Since you are the multi-dimensional being that you are when you bring in this pure unbiased energy to pattern your creations, then those in power such as religion, government, businesses, family, and friends, lock you into a consciousness that only results in everyone and everything outside of you becoming your master in what you will manifest for your reality. This is what you are asleep to! What you don’t realize is that your human consciousness becomes owned and controlled by everyone around you as if you are a slave to them. These groups and more will keep you locked into repeating your creations over and over, all because of you are a slave to your belief patterns. You will do it by following their “will” and not your soul’s “will.”
When your kundalini is awakened, you know you have broken the chain of further births. The rule of “fixed destiny” does not apply to yogis, who are the ones gone beyond the force of gravitation.
It is only the power of kundalini that can pierce these subtle centers (chakras) and reach the Crown chakra
Our ego splits off from our eternal essence, our true and authentic self.
The word, Master does not refer to a specific person. This is the state of spiritual awareness
This world don´t create Master´s, it has created a world where they make themselves to Master´s and the masses to slaves. The word, Master does not refer to a specific person. This is the state of spiritual awareness. As an individual you cannot see beyond your understanding. And as you are, you cannot envision a master. This is the reason the masters appear from time to time to manifest that state of awareness.
Since the ego is nothing but a concept, other concepts can appear to be threats to it. Mass consciousness is the concept of the collective ego and others who want´s to break free from the lower mind and concept of duality then appears to be a threath of change.
This is what you are asleep to! What you don’t realize is that your human consciousness becomes owned and controlled by everyone around you as if you are a slave to them. These groups and more will keep you locked into repeating your creations over and over, all because of you are a slave to your belief patterns. You will do it by following their “will” and not your soul’s “will.”