When you’re only operating on lower dimensional frequencies, It’s easy to forget there’s a higher source of knowledge accessible from the mountaintop view. Even some of the most logical people can find themselves stuck on one station of perspective. It can be difficult to push past generally accepted positions or favorite stations. The scrambled brain waves of today, make the fight for one’s mind control of utmost importance. Blurred and blocked, a higher awareness has been relegated to the back of the line while your mistaken sense of self embraces your rather warped states of thought as who you really are.

When you’re only operating on lower dimensional frequencies, It’s easy to forget there’s a higher source of knowledge accessible from the mountaintop view. Even some of the most logical people can find themselves stuck on one station of perspective. It can be difficult to push past generally accepted positions or favorite stations. The scrambled brain waves of today, make the fight for one’s mind control of utmost importance. Blurred and blocked, a higher awareness has been relegated to the back of the line while your mistaken sense of self embraces your rather warped states of thought as who you really are.

It’s important to recognize the low vibration energy of mass consciousness is not reality, or at the very least it doesn’t have to be your reality. These planted beliefs can be addictive. To move beyond the societal thoughts being spoon-fed to the masses, you have to change the frequency but, breaking the addictive habit of falling back on low vibrational frequencies in order to rise above the lowest common denominator isn’t easy. In fact, it’s quite difficult because people are trained to embrace a fascination to the lower lurking physical energies that make up the tabloid consciousness.

So how do you rise above it? Start shifting your energetic vibration by cutting down your brain-numbing screen time. Take your awareness back to Life’s Originating Source. With so many of our lives revolving around technology, this might ultimately be the biggest challenge. Remember, your genetic codes are vibrational and the propensity of their energy fields can be changed by transforming your mind. That transformation is accomplished in your shift of awareness. See the domino effect there? If the observing self isn’t allowed to have its new perspective, your genetic codes will continue to hold the shape of the container they’ve been placed in.

Fear, like competition, is a low-density frequency that pulls you into descent.

Some feel the pineal gland functions as a third eye or the access point to other-dimensional abilities. As this gland is physiologically damaged by the bombardment of many unseen energies and as a result of the repeated insult you become stuck in the most common earth frequency present. Microwaves operate on their frequency, cell towers on their radio waves, and power lines exude their crackling escaping energies, all of which scramble and impact the sensitivity of the human energy system and, in particular, the pineal gland. You are a sensitive antennae able to pick up electromagnetic frequencies whose pulses disrupt and alter your personal energetic field.

These vibrations can and do mess with your biological function, at the cellular level, among others. Your bio-electromagnetic frequency Is as unique as your fingerprint. As electromagnetic pollution Invades your body’s field In multiple ways, It de-stabilizes your ability to connect with the Infinite. With foods no longer carrying the natural nutritional energies of the earth, the addictive additives are scrambling your natural frequencies through your digestive system. Everything from noise to light pollution assaults your body daily.

The toxic air you breathe caries nanopartides of pollutants into your cellular makeup. You aren’t solid, you’re boundless through consciousness. Yet, as one would imagine through the barrage of electromagnetic pollution, you’re becoming more body-bound as the truth of who you are Is forgotten. As interference is thrown at the natural brain rhythm, you disconnect from the restorative life flow.

 Anything that requires itself to be plugged into an electrical outlet to work creates an electrical field of its own. Just as the currents around power lines can be measured, on a lesser scale, your everyday Is Impacted by the movement of electrical waves all around you. All of this electromagnetic pollution and activity in the atmosphere overwhelms your body’s natural currents. It’s a perfect storm. In this time of rationalism, people who live by the process of reason have become reliant on their logical thinking.

When you’re only operating on lower dimensional frequencies, It’s easy to forget there’s a higher source of knowledge accessible from the mountaintop view. Even some of the most logical people can find themselves stuck on one station of perspective. It can be difficult to push past generally accepted positions or favorite stations. The scrambled brain waves of today, make the fight for one’s mind control of utmost importance. Blurred and blocked, a higher awareness has been relegated to the back of the line while your mistaken sense of self embraces your rather warped states of thought as who you really are.

This confused embrace of the truth of who you are can cause emotional upheaval, as well as, physical challenges when accepting the way of the physical world as the highest reality. The accumulation of subconscious mental impressions along with physical evidence can influence you into believing this is the truth.

With paradoxes at hand, not to mention the pull of earthly motion, your Intellect is rendered useless in finding the mystical. Experiencing Life Itself is your spirit’s assignment not your head’s undertaking. With change often being the outcome of an intuitive directive from a higher frequency, the rational mind (which by the way, deplores change) will tell you to stop listening to that channel!

It will prompt you, instead, to turn your attention to a different area of your life. Next comes the clash between your lower self in the frequency from its known world which wants to keep you in familiar territory and your higher connected self who perceives options from the mountaintop. Your higher self is pulling you with guidance toward a greater expression you’ve not yet realized while your lower-self pushes you towards the lower vibrations you are already intimately familiar with. This conflict is waiting to happen through the controlling domain of your physical form.

You’re always being called to reclaim your life force. Interestingly, when you languish too long without honoring your higher calling you’ll eventually exhaust your earthly strength. The death spiral which follows will leave you in a depleted place, often referred to as the dark night of the soul.

When you explore consciousness instead of form, you step beyond the boundaries of imposed limited perceptions. The Life Force is infinite. When you open the door to It, It fills all space without ever being depleted like the way the sun fills a morning sky. The mystic knows how to be a conduit for Its flow without exhausting personal self. As you dial down into the lower, denser frequencies you shut down, which blocks that inexhaustible flow. Healing happens when the Life Force flows, purging anything unlike Itself.

One of the big challenges to a natural state of life-flow is many people think they must protect themselves by closing down their heart centers. You might delude yourself into believing you are protecting yourself by building a fortress so you won’t be hurt again. But, what you’re really doing is cutting yourself off from the fresh arrival of good. In an awakened state, energy flows. Notice how your energy, positive or negative, excited or depleted affects people around you.

When energy is flowing life opens like the petals of a flower. The heart serves as the transforming spot between the celestial realm and earth. When your energy flows, your vibration is raised. The best you’ve ever felt is a result of this upliftment as the force moves through you with an unparalleled strength. It’s a wonderful reminder of how good you can feel. When old negative patterns, jealousies, or unhealthy perspectives return and vie for your attention, let the energetic current of the truthful life force wash it away. Clinging and defending the heaviness anchors you in time.

Open the drawbridge around your heart allowing the pain in and trust the Divine frequency to transform the situation at hand. Your world doesn’t have to implode to see where you might still have some attachment to lower frequencies. The mystical quest to the mountaintop perspective lifts you out of the shadows.

Turn your dial from the cry of the commotion around you to the call of a higher frequency. Do this by calming the mind, tuning your breath with the rhythm of life, and stilling the impulsive triggers that activate your anxiety and adrenalin centers. Be the Divine Communion or the Mystical Union and await the sensation as your body stills. In this relaxed state, the door is unlocked, the blinds are opened, and the drawbridge is lowered.

Living from a higher vibration allows your entry into a new non-sensual picture of possibilities. This mountaintop view alters the perception of what you see which creates a domino effect changing the shape of the world you live in. There are as many options for the out-pictured experience as there are frequency waves right where you are standing. The vantage point you’re watching from can’t be described, but you can live and create from there. Don’t just pine to be there. Imagine yourself already there. The lower vibrations don’t have the capacity to understand the finer, higher ones. Just like lower math doesn’t understand higher math and the heaviness of the needy can’t comprehend the activity of the affluent, nor can the wealthy understand struggle over a grocery bill. There are many vibrational fields as an option for living and at any time you (the observer) can move from one frequency to the next. Just remember, you’re so much more than the vibrational field you’re in.

One dimensional reality is a line. Two dimensional objects are a flat surface, and it’s the third dimension that most people operate in, with shape and form presenting itself in time and space. The fourth dimensional realm is where it gets interesting with ideas and imagination infinite in potential. It’s in this dimensional field that your imaginal body gets to play. In the fourth dimension you can be at a particular awareness level at a particular time but you don’t have to travel to get there. As you raise the quality of your awareness, you change the pattern of your experience. In the realm of the fourth, you can experience change without movement and you don’t need to travel to get around because it’s without space as we know it.

Extending your awareness into the imaginal body of the mythic realm will deliver a never-before-imagined expanded esoteric experience. Just over the threshold of the subjective lies the ability to release yourself from present form and shift the perspective beyond the continuum that rules your earthly reality.

The higher our Energy-Body frequency, the closer we are to the frequency of the Creator, and the less anything within the external world can affect our state of vibration.

An ascended being is one who is able to, by their presence; transmute the lower vibrations of reality. We all know people who we connect with, and instantly feel our energy vibrations take a lift. We have to learn how to do this at will for ourselves, and we know that we are achieving this when we stir up from within any energy mass that is of a low-vibrating quality. The more that we embody the higher frequencies, the less we encounter negative situations. It is at this point that we can turn to serve humanity, which is one of the energetic qualities of a Higher Vibrational Life.

We now live at a particular vibrational frequency on the energy matrix of existence. If we even think about going to the next level, since that is always where our goal is, the frequency level at which we presently exist will manifest everything necessary to keep us there.


First, there is the possibility of consecrating to positively bring the earth vibrations up to a higher level.


The other possibility is, to desecrate, that is, to negatively keep the frequency and vibration level of the earth down. Desecration is the ‘act of cursing’. The ‘fear of God’ of devotees, is a lower emotional vibration that holds down the earth’s vibration. The vibration level is lowered by emotions like fear of terrorism and horror, as generated in blood sacrifice and war rituals. In occult literature it is widely known that fear takes part of the lower vibration level. The threshold of perception has, throughout the ages, been lowered by first; creating, second; extracting and then third; exploiting the fear of the masses. The elite use the negative devotional vibrations or ELF frequencies to their own occult goals. They can store the fear-energy via subtle energy technology, in altars, statues of saints, crosses or crucifixes etc.

They create relics that accumulate electromagnetic vibration energy, which is carried through extra low frequency waves (ELF-waves). This could be the prominent role of the altar in ancient temples and other sacred places. The science of subtle energies lies behind this.

Fear vibrates at a low-density frequency. Without full expression, the energy of fear cannot evolve beyond the low-density vibration. The high frequency vibration of love will not be balanced out with a low-density vibration like fear or shadow or darkness.

Fear is one element responsible for quickly lowering our vibration level.  As the infant gets exposed to the low vibrations of his environment, low vibration thoughts and feelings enter his energy field and lower his vibrations.

Humans can add to this change in energy fields, for if the human consciousness is low and fear runs freely, the vibration will mirror this feeling.

Knowing you are energy can help you. You are a flow of energy. Purification or cleansing the cells of low-density vibration is a process of tuning in to your highest possible vibrational self. It lets your energy flow at its lightest and allows the fine-tuned higher energies in.

By releasing your fears, you tap into the creative force of the universe, which is love. As you examine and change your beliefs, you literally change that which you can achieve or create. And, through this change in your vibration (from a low-density vibration limited by fear to a high vibration fueled by love) and through an understanding of how you create your experience, you become conscious creators.

The low vibration holds our programming and prevents us from moving out of it, and even if we do momentarily shift upward, that low vibration will take us back into behavior programmed by our chip.

We need to lift the shadow into light, expose it, and look at it head on, so that we can lose its darkness and so change the level at which we are vibrating.

When people have removed the demagnetizing low vibrations of fear , the higher vibrations of health will flow into their minds and bodies. The better information people have access to, the better result in health. The more of us who process our fears and ultimately calm them, the less fear goes into the collective hologram (The Matrix and Mass Consciousness)

The drama will play itself out upon the plane as the tyrants struggle in a last-ditch effort to attempt to stop the natural progressions of nature and the natural elements. The forces of the lesser gods will go so far as to attempt constraint of the expansion of the present matrix for consciousness through the use of mind-control frequency Star Wars technology, attempting to manipulate and numb out the awakening of our DNA. The agenda is a simple one, ‘Keep them asleep.’ This all will cause much stress upon the body. So allow for the body to restore and reorganize to its new frequencies. Remember, this is change. You are finding new realities both obvious and many, many more that are in the greater, yet more subtle energy fields making up our reality experience, and as well, some which are being manipulated.

It can be so difficult to grasp this reality when we are still trapped in the illusion of time and the false sense of mortality.

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