Enlightenment to “Me,” which is the flowering of the Soul or individual evolution, reaches through itself, its ultimate expansion. It merges into the apperception of that which is beyond its ultimate frontiers, the Universal I AM. Here, the individual Me transcends itself into the Supreme Dimension beyond Unity and Separation. The word, superconscious, refers to both the highest frequency that human consciousness can reach and the God-spark, or point, where human consciousness merges and communes with Cosmic Consciousness.
The awakening of the Heart is much more complex than the awakening of consciousness. The awakening of consciousness is comparatively simple. There are certain states you shift to, then you stabilise and the state is permanently there. In the case of working with the Heart there are many, many layers because evolution into the Heart doesn’t have an end. But there is something like Enlightenment of the Heart and stabilisation in the Heart. You can say, we reach the optimum of the Heart, it opens fully and this experience is stabilised. One cannot lose it, but even though one still evolves into the Heart, it is never-ending. This is not a contradiction. There is Enlightenment to the Heart, stabilisation of the Heart but the never-ending journey into the Heart continues. What you are aiming at, is to reach this optimum where the energy centralises in the Heart, where it vibrates in an optimum way and the Heart opens fully.
The awakening of the inner states is not a final goal but a foundation upon which the real goal can be attained. This goal is the complete awakening to the dimension of Me. Though it is beyond states, Me rests upon them. The Final Enlightenment transcends the Inner, as well as the outer in the pure, transparent, absolutely direct, personal and intimate apperception of what “I Am.” Enlightenment to Me is the real purpose of our evolution. We are here to discover fully and doubtlessly what Me is. Me, the experiencer and enjoyer of all states, finally must be awakened to itself. This is the highest beauty and the greatest joy; going beyond the illusion of spirituality, one at last discovers Oneself.
Ignorance is a valid dimension, for it constitutes the experience of most human beings. Ignorance is an experience of oneself in which Me is completely fragmented, unconscious and without any center or foundation. The mechanical mind totally overpowers the psyche, not allowing one to experience either the Being or the Heart. In this state, one is totally identified with psychological events, thoughts and emotions. Because there is no center, every thought and emotion creates a separate Me, an identified Me. As in a dream, one lives in a fully objectified reality or one is this objectified reality, without the existence of a subject. Me is objectified and identified with what is perceived and thought. For that reason, one experiences suffering and negativity to a much higher degree. The state of ignorance represents a very flat and narrow reality. There is no depth to it. The functions of awareness and sensitivity are very limited and unconscious in this state. In this state the Soul suffers, and at the same time is not aware of itself. The unconscious reigns. One lives in the world of ego-images; how one perceives oneself always relates to the outer. Ignorance cannot be regarded as a conscious state. It is between the conscious and the unconscious. It is vague, unclear and empty of any real substance. It is to be transcended. This is the challenge, sooner or later, of every human being.
In order to transcend the mind we must first awaken the aspect of Attention, the seed of being conscious within the mind. This attention is generated in the mind, and due to it, the unconscious, mechanical aspect of the very mind becomes transcended. The self-recognizing attention, when seen in itself as separated from the “perceived,” gives rise to the state of Presence. The purpose of the cultivation of attention is integration of and stabilization in the Presence, so that it finally becomes a constant and stable center of awareness at the background of the psychological self.
Without bringing into the state of Being and Attention the quality of deep sensitivity of the awakened Heart, one is far from experiencing the complete I Am. Although we describe the Heart as the center of feeling, at the same time it is a dimension of Being. The energetic presence of the Heart brings warmth to the coolness of awareness and being. Heart is the balance between the inner and the outer, without which one is pulled in too much, and the relationship with the outer cannot be harmonious and expansive. We are essentially feeling beings, and the intimate center of our identity as “Me” is placed in the Heart. Without the Heart we cannot experience fundamental sensitivity and inner beauty.
The “Me” that entered the spiritual path and is completing all of the inner states, is still in a mysterious way, unconscious of itself. One can be Enlightened to the I Am and to the Absolute, and still be unaware of the very Me who has reached Enlightenment. Who is the seeker? Who is the finder? It is here that a totally new understanding beyond the knowledge of traditions emerges: awakening to Me. But without the realization of the inner states, one is not capable of seeing what this Me truly is. The inner states create the perfect environment, a spotless mirror in which the Me at last can be reflected and apperceived. Without awakening to the Heart, Me cannot be seen as anything in particular. The center, the essence of Me, is in the Heart. We call it the Soul. Only in the heart can Me fully meet itself.
‘To someone practising the Way, the outside world exists but because of awakening he knows that this world is fleeting. Thus there are three worlds, the one before the one after awakening and the outside world.’ The master answered, The outside world and its manifestations is not the awakening to the essence. Once awakened, one does not respond by thinking. Due to awakening one knows that the outside world is fleeting, for when awake, the outside world no longer arises. Then, “before awakening”, “after awakening” and ., the “outside world” are just three afterthoughts.’
When a person is unable to regulate their mind or traverse the various layers of consciousness it is Transmission that prepares the way into superconsciousness—the vast expanse of the consciousness spectrum that is above the narrow sphere of consciousness. They cannot move even a millimeter in consciousness through self-effort. Transmission acts like a cane or crutch to support consciousness to expand into another dimension. It helps us transcend from one level to another level, to soar higher into superconsciousness and dive deeper, cleaning the subconscious depths of the mind. That is its primary role. We receive the essence of Transmission in the first meditation session so that the Source can work its magic. When we compare meditation without Transmission to Heartfulness Meditation with Transmission and feel the difference, we are recognizing that shift in created by Transmission.
The Soul is so deep, so beyond our human ability to conceive of, that it will take a lot more human experience of what is not true before humans can access that depth of truth that is our Soul. Soul is beyond any human interaction; it is where we are God. We are just beginning to study the superconscious mind.
Once the human body has been transformed into a conductor, then power can be transmitted to the body of another and caused to flow according to one’s own will. This ability greatly expands the range of the dynamic structure and capacity for exerting force in the human body. It also elevates the degree of independence in the active employment of power. At the same time, this is a stage in the whole process of combined refinement of consciousness and the body at which it is comparatively easy to perceive how this special capacity of consciousness is formed.
The force of consciousness can pass through and beyond the human body, and can even act and transmute in space after liberation from the limitations of the physical structure of the human body.
Based on this, it is possible for consciousness, with the cooperative action of thought or thought plus intent, to create at will a formless consciousness field that can be deliberately controlled. It is also possible to evoke a corresponding dynamic effect, which could be called a field effect.
When a human body that has been made into a conductor of power transmits (or releases) that power into a space, this power is no longer subject to the limitations of the structure of the conductor. Furthermore, in the course of a certain process it departs from the medium of a solid body and an electric body (i.e. the human body), thus coming under the direct control of conscious thought. When this power reaches open space, then it is “energy:’ It could also be called a field of consciousness and energy, which is thus a field of conscious energy, or the energy of consciousness. This can be concentrated and dispersed, and can create a formless point, line, plane, or body; it can take on any mode of movement and spatial dimension desired.
The reason that modern science finds it extremely difficult to study this phenomenon, aside from fundamental methodological problems, is that present-day techniques of brain science have not yet developed to a level where they can measure the various levels of interaction among thought, intent, consciousness, and vitality-energy-spirit. The computer is not sensitive enough for this task; the essential nature of consciousness has not been made explicit; and the essential nature of energy has not been clarified.
Mind Power—creative visualization and using the potential power of the brain to boost energy and heal. Mind Power is mind over matter, which means the mind can heal, rejuvenate, and transform every aspect of life.
The powers of the mind are yet like a vast uncharted sea.
Beyond the brain and heart, other parts of the human anatomy and physiology are vital to the proper functioning of the whole body as absorber, conductor, and emitter of energy. Every element of our being has a distinctly defined role but all have one objective: to support the proper functioning of the whole body. It is more than a coincidence that discussions related to health care, obesity, nutrition, exercise, and addiction are receiving so much attention at the national level as a matter of public policy. Sure, escalating health care costs and the need to provide more affordable, quality care options are contributing factors. But a growing number of people are aware of how healthy mind-sets and habits contribute to the quality of life. There is a wondrous intricacy and complexity to being human. We truly are designed to connect beyond ourselves. It is through the alignment of our thoughts, words, and deeds and our minds, bodies, spirits and souls that we exhibit talents and abilities to create the tools and approaches that influence and manipulate the world in which we live.