Jungian psychology equates Kundalini arousal with the seven stages of transmutation of metals [=activating/transmuting the seven chakras] in the attainment of the coveted Philosopher’s Stone, described in ancient alchemical texts. Halligan showed how the raising of Kundalini to the crown chakra at the top of the head essentially equates with alchemical “conjunctio”, the mystical marriage of opposites in any spiritual journey which makes union with the Divine a subjective reality, where the Self is fully formed. “A conjunctio metaphorically creates the Philosopher’s Stone, the Self, unity with the Divine. Therefore, for many Jungians the experience of Kundalini awakening is the Eastern version of individuation [coming into Self-hood].”¨
The word ‘Kundalini’ refers to the divine presence of enormous volume of evolutionary force in every human body but in a dormant form. Dharma and many other traditional beliefs compare Kundalini with a serpent that lies coiled while resting or sleeping. With references from many sacred texts of India and the world, this divine power is said to be lying coiled at the base of the spine.
This supreme power isn’t a part of our physical body, like bones and muscles that can be easily touched and computer scanned, but it is the untouched elixir living in the subtle body lying beneath the chakras and nadis. The subtle body is the place where the energetic imprints of our pasts are stored along with the mental and emotional patterns that drive our lives.
What is Kundalini Awakening?
Kundalini awakening is said to be the process of ultimate union with the higher consciousness or in other words called the spiritual birth of a person. Yoga and deep meditation are the two primary ways that can awaken the supreme energy calmly and properly.
The process of Kundalini awakening is not a physical force that can be initiated and stopped as and when desired, but is the movement of powerful emotional and mental patterns in the subtle body. Therefore, one cannot undergo an awakening without following the right steps of purifying the channels of subtle body. Beware!
Strength of this Holy Spirit
The strength of this divine energy is strongest among all the spiritual and physical powers of the universe. Once awakened, it can either create or destroy depending upon the way the awakening process takes place.
There are two paths facing the stirred up spiritual energy — upwards and downwards. If she goes upward, the person is benefitted with great spiritual development. If she takes the downward turn, then it brings the person into the depths of darkness and eternal damnation. This is the reason why it is advised not to arouse Kundalini by force keeping her away from the downward path.
Once awakened, the extreme power of Kundalini Shakti energy changes the person’s life completely. He or she might experience tremendous social and emotional change.
In Christianity kundalini is referred to as the Holy Spirit. It is the primal life force that animates all living entities, the evolutionary force behind all living matter. In Tantric Yoga kundalini is an aspect of Shakti, the divine female energy. The objective of Kundalini Yoga is to raise the kundalini energy to the crown chakra, where it unites with Shiva, or the male polarity, and inspires awakening. Intriguingly, the kundalini life force energy, referred to by various names, appears to be a universal phenomenon in esoteric teachings for at least the past three thousand years. Kundalini has been interpreted from the Bible as Christ consciousness.
This life force energy is also referenced in alchemical tracts using the symbol of the philosopher’s stone.
Kundalini is the higher evolutionary force hidden within you that has the ability to unfold your spiritual potential.
Kundalini is a higher evolutionary psycho-spiritual force, the energy of the consciousness that lies dormant within you until it is activated spontaneously or by your spiritual practices. It is your creative soul potential, and has the ability to bring new states of consciousness, including mystical illumination and transcendence of self. The word kundalini comes from the Sanskrit language and means snake or serpent power. It is believed that once the kundalini energy awakens, it moves from the base of your spine (root chakra), in the form of a snake, up towards the top of your head (seventh chakra).
“The word 7fundalint generally refers to that dimension of energy that is yet to realize its potential. There is a huge volume of energy within you that is yet to find its potential It is just there waiting because what you call a human being is still in the making. You are not yet a human being you are a ‘human becoming.’ You are not an absolute entity of being human. There is constant scope to make yourself into a better human beingfl—Sadhguru.
The awakening of kundalini energy is enhanced by tools of self-realization, such as mindfulness practices, yoga, meditation, being of service, eating a diet high in raw foods, juicing protocols, fasting, water fasting, liquid feasting, detox, sacred practices, vision quests, inner questing, and the daily observance of a spiritual discipline or practice.
As you purify your body, align your whole-body system with your soul. quiet your mind, and tap into your hem, you will bring great coherence and vitality to your life.
Awakening kundalini energy can be experienced as the awakening of the treasure within. It is your most Creative potential waiting to be discovered by your heart. It is the source of your truth and energy, and the universal consciousness within you.
The awakening of kundalini energy is the process of your own awakening and liberation, which happens in and through the awakening and rebalancing of the five bodies (physical. emotional. mental, soul, and spirit bodies) and the seven key energy centres in your body—your seven chakras—whose reclaiming is needed for you to align with the wholeness and the mightiness that you are.
The real al cbnny is transforming the bate self into gold or into spiritual awarrnen. Thai really what new alchemy’s all about.
—bird Akin Wolf Mind into Mailer, and Matter into Feeling.
Alchemists are the masters of transformation. They hold the key to the portal of wellness, for they shapeshift and transmute mercury into gold. toxicity into radiance, a broken heart into a well of love. Alchemists know there is great power in the sacred subtle dimensions of our existence, and know our bodies are but vehicles for spiritual transcendence.
Alchemists may choose to reside in the far away caves of the Himalayas, away from the busyness of the world. But today. more and more, you and I are becoming our own master alchemists, for we know our bodies best. Today, this brave new world is demanding that we step up, seek the support and stability the ancient rituals offer, and awaken to the truth that our very own mightiness is needed.
Alchemists know the secrets to longevity are not actually secrets after all. Synergy always plays a wild card and. if we stack the cards right, longevity. radiance and radiant health are a few steps away. Our challenges become our greatest teachers. They crack our hearts open and we are reborn
I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become. —Carl G. Jung
Kundalini is the vital force empowering all human growth and development. This crucial life-force is the same as what is known in Hindu cosmology as the serpent power. … Kundalini is the great evolutionary force, making of each body and its occupant, a potentially powerful source of solar wisdom.
The prophecy speaks of the natural, evolutionary realization of all aspects of human biological potential, from the genetic content of everyone’s DNA to the interrelationship between human electrodynamics and the physical rhythms of the Earth. This interrelationship will, itself, be the context for the further evolution of human consciousness, that is of the brain mechanisms that sustain and operate it, and it will lead the human mind to hitherto unimagined abilities, skills and creativity. Beyond that, since consciousness is the only means we have of relating to God, that is, to the infinite, or the Absolute, its further evolution will lead us to a more mature spirituality. This is a wholly positive prophecy that stands us well in the face of the current and imminent problems we must overcome.
What is your kundalini energy? Your kundalini energy is your connection with nature and the planet. Every living being on the planet is born with a reserve of life force. It is like a root of energy linking you with the planet. In the Indian tradition, the kundalini is represented by a snake coiled in your base chakra. When your kundalini wakes up, it rises through your spine and energizes the various chakras met during its ascension. The Buddha’s enlightenment is symbolized by the rising of a cobra opening his crown chakra. There are many more representations of the kundalini energy in various writings and mythologies.
The kundalini is symbolized In many ways. It can be a snake or other kind of reptile like a crocodile. A dragon can as well be seen as a representation of the Kundalini.
A knight taming a dragon Is literally a symbol of him taming his own instinctual or animal nature.
In other representations, the kundalini is represented as a lion. It is visible in various Hindu temples as a Yogi taming a roaring lion.
You sometimes see a Yogi meditating on a Tiger skin. This is the Same symbolism of the taming of the animal nature. Here is how you can summarize all this: Your being contains a source of instinctual energy. It is the “raw” life force given to you at birth. The process of evolution on this planet is a process of awakening and refining of the Kundalini energy. A plant’s kundalini rises until the etheric level (as well called upper physical plane).
An animal kundalini rises until the astral plane (the plane of the emotions and dreams).
A human kundalini naturally rises until the mental plane (level of thoughts and conceptual thinking).
When you consciously wake up your kundalini, you attempt to break through beyond the natural limits of the mental plane and break through the causal (upper mental plane) and the buddhic plane.
After that, you connect with the nirvanic level of existence.
This is why the rising of your kundalini is associated with an enlightenment process.
You literally take your original raw source of kundalini energy and let It rise through the chakras until it pierces through your crown. This Is what is symbolically called enlightenment. This break through allows the descent of fresh universal energy into your being.