When the human mind is on fire, it becomes a powerful weapon. A time will come when the warm breath of Cosmic Awareness will exhaust the dark sea of matter. When we are free of the restrictions of matter, and in the reflective light, we are alive in a refined copy of the physical body, but much more alive, sensitive and dynamic. When we are awake in this light, we can capture the true memory of nature and our motives, desires, and impulses. Opening heart and body to the earth expands us.
When we come into this world, we tie ourselves to matter, time and space: our temporary nature. There is also another side to us, one that is permanent and made from the matter of Invisible Light. When we are free of the restrictions of matter, and in the reflective light, we are alive in a refined copy of the physical body, but much more alive, sensitive and dynamic. When we are awake in this light, we can capture the true memory of nature and our motives, desires, and impulses. Opening heart and body to the earth expands us.
“The blazing fire of sunlight”, “abundance of brilliance everywhere” – these poetic phrases convey the light of the eternal essence that Arjuna saw in the cosmic form. It is the same eternal essence that re-sides within all of us, but is covered with a layer of avidya or ignorance.
The energies of the first, the second and the third Tree are integral part of our structure. The Global Current of Creation (wherein each of us was an element as Original Human Seed), created and animated the different stages of the Mineral World, the Plant World and the Animal World. This Universal Management from which we are issued will continue through the construction of the tree of Man or tree of Fire, the Fourth Universal Journey.
To grasp fully the contents of each Journey, we should not lose sight. As soon as the Unitary Energy is differentiated, its densification begins level by level. At the time of the first Journey, the “Earth” one, the energy still descends, however it descends under its four aspects.
The four components of the Primordial Energy: Earth, Water, Air, Fire, are present during the first Journey in which only the Earth element will be awakened. The three other elements are inactive. On the second Journey, the Water one, the first element is activated, the second is awakened and the two other, always present, are still inactive. It will be like this up to the fourth Journey, which is still unfinished. We are therefore bearers of the four aspects of the Primordial Energy. The entity that each of us is today has never lived in the state of diamond, of rose, or royal eagle.
A Heart of Clay Becoming a Heart of Fire
Everything in the universe happens gradually. First, consciousness as identification conies about and form follows. Next mind and emotions evolve with their scaffolding of ideas for the building of knowledge and wisdom. Whatever the endeavor, gaining knowledge is based on binding the present with that which is believed to exist in the future. The first question one asks in this process is, “Who are we and how do we relate to the sun, the source of our system, be it humans, planets, or solar systems?” We originated from fire, heat, and light and we come from its elements: earth, water, and air. Subjectively, the sun is the sum total of heat and light. This Fire (mind) animates us and demonstrates as consciousness. The coming together of Spirit and matter, not only objectified the solar system, it also brought life and form into manifestation and provides the continuum of all human relationships.
On the lowest level, we are exact replicas in miniature of the universe including the sun. A veil of matter deeply hides everything, but the future is bright! In time and in due process, as the Wheel of Fire turns, all within that fire will correlate and assimilate the Flame of other forms, human or planetary, and all will eventually be complete in kind. We are all solar fires: a heart of clay becoming a Heart of Fire. We need to think optimistically about how we want our future to be. When we think about the future, proactively, it gives us increased power. We should see our planning as already happening and self-knowledge can contribute to that outcome.
The more we explore this Inner Light, the more we will see similar parallels with the light of physics. Physical light and Consciousness have no mass; they are not part of the material world. Physical light seems to be necessary to the universe. The light of Consciousness is likewise necessary; without it, we would not be able to experience. The reality of the mind and the reality of the physical world share the same common pathways of the Light of the One Totality. When we return to the quietness of our Being, we are submitting to our future that has always been.
When we gain knowledge of the substance from which we surfaced, we can move into the true nature of our relations with fire/electricity. We then comprehend its quantity/quality and utilize it beyond present commercial uses. When we have discovered how to contact and use positive solar electricity in combination with our planetary electricity, human and earthly, we shall then see very benign conditions unfold in that ideal environment for happiness.
An individual optimistic view must be adapted in human for the preventative measures against poverty to take hold. A vibrant citizenry motivated by genuine politics of betterment will lead in finding the practical solutions toward overcoming poverty at all levels of the social stratum. The mind must rise above the concept of failure. Poverty is mirroring our collective social psychosis of wealth. Poverty and wealth both show a dislike for balance in the mutual interplay of the human magnetic field. This magnetic field bridges the underlying fields of the polarity poles of electricity, both large and small.
Idealistic minds and skilled scientists have said much about life, but with little purpose other than life being an education of the senses. Science has done little to lift the veil over the First Light of the Cosmos and the mysterious beginnings of life on earth. The more we try to penetrate through its vast levels, the more intense is the learning. Perhaps, somewhere along the way we will find that its mysterious ways lie in our own garden. Every molecule of the living body contains the germ of mortality in itself. It begins fading as soon as it is born so that its successor-molecule can pass on in its turn. Every part of the living being has some specific function in life and is a combination of such molecules. Through education, we transform the natural forces of life into feelings, will, thought, and conscious growth. Life and learning are everywhere and yet they are not permanent. We live and educate ourselves for decades only to find we have slept half of them away in the busyness of learning. However, life as an education becomes beneficial when we sense that space, time, cause and effects are but what we perceive within ourselves.
Because of our lack of transparency with the natural order of life, we tend to develop behavioral traits that are contrary to its order. As a spark of this order we are producing, evolving, and embodying the Cosmic Principle through the methods of attraction/repulsion and cyclic progress. When active intelligence utilizes the qualities of compassion and wisdom, eventually we will develop full self-consciousness that meets the needs of the indwelling thinker. In our struggles for strength and courage, in our laws to follow and faults to avoid, we will each forge the templates to bring out the best in us.
Whatever we do, say, or think in the physical world also penetrates the invisible world, or parallel universe. That universe becomes real only when consciousness anchors itself within that dimension. Once consciousness is within that dimension, its laws animate and govern, and the thinker awakens, either permanently or as a visitor.
When we come into this world, we tie ourselves to matter, time and space: our temporary nature. There is also another side to us, one that is permanent and made from the matter of Invisible Light. The life that flows into all forms (mineral, plant, animal, human) is an invisible substance that pervades space and serves as a medium for the transmission of light and other forms of radiant energy of the higher regions beyond the earth.
This invisible energy shapes consciousness so it can permeate the higher (mind), middle (heart) and lower (body) level of human existence in order for a relationship between oneself and one’s environment to take shape. Every person operates from one or a combination of these three parts of the self. Our behavior determines the nature by which we live life. By will we can ascend toward the higher or we can descend to the lower regions of action.
When we are just witnesses, we are alert and observe what is happening inside or outside of ourselves. As a result, there is no judgment and no attachment as to how one should be in the world. Our awareness then becomes a reference point of pure insight and not an action state. When we become overly attached to the action state, we fall into the lower self and become earth bound. When we are earth bound there are limitations to this invisible substance. However, when we are in the higher regions of the mind, these restrictions are no longer there and a commonality occurs between the heart and mind with each assisting the other in universal truth and equality.
In this higher state, the will of mind, powerful and rational, is now void of restrictions of matter and space. When consciousness and rationality are free from the web of another’s creation, the higher and middle parts can instantaneously create real places of refuge, real mountains and oceans, all front this Invisible substance.
Opening heart and body to the earth expands us.
The third element is Fire. The source of Fire and light in the solar system is the sun. In the human body, the source of Fire is the metabolism. Fire works in the digestive system. In the gray matter of the brain cells, Fire manifests as intelligence. Fire also activates the retina which perceives light. Thus, body temperature, diges-tion, the thinking processes and vision are all functions of bodily Fire. All metabolism and enzyme systems are controlled by this element.
Individual corporeality, the sense of one’s own body, gets transformed into the universal body which holds the potential forms of all things but in terms of their true nature. All of this connotes the potentiality of the Great Void.
In the heart flame healing system
Heart consciousness, to identify it with the Earth, is our shamanic intelligence. We have not yet begun to know who we are or what is avail-able to us. The biggest mistake of the eleven seconds we have been on Earth may have been to take ourselves as minds and bodies, directed only outwards. The psyche has its own deep mystery, wisdom and knowledge. We tune out its knowledge because we believe we cannot have it. How great is the power of our ideas to keep reality out.
As Heraclitus, a pre-Socratic philosopher put it: “You could not find out the boundaries of soul by traveling in every direction, so deep a measure does it have.” Earth is waking us up to the truth about our-selves. We are all, everything here, projections of God. There are no atoms in the void, but we are, very deeply, all connected with our source and with each other. All consciousnesses are interconnected.
Christ as a Wisdom teacher of the path of transformational love. Through his life and death, he made changes to and advanced the morphic field of all humanity, which enables us to truly follow that path. The journey is back to the heart of God, the divine compassionate consciousness from which we have come, and in whom we exist. That journey is helped by the practice of meditation and contemplative prayer as a means to attain unitive consciousness, a state of oneness with the divine, the “Sacred Unity.”
The Holy Vedas declares that within each of us resides the Atma—the divine spark of God that dwells deep in the heart.
God says: “Between you and Me, there are sev-enty thousand veils; but between Me and you, there are no veils.” Our work is to remove the veils. “Marry your soul,” says Rumi, “that wedding is the Way.” This is the work of aligning our person-ality to our higher self. When we accept our longings and bewilder-ment with compassion, deeper truths emerge organically and our divine identity asserts itself. Once the work of transforming the little self is under way, a cry from within bubbles up to the surface of our consciousness: “O my Sustainer! Open up my heart to Thy Light!” . We become aware at an experiential level that Divine Heart is in human heart.
And how do we open the window of our heart? There is the invaluable work of purifying our being and also the discipline of meditation and silence. These two practices bring us closer to the Divine Heart. But the essential work is to embrace not only the ten thousand joys of life but also its ten thousand sorrows. When we avoid or deny them, we are creating stone walls around our hearts and closing ourselves off from Divine Heart.
Our true names are not just our personalities, formed by our conditioned reactions to life circumstances, but also the gift of the Divine Breath bestowed on each of us. We need to make a distinction between behavior and being, between form and essence.
It is through man that God evolves himself and the universe, for man is the focus for the cre-ative evolution of God’s energy:” Whether or not Bergson and other philosophers of our time acknowledge the source of creativity and energy as God, they have glimpsed the process upon which hinges the function of consciousness. Bergson distinguishes between the consciousness of an animal and the consciousness of man.
He says: “In the animal, invention is never anything but a variation on the theme of routine. Shut up in the habits of the species, it succeeds, no doubt, in enlarging them by its individual initiative; but it escapes automatism only for an in-stant, for just the time to create a new automatism. The gates of its prison close as soon as they are opened; by pulling at its chain it succeeds only in stretching it.
With man, consciousness breaks the chain. In man, and in man alone, it sets itself free.”fl Since we know that animals are incomplete or limited expressions of the Word, having neither free will nor conscience, but only a group soul or awareness, we can agree with Bergson’s observations. Further on he says that “the movement of the stream is distinct from the riverbed, although it must adopt its winding course.
Consciousness is distinct from the organism it animates, although it must undergo its vicissitudes.'” For the student of Ascended Master Law, this statement is found to be startlingly accurate in the light of the knowledge of the Christ and the influence of the Word that affects all creation without being tied to the creation.
Nevertheless, the Word is molded by the cup of consciousness into which it is placed. “The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.'” Bergson says that by no means is the brain indispensable to consciousness; and as proof of his theory, he cites the fact That “the lower we go in the animal series, the more the nervous centres are simplified and separate from one another, and [that) at last they disappear altogether, merged in the general mass of an organism with hardly any differentiation.
If, then, at the top of the scale of living beings, consciousness is attached to very complicated nervous centres, must we not suppose that it accompanies the nervous system down its whole descent, and that when at last the nerve stuff is merged in the yet undifferentiated living matter, consciousness is still there, diffused, confused, but not reduced to nothing? Theoretically, then, everything living might be conscious. In principle, consciousness is co-extensive with life.
Our hearts have unlimited power also. It is very important to understand this, but of course we realize that the frequency of God’s heart and the frequencies of our hearts are very different. To transform the frequencies of our hearts to the frequency of God’s heart takes great time and effort. The true secret is that it takes time to transform the frequencies of our hearts to the frequency of God’s heart. The easiest way for you to do this is to consciously reach up to the soul. It is the soul level that will open the heart fully, for when you exist fully as your soul your heart will be completely open, your experience will be unbounded expansiveness. Tavistock Institute. Part 41
A Divine Soul Song is a divine mantra. It carries divine power for healing and transformation of every aspect of life.
The first line of this Divine Soul Song, God gives his heart to me, means God offers his love, forgiveness, compassion, and light from his heart to our hearts and to every aspect of our lives. God is an unconditional servant.
The second line, God gives his love to me, means God gives his love to every aspect of our lives to transform them. God’s love can heal, prevent sickness, rejuvenate, prolong life, and transform relationships, finances, and anything.
The third line, My heart melds with his heart, means God and I are one. God and you are one. Heart touches heart. Heart melds with heart. God’s heart has unlimited power.
Our hearts have unlimited power also. It is very important to understand this, but of course we realize that the frequency of God’s heart and the frequencies of our hearts are very different. To transform the frequencies of our hearts to the frequency of God’s heart takes great time and effort. Singing or chanting the words to this Divine Soul Song is one of the best ways to transform the frequencies of our hearts. Every human being has a different spiritual standing. Every human being’s heart has a different frequency. In order to transform our heart frequency to the frequency of God’s heart, it takes different amounts of time and effort for different individuals, but in theory and in practice, we can transform our heart frequency to God’s heart frequency.
The true secret is that it takes time to transform the frequencies of our hearts to the frequency of God’s heart. The fourth and final line, My love melds with his love, means God’s love power can become our love power. My heart and God’s heart are one. Your heart and God’s heart are one. My love and God’s love are one. Your love and God’s love are one. But we must realize that the purity of our hearts is far from the purity of God’s heart. The unconditional service—which includes unconditional love, forgiveness, peace, healing, blessing, harmony, and enlightenment—in our hearts is far from the unconditional service in God’s heart. To attain the power of divine love, it again takes time to purify our hearts and to truly become a total GOLD unconditional universal servant. Soul touches soul. Our souls are touched by God’s soul. Soul melds with soul. Our souls meld with God’s soul. This is the ultimate goal and destiny of our spiritual journeys.
A great deal of this ability to open the heart lies in the ability to make a full and conscious connection with the soul, for, as you will understand, at a soul level all is love. There is nothing else that is more important in the frequencies of light than the concept of frequency and the vibration of love, for in the living light which is the substance and body of the divine creator this frequency of love is the most preponderant. You could say it is the one which contains many other frequencies, and because of this it is one of the dominant frequencies of the universe, for there are many sub-frequencies which lie within it.
This is the key frequency of love. It contains many of her frequencies, and when it manifests upon the earth plane it manifests in many forms. But in these forms there are always commonalities, and these commonalities will tell you that it is compassion that is present. There will never be a mistaking of compassion, for it is such a strong and dominant vibrational frequency. Connecting into the frequencies of compassion and opening the heart to the extent that you wish to do can be achieved upon the earth plane.
The easiest way for you to do this is to consciously reach up to the soul. It is the soul level that will open the heart fully, for when you exist fully as your soul your heart will be completely open, your experience will be unbounded expansiveness, an understanding of the true, unbounded and limitless abundance of all that there is. And this abundance especially concerns the frequencies of love, for there is no limit to love — it is all about you. By tuning into this abundance of frequencies, this abundance of love, of course you will tune into an abundance of all else your heart desires.
But the interesting paradox of human growth is that when humans open to true compassion they are no longer interested in all the abundance of manifestation in quite the same way. They find the simple sight of a butterfly, the ripple of water, the rising of the sun, to be more exquisite than any beautiful antique or lovely painting.
Although these two will still be appreciated as the beautiful products of skilled hands, yet it is the natural and divine-sourced manifestations which will give the most pleasure. And there will not be much pleasure in watching the accumulation of the money within the bank account, for this trivial manifestation is not one that introduces much joy. It may bring happiness, but this is a different frequency. But it is not an untrammelled frequency of joy, which is part of the compassion range.
The Earth transforms back to its original state of divinity and paradise and your heaven of dreams becomes real once again. All hopeful souls living and breathing collectively to the finer combustion of dreams come true. Restoration is natural; all creations are thriving and ecstatic when in the field of pure light consciousness. Nature returns to your hearts and you all become one in the sea of loving particle matter in the chi of life. Our hearts expand into the universal field of limitless potentiality and we find our piece of heaven on Earth. You embrace each experience with open arms and graciously accept the gift from the lessons of the heart. Our collective consciousness propels us into eternity, as we find our place closest to the heart of the kingdom of love. Our vibration exceeds the gravitational oscillations and this frequency becomes foreign in our universal soul. Our higher self consciousness knows of returning to the gates of love and actively participates in the loving arena of dreams come true.
The new consciousness of love for your millennium is for every earthbound soul to walk their journey as their higher self of wisdom and joy, to see only beauty and promote peace. Let’s hook up and come fully into the realization that separation is out of date and embracing one another as we always have, is truly how we return to the kingdom of love.
The universal problem on planet Earth is the division of frequencies of love. The ruling and dominating frequency on planet Earth today is ego-based frequency. This has been controlling and prevent mankind spiritual progress for eons of time, and generation after generation, and for thousends of years. The One who is control of planet Earth is the Reptilians and they promotes fear as their source of control. In other words they create and world, reality, culture and environment based on inducing fear.
Become fearless means to understand the humans original state is eternal. Its has never been born or never dies, because the eternal is always eternal. Something that knows is eternal divine being never needs to fear nothing or anything. This gives power to the journey towards Divine Consciousness. This strenghten braveness to overcome this dominating fear frequency and replaces it with high vibrational frequency of love.
The presence of the Goddess links us to the Heart and The Power of Love. The presence of God links us to the Mind and to The Power of Knowledge. The Power and Frequency of Love is the Universal Language of Sound linking the Heart and Mind and all of creation in perfect vibrational resonance with each other. The Power and Frequency of Love, once activated, has the power to connect us to an experience of essence that dissolves all fears and territorial boundaries and makes possible our unity with One Universal Consciousness. In that oneness of being, love prevails, and no one can ever threaten each other again.”
Without prior knowledge, People might have been inclined to reject the new information he was presenting without considering any of it. Instead, people allowed their mind to open and expand to embrace new ideas, allowing a fresh perspective to fill their reality and world with greater meaning.
To get there One must walk through the Water Consciounsess and Fire Consciounsess
Through Water and Fire
The journey from eternity to eternity is a journey through water and fire. As we look from the center, we can look back to the water, or the flood, or the sinking of Lemuria, and Atlantis. Thus, there are many vague memories of a flood in the so called past. As we look to the so-called future, we an see the fire at the end of the beginning.
Thus, we must look both to the past and to the future at the same time in order to see what the journey through the water and the fire is. We have water on one side and fire on the other. Thus, the so-called lake of fire at the end of so-called time is not something to be ignored as the figment of someone’s imagination, nor is the water at the so-called beginning of time the figment of someone’s imagination.
Of course. both the water and the fire are of the imagination, but as we know, the imagination is as real as anything else. Thus, we are concerned with actual water and fire. The lake of fire is as real as anything is supposed to be, and it is not something that we should seek to escape. for we need to go through it in order to learn the lesson of fire and water. Thus, the place of safety is realized by going through the fire, and overcoming it. Thus, when one survives the water test, one has yet to survive the fire test. Thus, the Solar Travelers go through the lake of fire, for they are ready to create a new solar system.
Thus, the Solar Travelers reconcile fire with water. The Solar Travelers bring the water and fire together as one, yet not one. This is how the sun is cooled off, or how the creation is performed. We have a vague memory, and a record of how the creation took place in the so-called past, but now we can look forward to the new creation instead of looking back to the old one. The same creation is about to be performed again. Some wonder how, and some wonder when, and some wonder where, but the Solar Travel. as do not concerns themselves about these things, for they are there when the creation takes place. They are the creators of it. and are aware of the creation taking place.
Those who do not pass the water and fire test will not know when the creation takes place, for they will be taken out of creation while it takes place, and then put back into it after it is over, but they will not know how they got there, and the creation will again be a mystery to them until they pass the water and fire test.
Thus, the Solar Travelers bring the creation to the present, or the center where the whole play can be seen at the same time. Thus, the so-called beginning and the so-called end of creation are seen at the same time. Thus, the water that cools the fire is not in the so-called past, and the fire is not in the so-called future.
The water and the fire meet at the same time and become one, yet not one. Thus, fire and water become aware that they are the same thing. Thus, when the water and the fire meet, they become one. and then split. Thus, this brings forth the new creation. When the fire and water meet, creation ends. or is burned up. yet comes forth as a new creation. This is the point that creation an rest, for creator and creation have become onc, yet not one.
The creator is not separated from Its creation, nor is It just one with it. The creator and the creation both become aware that they arc one, yet not one. They are neither male, nor female, and birth and death is at rat. Thus, the creator first gave birth to every living creature. and then It gave birth to Itself. Thus, the creator is the creator of all things, yet the creator of one thing. Thus, the creator goes through the complete cycle of creation before It becomes aware that It has been crating Itself. Thus, each creation will eventually give birth to itself, or will go on creating until it does become aware of itself. Thus, the creator will create everything that can be imagined, and eventually it will get back to itself, and give birth to Itself.
It will then be neither male, nor female, but both in one that it is neither one, nor the other. Thus, the creator learns the lesson of creation, and can rest from Its labors. Thus, one learns to create without creating. for creation is seen for what it is. Creation is an illusion, yea reality.
Thus, when one gives birth to oneself and become the solar body or soul body, one can create something without creating it. Thus ones creations need not interfere with the creations of another. Thus, one an Mite, and then do away with the creation without it affecting another. Thus, the solar body an materialize something. and then dematerialize it. Thus, one eventually learns that creation is creation, yet not creation. It isn’t an easy lesson to learn. Thus, the journey through the water and the fire is the journey from creation to creation, or from eternity to eternity. Thus, the end time events are concerned with the so-called fire test.
Fire is not what it appears to be. nor is water, but we must learn the nature of them. We must face fire as we would death, or anything else. We know that death is not death, and birth is not birth, for they are one, yet not one. Thus, water is nor water, and fire is not fire, for they are one, yet not one. Thus, we must go beyond the illusion of things, and reconcile illusion, with reality.
When the Solar Traveler realizes that fire is an illusion, it can form a body that will undergo fire, or a body that is one with fire, yet not one with it. The solar body is one with fire. yet not one with it. The solar body is fire, yet not fire at the same time. It is water, yet not water at the same time. It is solid, yet not solid at the same time. It is infinite, yet finite at the same time. Thus, fire doesn’t burn the solar body, for the solar body is fire.
The sun doesn’t burn itself, for it is the sun, yet not the sun at the same rime. Thus, fire can be overcome, and the solar body has already overcome it. Thus, the fire test is being presented to the entire universe. It is not just a test that someone gives you, for the test is in accord with the nature of things. The tat coma at the end of a so-called cycle. The lake of fire is a tat, and you are not forced to take the test, for you are the one giving the test.
Another can pass the test, and be an example to you, but if you do not follow the example, and do it yourself, it won’t get done. The Solar Travelers can bear the wrath of God for you if that is what you want, and they will, for they always do, but your salvation comes by bearing the wrath of God with them.
One dies for all, yet all must die for one. One can lead the way, yet each must lead its own way. Thus, we can bear the wrath of God together, yet not together. Thus, we can act as one, yet not one. Thus, to bear the wrath of God for another is to save oneself. Thus, you are not asked to give your life for another, for you must choose this for yourself. If you give your life for something that you didn’t actually do, you will be saved from the destruction, for you will reconcile fire with water. But if you do not choose to give your life for something that you didn’t actually do, you will die anyway without knowing why.
Thus, to escape the wrath of God, one must bear it. When one bears the wrath of God, one reconciles the God of love with the God of wrath, and bears the wrath and love of God at the same time. Thus, wrath is canceled out, and love is canceled out, and the solar one is born, yet not born. Thus, the lake of fire is there, but it is not what it appears to be. We see that all things end with the lake of fire, begin with the new heaven and earth. Thus, we go from the water to the fire, yet we never left it. We started at the center when we started our journey.
We started out as an unmanifested star, or sun, and. we end as the manifested sun. Thus, we never went anywhere. We are always on the sun. The Solar Travelers never move anywhere. They are always right where they are, and that is everywhere, yet nowhere at the same time. Thus, the Solar Travelers do not need to seek shelter. They remain at the center of the sun through the water and the fire. There is nowhere for anyone to go to escape the so-called lake of fire, and the Solar Travelers know this, and go right through the fire.
Thus, we find that all things come back to the so-called center. The water on one side, and the fire on the other side are but two sides of the same thing. The water and the fire meet. Thus, all things meet at the center. Now we can see the nature of the one cosmic war chat rakes pace at the so-called and of time. We can see how the so-ailed battle of Armageddon will be fought, and why it is fought at the so-called center of the earth.
We can see how that they come from the four corners of the each to do battle, and why it is the battle that ends all battles. We can see that this battle is neither in the past, nor the future, nor the present, but in all these places at the same time. This battle takes in all from eternity to eternity. for it is the reconciliation of all things into one, yet not one. Thus, we find that we are always on the battle ground, for we never leave the center, except as projections of ourselves.
The only nape is the sun, or the center, and that is the lake of fire, but only the Solar Travelers know this. No matter where one goes, one is still at the center, for the center is every-where. This is why there is a cosmic battle being fought. The four corners of the universe appear to be opposed to one another. Thus, the four corners of the earth come to the center for battle. Thus, we can sec the nature of the four angels of the four corners that are ready for battle. We can see how this is the battle to end all battles. None an oppose the four angels, and this proves itself when it is tried.