The battle of Armageddon in Book of Revelation – Armageddon is actually the battle between your outer ego-based consciousness and your inner Christ consciousness. Hence Apocalypsis means a taking away of a veil (as when a statue is said to be unveiled), and thus bringing into view that which had been before hidden as by a veil. The veil of ignorance. The word apocalypse comes from the Greek prefix apo and the verb kaluptein. The verb kaluptein, from which the name of Calypso is derived, means “to hide,” “to conceal,” or “to veil.” The privative prefix apo, when joined to a verb, marks “away” or “off.” The word apokaluptein therefore means “to do away with” or “to take off that which” “hides,” “conceals,” or “veils.” Following from this philological development thus: the word apokaluptein, and consequently apocalypse, means “to unveil,” “to disclose,” and hence “to reveal.” In this sense, apocalypse means “revelation.”
The Open Heaven
You may not be ready for the ascension in this hour. But you are ready for your commitment to the eternal covenant. You are ready for the conversion to be God within your heart. You are ready to go forth as a conqueror in life, to command all circumstance to come into the subjection of the one Great Law. You are ready to enter the age of Reality—realism, whereby you do not turn your back but face with the calm certitude of inner knowing all that has been less than Christ perfection.
Energy is God. Every erg of energy that has passed through the nexus of your consciousness through thousands upon thousands of years of incarnation must now be passed through the flame of the sacred fire, be stripped of the outer coating of human consciousness, and sent back into your causal body of Life. This is the real challenge of life on earth—not creature comforts, not the attributing of success to those who have become adept at the manipulations of matter.
For to extend illumination is to remove the screen of Maya whereby the soul may see Light, may see Darkness, may understand the equation, may know that in the ultimate sense all wrong is unreal. But in order to be unreal—to be rendered unreal in the physical octave where illusions have the appearance and concreteness of a quasi-reality—it must pass through the fires of transmutation.
Thus molecules of light are stripped of false belief and systems of error by this ritual of transmutation. And healing is complete. And the inner man is made whole. This is the Science of the Immaculate Concept whereby you behold the true geometry of Life—and that Life beholding itself in you is the quickening power of the true scientist of Christ.
Apocalypse paradigm shift; shift in perception – from ego perception and five senses to soul perspective and sixth sense (third eye intuition).
Apocalypse paradigm shift; from “matter over mind” to “consciousness over matter”, its a shift from outer ego perspective into inner higher self perspective. its a shift from low vibrational frequencies of matter into high vibrational frequencies of Divine Spirit, its a reversal from fear based low vibrations into high vibrations of love frequency.
The collective unconscious is the consciousness that covers the original nature of the Earth. When the unconsciousness improves and its shell is finally cracked, the original consciousness of the Earth will be revealed; it is the same principle of the expansion or evolution of the human consciousness. If the collective unconscious doesn’t improve, the original “me” would always be shadowed by it.
The battle of Armageddon is both in the cosmos and in each of us! On a personal level, it is the battle between the lower self and the higher self, between truth and illusion, between fear and love, between positivity and negativity, between separation and oneness, between God and ego, between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. The outer battle that is talked about so often is just a reflection of this personal battle that every seeker of truth must fight — and must win. Each person must master the dweller on the threshold, the conglomeration of glamour, maya and illusion within self. In essence, as Sai Baba has so eloquently stated, “God equals man minus ego.” We each must win the battle over our negative-ego/fear-based, separative thinking and feeling; we must be spiritually victorious in this battle. It does not happen in one day, though; it is a process.
The process of spiritual evolution to become a spiritual master requires us to reverse this by undoing all the mass-consciousness programming. We must get complete control of the subconscious mind and not let it run us; we must totally become the computer programmer of the subconscious mind. So there is a phase for us on our spiritual path — and this is true for all, disciples, initiates and masters — when the battle of Armageddon wages within us seekers of God. This phrase is good and appropriate. “Give up this unmanliness and self-pity and get up and fight!” “Life is a battlefield.”
The apocalypse could be represented by the cross, were duality ends and oneness begins, therefore it represents a shift in consciousness, from fear based low vibrational frequencies to a higher state of vibrational frequencies based on love. Armageddon is actually the battle between your outer ego-based consciousness and your inner Christ consciousness. The inner Christ Consciousness begins at the fourth chakra when the spiritual heart is opened and Man has overcome the three first lower physical chakras of materialism.
“Soul minds” are veiled. The challenge for some of us seems to be work on “thinning the veils. The program itself is run from the structures, which are stretched across various parts of the brain as membrane veils, shutting the conscious from the super conscious, so you are not in connection with all that you are. Thus affecting your ability to expand your reality to encompass the vaster self you truly are. Spirit has called this a four point encoding access. This will likely be a long process to clear all of the four points of clearing. When we begin to live the spiritual life , a reversal of consciousness takes place. The reversal represent change or movement turning consciousness inward from the outer external ego.
There is a veil that exists in between the place you open and close your eyes. It interrupts your awareness and creates a pattern that shifts you between two different levels of consciousness. When your eyes are open, you are in one state, when your eyes are closed, you are in another. This veil was put in place at the time of the Fall of Consciousness to keep you in the limited reality of separation.
This veil holds a rigid structure in place that does not allow the DNA software programming and the coding structure of the DNA to actively integrate into the higher-dimensional chakra system necessary to activate aspects of the hypothalamus, medulla oblongata and pineal gland. These aspects are limited by this veil or partition. This partition is also what holds you in third-dimensional linear time (time as a past—present—future loop) and creates major restrictions to knowing yourself.
The veil programs are usually placed in at birth, although can be and probably are, included with many past programs also. There are various “fallen- hierarchies that perform the shut-off programs. the programs of separation and death. The program itself is run from the structures, which are stretched across various parts of the brain as membrane veils, shutting the conscious from the super conscious, so you are not in connection with all that you are.
The program itself is from the beings that set up the program, a small group who determine what it will take, and what programs will work well to shut off your divine potential. causing you to feel lost. It is calculated according to your soul weaknesses, and set in a situation that seems to prevent expansion in your life, from the group coming through set situations (these will be situations you find yourself in that continually repeat. with similar energies, and certain groups that hold you back). The program comes into the crown chakra, at full width, so it would be hard to break, travelling down into the back of the neck, and anchoring there. As it is in the brain, it affects your mental ability to commune with God source, your guides, and your higher self. It also affects the body when you are attempting to take divine steps in your outer life, to manifest God’s light on Earth. It may have the effect of immobilizing you. and making it harder to move spiritually in the outer world.
Lower sound harmonics and lower programming tend to lock in together, along with group dynamics. To clear group dynamics, permissions you have given to the group need to be released. This can be done through Vow/Contract breaks. (Affirming this).Certain frequency programming within the DNA and various other structures does not allow divine frequencies to enter, therefore needs release. Various other points at which to clear include-Genetic — through the DNA. Physical — through cellular memory. Allowed through agreement by yourself — opening spiritual doonvays to your access. Your access to the world. Etheric memory (affecting your ability to expand reality).
Thus affecting your ability to expand your reality to encompass the vaster self you truly are. Spirit has called this a four point encoding access. This will likely be a long process to clear all of the four points of clearing that is mentioned above.
Focusing your consciousness multi-dimensionally is about bringing all of your consciousness to the mind, allowing the higher mind to play a part also, and to bring this into your life, as part of it. If you desire for this in your life, you will find that new pathways need to be made within the present brain, on various levels, as it is currently not totally connected to the vaster capabilities possible. This process will be like a rewiring; to enable more refined frequencies to enter into the mental etherics.
Most of the brain structure is simply coded out of receiving these higher impulses, much like tuning certain channels out on a T.V. set. Then, they will be pushed back into the subconscious, and accessed through dream state, perhaps, or in meditation. The ideal, of course, is not to need to go back to access, but to be in the present all of the time as this is the vaster part of who we are, and we are here to live that, to know of all that we are, here on earth.
As a result of flawed thinking (caused by a negative programmed mindset), most people either do not have the required tools, or are not interested in obtaining the knowledge for freedom or higher. Freedom and higher consciousness require a desire to be free, effort, work, and change, all of which most people are programmed to avoid. The objective of this kind of programming is to have people lose the ability to think freely. – ‘whatever you do not use you lose.’ Many people often want or seek the benefits of freedom without paying the price. However, freedom is never free.
Another common misunderstanding to the untrained eyes is how freedom is defined. Freedom is generally defined as the opportunity to get a “good” education, a “good” job and be financially sufficient to provide for their families. The definition of true freedom is a freed mentality. A freed mentality ensures people can have all of their desires, and also be in full control of their thoughts and mind.
With mental freedom, people can learn who they are, understand the role they play in the broader scope of the universe; appreciate and value themselves, others, and the natural environment, and be much better equipped to understand how societies and organizations are structured to control the minds of the masses.
Once you are able to free yourself mentally, finding the real purpose for your existence will no longer be a challenge. Many people, regardless of how well educated they are, regrettably continue to be very narrow-minded when it comes to matters about the process and methods of achieving mental freedom. They feel this way because they are either unfamiliar with the subject, or have been programmed to reject such information as real and essential.
Thinking that mental freedom is something that can easily be attained is a colossal mistake. It requires a strong desire, clarity of thought, discipline, effort, work, courage, sacrifice, and change. Most people are just not prepared to be free -they have no control over their thoughts or their lives.
A large portion of their decisions derives from their societal programming. This fact is suppressed by the widely held view that people make decisions based on their personal choices and preferences. This view is merely a misconception. What many are ignoring either through ignorance or deliberate rejection is the fact that, the choices people make derived from their subconscious programmed condition and manipulated mentality.
Ascension is a journey, not a destination. It is an individual journey of the soul. We are always on a journey of ascension because we are always seeking the truth, seeking that which we feel we have lost. To live life in the lower realms of 3D demands that we lose our connection with God in order to experience duality, both sides of the opposing energies of our world.
Our ascension journey is about traversing the frequencies of the lower realms, garnering the truth that we are beings of light, and then transcending the 3D vibrational frequencies of duality. This is a journey to find our truth, our light and our divine essence, that “We Are God Also”. Only when you have this belief well and truly imbedded into your heart can you reach up to the upper realms and begin the ascension home, taking your physical vessel with you. In the journey of ascension into the higher dimensions of self, the Higher Self begins to meld with the biological body. Slowly the physical body takes on more and more of the Divine Intelligence, the Divine Wisdom, the Divine Creativity of the Higher Self, evolving into a manifested Lightbody form living on Earth.
Life journey is like playing hide and seek. The invisible world within is hidden, dormant, and waiting to be discovered and connected so that we can explore the divinity within us. Unless we are aware to a certain degree that we are spirit beings, it is not easy to attune to the concept. So it is important to become aware of all the vital supreme power which is responsible for every phase of life.
Once the knowledge of spiritual truth has been discovered or consciousness has dawned within our being or to know who we are, we become transformed and view life differently and confidently through new eyes, with new understanding, for its purpose begins to fall into place to realise the divine plan to equip ourselves by service for the fulfilment of our inevitable destiny. Within us is a spirit being, and when we tune into the spiritual power that higher source can access the divine part of us when we realise and become aware.
Once the shell of mass consciousness starts cracking around and in you, the spiritual emptiness which comes from having shut down the ways you are connected to Soul and to The Divine starts being “in your face as the expression goes. You will be DRIVEN BY AN INNER PUSH to know, do, and be that which is once again consciously connected with spirit, with Soul, and with God/Goddess. One of the tasks of being Soul in physical, human form is to EXPERIENCE YOUR UNIQUENESS WHILE STAYING CONSCIOUS OF YOUR ONENESS WITH EVERYTHING. Life on Earth is really about BRINGING FORTH THE SOUL POTENTIALITIES that exist in everyone of us. And we obviously cannot do that without spirit.
Operating from Soul, being 100 % Higher Self Integrated, means that you will be TUNING IN FOR HIGHER GUIDANCE IN EVERY AREA, CONCERNING EVERYTHING, ALL THE TIME. You will be functioning from Soul Knowledge, integrating spiritual or Divine Wisdom with the practicalities of living and working in a material world.
The collective unconscious is the consciousness that covers the original nature of the Earth. When the unconsciousness improves and its shell is finally cracked, the original consciousness of the Earth will be revealed; it is the same principle of the expansion or evolution of the human consciousness. If the collective unconscious doesn’t improve, the original “me” would always be shadowed by it.
When we close down our physical perception through our ego beliefs, the other rooms within our mansion continue to shine with light.
As we crack the cosmic shell of our ego, we rend the veil of our beliefs that surrounds our intellect and find ourself open to the wisdom and ingenuity of our soul and to the love, truth, and equality of our spirit. We will look upon our soul and spirit with total humility as we recognize the insignificance of our intellect when it is compared to our magnificent soul and spirit mind.
Cracking our ego shell to access the wisdom and ingenuity of our soul and the love, truth, and equality of our spirit will heal us of all physical, mental, and societal disease. From that moment forward the soul will consciously, with absolute freedom of choice, use disease only to complete a lesson of transformation. We have consciously denied our soul and spirit for millions of years. Our ego denial has made it necessary to hypnotize our conscious mind so that we can communicate with our subconscious soul and our unconscious spirit mind as a way to stay balanced within our intellectual mind. This is the state that we call sleep, and we have an inherent dependency upon sleep for our mental balance. Our soul and spirit has gently worked with us in our sleep to encourage our soul growth despite our state of ego denial.
Once we rind the veil of our ego we can also access our future soul experience and our angel hierarchy that covers the seven levels from our spirit consciousness to the Archangel energy of our Spirit. These higher levels of our energy can’t be accessed until the veil is rent, but we may experience temporary communication with other levels as we perforate our cosmic shell. The subconscious memory of our soul lives serves our intellect as an alternate reality when we reach our threshold level of absorption in fear, pain, anger, abuse, and drama within our physical life experience.
When we can no longer cope with our physical or mental reality and our emotions, we change the focus of our mind into another soul print of memory, which is not understood by medicine. Changing the focus of our mind will be a common event when our soul memory and the Universal mind of our spirit is understood. We will have the mind power to consciously change into other life experiences to give us an opportunity to find the lessons that we have been intent upon repeating. Once we rend the veil of our cosmic shell we are able to reach into all levels of the soul and spirit mind without difficulty.
To shift our consciousness as humans we must release our belief in inequality that has cast us into fear, control, and dependency as we have descended through the shadow side of our soul path. With absolute equality being practiced within a culture there is no dependency, and therefore there is no fear and control.
The final battle each of us must fight . It is the inner Armageddon , the battle between our ego – mind and our higher divine self.
This is the spiritual meaning of the Battle of Armageddon, the final battle of the forces of light and the darkness within.
renewal of the mind” (Rom. 12:2). The writer of the Apocalypse envisions a “new heaven and a new earth”
So we are in the apocalypse, the “lifting of a veil” is a rising of consciousness that knows no fear (a physical lifting of a veil of ignorance
Duality that keeps us all bound in separation, and from the Self Mastery that was originally intended
Transcending Armageddon Consciousness is nothing more than transcending the negative ego duality within self.
The apocalypse fear based system of duality represents a change from mind of duality into state of oneness of Christ Consciousness. Its a change from a system of low vibrational of control and enslavement into high vibrational state of liberation.
The “coming of the self is described as an apocalypse for the ego, the “you” that wants to hang along for the ride. It may be that the only way to survive the Apocalypse is to undergo it, first, within your own being.
The “Title” of the Book describes its character. It is not “The Revelation of St. John the Divine,” as the heading in our Bibles would have us believe, but it is “THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST.” The word “Revelation” in the Greek is “APOCALUPSIS.” Hence the title “THE APOCALYPSE,” by which it is often called. It is from the verb “APOCALUPTO,” to unveil; from “APO,” away from; and “KALUMMA,” a veil. Hence “Apocalupsis” means a tak-ing away of a veil, as when a statue is unveiled, that what is behind the veil may be seen.
Thus the root meaning of apocalypse is an unveiling, a revealing of the future. The entire book of Revelation, called by many the Apocalypse, deals with what will take place in the future.
The book of Revelation is the only book in the Bible that calls itself an apocalypses were written in order to unveil or reveal some deep truth about the world. As Brian Blount explains, Revelation is “a truth that enables its hearers and readers to see the present in a new light. But that truth is so powerful, so overwhelming, that John’s words cannot properly convey it. He therefore appeals to symbols and codes that must bear the weight his language cannot:”
Apocalyptic Transformation: Alchemy – alchemy and apocalypse are inextricably linked: if apocalypse proposes a form of alchemical morphing of the world to some higher state, so too the fulfilment of the alchemical project would result in the apocalyptic transformation of the world.
The motion of consciousness from psyche to Spirit, during which latent errors arise, fully-formed and fully-enacted, until they are revealed as forms of Truth, is the esoteric significance of apocalypse, which means ‘revelation’. Physical death is a symbol of the death of the ego—of the belief that the human psyche is autonomous and self-created. The end of the world is a symbol of the ‘recollection’ produced by the death of the ego—the gathering together of the scattered fragments of the psyche through withdrawal of the projections of that psyche into the abstract wilderness of matter, energy, space and time.
Personal apocalypse consciousness is a reality, whether or not a person is conscious of having it. Population pain is personal suffering, even when this translation is entirely subconscious. Yes, we share the experience of pain, just as we share positive experiences.
Positive Apocalypse Consciousness Apocalypse awareness is with us. It would be dishonest to say that intense experiences, challenging transitions or events that may be perceived as terrible will never take place. But it is also dishonest to say that there is no positive way of seeing these events. Positive apocalypse consciousness is essential. This constructive view and use of our instinctive apocalypse awareness will purify the application of protective awareness and reduce the odds of its mingling with blinding fear.
Positive apocalypse consciousness is a state of knowing how to admit to oneself the difference between blinding fear and protective awareness, and how to resist labeling one’s sensations as one or the other of these fears when others label them for you. Positive apocalypse consciousness also involves a sense of rising to meet the challenge of any transition, of any death. Seeing a purpose, a positive outcome, as a distinct possibility — even if that positive outcome is simply that one can make it through an ordeal — is essential. Endings Are Beginnings therefore works with some basics of this positive consciousness.
Allow the ideas offered here to dialogue with your own heart, mind and soul. Try the ideas on; test them in daily life. Question as much of this as you feel driven to. Honest questioning and ongoing dialogue are means of discovering truth for yourself and for all of us. And this is the surest route to knowledge: your knowledge, our knowledge, species knowledge, living knowledge. Fear, if read with understanding, is a signal. We must learn to read our own and others’ fears for their meaning. We must learn to prevent fear from blocking us, disturbing us and withholding from us our abilities to navigate change and transition — even physical death —to a new place, a higher state.
The word (apocalupsis). Hence the title of ” Apocalypse ” so frequently given to the book. It is from the verb
Hence Atocalypis means a taking away of a veil (as when a statue is said to be unveiled), and thus bringing into view that which had been before hidden as by a veil. Unveiling is the equivalent English word. It is used, of course, in two senses , of a bringing to knowledge by the removing of the veil of ignorance ; or of he visible appearance of one who had previously been unseen, as though hidden by a veil.
The In understanding this acceleration of an evolution of consciousness coming to an omega point in time… it is important to first define the biblical word apocalypse that appears in so many texts of the end times that manipulate and create fear in the market place. The word Apocalypse means… (Greek: Apokalypsis; “lifting of the veil”) is a term applied to the disclosure to certain privileged persons of something hidden from the majority of humankind. Today the term is often used to refer to the end of the world, which may be a shortening of the phrase “apokalupsis eschaton”, which literally means “revelation at the end of the aeon, or age”. So we are in the apocalypse, the “lifting of a veil” is a rising of consciousness that knows no fear (a physical lifting of a veil of ignorance, superstition and religious dogma) of the unknown for those certain privileged individuals that can see themselves on the other side of the Omega point. This could easily apply to the understanding of the creational
“The Apocalypse”, the Revelation taking place in the completing phase of Creation… is this “lifting of the veil”… the veil is ignorance and superstition.
The perfect Now moment in the midst of Chaos, being disconnected from our Animal nature and the Old Reptilian Brain. This state of consciousness is the fulfillment of our evolution… a time when light would blaze across the planet… not physical light but “the light of consciousness”… the full descent of spirit into matter as prophesized by Teilhard de Chardin. When we rise to the challenge of our greater potential and do not cower in fear, we catch the wave of rising consciousness… lifting the veils of ignorance and superstition. This wave of consciousness showing us… humanity- “half-animal, half-human Sheeple slaves in a hell on earth”… as we rise above… back to spiritual beings having a human experience in a heaven on earth.
All awakened conscious people create their reality according to their belief systems, and they should know what they are. We are at the end of the age of ignorance and unsubstantiated belief systems living in an illusion, and we will be awakened in a series of shocks to what is really going on. The stage does seem to be set for a battle… when we look closer as an evolving consciousness… not one in the classical sense of good and evil but one over consciousness of an evolving human being… against a social consciousness, one that is asleep in ignorance.
If the masses stay asleep in their pods living an illusion. If the majority of the people around the world (80% masses, 20 % ruling classes) do not wake up, we may see “the end of time” as prophesied in the bible.
The Primacy of the Material World
We need to change our focus and begin to understand why this is happening and how…. So we will presently look to a solution from a point of view of science and quantum physics… that everything in our world is made up of energy… matter is nothing more than… atoms and empty space… that our collective minds have the ability to project a holographic vision of the world we live in. We currently need to begin to see that everything is made up of an Ancient Science of Spirit… an evolution of consciousness and energy, making anything possible. We need to demystify the coming changes and put everything in a balanced context, so we can clearly look at our options without the illusions of fears that have been drummed into us as a collective from the beginning of our present cycle.
This means we need to clarify a few things, develop an understanding of the evolution of consciousness, and see where it is evolving to, what is its divine plan… as an Ancient Science of Spirit? The problem of understanding the evolution of consciousness is that we are talking about it from within an illusion of a limited “materialist paradigm”. The idea that the world is flat, that matter is rock-solid and that our collective assumptions of our reality are linear, trustworthy and stable… and “all is well in wonderland Alice”. These are the illusions of society… ideas heavily promoted by the engines of commerce that fuel society, the Universities and the Media for a very large profit. To understand and unlock the doors to an evolution of consciousness we have to let go of our materialist point of view and open our minds.
It is in the end the stuff of nightmares and what has been called dark prophecy or conspiracy theory is actually ancient agenda in its final stages of being played out.
Technology lowering humans biological vibratory frequency making you more susceptible to environmental pollution”, and in same way its fear that makes the mind or brain susceptible to negative mind-mass programming. Through technology and fear they can hold back all human spiritual progress, so they can´t raising their inner vibrational frequencies through the seven sealed chakras and activate the dormant 10 etheric dna strands of light. Low vibrational feeding the ego and keeps the real spirit of life in a sleep-stasis or slumbering state of ignorance.
No revelation ; for it is covered with a strong and thick veil of ignorance .