With the ascent of the bioenergy known as kundalini to the fifth chakra , the ego – self surrenders to a universal center of love and wisdom. At the sixth chakra, the ajna chakra, there is a total detachment from individual perspective and one becomes a neutral observer of events

The dark cabal’s agenda never serves the best interest of humanity; they want you to fund the next world war. Illuminati and all other secret societies of the dark cabal knows just how close a victory that is to restore all to full consciousness.

Alchemy is an advanced spiritual discipline. The true Alchemist wasn’t trying to turn lead into gold although the casual observer may think so from how things were presented.

Rather they were striving to turn the lead of an undeveloped consciousness into the gold of a fully realized and enlightened soul. You are a divine being; you come from divine light and to divine light you will return. Now is the time we are awakening to our universal calling, under the credo of the Emerald Tablet.

The fact is these beings of light were created by God to serve God and are now as we speak assisting our creator and source of all life, to keep us from total destruction of ourselves and our planet.

These beings of light are not going away, so embrace the fact and prepare for a complete disclosure of why the government has tried so hard to suppress the truth in the first place. Creating outright lies and fear propaganda through media and recent movie releases of alien destruction of planet earth.

It’s no coincidence; these seeds are planted in the minds of the masses to create fear when they do arrive. Give me a break don’t you think they seem to be a little more advanced than us! Got some good news for you, extraterrestrials are here to help free us from the tyranny of the dark cabals group of puppet masters behind the curtain generating the next campaign of fear to serve the dark agenda of the Illuminati. The dark cabal’s agenda never serves the best interest of humanity; they want you to fund the next world war. Illuminati and all other secret societies of the dark cabal knows just how close a victory that is to restore all to full consciousness.

As our Kundalini, the energy of consciousness, rises, and vibrates at the highest level, we can move out of our body onto the grid of the Universal Energy Field and move to whatever level we choose as an observer of that reality.

Our physical body is a process of consciousness being, growing, learning and understanding, becoming more aware and enlightened, a process of moving out and moving in. As we moved in, everything in our dimension is, and has been, a process of thought being made physical.

Now ‘self-conscious, our thoughts, emotions and energies merged with our physical ‘self’, and we have forgotten that these things are spiritual living beings moving into and through us. To remember, we need to move out and reconnect to the other dimensions which now exist within and without us. By doing this, we remember who we are and how and why we have been created.

The sages learn to raise their kundalini shakti and energies to such an extent that they are able to plug in to the zone of akash which is an infinite storage of knowledge about the Universe. This plugging in to the cosmic consciousness is `Samadhe, during which the individual consciousness and awareness about the physical body and surroundings are lost.

Samadhi is not a hallucination or some psychotic episode is clear from the fact that, these yogis attain knowledge that they have never been exposed to in books or in the course of their life and also attain certainsiddhis’ or powers about which I have extrapolated earlier.

Light travels at a speed of 3×10^8 metres/second or 186000miles/second. It has zero mass. Just as Light, Consciousness or the thought waves also have no mass. Microleptons or light weight leptons carry people’s thoughts and feelings and are capable of travelling in space and time at tremendous speeds more than that of light.

With the ascent of the bioenergy known as kundalini to the fifth chakra , the ego – self surrenders to a universal center of love and wisdom. At the sixth chakra, the ajna chakra, there is a total detachment from individual perspective and one becomes a neutral observer of events.

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The world is now familiar with yoga and its efficacy. The time is ripe for Kundalini Yoga to come out from under the veil of secrecy because the collective consciousness of humankind warrants moving into higher states of evolution. The kundalini being the nuclear energy of the psycho physical system, when awakened stimulates the physical, vital, mental and spiritual senses of the human body.

The Door to Enter Into Initiation. When these two serpents touch tails, the solar and lunar atoms make contact in the coccyx, near the Triveni.  Then, the Kundalini awakens. The igneous serpent of our magical powers emerges from the membranous pocket where it was enclosed and rises through the spinal canal toward the chalice (the brain).  Certain nerve filaments that connect the seven chakras, or sympathetic plexus, with the spinal column, branch out from the medullar canal. The sacred fire activates the seven magnetic centers

The heart operates outside of time and space because it is connected to the cosmos. As such, it functions similar to the Universe: It moves through spirals, vortices, and portals. The heart can access information through interdimensional means and provide us with answers our minds cannot imagine. The brain is limited by its programming whereas the heart has access to the infinite source of wisdom. Since the human heart generates the largest electromagnetic field of the body, it receives information in the form of electromagnetic signals before the brain. It acts as an information clearinghouse that decides what information is important. Not only is it a clearinghouse for information, it also connects us with the energy of creation, the primal spark that glows within every star or heart

The number 33 is symbolic of the spine. There are 33 vertebrae in the spine. The spine in the occult was sometimes called serpent because of its shape. Initiates in ancient times were known as Nagas, a word that means serpent. When one meditates it causes the energy that Carl Jung called the Libido to rise. In Indian yoga, it’s called Kundalini. In Egypt, it’s called serpent power. We have seven main psychological energy centers called chakras in Indian yoga. Libido reaches the skull at the end of the 33 vertebrae. It is here where we begin to reach full self-awareness. The Third Eye opens, meaning one has the self-awareness that brings universal love. Superman is 33 when he comes into his full power (Christ consciousness)

When the Kundalini energy reaches the crown chakra at the top of the head , “ the individual self merges in the universal Self. Kundalini is our latent spiritual potential, depicted as a serpent coiled at the base of the spine. This latent force is awakened by Kundalini Yoga as a psychic nerve energy. Its purpose is to raise consciousness, ascending via the chakras to the crown, connecting to the Infinite and realizing Samadhi (enlightenment).

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