Our function is to break the seven barriers; the seven seals to the realization. The seven seals that prevent the unfolding of truth are only one individual barrier. Jesus said basically, “All power and authority has been given to Me, now go because I give you that same rod of authority, and remember I am with you always” (see Matt. 28:18-20). He was saying, “I, the Breaker, am in you to help you break through! You have My scepter of power, authority, and grace. Now go break through! The Barrier-Breaker don’t focus on how big the barrier or problem is but rather how big God is and His promise to help us overcome. They stand on God’s Word and aren’t afraid to step out in what God has said. The Ego is a negative force that prevents the power Barrier-Breaker powers to grow and constantly suppress/oppress these energies into the low vibrational frequency state of the mind.

Our function is to break the seven barriers; the seven seals to the realization. The seven seals that prevent the unfolding of truth are only one individual barrier. Jesus said basically, “All power and authority has been given to Me, now go because I give you that same rod of authority, and remember I am with you always” (see Matt. 28:18-20). He was saying, “I, the Breaker, am in you to help you break through! You have My scepter of power, authority, and grace. Now go break through! The Barrier-Breaker don’t focus on how big the barrier or problem is but rather how big God is and His promise to help us overcome. They stand on God’s Word and aren’t afraid to step out in what God has said. The Ego is a negative force that prevents the power Barrier-Breaker powers to grow and constantly suppress/oppress these energies into the low vibrational frequency state of the mind.

The seven seals that prevent the unfolding of truth are only one individual barrier.

Truth is not created, but it is creative; it is not passive, but active. It is, indeed, activity itself.

The life of God has not only been made available to man, but also that life works in man. The life of God the Father is eternal and active, not passive, but also creative, life-giving and inherently communicative.

The active , he holds , always includes the passive , but the passive does not include the active

The Divine Energy is the active component for all spiritual progress and transformation.  The ego is the passive component that prevents all spiritual progress.

 Intelligence not only reflects but constructs “objective” reality, since objectivity is “a process and not a state”, and intelligence, by its distinctive mobility, is the cognitive process par excellence. Only by organizing itself through evolution of its categories can intelligence organize the world it is perpetually constructing, and this progressive organization, which presupposes both initial differentiation and continual interaction of self and things, is the goal of the mobile equilibration that constitutes intelligence itself.

Jesus said basically, “All power and authority has been given to Me, now go because I give you that same rod of authority, and remember I am with you always” (see Matt. 28:18-20). He was saying, “I, the Breaker, am in you to help you break through! You have My scepter of power, authority, and grace. Now go break through!

The important thing is that we rise up to our full potential in Christ and use the breaker spirit, grace, and authority that we have been given.

Jesus was demonstrating what we have mentioned throughout this book as what the Lord was and still is looking for. He is looking for that barrier-breaker spirit in humankind, no matter their age. As we said before, that power to break through already dwells in those who are Christians. We just need to grow and develop it into something greater and more powerful in our lives. We can see with John and Jesus that they too had to grow and develop into barrier breakers. The Bible says that they both grew up and became strong in the spirit.

Become strong! Notice it says they “become” strong. This means it will require a choice, discipline, work, effort, and a process on our part to become strong barrier breakers. We can grow stronger in grace and our breakthrough in the spirit, but it doesn’t come without working at it! That is what the Bible says about both John and Jesus; they grew strong in the spirit! The key to grace and breakthrough is a constant, daily life of growing and becoming stronger in our spiritual lives. We can’t expect to become strong spiritually if we don’t invest into our spiritual life.

Grow in wisdom! Jesus “increased in wisdom.” Again, it wasn’t automatic just because He was the Son of God. He came as God in the flesh and had to study and apply human effort as well. He had to grow and attain godly and human wisdom. Wisdom is necessary for breakthrough and winning in spiritual battles (see Prov. 24:6). Too many times people want a breakthrough but don’t use the wisdom and guidance of the Lord and then never reach their desired goals. It isn’t a lack of grace or power available to you that keeps you from breakthrough but often a lack of appropriating godly wisdom.

Grow in the grace. This comes by walking in the grace you have been given by faith, pleasing God. The Bible says, “But without faith it is impossible to please him” (Heb. 11:6). We are saved by grace through faith, and we have been given this grace for breakthrough. We then need to continue to build our faith, walk in faith, and use our faith to bring breakthroughs into our lives through the grace given. The key is to seek to please God and grow in His grace.

Barrier breakers wait on the Lord to receive strength and then mount tip; they don’t stay down! They flap their wings, soaring above life’s challenges, and they won’t faint or quit!

We have these same tools available to produce breakthroughs in our lives as well. If we apply them, they will prepare us for the times we may need to break through.

“Many believers have the tendency, to ‘wish for,’ rather than ‘create,’ their breakthrough.” We can’t just wish for breakthrough; we need to create it with faith. Those men could have just wished they were inside the room where the breakthrough was available, but instead they reached down on the inside of themselves. They tapped into faith in God that if they could break through the roof they could receive their breakthrough for the man on the stretcher. One of the greatest ways to create a breakthrough in our lives is by praising God. Some of the most powerful barrier breakers are those who praise God. It is praise, worship, and intimacy with God that are vital for a continued life of victory and answered prayer.

What makes praise so powerful is that it is a weapon against the enemy (Darkness) and brings deliverance from bondage.

The Bible says that when we praise, God comes and inhabits our praise (see Ps. 22:3). Our praise brings God on the scene, and He goes before us to break through for us and leads us into victory.

There is power in our praise that gets God’s attention and can also defeat the enemy. Praise helps to lift the ceiling of oppression and resistance that often tries to prevent our breakthroughs! Our praise is a weapon that breaks through the enemy opposition and brings the Lord on the scene to defeat Darkness.

As we develop in our lives, like Jesus and John the Baptist did, we too will wax strong in the spirit. The more we make praise a part of our lives and develop it, the more we will see the benefits of it.

The Barrier-Breaker don’t focus on how big the barrier or problem is but rather how big God is and His promise to help us overcome. They stand on God’s Word and aren’t afraid to step out in what God has said.

A Spiritual Barrier-Breaker must be fearless

You might be asking yourself, “What does it mean to break open the fountain of your deep?” The answer is in learning how to develop a stronger breakthrough spirit within you and how to release prayers that break through for you, giving you the results that you desire. When you are filled with the power of the Holy Ghost, you possess a different spirit and one that is equipped for breakthrough. We can see our prayers answered and break forth as we pray in the spirit.

The way you release that power is when you can break open the fountain of your deep. This is speaking of your spirit in prayer, by praying in the spirit.

Praying in the spirit helps to make you spiritually stronger because a barrier breaker is made from within and learns to break through in spiritual realms of conflict. The power to break through is available to us through the power of the Holy Spirit, who enables us to break any barrier we may be facing. Breaking open the fountain of our deep is also how we as barrier breakers can tap into the Holy Spirit’s power. This power is inside of Believers to raise up a standard against the Darkness and win in the battles of life.

When you are filled with the Holy Spirit, you receive that power in you to break through and become a barrier breaker. As we pray in the spirit, we spiritually fill or build ourselves up. It helps to equip us and ready us for life challenges and gives the ability to experience victory.

Yet with every strike from the enemy, something was being birthed. Had the enemy known what was about to happen through Jesus’ crucifixion, he would not have crucified this royal seed. What he didn’t know is that this spiritual DNA, which existed in the line of people who brought Jesus into the earth, was now going to continue in everyone thereafter who was born into Christ!

Therefore, this Barrier-Breaker ability was imparted into you. You are part of that same royal line of barrier breakers that has the ability to bring the seed of Christ into the earth. You are His powerful witness of the resurrection. The attitude needed for success isn’t just something you have to try and create with your own willpower. It is something that is in you because you are born from barrier-breaking seed! It is in your spiritual DNA. Just like Jesus, and even the line of barrier breakers before Him, you can overcome fear, disease, torment, and yes, setback after setback! You can have this not only in your life, but you can also reproduce it again into the lives of others as you share the power of Christ with them. The line of barrier breakers didn’t end with Jesus; it was just the beginning! Now multitudes and generations of those spiritually born of His Kingdom have arisen, and we carry Barrier-Breaker ability DNA! A new generation of barrier breakers has been born.

Your faith will be ignited and your spirit stirred to get the results you have been praying for. Discover the process of how to operate in the spirit of breakthrough so you can see your victory through to completion, just the way Jesus and those of the royal seed were able to do. Once you step into it, you will begin to walk in breakthrough after breakthrough and watch yourself become a true barrier breaker!

They who crucified Jesus Christ wouldn´t crucified him if they know he was coming from a  incorruptible seed.  You can´t destroy incorruptible seed because it carries the power to resuurect and reproduce.

They thought Jesus was like everyone  else, of corruptible human seed, making Him subject to the power of death. They  didn’t fully understand the mystery of Christ being born of incorruptible seed. Seeds can produce a harvest even when it looks like nothing is happening!

Many Christians fail to understand the power in a seed for breakthrough and blessing. They often can’t see past the troubles of today because they don’t realize the power of incorruptible seed within them that can produce a breakthrough. It gives us some insight as to why Jesus was able to see past the pain of the cross.

Christ was born of seed that cannot be held by death.

Your conception and your very beginning set you up for breakthrough. The same is true for you when you were born again. You were born again from winning seed, and that is from the barrier-breaking seed of Jesus Christ.

He said that if we had even the smallest amount of faith, like the size of a tiny mustard seed, we could remove big problems.

 The Holy Spirit is not just for Jesus alone; it is for all of us.

He was showing them that even though the kingdom of heaven had started with only one person believing in God , it could grow and grow just like the tiny mustard seed does.

The Ego is a negative force that prevents the power Barrier-Breaker powers to grow and constantly suppress/oppress these energies into the low vibrational frequency state of the mind. Therefore, fear has become the tool of the ego to oppress people back to the limited perception of life and reality and a state of low vibrational frequencies. A Barrier-Breaker must work through all the ego oppressive methods and powers and continue its journey forward and upwards and through this work he is able to raise and change the low vibrational frequencies to a state of high vibrational frequencies.

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