The sword (Excalibur) indeed is the sword of spirit. Only the One who will take this sword out of the stone will be worthy to be the King. It is offered to all who would like to take up the challenge. But only the One who can take the sword out of the stone is the Anointed One. The sword is the symbol of the raised kundalini. The sword Excalibur is the threefold flame of the individual. The caliber of the sword is the x factor. According to the individual’s initiation and his attainment, so is the power of his sword. Jesus has spoken of the sword and its meaning:

The sword (Excalibur) indeed is the sword of spirit. Only the One who will take this sword out of the stone will be worthy to be the King. It is offered to all who would like to take up the challenge. But only the One who can take the sword out of the stone is the Anointed One. The sword is the symbol of the raised kundalini. The sword Excalibur is the threefold flame of the individual. The caliber of the sword is the x factor. According to the individual’s initiation and his attainment, so is the power of his sword. Jesus has spoken of the sword and its meaning:

As the Kundalini ascended up the spine to the top of a Knight’s head, a Templar would gradually become full of the Holy Spirit while being transformed into a Human Holy Grail. The ancient “Serpent on the Tree,” the first teacher of Gnostic wisdom, would then enter the Holy of Holies, the skull of the Knight, and activate the Ajna Chakra or Third Eye of intuition, along with the remaining two- thirds of his brain power, to bring forth the timeless Gnostic revelation of “Be still and know that I AM GOD.”

After the Kundalini serpent had completed its ascension to the top of the “tree,” the Templar Knight would be full of its Holy Spirit power and a true Human Holy Grail. Then, with his abundant Serpent Power a Templar Knight could heal himself and others, and he could also transmit some of his own power into a new Knight through the vehicle of touch and/or the Templar Kiss, thus initiating a brother’s process of alchemical development. A Templar full of the power  could also use his Kundalini energy to injure and destroy an enemy.

The Sufis were also known to have transferred Baraka, a Middle Eastern name for Kundalini, through the intermediary of a “Grail” vehicle, such as sacramental water or a piece of blessed bread. After their adoption by the Knights Templar, the Sufi practices of Kundalini transmission may have evolved into the infamous “Templar Kiss,” which according to the Knights’ own testimonies occurred between an incoming Knight and a high ranking Knight priest.

The kisses, which were planted by the elder Templar on the new Knight’s mouth, navel and base of the spine, may have been administered specifically to activate Kundalini, since most of these parts of the body are known by the Hindu and Buddhist mystics to be seats of the power. The most valuable transmission of Kundalini could have been induced through the Templar kiss on the mouth, however, which ostensibly involved blowing into the new initiate’s mouth the breath of life, which had previously become saturated with the elder Knight’s own Holy Spirit or Kundalini.

The Key to the Great Secret. King Arthur was a hero the same as Jesus. Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table were just different facets of his own personality, the same as the Apostles were for Jesus. Lancelot was Arthur’s soul, Guinevere his spirit. Arthur, the purified ego, realized he had to die so they could live, united together as one. The sword in the stone is a direct reference to the secret spiritual process, you must pull the sword from your own stone to start the process.

Excalibur is the name of a sword that was magically embedded in a stone. Only the “true king” could pull it free. Although many tried, only King Arthur was able to pull the sword from the stone.

In the legends of King Arthur , whoever could remove the sword Excalibur from the stone where it had been placed would inherit the kingdom .

The sword which is used in the medical logo has the same symbolic meaning as the sword Excalibur Excalibur – mentioned in the story of King Arthur. The sword of King David is shown to be inserted inside a stone.

The sword (Excalibur) indeed is the sword of spirit. Only the One who will take this sword out of the stone will be worthy to be the King. It is offered to all who would like to take up the challenge. But only the One who can take the sword out of the stone is the Anointed One.

The kundalini, which is the spiritual force in the human, is like a sleeping serpent within the first spiritual center (controls solid factor, stone) in the human body. This first center is the very bottom of the central energy current (passageway) which is connected to the two other currents in the spine. When the kundalini has not been raised, no spiritual realization can be gained, and man is a rational animal. Therefore the sword of the spirit (Excalibur) cannot be used. This process has been symbolized by Excalibur being planted inside the stone (latent spiritual forces).

The kundalini should be raised, which is symbolized by taking the Excalibur out of the stone. Then the two-edged sword of spirit can be used for a great purpose or His Will. Such a person be- comes an instrument for God or King Arthur.

As the intention (spiritual energy) is directed toward mundane life and the external world, the sword is useless and is engrossed into the stone (first chakra). But when intention or spiritual energies are directed to- ward things higher than mundanity, then the sword, with His Grace, will be loosened up (raising of the kundalini) and will become a double-edged sword of truth which will cut through the falsity, and its owner will become a Knight (Elect).

As it was said, to take the sword out of the stone and to become the King was offered to all. That is why many mighty men answered the call and took up the challenge. But none of them succeeded. Then Arthur, the Anointed One, a humble man, only through His Grace, was able to take the sword out and proclaim himself the rightful owner of the title of King.

It was through him, the Anointed One, who was a channel for God to radiate His truth and Grace, that the other mighty men became unified and the Round Table became possible.

Excalibur. Arthur’s sword, symbol of divine kingship, is as much a character in the legend as any human or supernatural being. Excalibur is a symbol of the responsibility of power.

A sword is a beautiful symbol of the kundalini energy. With this weapon you can both purify and decapitate. You can use it to ‘cut away’ (clean up) everything that stands between God and man. And after this intensive purification process, you can use it to take the next step in the awakening process: losing the ego.

The sword symbolizes power, protection, authority, strength, and courage; metaphysically, it represents discrimination and the penetrating power of the intellect. The sword is phallic, with the sheath being yonic. It is a symbol of knighthood and chivalry.

The sword is the symbol of the raised Kundalini.

The sword Excalibur is the threefold flame of the individual. The caliber of the sword is the x factor. According to the individual’s initiation and his attainment, so is the power of his sword.

In the court of Arthur, Excalibur is the sword that is given to the one who holds the focus in the center of the circle—the sword fashioned of the cross of Christ, the sword that is given by the hand of the Divine Mother and received again into the hand of the Lady of the Lake at the close of the mission.

The sword is the rod of Aaron, it is the rising fires of the Mother that form the healing caduceus. The sword of the Mother is used against the demons, the discarnates and the fallen ones. It is for the clearing of the auras of the knights—by the one who holds the key to the incarnation of the God flame (the king)—of the forces of antichrist, the dragon, the beast, the false prophet and the great whore.

The sword is the twofold action of the fire of Alpha and Omega. As Jesus was given the all-power of heaven and earth,[3] so Arthur receives the sword Excalibur as the scepter of his authority for his divine mission. Without the sword, Arthur could not have formed the mystery school of Camelot or the Brotherhood of the Round Table.

The initiation of the sword

Jesus has spoken of the sword and its meaning:

Some have not believed me when I said, “I came not to send peace but a sword.” Throughout the ages, beloved, I have loaned my sword to special initiates. The well-known legend of Arthur pulling the sword from the stone derives from an initiation of Maitreya’s Mystery School. Blessed hearts, the time did indeed come when I did tell the disciples to take the sword.

Therefore, beloved, seek the initiation of the sword. And understand that it is a rod of sacred fire fashioned by the Divine Mother out of your own sacred life-force rising from the base chakra to the third eye. Therefore, beloved, the sword that is taken from the stone of Matter is a spiritual fire. Legend would have it that it is a magic sword. Beloved, the spiritual fire does dissolve on contact all unlike itself.

Lanello has said:

In the beginning the test is to take the sword from the stone. This is symbolical of the activation and loosing of the Kundalini fire, the World Mother within oneself. Thus, when the beloved Arthur took the sword from the stone, it was the placing in his hand of the object and symbol of the mighty crystal cord, star-studded with seven chakras. The taking of the sword is the taking of the rod of the Woman whereby king and prince and knight do conquer even the illusions of these octaves.

In the life of King Arthur, you observe the grand nobility of the soul facing each and every challenge, every momentum of personal and world darkness assailing each new plane of God’s consciousness which is to be discovered as one mounts the altar of sacred fire up the spine to the crown of Life—always the crown of the World Mother which she places upon her blessed sons.

Dear hearts, you have seen bejeweled swords. Know that those jewels are a sign of victory, of reward—but ultimately the sign of the starry configurations of the chakras in the mystical body of man. Thus, the gleaming, silver-white sword Excalibur, blinding in its presence, signifies the fire of the Mother complete and raised. Thus, it is in truth the appearance of the ascension flame.

The connection between King Arthur’s sword (particularly Excalibur) and Kundalini energy can be understood symbolically through their shared themes of spiritual awakening, inner power, and transformation.

1. Excalibur as a Symbol of Inner Power

In Arthurian legend, Excalibur is more than just a physical weapon—it represents divine power and a spiritual tool that grants Arthur the ability to rule justly and protect his kingdom. This parallels the concept of Kundalini in spiritual traditions, where Kundalini is a dormant energy located at the base of the spine, often symbolized as a coiled serpent. When awakened, this energy rises up through the chakras, bringing about a profound spiritual transformation.

Just as Excalibur is a gift of transcendent power, the awakening of Kundalini energy is seen as a gift of spiritual awakening that allows an individual to access their higher consciousness, inner strength, and wisdom.

2. Sword in the Stone and Kundalini Rising

The Sword in the Stone legend can be viewed as a metaphor for unlocking hidden potential. Only Arthur, the rightful king, could draw the sword from the stone. This act can symbolize the individual who is destined or prepared to awaken their inner power (Kundalini). Just as not everyone could remove the sword, not everyone is ready for the spiritual awakening that Kundalini brings. Only those who have prepared spiritually and mentally can safely raise this energy, much like Arthur being the only one capable of drawing the sword.

The sword being “embedded in stone” can be seen as a metaphor for latent energy or potential that is “trapped” or grounded in material existence. The act of pulling it free represents the release of spiritual energy, much like the rise of Kundalini from the base of the spine up through the chakras.

Your soul loves your ego unconditionally, warts and all, but your ego does not even know of your soul’s existence, “there is no other god but me”. You will have to introduce them because this is the basis of the greatest eternal love story ever told, Beauty and the Beast, Romeo and Juliet, Arthur and Guinevere. Unfortunately, your ego, in its ignorance, keeps your soul imprisoned at a basic level and will not allow it to develop into the person that you potentially are because it is afraid of the unknown.

The ego has to be taken to task and its eyes opened to its own behavior and attitude, an egocentric attitude on the individual scale and an ethnocentric attitude on a national scale. If we could persuade our ego to be less egocentric, to become more self-aware of its own attitudes then we could avoid projecting uncomfortable feelings onto others, and face up to the unpleasant truths that exist within ourselves.

Projection, ultimately, is a denial of truth within ourselves, leading to a reversal of reality which makes us blind to the suffering of others, blind to the real cause of suffering and injustice in the world, blind to the real meaning of Jests, blind to any other possibilities and blind to itself and its own behavior. We have to stop blaming everyone else, and face up to these uncomfortable truths, we have to stop hiding from them and courageously emerge from our shells, from Plato’s cave.

You have to convince your ego there is nothing to be afraid of and a whole new world out here waiting for you to “come forth, Lazarus”. Gnostics gained access to God by a secret method of prayer that bypassed the ego’s constant vigilance. They did this through a highly evolved spiritual system, which remains ‘dormant’ in most people within the bodymind, the Chakra system.

The Chakra system is where our soul resides and is the means of achieving direct contact with God. The soul should naturally develop through the Chakras as it matures, evolves and grows towards the Light of God, like a flower grows towards the light of the sun, each Chakra opening like a flower blooms, as our soul reaches that level, or like a vine, each Chakra developing like grapes on the vine.

Jesus is the ‘sun’ of God that our soul aspires to, not the ‘son’ of God. The ‘son of God’ is a literal misunderstanding based on a Gnostic play on words. The Chakras are our soul’s stairway to heaven; the soul exists within our Chakra system and wants to grow, but your ego is scared of letting that happen. Your ego is only doing what it thinks it has to do to help you survive in the world in which it finds itself Your soul has to gently persuade your ego that it needs help, that it has to let go and make way for something better to come.

Every individual must decide whether the effort of applying EQ is worth it; whatever the decision, there will be consequences, either negative or positive. EQ brings great power but we must choose to use it, and to use it for good.

When it comes to leading with EQ, follow-through is critical to success. By thinking of EQ as a muscle you need to exercise regularly to keep it strong—as opposed to thinking of it as a tool you acquire through a one-time investment you can keep an attitude of commitment and focus that will hold you in good stead even with the occasional challenges that will come your way and tempt ego slipups.

To avoid slipping back into high-ego behavior whether by losing touch with the front line, surrounding yourself with more of you, being blind to your downstream impact, or any of the other ego traps—you can draw on your trusty EQ tools of recognizing, reading, and responding. Self-awareness—or recognizing what’s happening with you will go a long way to help you avoid a full relapse into your old ways. The trick is to catch yourself before you slide too far back into old and comfortable ego territory.

Let go of ego; make way for God

A plain paper indicates an egoless body. God can express Himself best through such bodies. He can actually work full-time through them instead of on a pad-time basis. This is because the mind has surrendered and so He can operate 24×7 through that body and not just for a short period as in other bodies where the ego reappears after a short time.

The meaning of ego is the one that says, ‘I am separate from all other people. I am special. I am great.’ This feeling of being separate is the origin of ego. When this separation dissolves, ego cannot survive and the mind becomes quiet. Thereafter, man considers himself to be only a medium and not the doer. He understands that the doer is God alone, who functions through all the bodies.

When we let go and stop clinging to outcomes, we free ourselves from the torment of guilt. Our egoic thought patterns insist that we need to be attached to the outcome, or things will not turn out well. It is useful to recognize this ego-based message for what it is: a mental fiction. On closer examination, we find our need to make things consistent with our idea of how things should be is fear based. Letting ego attachment dictate how things should work out will not improve outcomes but will go a long way toward making you miserable. It is a never-ending struggle with no peace.

Understand how this world has been designed to keep mankind enslaved within the EGO world.

  1. Daily updated (news-media) information about negativity and fear feeds a negative magnetic field and strengthens the lower ego-mind.
  2. To stay in control the EGO is need to hi-jacked every bodies past as a guilt-trap
  3. The ego will exclude people who is going against the mass-mind programming of society. This can be done through ostracizing them.
  4. The ego will teach/say you’re a sinner and not worthy go to higher levels of consciousness
  5. It will try to keep the mind fragmentized, so people can´t see the bigger picture what is going in this world.
  6. In the end they will try to create a Global World Brain everyone can be programmed through and create a One World Government were a very few people controls the entire world and planet Earth.
  7. They will feed people´s minds with information they want choose and keep them disconnected from their inner source of information.

The alta major gives the ability to see the bigger picture. All the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of life fit in place. This chakra holds valuable information about the ancestral past and the ingrained patterns that govern human life and awareness. It, in conjunction with the causal vortex and past life chakras, contains your past life karma and the contractual agreements you made with your Higher Self and others before incarnating in this current lifetime. Activating it enables you to read your soul’s plan.

The alta major chakra governs the behavioral, autonomic, and endocrine functions that keep the body in harmony with external forces. It creates a direct pathway between your conscious, subconscious and intuitive minds and the higher universal mind. When this chakra is blown memories flood in too fast to process and overwhelm the psyche.

Paradoxically, such memories of the past are clung to and govern behavior. You may feel disorientated, open to paranoid delusions — which feel like reality — and are acutely attuned to subtle disturbances in the environment around you. You may feel like you’ve been taken over by something outside yourself.

When this chakra is blocked, inner sight cannot open and new information cannot be processed. Transgenerational contracts and soul intention will be cut off from your conscious mind but may nevertheless affect your behavior.

Before the Third Eye is reawakened, mankind has to negotiate a great period during which the intellect is unfolded and this stage can never be by-passed, for it is not conceivable to reach beyond the intellect without having first experienced it. And after the Day of Judgement in the middle of the next round, more than two-fifths of humanity will have failed to take the third initiation … i.e., to achieve the reopening of the Third Eye,

The Third Eye

It is easier to start off by saying what the Third Eye is not! it is NOT an etheric chakra though it is related to the three mentioned previously, namely:


The Third Eye is NOT an endocrine gland though it is associated with both the PINEAL Gland and the PITUITARY Gland. It is, in fact, and organ that emerges with the spiritual growth of the integrated personality. It results from the interplay, radiations and overlapping of the three centres just mentioned.

This new vortex of energy (see illustration further on) attracts into its whirlpool, as it were, the planes of Atma-Buddhi-and-Manas to form what virtually becomes a great lens capable of psychic function. Each chakra is a battery; all must be present and charged. Then, the Third Eye, the bulb, may be `switched on:

Whence comes the electrical energy for the batteries? The energy is threefold and spiritual in nature. It flows from the causal body which is that vehicle of consciousness housing the human soul. We know something of the qualities of these three energies as they flow into the aura of man and his lower triad. They have no form, only quality, for the true nature of the soul is QUALITY.

The Antakarana

In average man, these energies hardly gain access to his personality but in spiritual man they gain access to the aura  through a thread of energy, an umbilicus called the Antakarana . Only in highly developed personalities, integrated and tested by initiation, can there be established a stable antakarana which can channel, with ever-increasing force. the energy of the soul into the ‘batteries’ or chakras. Having already considered the three batteries and their charges in some detail, a brief discourse must conclude on how the

Third Eye actually can be made to operate. From previous exposition, It will be recalled that the pineal, carotid and pituitary ‘batteries charged by the head, brow and alta major centres together form an esoteric triangle of amazing potency, whose opening and enlivening results in a powerful blending of the main energies of the three major rays of Will and Power, Love-Wisdom and Active Intelligence.

And it is this opening and enlivening of the three centres (i.e. the triangle), which Is done only through techniques and rigorous disciplines known to Yogis and advanced occultists. that causes the latent power of all three to manifest and be registered as blazing light. In her Demise on Cosmic Fire:

As these three types of energy or the vibration of these three centres begin to contact each other, a definite interplay is set up. This triple interplay forms in time a vortex or centre of force, which finds its place In the centre of the forehead and takes eventually the semblance of an eye looking out between the other two. It Is the eye of inner vision, and he who has opened it can direct and control the energy of matter, see all things in the Eternal Now and therefore be in touch with causes more than with effects, read the akashic records. and see clairvoyantly.

Therefore. its possessor can control the builders of low degree … It is through the medium of this ‘all seeing eye’ that the Adept can at any moment put Himself in touch with His disciples anywhere, that He can communicate with His compeers on the planet, on the polar opposite of our planet, and on the third planet which, with ours, forms a triangle; that He can, through the energy directed from it, control and direct the builders, and hold any thoughtform He may have created within His sphere of influence, and upon its Intended path of service; and that through His eyes by means of directed energy currents He can stimulate His disciples or groups of men in any place at any time.

Taurus rules the throat region and, in the West, vast numbers of disciples in the Fifth Root Race are in the process of transferring energies from the throat chakra into the alta major chakra, one of the three major centres in the head. The alta major chakra adds many important qualities to the disciple once it begins to function.

As the disciple struggles free of his attachments, transmutes his desires, and substitutes spiritual values for material ones, there appears ahead of him a light (at the end of the tunnel) which eventually becomes a blaze of illumination. He is like the prisoner in Plato’s Cave who breaks his shackles and walks out into the daylight. For the first time he sees things as they really are, whereas before he could only dimly make out their shadows reflected on the wall. The (eye of the bull’, the `eye of light’, or the ‘third eye’ is opened and he intuitively perceives the spiritual essence within the material form.

The disciple in Taurus is no longer fooled by maya; he understands the illusory nature and impermanence of matter, and he now holds as truly valuable, permanent and real, that which is housed within the outer form: the Higher Self and all that is associated with it, that which is true, good and beautiful. Through whatever artistic or creative channel he works with, he is able to quicken the spiritual presence within any form, and intensify the light that helps others to break their own shackles: freeing, healing and transforming them. His task is to anchor spirit in matter—to irradiate, enlighten and uplift the physical world with the Light of the Divine Will so that it be made a ‘Heaven on Earth’.

Ancient drawings of the chakras show many more than the traditional seven that we tend to know today. In additional to those traditional seven chakras, several more chakras are opening in response to universal energy changes (see illustration p.92) and these ‘higher’ chakras facilitate psychic connection to high—vibrational realms and the beings who inhabit them.

However these chakras should only be opened when you have the basic chakras under control, functioning fully and without blockages and when you have begun to take control of your psychic abilities. These ‘higher’ chakras vibrate at a different, faster rate and are more able to channel refined spiritual energies down through your body and up from the earth. By changing the core vibration of your bodies, ‘lower’ frequency energies simply cannot reach you.

The alta major chakra is becoming increasingly important in metaphysical work. Forming a merkeba—like shape within the skull, this chakra links all the important endocrine glands and chakras in the head with the throat chakra so that you can communicate metaphysical information with ease. The alta major ncludes the pineal gland, the ‘inner eye’ long believed to be the site of clairvoyance and ‘second sight’. It has been postulated that the pineal secretes DMT, often called the ‘spirit molecule’, A natural psychedelic, DMT is involved in out—of—body, near—death and other exceptional human experiences that take the soul into multi—dimensions. So, when the alta major is activated in conjunction with the pineal, or third eye chakra, metaphysical abilities, especially telepathy and far sight, function with much greater clarity.

Kundalini is not evil; rather, it is a powerful, divine energy that has the potential to lead to spiritual awakening and transformation. While it can be overwhelming or even dangerous if approached without care, its purpose is to elevate and expand consciousness, not to harm. The key is to approach Kundalini awakening with respect, patience, and under the guidance of experienced spiritual teachers or practices to ensure a safe and balanced experience.

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