You are a three-fold being. You consist of body, mind, and spirit. You could also call these the physical, the non-physical, and the metaphysical’. This is the Holy Trinity, and it has been called by many names. Some of your theologians have called this Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Your psychiatrists have recognized this triumvirate and called it conscious, subconscious, and superconscious. Science calls this energy, matter, and antimatter. Poets speak of mind, heart, and soul. New Age thinkers refer to body, mind, and spirit. Alchemist using terms as make lead to gold – transforming leaden consciousness into golden consciousness. These three phases—arising, enduring, decaying—can be associated with the Three Principles of Mercury, Sulphur, and Salt. Biology speaking about birth – life – death Your time is divided into past. present, and future.  Religion speaking about Hell, Earth, Heaven. Could this not be the same as subconscious, conscious, and superconscious? Space is likewise divided into three: here, there, and the space between

You are a three-fold being. You consist of body, mind, and spirit. You could also call these the physical, the non-physical, and the metaphysical’. This is the Holy Trinity, and it has been called by many names. Some of your theologians have called this Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Your psychiatrists have recognized this triumvirate and called it conscious, subconscious, and superconscious. Science calls this energy, matter, and antimatter. Poets speak of mind, heart, and soul. New Age thinkers refer to body, mind, and spirit. Alchemist using terms as make lead to gold – transforming leaden consciousness into golden consciousness. These three phases—arising, enduring, decaying—can be associated with the Three Principles of Mercury, Sulphur, and Salt. Biology speaking about birth – life – death Your time is divided into past. present, and future.  Religion speaking about Hell, Earth, Heaven. Could this not be the same as subconscious, conscious, and superconscious? Space is likewise divided into three: here, there, and the space between.

That which you are, I am. I am manifested as Three-in-One. Some of your theologians have called this Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Your psychiatrists have recognized this triumvirate and called it conscious, subconscious, and superconscious.

Your philosophers have called it the id, the ego. and the super ego.

Science calls this energy, matter, and antimatter.

Poets speak of mind, heart, and soul.

New Age thinkers refer to body, mind, and spirit.

Alchemist using terms as make lead to gold – transforming leaden consciousness into golden consciousness. These three phases—arising, enduring, decaying—can be associated with the Three Principles of Mercury, Sulphur, and Salt.

Biology speaking about birth – life – death

Your time is divided into past. present, and future.

Religion speaking about Hell, Earth, Heaven

Could this not be the same as subconscious, conscious, and superconscious? Space is likewise divided into three: here, there, and the space between. It is defining and describing this “space between’ that becomes difficult, elusive. The moment you begin defining or describing, the space you describe becomes There” or “there.’ Yet we know this ‘space between” exists. It is what holds There” and ‘there’ in place—just as the eternal now holds ‘before” and “after” in place. These three aspects of you are actually three energies. You might call them thought, word, and action. All three put together produce a result—which in your language and understanding is called a feeling, or experience. Your soul (subconscious, id, spirit, past, etc.) is the sum total of every feeling you’ve ever had (created). Your awareness of some of these is called your memory. When you have a memory, you are said to re-member. That is, to put back together. To reassemble the parts.

For the ego to survive, it must make time— past and future—more important than the present moment.

Time, that is to say. past and future, is what the false mind-made self, the ego, lives on, and time is in your mind. It isn’t something that has an objective existence “out there.” It is a mind-structure needed for sensory perception, indispensable for practical purposes, but the greatest hindrance to knowing yourself.

Time is the horizontal dimension of life, the surface layer of reality. Then there is the vertical dimension of depth, accessible to you only through the portal of the present moment. For the ego to survive, it must make time— past and future—more important than the present moment. To survive the ego must keep it in the linear scale dimensions, away from the horizontal scale and away from the present state of timelessness. The ego is represented through the linear and horizontal scale were the past and future scale dominates by the dreamstate. The vertical Self or authentic Self operaing on the vertical scale. The authentic self is always vertical. This self lives in the vertical dimension.

For the ego to survive, it must make time— past and future—more important than the present moment. In other terms it must disconnect the vertical scale and the authentic Self that resides in the present state and vertical state. Gaining consciousness on the vertical pole expands a person’s awareness into the third or soul. With consciousness in soul, the individual is able to apprehend the ego below and the divine above.

When we understand why the ego must make time— past and future—more important than the present moment. Then we understand that the ego is represented by the horizontal/linear time scale (past and future). So when this scale is the dominated force concepts the present time (vertical scale were the authentic Self resides) is disconnected and because it is disconnected then they can´t form their own future from the basic of the autethcic self, but from the Ego´s goal. And mass consciousness is been dominated and ruled by the horizontal ego and disconnected from the vertical authentic self that resides in the present time. Through negative programming by media, fear doctrines, social engineering, forces of maya and illusions, the veil of ignorance humankind is trapped within one dimension of the three dimensional world. This dimensions is ruled by fear and low vibrational frequencies keeping them tuned into fear frequencies.

We have been programmed to look backward or forward in time (past-future). Only when we are in the present can we create the future,

We no longer turn to the Dream (the ego) for the answer. An enlightened Being knows that the Dream is not real, The ego is the dreamer of it’s existence, the ego fear both life and death, Our fears in life keep us stuck in life. It is our fears in life that keep us bound, but it is when we lose our fear of death that we then can become conquerors in life. Fear controls time and past and future, but the present because ego can´t exist in present, Because the ego can´t exist in the present time reality and Oneness, the ego invests heavily in the past, and in the end believes that the past is the only aspect of time that is meaningful. The ego’s need to control is a lack of trust in life, and that lack of trust keeps us out of the flow of present no-time., “Now” has no meaning to the ego, so the ego keeping humankind in the dreamstate between past and future.

It is in the reality of “now,” without past or future, that the beginning of the appreciation of eternity lies. For only “now” is here, and only “now” presents the opportunities for the holy encounters in which salvation can be found.  The ego, on the other hand, regards the function of time as one of extending itself in place of eternity, for like the Holy Spirit, the ego interprets the goal of time as its own.  The continuity of past and future, under its direction, is the only purpose the ego perceives in time, and it closes over the present so that no gap in its own continuity can occur. Its continuity, then, would keep you in time, while the Holy Spirit would release you from it. t is His interpretation of the means of salvation that you must learn to accept, if you would share His goal of salvation for you.

The ego fears the loss of conscious existence, and its final surrender means facing ‘the great unknown’. The last step, therefore, requires great courage, faith, and the conviction of the truth of the great teachers. The core of the ego is then relinquished by Divine Grace, and the revelation that it ensures erases the last vestige of fear because its source has been removed.

What the ego fears is loss of control and domination. It fears the loss of switch from a linear scale to the vertical scale were the real authentic self resides.

Moving up the vertical axis is a unifying of consciousness, and healing can be considered a unifying of consciousness. It is where splits come together between parts of self: thinking, feeling, sensation, and spirit.

The Greatest Secret About the Ego

The ego part of us is not real. It is only our identification with it that makes it seem real for us. When we change our relationship to the ego by acknowledging that it’s there, letting go of it, and refusing to identify with it, it loses its power over us. By stepping back and observing the ego as it goes through its various manipulations and acrobatics, we create space between it and our authentic self, which allows us to see the ego for the illusion it really is.

The Authentic, Vertical Self

At every moment, we make a choice between being horizontal (ego) or being more vertical (authentic). Choosing the ego suppresses life and causes conflict in our internal world and the world around us. The authentic self, on the other hand, is that creative part of us that wants to move forward, to learn, to grow, and to evolve. The authentic self is always vertical. This self lives in the vertical dimension, and when we choose it above the ego, we experience authentic motivation, authentic power, and an unlimited capacity for authentic action.

The more we nurture and reinforce the vertical habits, the more they strengthen and the easier it is to sustain them. The more we reinforce and support the horizontal and egotistic habits, the bigger they grow and the more difficult it becomes to free ourselves from the shackles of their attachments and ingrained dependencies.

When we are determined to live vertically and not be swayed by our ego’s desires, we can tap into an unlimited reserve of universal energy to bolster our resolve and explore how we can tap into unlimited source of energy and creativity.

Freedom does not come automatically; it is achieved. And it is not gained in a single bound; it must be achieved each day.

 So instead of adding time to yourself, remove time. The elimination of time from your consciousness is the elimination of ego. It is the only true spiritual practice. When we speak of the elimination of tune, we are, of course, not referring to clock time, which is the use of time for practical purposes, such as making an appointment or planning a trip. It would be almost impossible to function in this world without clock time. What we are speaking of is the elimination of psychological time, which is the egoic mind’s endless preoccupation with past and future and its unwillingness to be one with life by living in alignment with the inevitable isness of the present moment.

“Pride can get in the way of forgiving. Pride is one manifestation of ego.

Ego is the transient, false self. You are not your body. You are not your brain. You are not your ego. You are greater than all of these. You need your ego to survive in the three-dimensional world, but you need only that part of the ego which processes information.

The rest—pride, arrogance, defensiveness, fear—is worse than useless. The rest of the ego separates you from wisdom, joy, and God. You must transcend your ego and find your true self.

The true self is the permanent, deepest part of you. It is wise, loving, safe, and joyful. “Intellect is important in the three-dimensional world, but intuition is more important. “You have reversed reality and illusion. Reality is the recognition of your immortality, divinity, and timelessness. Illusion is your transient three-dimensional world. This reversal is damaging to you. You yearn for the illusion of security instead of the security of wisdom and love. You yearn to be accepted when, in reality, you can never be rejected.

Ego creates illusion and hides truth. Ego must be dissolved, then truth can be seen. “With love and understanding comes the perspective of infinite patience. What is your hurry? There is no time anyway; it only feels that way to you. When you are not experiencing the present, when you are absorbed in the past or worried about the future, you bring great heartache and grief to yourself. Time is an illusion, too. Even in the three-dimensional world, future is only a system of probabilities. Why do you worry so?

The ego is not who you are; it is who you think you are. You don’t have a soul, you are a soul. This understanding switches the perception from to be a body with a soul to be a soul with a body, and switches from the lens of the ego to the lens of the soul.

Soul lives both in a physical body and in the greater Consciousness. Ego lives only in the physical, three-dimensional world. Because you are both ego and soul, you can access both the seen and unseen worlds. Therefore you are a bridge between Consciousness and this physical reality. Through your intuitive mind, the mind of soul, you can tap into Consciousness to dis-cover the potential that is waiting to unfold through any particular situation or circumstance.

Then what were the six days? Could they not be six stages of development? Then why was the word (days) used to describe the creation of the heaven and the Earth in chapter one of Genesis?

Revelations 4:8 tells us that God has always existed is now and always will be. Also, we are told that God is spirit, and thus different from the physical world. God knows everything that has been, is now and will come in Mankind’s future. For God, things are not seen as the past, present or figure they are seen as now in God’s eyes. Therefore, time, as Man knows it does not exist in God’s spiritual being. What is time to one who is eternal?

The fact that the ego of the consciousness makes an incision at the united universal world and separates the world into “ego” and -nature”, and introduces in that way the “Arrow of time” (Arthur Eddington), namely, it produces entropy, does not mean that the human is no more a being of the universal and timeless world. It is the ego of the consciousness, according to the special theory of relativity, that always realizes the time and the world compared to its reference frame. This way, the ego separates itself from the other egos — selves, namely, it separates the time into past, present and future. This, however, is a mythological construction of the world, an illusion.

The quantum space — time universe is united and timeless and its beings are four dimensional and have got quantum properties, namely they are carriers of the holistic information of the universe. The whole universal information that existed in the past, exists in the present and will exist in the future, is in the man. Every being of the four dimensional space — time is not simply a part of the universe, it is the universe itself! The fact that the humans believe that they think individually constitutes a self – illusion and leads humanity to suffering and disasters. The thought is a process of the united and four dimensional universe. Its expression, however, depends on the level of the cognitive and consciousness development of every human being.

This is where we are fully in the realm of Freud’s secondary process thinking. This is verbal-dialogue thinking. We acquire willpower, self-control, temporal goals and desires, esteem needs. Time is now seen as linear, extended, past—present—future. Awareness of ego-splits and ego-states, subpersonalities. Ego and consciousness experience their own reality by distinguishing themselves from the body.

If the ego isn´t the real higher self, who’s will is the ego´s will?  How is “free will” free when it is not your will, but someone else’s, which must be done?  When the ego is created on the base of fear and then becomes mass consciousness, so who’s will is the mass consciousness if the base of fear-ego isn´t the real higher divine self within humans? Were is consciousness if humankind is disconnected from it. And if one have made God in our image, rather than our image in the image of God, who´s will is humankind follow, who´s image if not God´s, and if forsaking the one true God, we make science to our religion. Science is nothing but a language used to study his creations, but science is neither the god nor it can lead us to god. This is reality in the three dimensional reality and world. And they have turn off all 10 etheric and spiritual dna strands, so humankind continues to be disconnected from the real Source of Divine, disconnected from their inner real Divine Being, disconnected from inner spiritual wisdom, disconnected from third eye intuition, and disconnected from other dimensions and all higher levels of consciousness. Through this process the ego has become God of this world. Through generation they have switch everything from the Divine state into a state of Duality. It has become the will of organized gang stalking, the organized bullying, the organized gaslighting

The ego has no sense that its capacity for consciousness comes from a larger mind, a limitless awareness. 

The ego cannot remember ever making the decision to separate because it still dreams. In fact, that’s all the ego is capable of. It will only believe what has been passed down by previous generations. The ego part of us is not real. It is only our identification with it that makes it seem real for us. The ego is working on the horizontal and linear time-scale and divides the mind into past, present and future, and the ego has replaces the present state with the dreamstate, The authentic self is operating on the horizontal “timeless” scale and is present in here and now, As we begin to consciously access our Godself and operate from the vision of love rather than the perception of separation, we will find that our conscious influence on nature is increased.

If the ego isn´t the real higher self, who’s will is the ego´s will?  How is “free will” free when it is not your will, but someone else’s, which must be done?  When the ego is created on the base of fear and then becomes mass consciousness, so who’s will is the mass consciousness if the base of fear-ego isn´t the real higher divine self within humans? Were is consciousness if humankind is disconnected from it. And if one have made God in our image, rather than our image in the image of God, who’s will is humankind follow, who´s image if not God´s, and if forsaking the one true God, we make science to our religion. Science is nothing but a language used to study his creations, but science is neither the god nor it can lead us to god. This is reality in the three dimensional reality and world. And they have turn off all 10 etheric and spiritual dna strands, so humankind continues to be disconnected from the real Source of Divine, disconnected from their inner real Divine Being, disconnected from inner spiritual wisdom, disconnected from third eye intuition, and disconnected from other dimensions and all higher levels of consciousness. Through this process the ego has become God of this world.

Through generation they have switch everything from the Divine state into a state of Duality.

How to learn to switch from ego to the real Higher Self. Learning to overcome the fear is the challenge. The first challenge is to understand and overcome ego illusions, the second challenge is to overcome fear, the last challenge is to overcome death.

Death is the last enemy to overcome. Then we switch from ego perception to Divine perceptions, from the lens of the ego into lens of the Soul/Spirit, and switch perspective from being a body with a soul into a Soul with and body, and switch from believing in the physical dying nature of Being into the undying nature of Soul/Spirit, and then we understand that the powers is not outside humans but within them. This is the beginning to better understand the distortion of man´s  mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there. The Earthly Life Mind is immersed in the maya-hypnotized existence, remains in ignorance, deeming himself to be a physical being. The maya-hypnotized ego creates the distortions of reality. The human body system and chakra system has “three knots”. These knots are found within the energetic interior of our psychic system. They are problematic because they bind us in a state of ignorance, distort everything we experience, and lock up our wisdom. These mind-errors is the mind-illusions that distorts reality. Another term for illusions is “maya” and the “dream state” of the mind is the maya-hypnotized mind.

How can we call ourselves free, when we are afraid to speak our mind? This is what we call, “Slavery with the illusion of freedom”. Kind of contradicting but it is, what is happening. If we all could see, what some of us see, then we would know that the fear of death is just a minor threat. This fear only exists in mind. If we stay in that low vibrational darkness that we call mind, then this creates that fear, which this control uses for threat. The control system wants us to threaten each other, frighten each other, control each other and so on.

It just serves their purpose of putting in more control factors for their purpose. Then make it sound like a good idea for us, as it is for our safety. As long as we stay focused on fighting and bickering amongst each other, then we are not looking to see what is going on beside us. They alter our essentials in life to keep us in this controllable state also, from fluoride in the water, to genetically altered food, to pharmaceuticals and chemicals put into our atmosphere are all there to keep us in control.

If you could only imagine the ways that they use television to control our emotional frequency, even when the television is off, then no one would want televisions in their homes. Most people’s minds could not even fathom at that possibility, as we do not believe what we cannot see!

Our genetics are starting to change though and our vibrational frequency is rising out of the frequency that keeps us in the controllable state. They are attacking us more and more with things trying to keep us in this controllable frequency. All of this is an attempt at keeping us dumbed down, which keeps us from seeing what is really going on. The same people that are giving us the problems are offering the solutions. This seems like a scheme plan of some sorts of control matrix.

In the third-dimensional world, fear and anger are the tools of abundance, and control and manipulation are the most successful weapons.

David Icke says; The reptilians manipulate from the lower fourth dimension, the so-called lower astral frequency range. To control this planet they have to keep the mass of humanity at or below that level and disconnect them from anything higher.

They have infiltrated the human race and societies, running most of this world, as agents of the Archons. The situation has not much evolved since, the lower lords having adopted a strategy of long infiltration.

The long story of the spiritual evolution on our Earth and in the Omniverse teaches that struggles and conflicts are part of the learning and growing process, and the contrary energies also have a purpose. We have grown up in our understanding through experience, including the wars with the lower powers. We learned from them what to avoid, how to be brave and faithful, confirming our own sacred mission. We know that the opposition of forces is part of evolution, making us grow stronger, clearer and wiser.

When humankind is disconnecting from their spiritual evolution purpose, they get entrapped in materialistic frames, enslaved by the controllers destroying our world, life and souls.

Separation consciousness comes from mass consciousness where we all believe we are separate: a “me and him/her” mentality, an “us and them” mentality. It is where we believe we are separate from our Creator, from God. It causes us to not care about the world we live in. It causes us to fear death because we may have nowhere to go. In separation consciousness we are lost, always seeking to find a way out of the hell we seem to have created in our world, and not knowing where to go to find the solution. The solution has always been to reunite once again with the love of God; to recognize that Love is everything. There is nothing else. God is Love and we are made in his image, so we too are Love. Religions have taught that we are separate from God. Governments have perpetuated this belief because people who believe they are separate from the Love of God are easier to control and manipulate. When you take back your power and reunite with God, you free yourself from the relentless demands of this 3D world and its rulers.

Humankind has been disconnected from their Divine connections and Divine will and instead been tuned into the will of ego, and the tool ego is using is fear. When the Divine state of mind is disconnected the ego believes that it can, and that it can offer you its own “will” as a gift. The ego then even becomes the God of this world. By keeping the veil of ignorance in place the ego rules the world by illusions, separation and limitations.

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55 things the Ego fears and 100 more good things to know about the ego and the matrix

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