If only we can shut down the constant, superficial ego-chatter of the left brain, we can gain access to blissful and expansive states of awareness. The left brain is our normal conscious mind (or limited ego self ), while the right brain has access to a far wider spectrum of consciousness. The left brain is designed for focusing, and when it is in balance with the right brain, it focuses helpfully on the positive, and on our goals and desires. But when it is out of balance, the left brain can stress and torture itself with anxiety, blame, guilt, negativity, worry, self-doubt, judgement, pretence, defensiveness and hurry-sickness — whereas our right hemisphere seems to be a doorway to states of inner peace, love, joy, compassion and authenticity. While the left brain is head-centred, our right brain is heart-centred. When the chattering mind becomes silent, we can listen to the heart

If only we can shut down the constant, superficial ego-chatter of the left brain, we can gain access to blissful and expansive states of awareness. The left brain is our normal conscious mind (or limited ego self ), while the right brain has access to a far wider spectrum of consciousness. Thus discriminative ego shuts up man in his one bodily habitation and prevents him from enjoying his proper estate , the rich universe. Let go of your EGO And you will find GOD.

This limited strength is related to our entrance into the second circle of creation (abyss) long ago, where we measured our creations by means of positive and negative viewpoints, duality. In other words, we used a 2-dimentsional corresponding system, which means that in the second circle our energy was like — in character, quantity, origin, structure, and function — what it was in the first circle. The difference was that we began to record our creations by using the 2-D system of a mental level, perception, time, and space. Do not confuse this 2-D system with your 3-D consciousness. Because we brought a large but limited amount of energy into the second circle (astral/physical realms) with us, everything came from the same structure, quantity, and origin of the first creation. The only difference was that the energy was limited. In other words, it had the same character and the same function as in the first — which was universal — but in the second creation the energy had a positive and negative blueprint to it, which made it limited. Since leaving the first creation, we have been restructuring and reorganizing that limited amount of energy into positive and negative patterns.

Solar Plexus Chakra The third chakra, or yellow solar plexus located in the center of the belly, lends the spark of fire that has the transformative ability to produce energy from solid matter. In the solar plexus we harness the fire and put it to work for our ego. After the birth of self in the first chakra and the experience of “other” in the second, our ego brings us into an autonomous self that chooses to be separate. This progression is necessary; it is here that we begin to define ourselves in relation to the wider world and our role in it. In the third chakra we come to understand our purpose in life and the actions we need to take to fulfill this purpose. These actions require willpower in order for us to move forward toward our future in a conscious way, and so it is the function of the third chakra to engage our willpower. The concept we have of ourselves is established in the third chakra and when it’s balanced, our self-esteem is confident, bring-ing vitality and healthy choice through our will. A compromised third chakra could manifest in low self-esteem that becomes a self-destructive downward spiral threatening our very spark for life.

If only we can shut down the constant, superficial ego-chatter of the left brain, we can gain access to blissful and expansive states of awareness.

The left brain is our normal conscious mind (or limited ego self ), while the right brain has access to a far wider spectrum of consciousness. The left brain is designed for focusing, and when it is in balance with the right brain, it focuses helpfully on the positive, and on our goals and desires. But when it is out of balance, the left brain can stress and torture itself with anxiety, blame, guilt, negativity, worry, self-doubt, judgement, pretence, defensiveness and hurry-sickness — whereas our right hemisphere seems to be a doorway to states of inner peace, love, joy, compassion and authenticity. While the left brain is head-centred, our right brain is heart-centred. When the chattering mind becomes silent, we can listen to the heart.

When we are in a state of heart coherence — when the so-called ‘heart-brain’ is functioning well — this seems to coordinate all the systems in our physical body and energy field, so that our physical health is supported along with our happiness and spiritual growth.

With a conscious universe, the human body — rather than being controlled by genes and biochemistry — is dancing to the tune of consciousness and subtle energy. This is then mirrored in changes in our biochemistry, neurology, organs, muscles and physical structure, and even in how genes are expressed. In other words, what happens at a physical level is merely a symptom of what is occurring at higher levels of organisation — just as we can begin to affect our physical health in moments by connecting with our higher self. Within this new model, changes in the body ‘unfold’ into physical reality from the invisible realms of energy-consciousness .

Thus discriminative ego shuts up man in his one bodily habitation and prevents him from enjoying his proper estate , the rich universe. Let go of your EGO And you will find GOD.

The ego accomplishes this by shutting down the heart to the point where the portal remains closed to the spirit world. The portals pop open only when a certain amplitude is reached, so keeping it below a certain level prevents opening. What keeps amplitude low are all the familiar maladies: fear, hostility, self-importance, depression, self-doubt, cynicism, and frustration. Because of these, most people’s hearts are shut down most of the time,

It is possible that the “Christ Within Theory” holds the most simplicity and power. This would mean that all people contain a part of the Divine Spirit within themselves that they are responsible for connecting to and serving. Many may connect with that Inner Spirit by prayer or meditation. Others are driven to be useful or successful in the world because of this faith or Spirit connection, and they do not want to deny the power of God by wasting any given talents. The channel between your mind and the Spirit can he shut down through you own self-will.

Overall, we can gain a supernatural connection and faith when coupled with the use and exercise of prayer, gratitude, and acceptance. When you are able to identify your god as the source of all that is needed, then, you are on the right path.

The ego is not pure and holy, it is perception and desire of that in which is just an illusion that gives the ego pleasure. And as we grow more purely, we lose those ego perception of discrimination and desires. We no longer see the illusion of beauty in the faces and appearance of others, for the illusion begins to unfold and reveal it’s illusion of truth. We no longer desire that in which makes the ego happy, for we are no longer deceived by their deception of those desires, and we find happiness within our selves and our spiritual lives. We only see and attracted to the soul that exist behind the illusion of flesh. We seek a higher spiritual wholeness in which we do not desire the illusion of sexual perception and lust. We no longer desire that of material nor social expectations. We lose our ego self, and we free ourselves from the temptation of other egos. We become true spiritual beings. We desire nothing that is of egoism, only a free and pure peaceful spiritual life.

Beyond The Conscious Of The Human Mind

Conscious is not just that exist in living beings nor departed spirits, it exist throughout the entire universe. One can truly say the universe is one conscious of many. For this is the absolute truth, but do not just accept this as truth until one finds out for one self. Until then, know that all is truly God, in which God is one of many. And those many is the cosmic spirits that dream creation and life into being. This does not mean the ego is God, but the ego will play god. The ego is not pure consciousness, it is just a program. Just like our entire existence. Only the matrix is the true God, but the matrix is many up of of many pure conscious. And the ego does not go unchecked when it tries to play god, for the dark forces keep the ego in check as well. For the light and dark conscious work hand to hand in order to keep balance, and only the ego will disrupt this balance. And it is the ego conscious that we meet it’s fate when it departs from the physical body. For the ego minds of wickedness will in fact be haunted by that of darkness in which will take them into the darkness of unpleasantness. Only in the darkness the ego becomes a slave, only in the light the ego is free of it’s existence.

Reality is like geode, we can only perceive it’s physical layer. But our higher conscious mind can heighten our perception to cut through reality and see it’s many unseen layers.

Kether holds the greatest promise, but he needs the balance of conscious conviction to keep his spark alive and on track. To avoid burning wildly or burning out, he must be attuned, grounded, rational and emotionally committed. That is, in order to remain successful, in addition to staying consciously attuned, he must balance the fiery part of himself with the other major elements: Earth, Wind and Water. Connection with these elements—Earth for grounding; Wind for rational thinking; Water for emotional commitment—will both fan and temper his flames.

The essence of the tempering process is to keep the processes of production and destruction in active balance. Remaining temperate is the processual goal of Fire Father. Fire Father symbolizes the inner connection to wisdom. With the wisdom that results from balance and proper attunement, Fire Father becomes the master of growth, inner development, and increased perception. Growing through every challenge, he becomes the essence of dynamic change in conscience and consciousness. Moving in tune with the cosmic flow, he becomes dedicated, powerful, loyal and noble: the very essence of success and leadership.

The Fire Father is the white hot flame of spirit. He rides the beast of radiant darkness into the limitless The Fire Father is the white hot flame of spirit. He rides the beast of radiant darkness into the limitless light. The dark horse treads the sea of wisdom, so cold, that, like dry ice, it burns. The dry ice is the dry eye/the dry I of the One of Fire.

it longs to be wetted by connection with feeling and understanding. The Fire Father’s magic wand and his steed’s hooves spark on contact with balanced (gray) wisdom. Wisdom is gray because it comes from a combination of light and dark forces. As this sparking occurs, new flames—new possibilities—flare into existence. The only danger is that Fire Father’s wand is burning at both ends. If Water is not encountered, the magic will be lost.

The rider’s steed dances at the portal between layers of consciousness. Just beyond the Fire Father is a layer of light—Higher or Super Consciousness. This is the light of Kether, the God force. The layered concentric circles of light and dark imply that light and dark are forever contained inside each other, that there is limitless light in darkness and radiant darkness in light. When the Fire Father moves fast enough, light and dark collapse and become one.

“We behold by Fire, and we ascend by Flame. There are no other propellants, and therefore blessed be the Fire-conscious”, proclaimed the Master in the Agni Yoga.6 The Masters themselves have a fiery nature, which accounts for their invisibility and inaccessibility by ordinary earthly humans.

The cone of fire is necessary in order for individuals to understand the circle of fire and the dot in the center of the circle, signifying the First Monad and the expansion of the monad from the base of the circle to the apex of the cone. “The cone of fire is involved with the constructive spiral of manifestation. For out of this energy is given the pattern by which man may rise in divine symmetry, without flaw, in the ideational patterns of his existence. Unless this occur, the smoothening of the way will not be possible—it will not be possible for individuals to shape their tube of light as they ought in preparation for the ascension.

When it is understood and the terms light and fire become syn-onymous in their consciousness, individuals will understand how space can be hallowed by divine thought and feeling. They will understand how a given amount of space—so many cubits of space—can actually reflect either light densities or vacuums of consciousness. If vacuums of consciousness are filling that space, this indicates that there is indeed a lack of light within the cone of fire, and intensification must occur.

It is like a spiral of wire: the energy does not necessarily travel around the wire circle by circle, but through magnetism and induction it suddenly animates the whole by the principle of the divine soul. “This principle is universal cosmos; it is cosmic essence. And this principle can, as a spark leaps a gap, flash forth through the coils of manifestation. The residual ash will then fan out from between the coils and fall to the floor or to the ground…. “I would like to point out that there is a certain waste in the white ash.

Actually, the white ash ought not to manifest at all, but often it does because of a lack of preparation on the part of the aspirant. “Let men understand that by constructive spirals of thought, by discipline of mind and heart, and without engag-ing in any strange states of consciousness, individuals can fash-ion the ascension spirals.

Some are prone to use the power of mortal imagination, and they fail to recognize that we are deal-ing with the true geometric figure. “We are dealing with true geometry. We are not dealing with imagination. We are dealing with fact, with the spirals that are closely knit, with the spirals that follow the cone pat-tern, with the spirals that stem from the base of the circle of identity, and with the desire for cosmic purity, which is akin in miniature to the Cosmic Central Sun behind the Central Sun.

“By the power of the three-times-three, the triad of manifestation can produce the fruit of the ascension within the forcefield of the individual. But men must understand that as these spirals become closely knit, there is a definite responsibility to the cubit stone. The cubit stone of identity must con-form to the necessary patterns whereby there will come about the manifestation of individuality in accordance with cosmic principle.

“The science behind the ascension is very great indeed. And if the necessary conditions were met by mankind, there would be built in the world order a pillar of great beauty, a pyramid of lives in harmony, a pyramid of architectural grandeur. “When that day comes, the greenswards will stretch toward the four corners of the earth. Then the pyramid will glow. Then the fire of the Spirit will transmute first the base stones, and the capstone will be the last to glow. All energy in the capstone is from on high, and that which is in the base is from below; but the qualifications of the base must conform, by reason of thought and devotion, to the pattern from on high.

Thus, the fire will draw down first to the base stones. Then the capstone, supported by the base stones, will glow as the sweep of the great electronic stream from the heart of God moves down symmetrically and in perfect divine order through the entire structure and then rises from the base as a mighty cone of fire, causing the entire pyramid to glow on the greensward. “And it shall come to pass that, with the accomplishment of the capstone crowning man’s achievement, the civilization of the permanent golden age will begin.

“The divine geometry, through the symbol of the pyramid, draws the aspiring consciousness of man into the idea of an ascendant life. To ascend is to blend in cosmic unity with the heart of the Eternal. It is the destiny of every man. Those who understand this will rejoice in the consolation of their own ultimate freedom from every earthly travail, as cosmic purpose is enthroned in consciousness both now and forever.”

“The Masters are Mediators. They have safely risen to the highest contacts with great Cosmic Beings and back to the very heart of God. They have maintained a state of willingness to enter into human consciousness—with all of its degradations and all of the accompanying uncomfortability that the Masters face in descending into human consciousness—all in order that they might do the work of God and restore man to his rightful place so that he can safely rise into the arms of the waiting Deity, who longs to welcome him home.

As we compare the joint services of Ascended and unascended , let us define the term “mastery.” Mastery is the state of having power of command, expert skill or proficiency in a given field, area of knowledge or discipline. Now, there are of science, of art, of music and of the professions. These are not necessarily masters of life and death.

In our consideration of we are referring to those who have attained mastery over themselves. These are they who have learned to govern their energies and to discipline their thoughts and feelings. They have mastery over the cycles of life and are mastered by neither the tides of their returning karma nor the tides of the mass consciousness (with the exception, perhaps, of a narrow margin of their personal lives that may require the attention of the Master of masters).

“It is also true that some of these find it impossible to demonstrate the mastery of retaining life in one body. There fore, they do reembody from time to time, while c g to abide in the nirvanic state during intervals in their long tourney toward higher mastership and the ascension. “The powers that these unascended masters demonstrate arc sometimes phenomenal, but this does not set them above those who are in the ascended state.

All should know that soul progress is the real goal, not the exhibition of power in one or more of its forms (although such powers are often evidence of soul development). Also, seekers should beware of false adepts whose control of substance is used for self-aggrandizement and destructive intent. Often these put forth an appearance of good, but in reality they are self-oriented. “It is true that by the exercise of their sovereign free will, men can elect to fulfill their evolution in any manner and by any means that they deem acceptable.

But all should be apprised that we who have overcome the world point the way to the ascended state as the highest state to which anyone can aspire.

From this state mankind do not fall back again into a form of lesser consciousness, and from this state a permanent en-trance into nirvana and even higher aspects of God conscious-ness can be developed and retained as infinite progress is made. “It is known that many of the Eastern masters do not summon enough of the Divine Will to enable them to pass all of the required initiations in order to transcend the flesh. Yet it can-not be denied that they frequently manifest high states of con-sciousness. To be associated with them as a disciple is not with-out responsibility, nor is it without limitation.

Devotees of the light who have desired a closer union with God have used various techniques through the ages. These practices have differed from East to West, but always the goal has been the same: the spiritualization of consciousness and the reunion of the soul with the Spirit.

The ego-minds-conscience, who have arrived in this fourth dimension of antimatter, wavering, gasping, fearful of the unknown, and who, upon realising the second spiritual initiation, did not succeed in uniting themselves with the spirit. their inner master, are like the avatars who are in profound meditation in the spheres of golden fire, waiting for their inner master, the divine spark, and the programmes actualised for a new reincarnation in the worlds, planets where they are to exist as avatars for the fact of having high levels of evolution, and consciousness.

Ego-minds-conscience, who unable to unite themselves on the initiation platform, irradiated by the six-angled star of golden fire, did not become conscious that the spirit their inner master are one individualised in the absolute unity, because their atoms, electrons, positrons, fluids, vibrations and sounds of conscience, offered resistance, shunning the divine union with the spirit, the inner master, for a mysterious reason.

The second initiation, important, because upon uniting themselves with the spirit, the inner master, the divine spark, they transform themselves into veritable masters, losing part of their identities of ego-minds-conscience, with divine powers, gifts, to be able to struggle, cope, on the various planes of consciousness, worlds, planets, universes.

Dark and luminous resistances of duality, and continuing with evolution, on the pilgrimage, in their physical, psychological, and mental universes, until the last reincarnation with the checkmate to divinity, and breaking the hymen of golden fire, the illusion of the circle, beyond the golden spiral of evolution, so as nor to be. Absolute, without form nor name. God.

Absolute, without form nor name, the one humanity calls God. Or however they call him, God, is not composed of adjectives, effects. And this is the fear of humanity, to be God at the end of their incarnations, losing their identities, family, fortune, heritage, beliefs, dependencies, honorary diplomas, of being great ecclesiastical authorities, kings, princes, counts, erudits, in some subject, or military field. Adjectives, effects, illusion of duality, of the third dimension of conscience, thought. Although in the ill named death, in the transition of evolution, they already lost all that is mentioned above. And only take with them virtues or defects, and imperfections, improving them to be promoted to a superior level of consciousness, or suffer the hell they created themselves on Earth. The measure that you mete, shall measured to you again ». Master Jesus the Christ.

Ego-mind who has to fuse with the spirit, the divine spark, his inner master, when he, she is prepared, so as not to feel the difference, rather that he, she, shall be the master effect and causality one, to continue lighter from the weighty burdens of the spirits of darkness, from the elementals of love, pleasure and desire. From emotions, feelings, from beliefs, fetishes, myths, legends, superstitions, created by the ego-mind, man, from the dawn of times, on the search of the absolute truth, God.

This integral fusion of the ego-mind, and spirit, will be realised as a master where the spirit and the ego-mind are one, and as master, one may, with ordinary consciousness, sublimate the elementals of love, pleasure, desires, and psychological weights, thought, necessary, that makes them exist on the pilgrimage towards divine life. In this crucial ordeal, is where many ego-minds fail, in the second initiation to fuse with the spirit, the divine spark, one’s inner master.

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