SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS.  The Freedom of Social Consciousness is called Absurd. Freedom is the trash bin of Social Consciousness. When Social Consciousness is deprived of Freedom, it makes its needs in public by inventing Revolutions.  Social Consciousness is the ambassador of the Absurd at the gates of the Vanity. Through his Social Consciousness, Man obtains his privileged right to stand to the right of the Absurd of this World

SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS.  The Freedom of Social Consciousness is called Absurd. Freedom is the trash bin of Social Consciousness. When Social Consciousness is deprived of Freedom, it makes its needs in public by inventing Revolutions.  Social Consciousness is the ambassador of the Absurd at the gates of the Vanity. Through his Social Consciousness, Man obtains his privileged right to stand to the right of the Absurd of this World.

What else can comprise the relative Truth of the Lie as well as the Lie itself, in a hypostasis of the Vanity, apart from the Social Consciousness?

Social Consciousness is the Lie that becomes True through Persuasion.

The Freedom of Social Consciousness is called Absurd.

What can be more sinister than when the Social Consciousness says with proletarian pride that it promotes the Truth?

The Social Consciousness of the Present always bets in the audience the depraved film of History.

Through the Social Consciousness, the Illusions of Life and Death serve the lunch of the Vanity of this Lord for the Death.

Social Consciousness is the most depraved prostitute of the Destiny.

Everything is Vanity, except the Social Consciousness, which is much more than that. Social Consciousness is the worst, staging of the Absurd by Destiny.

We are forced to play the role of Social Consciousness on the stage of the Absurd, whose Living Statues we are.

Only Death can stop us to no longer become the slaves of our own Social Consciousness.

Freedom is the trash bin of Social Consciousness.

When Social Consciousness is deprived of Freedom, it makes its needs in public by inventing Revolutions.

Social Consciousness is the ambassador of the Absurd at the gates of the Vanity.

Through his Social Consciousness, Man obtains his privileged right to stand to the right of the Absurd of this World.

Social Consciousness is the Compromise raised at level of art by the Illusions of Life and Death Policy.

Through the Social Consciousness the dirty blood of Compromises flows.

Do not wash Social Consciousness because it will no longer be accepted by the perverse Future, who only likes her pestilential Smell.

Social Consciousness does not dry out at the high temperatures of the Revolutions because it could burn itself.

In the user manual of Social Consciousness written by Destiny, it writes that she cannot be held in the sun of Truth, either he, and, relative, because becomes altered, and for the better functioning of it, it will be kept only in the Darkness of Lie.

Social Consciousness is the serum of Compromise that must be injected into the Moral to make her more docile. 

Social Consciousness is the largest reserve of Truth from the pantries of the Lie, that make it as True as possible.

Social Consciousness values each time less than it receives Destiny for it from our Existence.

We are a part from the Social Consciousness of the Absurd Theater of this World on whose stage we play the roles of the Suffering.  Social Consciousness is the open and infected wound of the Truth.

The Social Consciousness has never proved, nothing more, than the Absurd and Vanity of this World can prove to us.

Through Social Consciousness, the Illusions of Life and Death express themselves as freely as possible. 

Social Consciousness is the tribune of the Illusions of Life and Death.

Want to see what the Illusions of Life and Death look like in all their splendor? Then look carefully at Social Consciousness.

Social Consciousness is the roadmap of the Illusions of this World.

Social Consciousness is the Illusion that carries in the mind of Man all other Illusions.

Social Consciousness has become the luxury hotel of all the Illusions of this World.

The fury of the Social Consciousness is expressed by the inability to replace the Money in the top of the Hierarchy of Vanity of this World with its own Absurd.

What can be more pitiful than to look into the eyes the Social Consciousness of Man written by the Illusions of the Absurd of this World?

Social Conscience is above all other, the immeasurable Pride of the Illusions of Life and Death.

Social Consciousness reflects the capacity of the Absurd to face its enemies who want to dethrone him in favor of his own Vanity.

Man is the sweat of his Social Consciousness.

Social Consciousness is the most depraved emanation of Man. 

What can be more infamous, impure and villainous in this World than Social Consciousness?

Social Consciousness is the mud in which the Man is bathing.

Nothing can replace the Social Consciousness when we must define the malefic Evil produced by Man.

Social Consciousness is the worst thing of Mankind.

In the Social Consciousness the Affective is the prostitute of false Love, the Cognitive are the Illusions and the Volitive is the false Free Will of the Relative Truth of the Lie which builds the True Lie. All together they form the triplet of the malefic Evil that misleads the Human Being on any stage of its development.

Social Consciousness is the Lie raised to the rank of Absolute to become Truth. Social Consciousness is the architect of the God created by Man.

Social Consciousness has drawn a God created by Man according to her image and likeness, a face which she attributed to the Man who, in any case wore it from the ancient times of his history.

Social Consciousness identifies itself with the God of Man with the difference, that it gives to God the attributes of the intervention on Creation, precisely to be able to hide behind them, all the pettiness.

Social Consciousness is the God created by Man who hides behind Man leaving that her shadow to become the God of Man. 14888. Social Consciousness has drawn the Criminal Morality of Mankind, and afterwards to plot with her against Man, through Hierarchy.

Hierarchy is the creation of the Social Consciousness and the Moral.

The malefic Evil of the Social Consciousness invented the Original Sin, without which it could not have motivated the entire mud with the help of which it dirty the Human Society since ancient times.

Through the Original Sin, the Social Consciousness transfers the guilt of the miseries of this World on the back of Man.

Social Consciousness is paradoxically defined as belonging to the Human Being, as the result of this Human Being, of the Knowledge, Affectivity and Will of this Human Being, but without making a clear distinction between Man and the Illusions of this World, which determines Knowledge, between Man and false Love of Relative Truths that define Lies as being True that determines Affectivity, and between the Free Will who is a grossly fake and what Man would like if his Knowledge were recognized by the Absolute Truth and not by the Lies of Relative Truths imposed by the Illusions of Life and Death.

Social Consciousness is the train lost by the Human Being in the train station of Truth.

The Social Consciousness is the warder who keeps locked up our Subconscious Stranger of Absolute Truth, in his cell from our Souls.


The Beliefs, in their tutu, will Divinize the Relative Truths, together with the Lies they contain. determining and accepting at the same time the True Lies as being fundamental Truths, on which the Divinity, newly created, of Man. will be based.

The divinity of Man will thus master the so-called fundamental Truths, which in their essence are Lies so fundamental that they become True..

The fundamental Lies build the Cathedrals large enough that they can shelter in them, especially when they are attacked, by that part of the Lies of the Relative Truths, which did not recognize their fundamental aspects.

Man is a combination of relative Truths that have lied controlled, and fundamental Lies that have lied uncontrolled being considered True.

Man feels because of the Illusions that his Meaning consists in the True fundamental Lie, with the name of Divinity, only for the God created by him.

The most passionate True Fundamental Life of Man are first and foremost Man, then, the Divinity created by Man, Relative Truth, Social Consciusness. Love. Good and Evil, Beautiful and Ugly, Freedom, Morality, and Justice.

Man in himself is one of the most True fundamental Lies.

A True Fundamental Lie is a Lie so veritable that it becomes True, and then a veritable Truth.

Justice will never receive again the sight of the Absolute Truth, but will remain forever blind, as long as it will be made up of a True Fundamental Lie obtained artificially in the laboratories of the Illusions of Life and Death.

The Divinity created by Man is a fundamental Lie. True, for which the Human Being has often chosen to die. just so that the Divinity to can become a veritable Truth, and he has not yet fully succeeded. not even ROW. 

We are a weapon of Divinity created by Man, for to be directed against the same Man.

Behind any Creation of Man will be unceasingly the Illusions of Life and Death. 

Everything that exists on the The Beliefs, in their tutu, will Divinize the Relative Truths, together with the Lies they contain. determining and accepting at the same time the True Lies as being fundamental Truths, on which the Divinity, newly created, of Man. will be based. 

The divinity of Man will thus master the so-called fundamental Truths, which in their essence are Lies so fundamental that they become True. The fundamental Lies build the Cathedrals large enough that they can shelter in them, especially when they are attacked, by that part of the Lies of the Relative Truths, which did not recognize their fundamental aspects.

Man is a combination of relative Truths that have lied controlled, and fundamental Lies that have lied uncontrolled being considered True.

Man feels because of the Illusions that his Meaning consists in the True fundamental Lie, with the name of Divinity, only for the God created by him.

The most passionate True Fundamental Life of Man are first and foremost Man, then, the Divinity created by Man, Relative Truth, Social Consciousness. Love. Good and Evil, Beautiful and Ugly, Freedom, Morality, and Justice.

 Man in himself is one of the most True fundamental Lies.

A True Fundamental Lie is a Lie so veritable that it becomes True, and then a veritable Truth.

 Justice will never receive again the sight of the Absolute Truth, but will remain forever blind, as long as it will be made up of a True Fundamental Lie obtained artificially in the laboratories of the Illusions of Life and Death.

The Divinity created by Man is a fundamental Lie. True, for which the Human Being has often chosen to die. just so that the Divinity to can become a veritable Truth, and he has not yet fully succeeded. not even ROW.

We are a weapon of Divinity created by Man, for to be directed against the same Man. 14914. Behind any Creation of Man will be unceasingly the Illusions of Life and Death.

Everything that exists on this World bears the imprint of the Illusions of Life and Death, an imprint signed, even and on the face of the Divinity created by Man.

The Creation is a pale shadow of the Illusions of Life and Death, which is never allowed to receive a treatment of recovery.

The greatest wealth of this World is the Absurd sought through all the nooks of Vanity by Man.

Everything that is offered to us on the sordid stand of Li fc belongs to the True Fundamental Lie, with name of relative Truth.

The Man is himself a True Fundamental Life as long as is restricted for him the access toward, the Stranger of his own Subconscious of the Absolute Truth.

The first tool made by Man was the Divinity, used to kill others so that he could take the goods of those unbelievers in his Divinity.

Through the Divinity created by him, Man became Saint and Demon at the same time.

Nothing. did no longer stop the Man, to kill, as long as the Divinity created by him allowed him this.

The Divinity created by Man was the tint step of the Illusions of Life and Death toward the future Social Consciousness of Man. 

In the Divinity created by Man, the Illusions of Lifc and Death. of the Man. live in luxurious conditions.

Man has become the product of his own Divinity which he created from Opportunism.

The Opportunism. Happiness, Hopes of Man. arc reflected in the eyes and actions of the Divinity created by him.

If the Divinity created by Man were not in his image and likeness, she would disappear, to take her place. an other, convenient to Man.

The Illusions of Life and Death are those that do not allow Man to exist without a Divinity convenient to him, and behind him all these Illusions hide.

The true God of Man is his Opportunism. is World bears the imprint of the Illusions of Life and Death, an imprint signed, even and on the face of the Divinity created by Man.

The Creation is a pale shadow of the Illusions of Life and Death, which is never allowed to receive a treatment of recovery.

The greatest wealth of this World is the Absurd sought through all the nooks of Vanity by Man.

Everything that is offered to us on the sordid stand of Li fc belongs to the True Fundamental Lie, with name of relative Truth.

. The Man is himself a True Fundamental Lic as long as is restricted for him the access toward, the Stranger of his own Subconscious of the Absolute Truth.

The first tool made by Man was the Divinity, used to kill others so that he could take the goods of those unbelievers in his Divinity.

Through the Divinity created by him, Man became Saint and Demon at the same time.

Nothing. did no longer stop the Man, to kill, as long as the Divinity created by him allowed him this.

The Divinity created by Man was the tint step of the Illusions of Life and Death toward the future Social Consciousness of Man.

In the Divinity created by Man, the Illusions of Life and Death. of the Man. live in luxurious conditions.

Man has become the product of his own Divinity which he created from Opportunism.

The Opportunism. Happiness, Hopes of Man. arc reflected in the eyes and actions of the Divinity created by him.

If the Divinity created by Man were not in his image and likeness, she would disappear, to take her place. an other, convenient to Man.

The Illusions of Life and Death are those that do not allow Man to exist without a Divinity convenient to him, and behind him all these Illusions hide.

 The true God of Man is his Opportunism.

The Man without God, whether religious or atheist, has no Meaning of his own Existence on this World. because he is a Man who did Nothing to change the World in which he is. being unable. to give birth. to create . the most basic and simple thing of this World. a God of his.

The Man with God, religious or atheist, is the Man who can bring changes to this World, purpose, for which the Death from beyond of to be born gave him the Birth and once with it a new Death, which is in fact. the Eternal Life.

The Man who lost him on his God. first was lost on himself and then was lost and from the World in which he is.

The Man who has found God is like a flower that blooms in the spring, spreading her fragrance and beauty, to those who surround her.

 Each Man with God, has his own story, which he tells to his God, until God identifies so much with him, that also Man catches the wings of the Divinity to which he prayed before, becoming in his Self. invincible.

Which Man, with God, did not feel offended by his own God, and after he passed by that episode and realized that his God was right, he knelt before the God created by him and thanked him knowing that in fact he thanks to himself and kneels before his own Self, becoming stronger.

Man is a Creator by his human Condition. but he has been transformed by the Illusions of this World. into a Creator of Sins, which is why only his God can change Man. that he may be freed from Sins and then from himself.

Man is a false, who can become True, only if he creates a God like him.

The steps of Man can never be worn with Fulfillment than by his God.

Through God, Man has the impression that he is master of his own Self, which is a first step towards liberation from the Illusions of Life and Death.

No matter how tiny would be the Man in comparison with the greatness of the Universe, through God he becomes as great, if not greater than the Universe.

God is pan of the essence of Man, because Man is a Divine Being. closed behind the bars of the Illusions of this World. 14971. Leave the Man for a Moment without his God and he will become another Being.

Without God, the Dawn of Hopes would no longer have the consistency and brilliance that they have near God.

 Through God, Man can get to become again the Divine Being who was somewhere-sometime before he was born in the cold and violent aims of the Illusions of Life and Death.

 God is that All, through which Man can identify His own Self.

The God of Man, will understand to Man, both his mistakes and his notable achievements, to save him from the Future that is coming upon him.

Man without God will certainly experience that diabolical Loneliness that only the Illusions of Life and Death can describe it for you on this World.

The man without God is more Alone on this World and than when he is before his own Death.

 For his God. Man will never become a falling star, which is lost forever after the Horizon of a Destiny.

Through his God, the Truth of the Faith of Man, even if it does not become Absolute, becomes Divine.

Unknown Absurd of the Death being in balance with the Subconscious Stranger and the Illusions of Life and Death .will be able to facilitate us contact with the Divine Light. which will be the greatest achievement of the human being of all time.

Man will definitively leave the Inferno of the World today, being on the path that leads to Paradise, only when he will succeed to be together with the Divine Light, the we God, from which he moved away in the darkness of his history.

Through Divine Light. Man will become an Angel. 14985. The Divine Light will bring Man back to the Paradise. from where he left off in the darkness of his history.

 The Divine Light will show to Man how bad it can do to him, a God created by him, only to provide him, his dark needs. such as wealth, the chase after a leading place in, the Hierarchies of the Money or of the Consumer Society, on which to take it further, to new heights of his own Inferno.

The God created by Man will always be a cynical God just like the Man with the Divine Light who is and will always be a God of Balance.

Only with the help of the Divine Light, man will ascend to the Heavens from which he comes, to create in turn the Sacred Paradise of the Spiritual Future.

If Man were not blinded by his own Original Sins, he would easily discover the fact that in each Man there is a my of Divine Light. which can ascend him to the Heavens from where he descended into the darkness of his history.

The true spiritual evolution of Man will consist in finding his own ray of Divine Light. which truly illuminates the Darkness that now seems impenetrable, of his Soul.

Divine Light is the crown of the Spiritual World.

As is the Unknown Absurd of Death in this World. it is the Divine Light., over all the Worlds of the Spiritual Levels with their Universes. 14993. The true inner Peace of a Soul can be obtained only banishing the Darkness from him with the help of the Divine Light. because the Soul is Spiritual Energy. from this Divine Light.

In order to truly reach the Divine Light. we must first of all balance the relations between the Unknown Absurd of Death, the Subconscious Stranger and the Illusions of Life and Death, and then to sincerely want to return, we. the wandering sons. who we are now, back, in the arms of the one who created us. long ago than all the times together. namely, the Divine Light. becoming again Angels of Light.

The Divine Light is the true God, being the Uniqueness between Absolute Truth and Absolute Knowledge.

The future of the Religion of Mankind will be the Philosophy of Divine Light. 

Only when Man will know how to receive in his Soul, the Divine Light. he will truly be the master of his own Soul.

The Religion of the Divine Light will become the Only Religion of the whole Mankind.

The Religion of the Divine Light will no longer have the Hierarchies of saints nor bloody battles in its history, but only the peace and tranquility to which the Soul of Man tends.

Everything that seems to us to be Unknown in Absolute Knowledge is Known. There is no Absolute Unknown but Unknown.

If there were an Absolute Unknown, could no longer be Absolute Knowledge.

The fact that we can speak of the levels of Knowledge whose Contraries can reach to Infinity for Absolute Knowledge. we can not speak of the Unknown unless we have two Contraries such as Good or Evil in our World. or. at the level of the Worlds with only one element from the two Contraries such as only Good or only Evil. Below than that, it can not exist the Unknown as being the opposite of the Knowledge for the simple fact that it can not exist, not even Knowledge in comparison with which to exist the Unknown.

The lower the level of the number of Contraries in the Knowledge process, the more the Unknown will be pronounced and the higher the level of Contraries will be, the lower the Unknown.

It can not exist Unknown without any element from the Contraries of the Knowledge, instead it can exist Knowledge with an infinity of Contraries such as Absolute Knowledge.

The true God of the Unknown Absurd of Death is the Divine Light.

Only with the help of the Divine Light will we be able to find our tranquility and peace on this Earth. to change the World. and to transform it from an Inferno of Darkness into a consistent and durable Paradise.

It is enough to look on the windows of our Souls, the rays of the Divine Light that surrounds the Subconscious Stranger, and to make every late, gloomy and cold Autumn. a lasting. luminous Spring. where the buds of Happiness and Fulfillment flourish.

 Seek the Truth only within yourself if you want to approach your own ray of Divine Light that radiates with the heat of Immortality, your Soul. 

Nothing can be compared to the one who received in his Soul, the Divine Light.

 Divine Light is the merit of Immortality to exist before all that we know illusory, as being Death.

Thank you dear Divine Light, because you have chosen me to can transmit all this to the World. ‘

We can talk with our Unknown. Absurd, of Death, to transmit them to the Illusions of Life and Death to In us see at least a small ray of Divine Light from our Soul, but only the Divine Light will succeed to drive away the whole veil of the Illusions of Life and Death from the wrinkled face of our Time.

In order to be helped by the Divine Light we will have to prove that we are ready to receive it in that pan of our Soul, about which we have the impression that we are us, and on which to change it, in such a way as she to make peace with the other pan of our Soul. who is our Subconscious Stranger.

We will have to use the True Profound Meditation in relation to the Divine Light, only to approach our Subconscious Stranger.

The Profound Meditation is the one that has to take the place of the Prayers said to a God created by Man in His image and likeness, which, in fact. is Not the True God of Man.

The Divine Light does not require us to shed our blood to be victorious its Religion, because the Divine Light cannot have a Religion, but only a Philosophy, of Life.

He who will make a Religion from the Divine Light will depart from it instead of approaching it.

Religions only hold where the God venerated by them is a God created by Man, a God who borrows from the defects of Man. while the Divine Light cannot borrow anything from the defects of Man. ‘

Divine Light will never accept to be proclaimed to her, different religious practices, because Religions define Man only and not Absolute Truth or Absolute Knowledge.

Religions will disappear in the Future, and their place will be taken over by the Faith in the Divine Light.

The Divine Light does not require us to build cathedrals for her nor to occupy those of other Religions, which were useful to Man in the dark periods of his history, but to build altars for her only in our Souls, to which we can Meditate deeply.

Only with the agreement of the Divine Light, Man will become again the Angel who has atone his condemnation by which he was kept behind the bars of the Illusions of Life and Death.

Somewhere in the dark of Humanity history, the Souls of that time, have banished the Divine Light, taking in its place, the malefic pan of Evil, such as the Wickedness on which have raised it to the rank of Religion, at which time. Man was no longer compatible with the Divine Light. which gave it Life, and then the Man fell, being enveloped by the Illusions of Life and Death. which have came accompanied by the Sins. which, in time, became Original Sins.

 Divine Light is the Absolute Perfection obtained as a result of the Balance between Absolute Knowledge and Absolute Truth.

For us the Divine Light besides other representations is also the Unknown which for this is the Absolute Knowledge.

 Nothing. can not be. Unknown for the Divine Light. not even the Unknown which for us seems to be Absolute.

The steps by which we can approach the Divine Light begin once with the first stage which is the Unknown Absurd of Death.

Without communicating with our own Unknown Absurd of Death. which to facilitate our connection with the Subconscious Stranger and the Illusions of Life and Death that rule this World. we will never succeed to direct our steps towards the Divine Light. from whose ray, our Soul is built as Immortal as is the Divine Light.

We are a fragment of Immortality condemned to know the Illusions of Life and Death.

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