How Rockefeller Monopolized Medicine and Created BIG PHARMA

How Rockefeller Monopolized Medicine and Created BIG PHARMA

After watching this video you will better understand how this mentality is used in all business areas that families like Rockefeller and Rothchild are involved in. It applies to media and news, wars are started with the help of manipulations and they lend money to both nations that are in war.

In one way you can say the coming One World Government is a way to monopolized whole Earth as theirs, and they even want to control your consciouness through a global world brain.
The One World Government will not be a One World Government as you think. It will be ruled as a private company owned and controlled by the Illuminati. The Federal Reserve Bank is not a Federal Bank at all, but a private bank owned and controlled by the Illuminati (Rockerfeller and Rothchilds and some more).

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