patterns. This explains why the DNA contained in our cells allows them to receive the same message about purpose and function (genetic information) without being physically adjacent to each other.

When we view DNA in the context of its energetic environment, it can be seen as an intercellular communication system. As scientist Steve Haltiwanger points out. ‘normal multicellular organisms require coherent and coordinated communication with the other cells in the organism. In order to synchronize cellular process in a multicellular state. a communication system must exist.

Hundreds upon hundreds of scientific studies of the last fifty years have consistently revealed that Invisible forces of the electromagnetic spectrum profoundly impact every facet of biological regulation. These energies include microwaves, radio frequencies. the visible light spectrum. extremely low frequencies, acoustic frequencies, and even a newly recognized form of force known as scalar energy. Specific frequencies and patterns of electromagnetic radiation regulate DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis, alter protein shape and function:

In the same way as cellular and DNA communication is triggered by quantum events (such as wave propagation, interference, and magnetic field interaction) as we have described, consciousness also seems to function at the quantum level, enabling it to extend its influence, unbound by time and space.

Through our consciousness we hace access access to Source genetic code information that we can draw upon and apply to our personal quantum field. Providing new information changes and enhances the DNA information as well as the efficiency with which this information is communicated to our cells and our biological DNA instruction sets. This, ultimately, allows us to re-encode our genes.

“Through our consciousness, then, we have access to Source genetic code information that we can draw upon and apply to our personal quantum field. Providing new information changes and enhances the DNA information as well as the efficiency with which this information is communicated to our cells and our biological DNA instruction sets. This, ultimately, allows us to re-encode our genes.”


Our DNA interacts with our consciousness through our Innate Self or “smart body” as it is known, which is contained within our personal quantum field. It represents the bridge between our cellular structure, our DNA, and our consciousness and so is an inseparable part of us. The”innateness” comes from our “knowingness,” not of who we are in a general sense, but who we are unto ourselves. Self relates to the divine within and, therefore, only comes from Source. Innateness predisposes one to the truth of our own inherent divinity.

Innateness swipes a layer of “individual-ness” upon our cells, which is unique to each of us, and that, in this way, we direct ourselves only unto ourselves (internally and uniquely). In other words, no one else marches to the beat of the same drum. Innate has its own intelligence that is separate from what is generated by our brain. Only our Innate knows what we and our bodies need to fulfill our soul’s divine purpose in this life and for us be healthy. Our Innate is involved in our spiritual survival, the prime directive for the human soul.

We have a relationship with our Innate, and it knows everything about us at the quantum, spiritual, and physical level—it knows what is best for us. It knows what we are allergic to or what supplements and medications might be supportive to us and those that might be harmful. “Innate is aware of all things at the cellular level and is broadcasting all the time.

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