Heart and Self-realization and Awaken the heart. The outer rebellion is going to be against outside conditioning and societies’ constant efforts for making humans into robots the conditioning includes people expectations, projections, judgments and impositions that is a constant effort into making the human being a head based clog in the machine of society
The goal of psychological, as of biological, development is self-realization, or individuation. But since man knows himself only as an ego, and the self, as a totality, is indescribable and indistinguishable from a God-image, self-realization—to put it in religious or metaphysical terms amounts to God’s incarnation?
Heart and Self-realization and Awaken the heart
The Challenge of the Way of the Heart…
The way of the heart is the way off rebellion. Both inner and outer. When you listen to heart and do what that says then you have to be ready for great obstacles and opposition
Society is not used to heart consciousness- It functions and is sustained through the head when you become all heart people will miss understand you they will oppose you they will Judge you and they will stigmatize you it is but natural because by being with the heart you are starting a revolution the revolution of consciousness
“So nue it is yet so sad…. every mystic in his time is called mad”
You have to be courageous enough and strong enough to face the world and accept it with love you have to become extremely compassionate you have to empathize with the people who’s flowering has yet not happened this is all part of your journey….
The inner rebellion is going to be against thoughts, the ego and the past it will become a reality by being in the present moment by not letting the past to infiltrate the beautiful present
It takes a lot of guts to be in the heart and to listen to heartbeat but for bliss to grow and awakening to become a reality… this is the only way….
And so don’t be afraid of society they will be against you…. but if your consciousness has flowered they would not be able to affect you or even touch you….
Don’t fear your mind or your ego, they are both illusions, Insignificant and substance less. if you put your energy to the heart they will not be able to sustain themselves….
We doubt these things at times because we doubt the divine power that we are. We forget that we are co-creators with God. We forget that we are “Gods in the making,” as Scripture states. We forget our divine heritage. We forget that we need not look outside of our-selves to find strength, peace, confidence, and faith in ourselves. We forget that our Higher Power is not outside of us, but within us. We don’t have to run here and there seeking for affirmation and approval. All we need is within us. That divine spark that is part of God is still a part of us. Becoming aware of this and accepting who we are and the responsibilities that come with being willing to ex-press ourselves, we will find ourselves growing. Being willing to con-front our doubts, which are really opportunities for further self-awareness and greater clarity, we will find great joy as we begin fulfilling the pattern of our soul. And in doing so, we allow ourselves to complete our mission, that was started as we entered life. Therefore, as our doubts beset us, let’s not be dismayed by them, but let’s instead be grateful for the opportunity to learn greater truth as the veil of doubt is lifted from us.
Your higher spirit-self is you on a higher level of awareness. Your human self holds blocks and blinders to the wonders of the world, both earthly and divine. Your higher spirit-self is your guide to letting this pain go and stepping completely into your chosen divine role. You have found the key to greatness: you already hold it within. The divine model of awakening is designed to open your heart and allow your divine higher spirit-self to lead you home to your expanded consciousness. Your will and strength of intention drive the intensity of this process.
Awakening the spiritual heart
The Principle of Spirit is the manifestations of wisdom and illumination; from the illumination of the heart to the illumination of body, mind, and will.
The Illumination of the Mind must both deepen and direct the Awakening of the Heart . ILLUMINATION therefore is the next step in the Process of Development of the Spiritual Life which claims our attention.
Once we are on the path of enlightenment we find we are more in touch with our intuition, that we start to allow ourselves more right brain activity. Our right brain is our intuitive and creative side, the part which urges us to act because something is intuitively right for us. On the other hand our left brain is our logical side, which encourages us to do nothing until we have all the facts and have thought about all the possibilities and permutations. Most of us have learned to ‘survive’ in a competitive and what we perceive to be a dangerous world by repressing our right brain activity and using primarily our left brain. Many of us have lost our spontaneity, perhaps to the extent that we don’t even believe we have it within us. Spirituality calls on us to reverse this process; to discard logic and calculated thought — or at least put it in its place — in favour of trusting our intuition, our spontaneity, our creativity.
There is intuition and creativity within all of us, not just a ‘special’ few; it is our birthright.
The creative energy is all around us. It is simply a question of tuning into that energy, letting it flow through us and allowing it to work with us.
When the One World Government begin to connect peoples minds to super-mega-computer they will become part of the global world brain, and at same time lose both intuition and creativity.
Buddhists teach that enlightenment is not something to strive for but rather something to wake up to.
THE only way, says Kant at the beginning of the Transcendental Aesthetic, in which our knowledge can relate immediately to objects is by means of an intuition.’ And an intuition can take place only in so far as an object is given to us. The divine intellect is said to be both intuitive and archetypal. That is to say, the divine intuition creates its objects. But this is not the case with human intuition, which presupposes an object. And this means that the human subject must be affected by the object in some way. Now, the capacity for receiving representations (V orstel-lungen) of objects by being affected by them is named ‘sensibility’ (Sinnlichkeit). ‘By means of sensibility, therefore, objects are given to us, and it alone provides us with intuitions?’ If these remarks are taken purely by themselves, the term ‘sensibility’ has a wide meaning, being simply cognitive receptivity or the capacity for receiving representations of objects by being affected by them. But we must remember that Kant looks on the divine intuition, considered precisely in contrast with human intuition, as being not only archetypal but intellectual. It follows, therefore, that human intuition is sense intuition. And sensibility thus means the capacity for receiving representations of objects by being sensibly affected by them. ‘The effect of an object upon the faculty of representation, so far as we are affected by the object, is sensation’ (Empfindung)’ Kant agrees, therefore, with the empiricists to the extent of saying that human cognition of objects requires sensation. The mind requires to be put in con-tact, as it were, with things through an affection of the senses.