Baptism by Fire – This baptism by fire and the Holy Spirit would purify any soul which received it, reunite it with its spirit, and end its bondage to the material world. We believe that within all of us lie DNA strands, dormant or hidden, which will be activated by divine agency as a result of our dedicated individual striving to reach a higher plane of consciousness, using the nous upon which Mary is so insistent in her gospel (‘Where the nous is, there lies the treasure.’).

Baptism by Fire – This baptism by fire and the Holy Spirit would purify any soul which received it, reunite it with its spirit, and end its bondage to the material world. We believe that within all of us lie DNA strands, dormant or hidden, which will be activated by divine agency as a result of our dedicated individual striving to reach a higher plane of consciousness, using the nous upon which Mary is so insistent in her gospel (‘Where the nous is, there lies the treasure.’).

In both Taoism and Tantra the arousal and ascent of the kundalini is of paramount concern. This is because the arousal of the kundalini loosens the connection between consciousness and matter, thereby freeing the individual to experience higher states of awareness and to integrate karmic patterns that reach far back into past lives.

Often the initial manifestation of kundalini awakening is accompanied by an experience of intense heat. This phenomenon has been called the spiritual baptism of fire.

Awakening the kundalini also produces a progressive intensification of the vibrational frequency of the centers, which in turn adds potency to the kundalini’s force.

This process liberates the karmic constraints and patterns found within the centers. Although this process usually begins within the Base center, there is no fixed sequence of events thereafter, as the kundalini awakens the centers above the Base.

Kundalini rising, by whatever name it is known, transforms the physical, mental, energetic, and spiritual systems into a newly defined human being. In common with other supersensory experiences, the breakthrough into higher states of consciousness, no matter how briefly experienced, is long lasting and life changing. The ways and means of arousing this inner fire are transmitted within the metaphysical curriculum since it is in this baptism of fire that the initiate-mind truly arises.

“More commonly known in western cultures as Holy Spirit, Kundalini is the ancient Sanskrit name for the primal life force that animates all living entities — the evolutionary force behind all living matter. It operates unconsciously until awakened through Shaktipat Initiation. Shaktipat is a Sanskrit word for the process of activating the higher Kundalini-Shakti energy, initiating the process of spiritual growth and enlightenment and advancing personal evolution dramatically.

Water represents the rising vibrations of the qualities known as emotions and desires. The energies of the astral plane are often represented by water.

When a human being experiences lower, self-centered, self-defeating emotions and desires, the astral body becomes heavy and coarse. The Divine Fire of consciousness raises its quality to the point where emotions and desires are refined.

When they become attuned sufficiently high in vibration, the action of kundalini begins in the physical and etheric forms. As it rises from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, the kundalini action of fire completes the process of refinement of the astral energies in the personality.

The act of baptism represents that point of attainment where kundalini rises to the crown chakra, the crown chakra opens, and the blessings of Spirit pour forth for the personality and all in its vicinity.

The Logos of Earth initiated the process of initiation, which represents a consciously applied method, on the part of the Logos, to speed the process of evolution of its constituent Life forms.

Through spiritual initiation, the Logos and its representatives in the Spiritual Hierarchy give energetic stimulation to those Life forms who seek Light and Love, who seek the blessings of Spirit.

The higher Life forms energize the lower. The application of these energies brings about accelerated growth. Baptism represents this process, specifically as it relates to the overflowing of the waters of Spirit, which bring a blessing to the form and to the Life dwelling within it.

This baptism by fire and the Holy Spirit would purify any soul which received it, reunite it with its spirit, and end its bondage to the material world.

A group of souls, or a lifewave, who embody as a group and have a unique archetypal pattern, divine plan, and mission to fulfill on earth. According to esoteric tradition, there are seven primary aggregations of souls, i.e., the first to the seventh root races.

Sacred Fire. God, light, life, energy, the I AM THAT I AM. “Our God is a consuming fire.” (Heb. 12:29) The sacred fire is the precipitation of the Holy Ghost for the baptism of souls, for purification, for alchemy and transmutation, and for the realization of the sacred ritual of the return to the One.

Sacred labor. That particular calling, livelihood, or profession whereby one establishes his soul’s worth both to himself and to his fellowman. One perfects his sacred labor developing his God-given talents as well as the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit and laying these upon the altar of service to humanity.

The sacred labor is not only one’s contribution to one’s community, but it is the means whereby the soul can balance the threefold flame and pass the tests of the seven rays. It is an indispensable component of the path to reunion with God through the giving of oneself in practical living for God.

We may think in terms of the kundalini serpent fire energy rising up through the base, the second, the third and the fourth chakras, but however we frame it conceptually, it is a universal process of attaining self-mastery and raising consciousness. The goal is for the higher self, located in the sixth dimension, to have complete control over the threefold personality.

We believe that within all of us lie DNA strands, dormant or hidden, which will be activated by divine agency as a result of our dedicated individual striving to reach a higher plane of consciousness, using the nous upon which Mary is so insistent in her gospel (‘Where the nous is, there lies the treasure.’).

These pioneers (ourselves in the here and now, if we will accept the challenge) will facilitate this momentous awakening so that it may be bestowed, perhaps not on every single human individual (although this assuredly will happen in time), but on all those of goodwill, all those whose hearts are open and who do not feel the need to sneer at the concept that a deeper and more beautiful reality exists beyond the realm of materialism.

Nevertheless, soul ascension is no easy matter, and there are certain tools which will help us along the way. These are magical implements that can always be relied upon and which, through our correct approach to them, become conduits for the power of the spirit.

The Agni Yoga is dedicated to this process of raising the Kundalini that from the standpoint of Christianity is called “Baptism by Fire”— it’s the rise of Kundalini, energizing of the shells of the body. Bodhisattvas remain just in such state. The Matter within their bodies occultly “rises”, “is saved”.

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