Capitalism’s “driving spirit,” as Friedrich Engels called it, adding, disparagingly, where what is sought and gained is “wealth and again wealth and once more wealth, wealth, not of society, but of the single scurvy individual”. Apparently, banks, mortgage lenders, hedge funds, and a number of other financial institutions have been engaged in various forms of fraud, bid-rigging, insider trading, and manipulation of key interest rates for personal profit for years

Capitalism’s “driving spirit,” as Friedrich Engels called it, adding, disparagingly, where what is sought and gained is “wealth and again…

The game of capitalism, hidden bonus systems, The worker is thus a pawn in the game of competition and profit maximization that the bourgeoisie inevitably must play. How can people break through the psychic barriers of false consciousness? Given their “double-blind” situation, that they are both naive players in a game without recognizing that a game is being played or what it is, how can they awaken to the evils of exploitation?

The game of capitalism, hidden bonus systems, The worker is thus a pawn in the game of competition and profit…

The dishonest selfish capitalist is morally short-sighted. Like the drunkard who sees the immediate pleasure of his habit, but not the ultimate degradation, he sees the immediate effect of a dishonest act—a larger profit—but not its ultimate outcome

The dishonest selfish capitalist is morally short-sighted. Like the drunkard who sees the immediate pleasure of his habit, but not…

The Selfish Capitalist, Turbocapitalist businesses, Economic affluenza – Is the primary purpose of doctors to maximize the long-term shareholder value of their hospital or is it to help heal people? Which doctor would you want treating you or your family—the doctor dedicated to caring for you or the doctor trying to maximize the profits of the institution he or she is working for?

The Selfish Capitalist, Turbocapitalist businesses, Economic affluenza – Is the primary purpose of doctors to maximize the long-term shareholder value…