The world is now familiar with yoga and its efficacy. The time is ripe for Kundalini Yoga to come out from under the veil of secrecy because the collective consciousness of humankind warrants moving into higher states of evolution. The kundalini being the nuclear energy of the psycho physical system, when awakened stimulates the physical, vital, mental and spiritual senses of the human body.

The world is now familiar with yoga and its efficacy. The time is ripe for Kundalini Yoga to come out from under the veil of secrecy because the collective consciousness of humankind warrants moving into higher states of evolution.

‘Kundalini’. ‘Kundala’ is the feminine form of the Sanskrit word coiled. It is also a conjunction of ‘kund’ and ‘alini’. ‘Kund’ means a deep pit, ‘alini’ means coiled. Kundalini is the word used to describe the immense energy which is coiled like a snake at the base of the spine. There it rests for most of us, holding within itself the vast potential of dynamic energy. It is something like the atomic energy that is contained within every atom until brought forth via atomic fusion or fission. All matter is condensation of energy. Matter must undergo fission or fusion to be converted back into energy. Kundalini Yoga is something like the atomic release of energy when the brain and nervous system is subject to the Kundalini awakening.

The practice of Kundalini Yoga aims to awaken this latent energy from the base of the spine and make it travel upwards, along the spinal cord, awakening the various psychic points (Chakras) in the spine to culminate at the final psychic centre at the crown of the head, the Sahasrara Chakra.

As you scale each Chakra with unstinted daily practise of Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Kriya, your entire being gradually transforms into a transmitter-cum-receptor which starts resonating with different levels of cosmic vibrations. As each Chakra is awakened, you connect with the cosmic plane (or Loka) connected with that Chakra. When all Chakras are awakened, you resonate with the universal cosmic energy and consciousness.

Just as your TV, radio, mobiles and other electronic devices detect frequencies and reproduce sound and images from afar instantly, you too start detecting vibrations and see profound visions from beyond this world. This encourages further development of your receptor, the nervous system, and you get linked to the workings of nature and the universe. The ultimate knowledge of mystery of the universe unfolds before you. You may still go around following your daily routine but a part of you is now in communion with the ultimate source of energy and consciousness, call it what you like.

It may be asked why have we introduced the subject of nuclear energy by Fission and Fusion in the midst of a discussion on the awakening of Kundalini. We have done this because the awakening of Kundalini also implies release of energy, of biological energy, which is only another form of that Cosmic Energy of which nuclear energy is also one of the manifestations. We have seen that the traditional way of releasing the energy stored in Kundalini is forcible and violent. We have also noted that there are dangers and hazards involved in this forcible awakening of Kundalini. We turned our enquiry to the question as to whether there can be another way of awakening Kundalini, a way that is simple and spontaneous. The forcible and violent method of arousing Kundalini is akin to the Fission method of releasing nuclear energy. The friction that is generated by the Prāna and Apāna Vayus is akin to the bombardment of an atom by neutrons as seen in the manufacture of the atom bomb. Just as there is the method of Fusion applied in the release of the thermo- nuclear energy there may also be the Fusion-way of awakening Kundalini. If so, the energy released will be very great, and it will come about by the fusing of elements, and not by the process of splitting as is the case in the chain reaction of the atom bomb. We are told that in the Fusion method two elements are induced to come together by the application of a great intensity of heat. It would be fruitful to probe this question whether there could be a fusion-way of awakening Kundalini as against the Fission- way which is employed in the traditional practices, the nature of which we have already discussed. It is obvious that the Fusion way would be gentle, and not violent as one finds in the forcible awakening of Kundalini.

The kingdom of God literally lies within the crown chakra at the brain center. It connects directly to your oversoul, where the massive, expansive version of your soul exists in its grand size. Remember that you are only projecting an exceedingly small part of your soul into your body, like a fishing line that has been cast out from your soul in through your crown chakra and all the way down your spinal column to the root chakra and beyond into the earth. There are twelve spiritual centers in the brain that relate to the twelve chakras in the total chakra system. These twelve chakras also correspond to the twelve major pairs of the cranial nerves that pass under the surface of the brain. This parallels the twelve signs of the zodiac around the sun, the twelve knights of the round table in search of the Holy Grail, the twelve disciples of Jesus, and the twelve tribes of Israel. We are wired to our biological history.

Your brain components, such as the cerebrum in the cerebellum, are the machine muscles that the soul uses. The cerebrum, which is in your skull cap, uses the pineal gland to radiate masculine energy. Conversely, your cerebellum at the base of your brain operates your female pituitary gland. The pineal male gland governs the creation of the outer world, and the female pituitary gland governs the inner world. Many ancient stories from cultures around the world reflect this story of male and female connection to spark the divine creation or illumination. This is what happens in your head when you have burned away and cleaned all your chakras to let the kundalini energy hit the brain to illuminate this divine union.

The goal of the mystical traveler is to pull the coil up as a ribbon of light to illuminate and light up the chakras, while cleaning the contracts out in each chakra center. Kundalini is the super transformer of all creative life force, and its power is truly atomic.

This is the same atomic force that created the big bang from God’s mind. The earth releases this prana kundalini force up into the soles of your feet from deep inside the earth’s core and moves up your body as a ball of kundalini cosmic fire. It then stimulates your reproductive organs to generate life force. Your goal is to rise the kundalini prana from the core of the earth up past your reproductive organs to hit the heart chakra first. This is the first place that massive transformation will occur, when your heart chakra gets pinged with this radiant atomic force. Once the kundalini rises up to the sixth (third eye) chakra, it awakens the superpower of our brain.

The process of Kundalini transformation can be gradual, or it can be instantaneous. We can become embodiments of the Son of God in a matter of years or literally overnight. Much depends on how much spiritual work we have done on ourselves leading up to Kundalini awakening. But once set in motion, the Kundalini will eventually transform us into reflections of the Son. It begins by moving through our lower “chakras” or power centers situated along the spine. As it purifies and fully opens these centers we acquire the supernatural powers intrinsic to the forever-young boy, that of creation, preservation and destruction of physical matter. At this stage of our development we will learn how to use the life force to create whatever we want in our environment. Then, when the Kundalini continues its ascent and reaches the third eye, the seat of the Divine Mind in the human body, we will acquire the divine wisdom of the Son of God. Knowledge of the past and future will naturally emerge within us. Finally, once the Kundalini has completed its ascent to the Sahasrar Chakra at the crown of the head, our consciousness will be reabsorbed into the transcendental abyss of Shiva, the pure consciousness it emanated from at the beginning of time. If we then decide to return to Earth-plane consciousness in order to help uplift other seekers of wisdom, we will find that our sense of separateness and our consciousness of duality has been dissolved and replaced by the eternal vision of our selves and our world. Not only will we know ourselves as the infinite God, we will also recognize that we have created the universe and are lords over everything within it. The goal of evolution will thus have been achieved, and we will have finally realized the knowledge we took human embodiment to acquire.

Opening Our Hearts

Synchronous with the union of the inner polarity and the ascension of Kundalini is the complete opening of the human heart. The heart is the seat of the polarity within the human body; when the male and female principles unite internally, it soon opens wide. This event is essential to not only our personal evolution, but to the planet as a whole. Only after a collective heart awakening occurs on Earth can the Age of the Son truly commence.

When the mind rises upward by the power of Kunḍalinī and reaches the seventh Cakra, it merges with Brahma in the eighth plane.

the nature of Kundalini gives liberation
It is the pathway to supernatural power and godhood

Many so-called authorities of yoga rate kundalini fire as the highest possible manifestation of the spirit; it is nothing of the sort. Kundalini, a negatively charged energy, is aroused by the influx of the positively charged energy, we call Electric Fire, which is found in the central spiritual sun. When Electric Fire (Fohat) pours through Sahasrara, the crown chakra, kundalini hears the call of her mate and rises from her cave in the base of the spine to meet Him. In the same way, it can be truthfully said that the release of the energy of nuclear fission represents arousal of planetary kundalini. For the first time in the history of the planet, its kundalini is being released consciously and under the control of a higher centre. That higher chakra or force centre in the planet, which we call the human kingdom, is stimulating that centre at the base of the spine of the Planetary Logos (the mineral kingdom) in the production of atomic energy. As a result, we have the flow of planetary kundalini to higher force centres or chakras, which is Yoga on a planetary scale.

The Fire of kundalini, (the inner fire of matter), is aroused as a final step in man’s spiritual development. There is much misapprehension about the raising of kundalini, but let us assure you, it is most difficult to raise. Only when it progresses geometrically up all three spinal tracts, ida, pingala, and sushumna, with simultaneous action and uniform vibration, is true kundalini fire aroused, and it can only be done by the Higher Self. Then, when all three fires merge and blend in man’s highest chakras, will he emerge as a perfected Being, and the powers latent within him will be full expressed. In this way, man is slowly changed by solar fire through the long process of earthly evolution and persistent rebirth. But man can be changed rapidly by the Divine Alchemy of meditation, a process whereby Solar Fire is consciously brought to bear on the personality and on the mental, emotional, and physical bodies of which it is composed. Man is prepared for entry into the Fifth Kingdom and moves from mortality to immortality, from transience to permanence.

Tantric yogis believe that it is the nuclear energy of the human psychophysical system

The nuclear energy contained within a single atom is considered to be a source of great power. Tantric yogis firmly believe that the energy or the nuclear energy existing in the human psycho physical is actually comparable to that of atomic nuclear energy. As atomic energy is released through the bombardment of the atomic nucleus or the core with high voltage alpha particles similarly, the high pressure of the concentrated biological psychic energy if mobilized by methods like mental focusing can unleash the immense power of the psycho nuclear energy of man.

Some believe that the primal energy or the kundalini is controlled by the right vagous nerve that controls the nerve phlex of the autonomic nervous system or the ANS. Therefore through mediation when the vital centre in the medulla oblongata is stimulated the functions of vital organs like the lung, heart and larynx are slightly inhibited while the functions of other organs like the stomach, intestine and digestive glands are increased.

The kundalini being the nuclear energy of the psycho physical system, when awakened stimulates the physical, vital, mental and spiritual senses of the human body. Some people call it the bio nuclear, others refer to it as the psycho nuclear energy, but it really encompasses all categories and attempts to name or classify it, for it is the most powerful nuclear energy governing man’s existence.

The potential energy of kundalini is also like a nuclear reaction; bombardment of the atomic nucleus with high energy particles destabilizes the atom and leads to a release of tremendous energy. This is the same as mystical and psychotic experiences, potent, and potentially dangerous. Some symptoms of the kundalini experience are intense heat, light, sound, taste, smell; divine touch, splitting headaches, out of body experiences, and psychotic episodes. Care and accuracy are necessary to avoid harsh and intense experiences. We are different as a result of the awakening.

Kundalini is a conscious and intelligent force. It is more than power or cosmic capacity. It is both physical and spiritual energy. The experience itself is physical. The energy itself is spiritual. Mastery of this inner fire is the yoga practice of awakening kundalini. This is one energy with many names and forms. Each time the energy takes on a new form, we give it a new name. Shakti becomes kundalini shakti, or simply kundalini. Kundalini is

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