The heart knows no fear; it doesn’t allow negative emotions from the past to hold us back from achieving wonderful things. Then the heart doesn´t fear anything this world prevents people from opening their spiritual heart. The spiritual heart also represent Christ/Buddha Consciousness. The ego is fear and has no control of heart energies, so it keep humankind trapped and imprisoned within the three lower physical chakras and its materialistic-reality of matter

The heart knows no fear; it doesn’t allow negative emotions from the past to hold us back from achieving wonderful things. Then the heart doesn´t fear anything this world prevents people from opening their spiritual heart. The spiritual heart also represent Christ/Buddha Consciousness. The ego is fear and has no control of heart energies, so it keep humankind trapped and imprisoned within the three lower physical chakras and its materialistic-reality of matter

Once a person has journeyed through the Five Bodies in meditation, life begins to unfold in the fullness of time. These people are called Gurus or leaders, though each individual that has reached this point of awareness is still evolving and still considers himself a student.

By using these meditations, the inner awareness unfolds and with it, the psychic development. Things not perceived before become obvious to the mind, emotions and body for self and others. Past, present and future occurrences are known and accepted. At the same time, healing abilities for self and others manifest. With patience and practice, an individual becomes a metaphysician; a living walking example of what many are still searching for within themselves.

The heart knows no fear; it doesn’t allow negative emotions from the past to hold us back from achieving wonderful things. Then the heart doesn´t fear anything this world prevents people from opening their spiritual heart. The spiritual heart also represent Christ/Buddha Consciousness. The ego is fear and has no control of heart energies, so it keep humankind trapped and imprisoned within the three lower physical chakras and its materialistic-reality of matter.

The heart knows no fear, in same way darkness can´t exist in light, or low vibrations can´t exist in high levels of consciousness vibrations, and the ego can´t access higher levels of consciousness because of its structures of opposites concepts of duality.

The only thing stopping us from being the love we are is the fear-based programming that we have been imprinted with.

The Material Model is a Mass Mind Consciousness belief, as is the negative programming most people have regarding health and aging.

One of the earliest benefits of television was the ability to project important news throughout society, quickly and accurately. Being able to inform the public of current affairs prompted energy systems to be more aware of what was going on in their community, as well as the nation. Initially news outlets were designed to report factual, reliable, accurate information to keep society informed. However, this would change as television developed.

The more that the true energy of the mass collective energy permeated into television the more negative the information being projected became. Negative news stories tend to get the main priority of media coverage. The ego finds gratification in knowing that suffering, pain, chaos, and hatred, violence, and earthly primitive and physical earthly intelligence still flourish in the mass of collective energy. These negative associations reinforce the presence of the ego. A world without such negativity would mean that the ego wouldn’t exist.

Media outlets have become the eyes of the mass of collective energy. Whatever dominating energy of the mass of collective energy develops into is what news media outlets capitalize on. Unfortunately, the current controlling energy of the mass of collective energy is negativity. Therefore, the consensus of most all news is negative. Negativity feeds negativity. This process of negative mirroring is not by accident. As long as the ego is in control fear, anxiety, hate, cynicism and negativity will always be in charge.

These negative traits are built by the false reality system within the mass of collective energy. We are living in a time where positive energy is constantly being thwarted by negativity. Therefore, as long as we perceive negativity as being the governing force, it will always be projected and reflected upon us. The ego is in a constant struggle for supremacy within itself. What stimulates the power of the ego is its ability to struggle between negativity and positivity. This constant dual for power is what created the entire universe and it is also the same governing force of the ego, which is the internal universe of unconsciousness.

The ego believes in what it wants to hear to satisfy itself, regardless if the projection is true or not. If negativity is the governing energy of the ego, then it will most likely be attracted to all the negative aspects of life. If the ego is governed by positive energy then it is most likely attracted to the positive aspects of life. Modern media can directly influence the mass of collective energy by manipulating the truth to polarize energy systems against certain belief systems and political views.

Mind-control programs can be subtle and not so subtle. The handlers attach themselves to us and set us up with thoughts that trigger our emotions, so that we become trapped in a loop of playing out the same behavior patterns. The ego, which feeds on fear, makes itself the main focus. These negative programs keep on feeding on us, and through us they are also set up to feed on others.

Doing the clearings enables us to jump out of the box of limitations that those programs saddle us with, and they enable us to access the truth of our hearts to create from a place of connection with who we really are.

Dogmas are beliefs we get imprinted with in religions, schools, financial institutions, the healthcare industry, the entertainment industry, the media, and more. They have been created in such a way as to program us with certain acceptable standards to which we must conform. The dogmas of these institutions are underpinned by fear and confusion, saying that this is the way things have to be, and they reinforce beliefs of right and wrong within us. The people who are the controllers of the money supply and the institutions realize that if the population doesn’t adhere to their codes of control, then they will lose their power.

Dogmas are beliefs that are designed to shift the balance of power to the controllers. Dogmas are encoded into the system for the shelter of elite families, providing the framework of lies that empower the institutions. The dogmas propagate fear, and they must not be challenged lest the wizard’s curtain drop down to expose the whole charade. For instance, we may not think of the media as an institution that is controlled by the dark forces, but if we trace who funds them with advertising and who controls their licenses, then the picture becomes dear: they are interconnected to a vast structure that holds this negative programming in place. We have come to realize their agenda of fear and control has been in place for quite some time, and that it has been benefitting the same few elite families for many centuries.

Curses are a trick of the dark ones. Handlers use curses to attach themselves to us; the dark ones try to control us and trap our minds into having us play out a loop of fear. When others place curses on us, it gives them a false sense of power because they think they are in some way controlling or taking away power from beings whom they perceive as their enemies or not their equals.

This is not the way of the new energy of the higher dimensions. Curses are part of an agenda based in fear.

From the double helix model of DNA, we are evolving once more into a complex model of at least twelve strands. We are going from being carbon based to crystalline based. Our brains have been rewired to accommodate these higher frequencies, by activating parts of the brain that have been dormant for a very long time. These parts of the brain correspond to what scientists have called “junk DNA.” Our DNA has within itself a map of who we are and who we’ve been. All of us have lived many lifetimes; we have been tested time and time again with different issues and life lessons. There is always an originating lifetime where a negative program started, where the handlers came in and manipulated us in some way to feed themselves with negative programming. Fear is always at the root of their programs to enslave us. Fear is a total disconnect from Creator-Source, and this leaves us open to being taken over by their negative programming.

The more that our journey through this life reflects on and focuses on the love we are, the more we are able to take in the higher light codes, which make it harder for those of the darkness to control not just us but the whole of creation.

You can think of the process of doing the clearings as a way of making more space for the higher frequencies of love and light to come in. We do this by dearing what has been keeping us in the same patterns of fear. The clearings facilitate an unimpeded flow of universal love with the higher aspects of our being. The connection we have with Creator-Source is realized and maintained through our conscious intent for the bodies of our being to be centered in our heart, balanced with the transmission and reception of higher light codes through the pineal gland.

The spirited clearings are a co-creation with the unseen light beings. When we merge with them to remove the negative programs based in fear, we rise up into their level of high vibration and become entrained with them. Truly on the interdimensional levels of our being, we are One.

When we do the clearings, we are communing with the light beings and the higher aspects of our own being; we are bringing higher frequencies of love and light into our being. These clearings will give you the momentum to unravel the layers of programming that the dark forces have orchestrated within the collective consciousness over many millennia.

The spiritual heart will opening opening when the three lower chakras have been conquered.

The heart space is the heaven of all true devotion, beyond all form, division and limitation, where all the Gods and Goddesses become one. Those who do not know the space within the heart have missed the most important thing in life. They have condemned themselves to be ever seeking and striving and never come to rest. Because we are afraid of being nothing, we must ever struggle to become something. We fall from spirit, which is immaterial, into matter, which being formed is mortal, limited and uncertain.

Life dwells in the space within the heart, not merely our per-sonal life, but all life throbbing, pulsating and vibrating everywhere. Our true Self dwells in the space within the heart, ever at peace, far removed from all the worries of the mind and all the strife of the ego. The space within the heart is our true home, in which we can let everything go, including our body and our identity, and become completely free.

Fear and its creator, the ego, are making a tremendous effort to convince us that the fears are valid and should be listened to. The ego wants you to believe that without struggle and suffering you would be nothing and nobody. And this is how it continues; fear of death, fear of exclusion from the mass consciousness mind.

The ego is blind to union of any kind, blind to the unity of two or more; blind to the possibility of one family of God. The ego depends on fear to control us, and we live our lives full of fear, doubt, smallness, and low self-esteem. So the ego constant working againts Oneness to keep the state of duality in place – its done by uisng fear programming.

God having created all that is real, anything not Created by God cannot be real. The ego is nothing more than a thought system, made by man and therefore not real. It only seems very real. Most of all the ego mind fears the soul, because the ego knows it is itself false and the soul is truth. The ego knows given a chance the soul will expose the ego for what it is, a lie. Light eliminates darkness, and the light of the soul will expose the nothingness of the ego and bring to light all of the lies the ego supplies in order to guarantee its continuation.

The ego fears from be dissolved and therefore fear union and unity at higher levels of consciousness. The ego can´t exist on higher levels of Oneness because the ego is duality and God represent Oneness. This is how the ego prevents anyone from raising their inner vibrations and instead producing a low vibrational environment that´s controls the human mind. This ego has become god of this world.

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These spiritual builders of our time will be called the bridge builders. They will build a bridge from our current level of awareness to kingdom consciousness. These steps will initiate a seismic shift in our worldview and rattle our bones to the core. Jesus predicted that once you discover the truth, you will be deeply disturbed, and ultimately amazed. When we begin to see the world through the eyes of God, we will be disturbed. The shackles of restraint will dissolve, leaving us free to live a life beyond what we can even begin to imagine today. The disturbance emerges from the dissolution of our current worldview as it slips into the past, allowing for the birth of our expanded and evolved existence. The amazement arises from seeing reality from an omniscient perspective. The opening of new senses coupled with an understanding of our full potential culminates into a golden key that unlocks the door to kingdom consciousness. As the key turns in the lock, the click activates within us the dormant DNA that has been waiting for this moment. Science has told us that we only use a small portion of our brains, and that we have DNA that does not appear to have a purpose.

The journey of the kundalini energy to the crown of the head is called the journey of enlightenment. This journey takes place when this serpent wakes up and starts to split and dance around the spine, ionizing the spinal fluid and changing its molecular structure. This action causes the opening of the midbrain and the door to the subconscious mind. Once Kundalini enters into the Brahmaandra . . . the whole of the cranium is illuminated and a new pattern of consciousness is born.” The journey kundalini puts you through is the journey of unification. When the webs that separate chakra from chakra are dissipated, the realization of yourself as a spirit is accomplished.

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