For as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish three days and three nights, so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” The Nirvana refers to the transcendent state and it has 100 petals and is the end of the sushumna nadi. Sahasrara in sanskrit means 1000 lotus petals. These 1000 lotus petals could be connected to the 96 tattvas and these represents the original 96 cells at the base of the spine, which holds the blueprint for the individual’s life. 96 tattvas in base of the spine and the Nirvana state at the crown has 100 petals, so 96 tattvas and 100 petals (960) may refer to the thousends lotus petals opening of enlightment.
We are designed to Use our Heads. The error that man has made is believing that power is outside him. The (alien group or principalities) requires that we don’t develop our natural psychic senses, because this would give us the ability to see beyond the veil of ignorance that’s been set in place around us. With our natural psychic senses fully developed, we would begin to intuitively become aware of their presence and the lies that have distorted our perceptions of ourselves and our world for so long. Recognizing and developing our psychic abilities would free us from the clutches of any deceptions that they have used against us for most of our history. It has been deeply ingrained into the social fabric to doubt and even ridicule anyone who purports to have psychic powers. The commonly held belief that we don’t have these abilities is by itself the greatest impediment to our being able to develop and use them
If one wish to understand and improve our mental, emotional, and behavioral functions, the locus of investigation is the nervous system. The person who can dial and tune the receptive, integrative, transmitting circuits of the nervous system is not just more intelligent, but can be said to operate at a higher and more complex level of evolution.
The only way to rewire neural patterns is to interfere with the neurotransmitter sequence at the synapse, thus retracting the old imprint and allowing for a new imprinting. The Corpus Callosum it is where neural connections are activated to the extent of creating new neural pathways or dendritic synapses, between them, breaking the barrier of lack of corpus callosum energy.
The only parts of the brain that are not so connected with a specific function of the body are the frontal lobes. Instead of being connected with the body, the fibres from these lobes seem to connect only to the other parts of the cortex. This led researchers to suggest that the frontal lobes act as the controller to the rest of the brain as much as the rest of the brain is the controller of the body.
Our bodies are totally wired for energy. Every function, from digesting our lunch to thinking about a big meeting tomorrow, is inextricably related to energy fields and currents in our organs, fascia and nervous system. This wiring makes sense when you think about the trillions of cells that make up our bodies. Each of these cells is a bioelectric organism whose functions are based on transfer of charged molecules (ions) within its organelles and across its membranes. It has been well established in Western science for over a century that electrical activity governs most of our vital functions. This activity includes the electrical pacemaker that keeps the heart beating, brain waves that support consciousness and digital transmissions through our nervous system.
There can be no question that humanity has begun its migration to interplanetary and eventual interstellar existence. The effects of this transition on the nervous system and the DNA code will be profound.
Just as the DNA code, located in the nucleus of the cell, is the genetic brain which, via RNA, designs and manufactures bodies and nervous systems, so can we conceive of the nucleus of the atom as the elemental “brain” which designs and constructs atoms and molecules.
It is becoming clear that the nucleus of the atom is a complex organization of powerful forces which operate according to relationship-laws (excitement, charm, spin parity, resonance). Just as the DNA code, located in the nucleus of the cell, is the genetic brain which, via RNA, designs and manufactures bodies and nervous systems, so can we conceive of the nucleus of the atom as the elemental “brain” which designs and constructs atoms and molecules according to quantum logic.
Quantum physics: It is now conjectured that all matter and energy in the universe operates in a “general informational field” which can be understood in terms of the relativistic interaction among the basic forces that exist in nature:
strong force (subatomic)
weak force (radiational)
Quantum-psychology begins to study the “psychology” i.e. the consciousness and behavior of atomic particles and to relate electronics and atomics to human consciousness and behavior.
Our dialogue with DNA and our conversations with atomic-subatomic and astronomical energy signals must, however, be two-way. We must open our “minds” to decode the signals which are being sent to our nervous systems by DNA and by quantum structures. When we geneticize our psychology, i.e. think like DNA-RNA, we see the current human condition as a transient phase in the evolution of the nervous system.
The genetic code has pre-programmed the nervous system to evolve in metamorphic stages. The basic strategy of evolution is metamorphosis changes in the individual.
The neuron, which is the basic unit of biological intelligence, possesses three anatomical and functional divisions; the dendritic system which receives signals, the cell-body of the neuron which stores, integrates, interprets incoming signals and the axon which transmits the message.
Each neuron, each circuit, and, indeed, the nervous system in its totality is divided into these three functions. At the lowest level of unicellular and invertebrate life these three functions operate for the survival of the collective, but, at the higher stages of evolution, communication and fusions among individuals becomes more important for survival. Alchemy is the art of synthesis of opposite energies, forces and elements and bringing them into balance, and this neutralizing process is also part of the fusion process. It is out of the synthesis or fusion the new higher state of consciousness is created.
As each neural circuit emerges during the development of the individual, the passive consumer, receptive, input phase is the first to appear. The active integrating phase follows and the organized transmission linking of the organism to others is the third phase.
The first four circuits limit consciousness to the wiring of the imprinted and conditioned, and focus upon what is physically, emotionally, mentally and socially rewarding. The larval body is imprint-wired and trained to perform goal-directed game-oriented robot sequences in Newtonian space. The billions of signals per minute which flood into the nervous system from the body and its sense receptors are censored from awareness, tuned out from consciousness at a brain-stem reflex level. The survival tactic is obvious. The body is a trillion-cell, poly-organ bio-survival instrument.
The brain, of course, “knows” every precise detail about the anatomy and physiology of the body and monitors millions of signals per second, but the larval-robot mind is “slave-wired” to reflex reaction, unable to decipher or consciously control its own equipment.
All realities are neurological patterns of impulses received, stored and transmitted by neural structures. Consciousness is defined as energy received by structure. Intelligence is defined as energy transmitted by structure. For the human being the structures are neural circuits and their anatomical connections.
The ontological question is so easily resolved we wonder why there was ever any confusion. After all, the circulation of the blood was understood four centuries ago. The structure of the nervous system, the fibrous wiring of the sense organs, and the connections to the brain arc so anatomically obvious that one is puzzled at the inability of earlier anatomists and physiologists to understand that the nervous system is the seat of consciousness and thus the solution of many ontological questions that have vexed and confused man’s thinking.
One cannot evolve from one’s robothood until one realizes how totally one has been robotized.
The facts about the nervous system are too robot embarrassing, too challenging to larval theological and political systems. It is just too early on the evolutionary clock for the species to face the neurological facts, for the robots to decipher their own circuitry.
Lamettrie demonstrated by comparative methods the relationship between man and other living beings, and proceeded to a theory of the evolution of organisms. He stated that psychical life is observable already on the lowest level of evolution. Investigating the functions of the brain, Lamettrie tried to discern various stages of its formation which are of primary importance in the development of mental life. Also he protested against an evaluation of the moral character of men which depends on the acceptance of religious doctrines. Although Lamettrie was described as a crude materialist, he also influenced idealist philosophers. This ‘scapegoat of 18th century materialism’ has been blamed and despised by many who had not read a single page of his books. He is best known for L’Homme Machine.
“Man the machine” is an unbearable concept to those who are not ready to mutate beyond the lower, robot circuits. One cannot evolve from one’s robothood until one realizes how totally one has been robotized.
From the psychological point of view all biological forms are transient robots created by DNA to house and transport the genetic “brain,” DNA. The muscular mind designs and constructs machines to serve human.
We are designed to Use our Heads.
The error that man has made is believing that power is outside him.
This error is easy to understand when you consider that man has been told a couple of huge lies that effectively removed him from a world that reflects the higher values of freedom, equality, love, and abundance that are natural to him. In exchange for mankind’s creative energy and enslavement, the Controllers provide him with more propaganda, and exploit him for their own gain. Instead of being the natural recipient of all the abundance due to every sentient being on Earth, man is told that he has to “work for a living” and “pay to live” on the earth.
Doesn’t this sound like the kind of propaganda that could support a system of slavery?
The egocentricity and geo-centricity of larval philosophy has over-estimated human intelligence in relationship to other energy forms in particular the DNA code and the atomic nucleus. Larval science would have us believe that the universe is made up of chemical elements and atomic particles which operate in blind passivity to physical laws; that at a certain point in the history of planet earth certain molecules were accidentally induced by means of lightning bolts to form the protein-nucleotides which, through chance, began to replicate; and that through a process of random selection and mutation the biological forms evolved. The summit of this blind evolutionary process, we are told, is homo-sapiens.
“Man” is believed to be the only self- conscious, intelligent form on the planet and probably in the universe! Exo-psychology suggests that this flattering self-appraisal is false an error which leads both the arrogance and the frightened pessimism which characterize human philosophy.
We have defined consciousness as energy received by structure. And we have defined intelligence as energy transmitted by structure. The inntelligence of life-forms is shaped and limited by anatomy and organic form. Sub-atomic-gravitational force fields are obviously capable of faster, more complex and more extensive levels of consciousness and intelligence.
The implications of imprinting theory applied to human behavior are embarrassing to our rational conceptions of self, ego, conscious choice; indeed, they suggest an ontological helplessness which takes on the dimensions of a Sci-Fi robot tale. The neurological situation is as follows: The human body is made up of many receiving organs and discharge systems which are controlled by the nervous system, a communication network of some thirty billion cells. Each organ of the body is wired by a complex pattern of nerve fibres. Each neuron receives, evaluates and transmits information to as many as 60,000 other neurons.
The particular wiring pattern which triggers off each organ and action system of the body is programmed by imprinted stimuli.The specific stimulus which activates each neuro-umbilical survival system is determined by accidental coincidence the external factors present during the “sensitive period.” Human Beings are robots programmed and directed by neural imprints which trigger off standardized discharge patterns in response to accidentally imprinted cues.
Social consciousness is a web of neuro-umbilical fabrication woven by conditioning and continual adaptive distortion. We believe what we are imprinted to believe. We think that the tiny turf to which our neuro-umbilical life-lines attach is “reality.”
The creation and limitation of subjective reality by imprint is the “bubble”.we are inside a bubble. It is a bubble into which we arc placed at the moment of our birth. At first the bubble is open, but then it begins to close until it has sealed us in. That bubble is our perception.
We live inside that bubble all of our lives. And what we witness on its round walls is our own reflection. . .The thing reflected is our own view of the world. That view is first a description, which is given to us at the moment of our birth (more accurately, the moment of imprint] until all our attention is caught by it and the description becomes a view,” [that is to say, a reality] .
The Seventh Reality is the reception by the nervous system of RNA signals from DNA molecules within the cell. Genetic messages leading to symbiotic inter- species telepathy. Since reality is energy registered by neural structure, we can “see” only what we are ready instrumentally and conceptually to receive.
The statement “consciousness is no longer frozen” is not metaphorical; it refers to biochemical-electrical changes at the synaptic level which liberate the flow of signals from routine patterns. The term “static, imprinted- conditioned world” refers to neural-wired programs hooked to reality-islands.
Metaphysiological inntelligence transceives and can create matter, i.e. arrange atoms in architected patterns. Such a level of intelligence could construct pre-programmed DNA codes as simply as humans now build computer-directed manufacturing processes. It is, of course, almost impossible for the primitive symbolic mind to conceive of the capacities of quantum intelligence.
The Epsilon – Lambda – Gamma brain waves
Delta and theta combined are often referred to as “slow-wave activity,” while alpha and beta are jointly called “fast-wave – while alpha is considered a “bridge between the external world” (beta) and “the internal world” (theta). Alpha brain waves are the bridge between conscious and subconscious. As one keep practicing and deepening your meditation, one slow down your brain-wave frequency to theta. Its through meditation practice one building this spiritual bridge between conscious and subconscious. Its a practice of descending down to theta.
It is through meditation that we create the threads and cables that connect the three aspects of the mind. In the same way that our homes are wired for phone and internet reception, these threads function as communication lines that allow us to receive information from the higher planes. It is where neural connections are activated to the extent of creating new neural pathways or dendritic synapses, between them, breaking the barrier of lack of corpus callosum energy.
It is interesting that the Epsilon frequency is also associated with very similar states of being. With the advancement of brainwave research it has been found that these frequencies co-exist. The Hyper-Gamma, Lambda and Epsilon frequencies are linked together in a circular relationship” when the brain exhibits the higher frequencies, you will also find Epsilon folded into the frequency and vice-versa. This interesting relationship is one that requires further investigation. During the sounding exercises your brainwaves may well slow to between 3 and 12 hz and there may even be times when Epsilon, Gamma and Hyper-Gamma frequencies are present, especially if you are experiencing bursts of pre-cognition.
Sub Epsilon (Psi) state: below 0.2 Hz — telepathy
Epsilon state: below 0.5 Hz — extraordinary states of consciousness, the `ah-ha!’ moment of discovery, awareness of one’s own existence
Delta state: 0.5-4 Hz — deep dreamless sleep
Theta state: 4-8 Hz — awake but relaxed and drowsy, day dreams, lucid dreaming, light sleep, original creative inspiration, problem solving, visualization
Alpha state: 8-12 Hz — awake and relaxed, inner mental pondering
Low Beta state: 12 – 15 Hz —relaxed yet focused
Midrange Beta state: 15-18 Hz — awake and alert
High Beta state: 18-36 Hz — active, high levels of focus and concentration
Gamma state: 36-80 Hz — higher mental activity, perception, problem solving
Hyper Gamma state: c100 Hz — higher-level awareness, extraordinary states of consciousness (associated with Epsilon state)
Lambda state: c200 Hz — ecstatic states of consciousness (associated with Epsilon state)
Epsilon and Lambda are on the other end of the scale and the total opposite ends of the wave spectrum, and science seems to to have discovered is that the `Gamma, Hyper-Gamma and Lambda’ frequencies (40-200Hz) resonate in a harmonic way with ‘Epsilon’ brainwaves (below 0.5Hz), which are much slower than Delta.
The epsilon brain waves is in the range; Sub Epsilon (Psi) state: below 0.2 Hz to Epsilon state: below 0.5 Hz. The “nearer” one is to the zero point of the brain wave spectrum, the higher the vibrations become in the other end of the higher wave spectrum of Lambda state. The Zero-point state is the new state of bliss when these state is in balance and merging into Oneness (the new transformed state or being). Meditation is a spiritual work of building bridges, neutralize opposite forces, and through “long term” pratcice of descending downwards to the zero point state, and it is through meditation that we create the threads and cables that connect the three aspects of the mind, and its through meditation one building
If you wish to transmute something that already has a solid form, for example your body-mind and soul, then that object has to undergo a process of disintegration and transformation to move toward the zero point. From the zero point it can begin moving toward materializing its new, transformed being. The “nearer” one is to the zero point, the higher the vibration. When one reducing and lowering the beta frequency the alpha waves increasing and when reducing the alpha waves theta waves increasing, and when one reducing and lowering theta waves and become nearer the zero point state (the higher the vibration is) and the gamma brainwaves activity is increasing. Meditation and the gamma waves unify the electrical and electromagnetic circuitry within our brains to state of Oneness.
If one wish to understand and improve our mental, emotional, and behavioral functions, the locus of investigation is the nervous system. The person who can dial and tune the receptive, integrative, transmitting circuits of the nervous system is not just more intelligent, but can be said to operate at a higher and more complex level of evolution.
The only way to rewire neural patterns is to interfere with the neurotransmitter sequence at the synapse, thus retracting the old imprint and allowing for a new imprinting. The Corpus Callosum it is where neural connections are activated to the extent of creating new neural pathways or dendritic synapses, between them, breaking the barrier of lack of corpus callosum energy.
The only parts of the brain that are not so connected with a specific function of the body are the frontal lobes. Instead of being connected with the body, the fibres from these lobes seem to connect only to the other parts of the cortex. This led researchers to suggest that the frontal lobes act as the controller to the rest of the brain as much as the rest of the brain is the controller of the body.
Over time through the spiritual work by meditation, and project our attention upward, these new threads and cables of the mind fuse and widen as a symbolic bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds is built. This bridge is built in two pieces. The lower span links the lower mind and the soul. When we build this bridge, we create a direct channel for the downpouring of information from the soul to the brain, where it is interpreted and used. And through the meditational work new dna strand will also slowly be activated when the slumbering knowledge awakens – frozen light becomes awaken light (enlightment).
Each strand provides us with a different level of awareness. Scientific studies find that we can turn our genes on and off by our thoughts, feelings and emotions. When we awaken, activate and unite all twelve DNA strands we develop access to all knowledge wisdom. When we cultivate a good combination of each of the brain waves we can take full control of our mind and our life. Level one began at birth using Low Beta Waves associated with sensory feedback. This provides us with the courage to overcome our fears and move ahead. Next, at level two, we began to apply the Beta Brainwave Range, the normal state of wakeful consciousness associated with alertness. Then, at level three, we applied High Beta Waves that help us to get ideas quickly. At the higher end of Beta, the brain moves into level four, the Gamma brain wave patterns that focus our mind. At the next level, five, Hyper-Gamma, our imagination shapes our thinking. Level six, Lambda then increases our state of consciousness providing us with inspiration through meditation and visualization. The next range, level seven, Alpha links our conscious, waking mind, with our unconscious mind and increases our creativity. Next, at level eight, we reach the Alpha / Theta Bridge, the balance point between our mental and emotional states. Just above this level, the level nine Theta Brain Waves awaken our intuition, allowing us to gain access to the power of our subconscious mind and providing us with the ability to accept and live within diversity. Following this, at level ten, the Theta / Delta Bridge allows us to access our long-term memory. Next, at the eleventh level, Delta Brainwaves tap into our genetic memories of the universal mind. Level 12, Epsilon is our highest state of consciousness, bringing us the awareness of total unification.
Alpha is the beginning of the soul level, where we create our existence, and epsilon/lambda the deep soul state; the “God” state. Beta/gamma is the ego level, where we exist and connect to the material, slow-vibrating world. The higher the brainwave state, the slower the material state. The lower the brainwave state, the faster the vibration in the material state. So a higher vibration at one end leads to a lower vibration at the other end—this is simply the Law of Balance in action. The Law of Balance is one of the physical universe’s most powerful laws.
Jesus, Buddha, and all the ascended masters realized that our beta/gamma state allows us to be present in the Earth experience. They were able to reach such a slow brainwave state that they were able to transcend this physical manifestation and were no longer material or physical. They were able to connect with their superconscious. They discovered how to reach, and how to master, the epsilon/lambda brainwave state.
A deep alpha state – towards epsilon/lambda state – allows transfer of our consciousness deeper into the soul state.
The third eye chakra aligns with the sephira Binah and Chokhmah symbolizing our intellect, our intuition, and discernment when we apply our Epsilon brainwaves. We can overcome our envious view of others when we apply our wisdom and understanding. The crown chakra aligns with the sephiroth Keter, symbolizing our conscious connection to the Spirit.
The Epsilon Symbol
Epsilon is valued at 5 in the Pythagorean system. and is apparently a reference to the fifth coil of the Serpent counting from either direction. “Psilon” is an interesting term and may be understood as indicative of bareness, smooth-ness and bakIness.characterning the seven coils of the Serpent.
Thus it is epsilon, the character marking the fifth coil. It should be considered that with the advent of the creation of the alphabetical collection, any number of expressions owning references to the serpent might have been developed.
Further, it is a logical theory that with an excellent knowledge of the mother form, the various symbols of the Greek alphabet, fitted together, would recreate Pythagoras Python.
Like phi and chi, psi was once expressed in a double consonant form, in this case pi-sigma.
One reason for its condensation to a single symbol is conceivably found in the spelling of epsilon.
The prefix epi – coincidentally has five uses. viz. on. upon, at. by. and near, and infers resting or situation. Were the spelling of the term evaluated as pi-iota-sigma, i.e., ep (i) silon, droping the iota due to its inference through the pi, the term would redum to 455—being sure to include the inferred iota in the summation: 4 +5 +5=14;1+4=5
The minuscule epsilon rests on, upon. or at the fifth coil of the Serpent counting up from the tail, and the central branch of the majuscule is resting at, by; or near the fifth coil counting down from the head.
In this arrangement it can be seen how psilon could remind one of the coils of the creature.
This possibly helps to explain why psi represents the number seven. Epsilon’s usual spelling sums to 865, virtually the same value as the usual summation of the name Pythagoras.
In this may be discerned the reason for the use of the Pythagorean ‘Theorem in describing the epsilons (see “Pythagoras and the Sigma” in the sigma section).
Paradoxically, the name also reduces to the figure 666. (See “The Number of the Beast.”)
Not coincidentally, the spelling of eta, which is the long e alternative to the shorter e of epsilon, also creates an “alchemy” or perfect joining of sounds, absent to the eye but inferred to the ear and proven in the numerical reduction.
The two e’s. as the other four vowels, represented the bright spirits of speech, as without vowels, we would all be mumbling. Recalling that there are twenty-four parts to the soul of man (the twenty-four elders), these live were thus the live elements or conditions of matter in that Spiritual Science—fiery, gaseous, solid, liquid, and ethereal—for all matter was sustained by the Universal Logos or Voice of God.
Using the Delphi Circle, the lunar mid-point setting position offers an alternate explanation for minuscule epsilon’s divining bar.
The two E’s were given special notice in the alphabet as separate entities. They for all intent and purpose represented the ethereal or fifth condition and electricity, through which the etheric state of matter is made dense or dense Destruction matter is dissolved back into the etheric stuff. The eta likely replaced the now extinct episemon bau, the thunderbolt of creation and destruction.
the original ei ………epsilon ei was inscribed on the temple at Delphi and was thus known as Apollo´s letter
The Delphic oracle is mentioned in the ancient Homeric Hymn dedicated to god “Apollo”, which describes in detail that how god Apollo chose his first priests for his temple at Delphi, who were the Cretans from the Minos city of “Knossos” who were going on a voyage to sandy in their swift ship, when the god Apollo suddenly leapt into their ship in the form of a dolphin fish.
Apollo revealed himself to the terrified Cretans, and told them not be afraid and to follow him up to the place where they will have many riches as offerings. After finding these facts the Cretans rejoiced and then followed god Apollo, who appeared in a Dolphin form, with dancing and singing. [This is a codified story, having much resemblance to the Solar logos consciousness (Vishnu) story incarnated as the fish avatar in the Matasya purana, where in the form of a fish he told “Manu” and others to follow during the great deluge). Thus the name of this place came to be known as “Delphi”. According to Homer in world famous composition “The Iliad”, the god Apollo was also known as “Apollo Smintheus” or the god of mouse.
Carved into the temple of Apollo at Delphi, there were three Greek phrases which said:
[1) “know thyself”,
[2) “nothing in excess”, and
[3] “Make a pledge and mischief is nigh”,
—and according to the temple priests the origin of these phrases were attributed to one or more of the Seven ancient Sages of Greece. The seven ancient sages of Greece with their evolved consciousness also represented the seven rays.
There was also a large letter “E”, which was inscribed in the Temple’s Sanctum sanctorum, and according to great Plutarch’s essay on of this “E at Delphi”, which is the only literary source for this inscription, he states —there was also inscribed at the temple a large letter “E” depicting “Epsilon”, and among other things “Epsilon” signifies the number ” 5″, which represents the 5th solar plane
Epsilon – The nummerical value of the letter epsilon is five; this may recall the realm of five in the Secret Book of John.
The letters could designate the heavenly figure Esephech
Epsilon , as above
Epsilon and Psi
Epsilon (Psi) state: below 0.2 Hz — telepathy
Epsilon and Gamma……….(Ida, Pingala and Sushumna) merge in the Third Eye)
Higher Intuition and telepathy appears the Third Eye
Seventh chakra; spiritual insights, spiritual visions
Epsilon represents the number 5
Psi represents the number 7
5+7=12 (Epsilon+Psi)
The Number 12 Twelve is the number three indicates a higher octave and a great level of understanding and wisdom.
Psi (from the Greek letter = ‘psi’)
The Greek letter psi (symbol ψ) is used to represent water potential.
Water potential is a measure of the ability of water to do work and is represented by the Greek letter psi
It is defined as the passage of water from a region where it has a higher water potential to a region where it has a lower. This tendency is called the pressure potential
Unlike particles, waves can be superimposed on one another. For example, when two ocean waves overlap, the amplitude of the resultant wave is the combined amplitudes of the component waves: the amplitude of one wave is added to the to the amplitude of the other wave, and the result is a wave with their combined amplitude. The resultant wave is said to be a linear combination or a superposition of the component waves. Like water waves – wave functions can also be added together to form superpositions. For example, let ψ and ψ (the Greek letter ψ psi, is conventionally used to represents the wave function) represent two solutions to S E for a particular situation.
From water waves and quantum and water potential to “quantum brain-WAVES” and brain waves potentials/abilities.
PSI is also “the first letter of the Greek word ‘psyche’ meaning soul or mind”
Psychology is derived from the Greek word “psyche,” meaning soul or mind. The term “psi” may come from the same word.
PSI is the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet. its translations include esoteric ideas such as, soul, psyche and the unknown. The Greek letter psi ψ symbol represents the wave function in quantum mechanics and has meaning in mathematics and the paranormal. Here, it is not only a symbol, but also a acronym, Portal to Symbols and Images. The idea of ψ implies the essence of creativity and the portal we all must pass through as we journey into the deeper mysterius, beyond the reach words, into realms of artistic imagery.
Psi abilty is viewed as the product of of evolution.
Psi and science
Parapsychology is defined as the study of psi-phenomena which includes psi-kappa phenomena (psycho-kinesis, movement by the mind) and psi-gamma phenomena (clairvoyance, mind communicating to mind; telepathy, matter communicating to mind.)
Researchers now class the types of parapsychical ability (clairvoyance, precognition, telepathy and psychokinesis) as effects of a single ability, called ‘psi’.
Psi and Siddhi
In the Western world Psi is the science of the paranormal activities and in the Eastern world paranormal abilities is a result of meditation to higher consciousness states and the paranormal powers (siddhi) are simply manifestations of the divine Power.
Psi and technology
Psi and technology is used as quantum wireless technology.
Psi and Pineal Gland
Looked at another way, the pineal gland can be considered an organic superconducting resonator located within each of us.
Psi and Siddhi
In the Western world Psi is the science of the paranormal activities and in the Eastern world paranormal abilities is a result of meditation to higher consciousness states and the paranormal powers (siddhi) are simply manifestations of the divine Power.
‘psi’ (short for ‘psychic ability’)
These four phenomena — precognition, telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis
Psi phenomena refer to telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition as well as the effects of mind over matter.
ESP (extrasensory perception)
Our Seventh Sense: God Consciousness and How It Works
Our thinking self and our conscious self work hand-in-hand most of the time. but are not at all the same thing. Our brain works basically as a very low voltage electrical system that is wired by nerve cells (neurons) and their synapses (the spaces between them). When our brain is stimulated, messages quickly lire along the nerve paths. and we react accordingly.
Some of the activities ofour nervous system are voluntary, while others are not. Our mental selves are electrical in both action and reaction. Without the working webs of nerves in our bodies, we would not be functional at all on a physical level: we would not even be alive. At the same time our nerves are working to support us. electromagnetic fields are created. Electromagnetic energy is our life force, also known as chi. ‘This force enters through our crown, at the very tops ofour heads, and flows down through our prank tube, which is a large pathway right down through the center of our bodies. This invisible force animates our bodies and moves through its continually via our meridian systems. Our meridian systems are invisible highways that weave through our bodies. Along our meridian lines are power points that are relative to different areas ofour body and its health. Some of these power points are related to our internal organs. while others are related to different aspects of our health and physical experience. Throughout our entire bodies, as well as around our bodies, fields of energy are emitted all of the time. When we are happy, excited, feeling good. or generally experienc-ing life in a positive way. our energy fields are large. even expansive. When we are sick, tired, or in a negative frame of m intl. our energy fields become much smaller and less vital.
Electromagnetic energy is not simply an invisible force. though. h is a con-scious living thing. filled with information that it transmitsand receives both from us and to us. That information is part of our consciousness. Consciousness is not bound by any walls or defined areas. It is super luminal, or faster than the speed of light. It is not bound by direction but can be directed. It is not subject to time and space but can travel through and beyond it. and it is not just some nebulous thing in our heads: it is everywhere in our bodies. Consciousness is awake and aware 24/7, and it experiences not only what is happening in our bodies and our minds, but also in all of creation. Consciousness never forgets anything because all information that passes through our con-sciousness is retained in a form that is very different from our neuron-oriented electrical brains.
Gamma Consciousness and Our Seventh Sense Our brains perform different kinds of activity. This activity is measured in waves. such as alpha (when we are relaxed), beta (active awareness), delta (when we are sleeping) and theta when we meditate and get out there). These are the most common types of brain waves. but there is one other type that is not as well understood. It is called the gamma wave. Gamma brain waves can be found in virtually all areas of the brain. In fact. they serve to unify all of our senses so that we can see. hear. smell, feel. and taste all at once. Gamma waves are the fastest known type of brain waves. They are so subtle that they are barely discernible on an electroencephalogram (EEC). or brain wave test.
Gamma waves are thought to be used during our most purely cognitive brain state. They also assist in expansion of reality perception. increased I.Q. improved states of consciousness. more physical energy. and positive thinking, as well as other benefits.
There is different levels of consciousness there are actually three levels of gamma wave states. These are; initiation, communion, and ascension. These levels of consciousness occur when certain aspects ofou r brain wave activity unify to create increasingly higher levels of awareness.
When we enter into any level of gamma wave activity. we are stimulated along a predictable spiral in our brains. That spiral encompasses our pineal gland. pituitary gland. corpus callosum (the dividing point in the center of our brains). and our hypothalamus. up across the crown of our heads and around to the back of our skull between the occipital bones. ‘the first level of Gammas Consciousness.
Initiation, is at the widest part of the spiral at the back of the head. At the point that the are of the spiral crosses the crown, the Communion phase of consciousness is reached. With each level of Gamma Consciousness, we come closer to having full unification of energy in our brain. Full unification of the brain’s energy field occurs when the center point of the spiral is activated during extremely high awareness. At that point the third level of gamma Consciousness is reached. and we arrive at the highest aspect of consciousness. which is the ascension point.
The first level of Gamma Consciousness is what I call initiation. It is at this level of awareness that we begin to realize that there are realities beyond our considered norm. This state of consciousness is where we most use our sixth sense. Our sixth sense is our intuitive nature. It is how we know something is going to happen before it does, how we know who is on the phone just before it rings. how we know things about people we haven’t been told, and many other instances when our consciousness is used in paranormal circumstances. At the initiation level. We might begin to have flashes of visions of past. pres-ent. or future events. Our intuition is awakened, and with it we may begin to see, hear. or feel snippets of other realities. This stage of awareness is that at which we think we see something or someone out the corner of our eye that isn’t really there. at least not in our ”regular” world.
The communion level of Gamma Consciousness occurs when the gamma wave energy expands through the crown of our head and connects with the incoming energies that are entering our pranic tube. Gamma consciousness is not only the combining of our senses. but the unification ofour brain waves so that for the time we are in that state. we are literally accessing all of the parts of our brain. including those we rarely use. The energy that is incoming through our crown carries information about everything that ever is, was, or will be. It is here, at the communion stage of consciousness. that our Seventh Sense becomes activated. Our Seventh Sense is our inter-dimensional awareness. In this state. our consciousness remains connected to our bodies. but at the same time freely roams and communicates across all boundaries of time, space, and creation. Being in the state of communion is like having your cosmic antennae extended past the third dimension and into other worlds, receiving direct downloads of information and impressions from other realities. In the communion stage. we may meet or see our guides. angels. deceased people in spirit form, and other forms of multi-dimensional life. Not only that, we can communicate with them.
Our Seventh Sense also allows for our consciousness to travel unhindered into other levels of reality. When using our Seventh Sense. we are also able to travel through stargate systems in the same way that our ancient intergalactic ancestors did. Traveling the star gate systems isn’t necessarily only about jumping from star system to star system. The network of connections that is available throughout the muhiverse includes corridors, dimensional portals. and wormholes. all of which can be accessed by our consciousness while using our Seventh Sense. Making and maintaining this connection is kind of like being online all the time. As healers. using our Seventh Sense can create the fullest, most effective, alternative healing possible.
Ascension consciousness is the third level of Gamma Consciousness. It occurs when our brain waves are unified, our thinking brain is disengaged. and the entire electromagnetic system inside and around our bodies has unified all at the same time. This is only happens when we have achieved a certain level of awareness that we not only sustain, but also literally become a part of. When we achieve this level of consciousness. our DNA strands begin to emit stronger and stronger electromagnetic fields of energy until there comes a moment when every single strand of DNA in our bodies is unified energetically. As this occurs. our consciousness links. not only with the communion field of Gamma Consciousness energy. but also with the electromagnetic energy that is emitted within our bodies. At that point we achieve the embodiment of a true trinity. This trinity consists ofus as an individual, our connection with Creation. and the combination of ourselves with creation. It is at this point of consciousness that we have the ability to turn to white light and disappear, taking our bodies right along with us.
The frontal lobes are the sites of voluntary functions, the executors of intentions, motives and plans formulated with the aid of speech. The frontal cortex also directs attention and concentration. It is responsible for the control, interpretation and integration of subcortical brain activity, including feelings.
Neurophysiologist Elkhonon Goldberg has called the prefrontal cortex the CEO of the brain (Goldberg 2001: 23). It is the leader or conductor that oversees and controls all other parts of the brain to which it is neurologically connected.
Several Indian masters have claimed that the frontal cortex in most humans is in a sleeping state and needs more energy to awaken. There are also indications from recent research into meditation and higher states of consciousness that under the right circumstances the frontal cortex can function at a much higher energy level, generating very fast brainwave frequencies called gamma waves
There is another mechanism in the brain that can suppress feelings. Since feelings are primarily mediated by the right hemisphere, an overly active left hemisphere may prevent them from reaching the left hemisphere and hence the primary consciousness
It has been suggested that the frontal lobes stand guard on either side of the corpus callosum to determine what may pass through. Neurophysiclogist Rhawn Joseph says:
The frontal lobes are in essence, the senior executives of the brain, ego and personality. They control behavior, attention and information processing throughout the brain via inhibition, suppression, and censorship… They may act to prevent information from crossing over the psychic corridor’ (the corpus callosum) via inhibition. Thus, it can be said that they engage in censorship and stand guard on either side of the corpus callosum to determine what may pass.
Whether or not this hypothetical mechanism can be verified, it seems likely that the frontal lobes play an important role in regulating inhibition and cornmunication via the corpus callosum. Therefore they seem to be responsible for creating a balance between the left thinking/intellectual mind and the right feeling/intuitive mind.
When people are in gamma state, their brains are super active and able to process incredible amounts of information very quickly (intuition is instantly) and gamma state of consciousness may be seen as the higher bandwith………….
The two hemispheres are connected by a broad band of fibers, known as the corpus callosum
greater “bandwidth,
the predominant brain wave frequency drops from the alpha wave region to the delta wave region,
Gamma brainwaves reflects th high frequnecies of the soul energy. It is a state where the soul is in chanrge. The mind has to be quite to access the gamma state. It´s the unity of all things and emerging with the divine. The gamma state represents great peace and bliss beyond language can describe.
A myth is meant to reconcile an individual to the experience of awe in relation to the divine in his or her life.” In balance, physical calmness, and equilibrium of the mind, the creative decision-making process becomes possible as opposed to pure survival. The physiology of balance allows for a more “wholesome” state of mind, in which both the rational and intuitive abilities of the mind are optimally available. Rich in serotonin transporters, prefrontal areas of the brain—particularly the orbito-frontal cortex—activate the associations and reward-based cognitive connections with the limbic system, and again, if in balance in a higher consciousness position, in the gamma state, solutions emerge. The gamma brain wave, which entrains the brain in a particular way and is achieved in higher consciousness state, stimulates the connections between areas in the brain responsible for creating future memory and taking action toward the decision that is identified as the most adequate. The new neural pathway quickly fires off in the new direction and thus establishes a new way and possibility. This enables the seeker to connect with a metaphor of his or her personal role in the universe. Subsequently, connecting the dots according to the intention, a creative action emerges as a solution, a strategy of the next step, creating an active inner vision of necessary action to be taken in the near future.
The goal of Gamma Energetics is to modify the programming of the body cells to clear negative thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs and to turn our cellular store into an emporium of virtues, peace, happiness and love for all the beings of this world, as well as to cultivate a promising present and future. Another key subject of Gamma Energetics is addressing the heart-chakra as the central focus for exercises that stimulate the chemistry of love. In the center-heart, or fourth Chakra, we hold a force of incredible vigor that we call the infinite being.
When we are in tune with the infinite being, a wave of magic, beatitude and compassion surrounds everything around us. It is spiritual alchemy that turns any fact or thought into universal love by passing it through the center-heart filter.
We achieve this state of consciousness and inner divinity by learning turn of the mind; to ignite the divine spark in the center-heart and enjoy the capture of Prana.
the delta state is the doorway into higher consciuousness and therefore our connecetion with the Infinite Source,
The rational brain mind cannot make direct contact with the subtle planes. It is only through the soul that we can access to divine ideas and concepts, and the rational brain is overshadowed by the solar plexus activity, and when the solar plexus activity (ego) is in motion the heart chakra is closed.
The solar plexus brain, which is the stronghold of the Animal Soul. When the lower nature has no power, you, the higher self, “then have perfect self- mastery. The Animal Soul has its seat in the liver and a point of contact in the sex (chakra) centers, while it rules the body through the brain of subconscious mind, the Solar Plexus Brain. It gets powers from all sensations, desires, and experiences and devotions of the Earthly. The Animal Soul, is the synthesis of the lower principles overshadowed by the rational mind. But when it attracts to itself and holds captive the Rational Brain through animal desires, it becomes the personal tempter. This is the great fight in man.
The Wisdom teachings tell us that there are three aspects to the mind—the lower, rational mind; the soul, our individual fragment of the divine mind; and the higher, or intuitive, mind. The lower mind, linked to our five physical senses, is the reasoning principle. We use this aspect of the mind to function in the physical world. The higher mind is the custodian of abstract ideas and universal concepts. When we tap this level of mind, we have access to the universal, or divine, mind—the great storehouse of all wisdom and knowledge. It is the soul that connects the two minds.
The power of meditation
It is through meditation that we create the threads and cables that connect the three aspects of the mind. In the same way that our homes are wired for phone and internet reception, these threads function as communication lines that allow us to receive information from the higher planes. Over time, as we project our attention upward, these threads and cables fuse and widen as a symbolic bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds is built. This bridge is built in two pieces. The lower span links the lower mind and the soul. When we build this bridge, we create a direct channel for the downpouring of information from the soul to the brain, where it is interpreted and used. As you’ll see in the next chapter, this experience has produced many of our greatest achievements in religion, the arts, and business. At a later stage in our spiritual development, the higher span—the one between the soul and the higher mind—is built. We then have a direct link between the higher mind and the brain, an experience that prompted Jesus to say, “I and my Father are one.”
When the three minds unite, we have access to all information—past, present, and future. Time and space disappear as the past, present, and future are experienced in each moment. According to the Wisdom teachings, this bridge building is the “new and true” science of the mind.
The breathing techniques in meditation practices are especially good for relaxtion as the allow the cortex (the thinking mind) prevents from entering into a meditaive state to “switch off”. When the neocortex is dormant, this thinking part of the brain gets rest and one can tune into the more inspired, even psychic region of the brain that under normal circumstances is hard to activate because of the busy activity of the neocortex. This is the medulla oblongata. Often the third eye – responsible for the ego, intuition and insight – is also awoken.
The human brain has evolved in four progressive stages, with the earliest stage comprising the inner core of the brain and attached directly to the brainstem. This part of the brain is known as the R-complex or reptilian brain. This part of the brain gives us our basic survival traits, such as to fight or flee in danger situations. This core is surrounded by the second stage of the brain’s development, which is commonly referred to as the old mammalian brain, comprised mainly of the limbic system, which is the seat of our emotions and gives us the ability to feel and causes us to act on those feelings. Surrounding this is the neo-cortex, the third stage of the brain’s development, which has evolved to allow us to think and to analyze. The fourth stage is comprised of the pre-frontal lobes, which grow out of the front part of the neo-cortex, and provide us with the ability to plan and predict. Beneath this pre-frontal area, or attached to it, is the pineal gland, which might be a fifth stage in the brain’s evolution. This gland is a little pea-sized outgrowth and has been associated with psychic ability in humans. It is located between the eyes, slightly behind and above them, and is often referred to as the third eye. The pineal gland naturally produces the drug dimethyltryptamine (DMT), which is a very powerful hallucinogen that is also derived from certain plants and is used by shamen for divination purposes.
When any organ of the body is not used for a long enough time, it begins to wither and becomes inoperative, and can eventually physically disappear altogether, at that point existing only within the genetic blueprint of our DNA. Such might be the case with the pineal gland, which may have atrophied over time from disuse, and threatens to disappear altogether in future generations of our species if it’s not exercised.
The (alien group or principalities) requires that we don’t develop our natural psychic senses, because this would give us the ability to see beyond the veil of ignorance that’s been set in place around us. With our natural psychic senses fully developed, we would begin to intuitively become aware of their presence and the lies that have distorted our perceptions of ourselves and our world for so long. Recognizing and developing our psychic abilities would free us from the clutches of any deceptions that they have used against us for most of our history. It has been deeply ingrained into the social fabric to doubt and even ridicule anyone who purports to have psychic powers. The commonly held belief that we don’t have these abilities is by itself the greatest impediment to our being able to develop and use them.
Studies of meditation shows that during meditation, the grand central stationlike cable of nerves connecting your two brain hemispheres, the Corpus Callosum — becomes deeply stimulated. The main formula is; by loering reducing normal brain activity in beta increasing the alpha brainwaves, and when reducing the alpha waves the theta waves increasing, and when reducing theta waves or epsilon brainwaves the gamma brainwaves increasing.
During sleep the whole neo-cortex is switched into a less reactive state wherein its responsiveness to incoming sensory information is markedly reduced, and this is the central key with meditation; by conscious practice meditation one learn to reduce the brain activity and this open the doors the higher levels of gamma brainwaves and higher consciousness.
The first hidden principle with meditation is; the zero point state – the power of nothing is to empty to get access to everything. Zero was inextricably linked with the void – with nothing because Zero has no substance. Likewise, when one learn to empty the subconscious mind from influencing one slowly arrive at the zero point, which is a state of emptiness.
The second hidden principle with meditation is; the beta brainwaves is connected to both ego and the rational mind, and the rational brain can´t go beyond space and time reality and is unable to transcend the bounds of logic and formality. The rational brain mind cannot make direct contact with the subtle planes. It is only through the soul that we can access to divine ideas and concepts, and the rational brain is overshadowed by the solar plexus activity, and when the solar plexus activity (ego) is in motion the heart chakra is closed.
The third hidden principle with meditation is; the rational brain and the beta-state is to busy to receive subtle information
The fourth hidden principle with meditation is; to balancing the opposite energies, forces, elements and bringing them into harmony and balance. If you wish to transmute something that already has a solid form, for example your body-mind and soul, then that object has to undergo a process of disintegration and transformation to move toward the zero point. From the zero point it can begin moving toward materializing its new, transformed being. The “nearer” one is to the zero point, the higher the vibration. When one reducing and lowering the beta frequency the alpha waves increasing and when reducing the alpha waves theta waves increasing, and when one reducing and lowering theta waves and become nearer the zero point state (the higher the vibration is) and the gamma brainwaves activity is increasing. Meditation and the gamma waves unify the electrical and electromagnetic circuitry within our brains to state of Oneness.
Meditation practice is a spiritual exercise through the four/five bodies that has created matter out of ether an through their different levels of density, and as thinner the density becomes – the easier can light and information pass through. So, in order to prepare your physical body to receive all the other bodies of light, you must raise the frequency, clarity, and spaciousness of your physical body, bringing the physical closer to the vibrational levels of the more formless bodies of light. The inner reality and outer reality is how the inner self can experience life and existence and it is with the ego one experience the outer world. The ego can´t access the third eye level because it will be dissolved, so the ego can´t access the inner soul reality. Meditation practice building spiritual bridges between opposite forces and through this balancing it get access to the principles behind the five senses.
The power of meditation
It is through meditation that we create the threads and cables that connect the three aspects of the mind. In the same way that our homes are wired for phone and internet reception, these threads function as communication lines that allow us to receive information from the higher planes. It is where neural connections are activated to the extent of creating new neural pathways or dendritic synapses, between them, breaking the barrier of lack of corpus callosum energy.
Over time, as we project our attention upward, these threads and cables fuse and widen as a symbolic bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds is built. This bridge is built in two pieces. The lower span links the lower mind and the soul. When we build this bridge, we create a direct channel for the downpouring of information from the soul to the brain, where it is interpreted and used. This experience has produced many of our greatest achievements in religion, the arts, and business. At a later stage in our spiritual development, the higher span—the one between the soul and the higher mind—is built. We then have a direct link between the higher mind and the brain, an experience that prompted Jesus to say, “I and my Father are one.”
When the three minds unite, we have access to all information—past, present, and future. Time and space disappear as the past, present, and future are experienced in each moment. According to the Wisdom teachings, this bridge building is the “new and true” science of the mind.
The gamma waves unify the electrical and electromagnetic circuitry within our brains. beyond the theta level, we begin to use gamma waves, very fine brain waves that create a unification of energy across our brains. When we use our gamma brain-wave functioning, the gamma waves unify the electrical and electromagnetic circuitry within our brains. The gamma waves radiate outward from the center of our brain in a uniform way, uniting pans of the brain that do not work together in our current states of consciousness. In the moment that we achieve unification of our electrical and electromagnetic functioning, an interesting thing happens. The door to the infinite opens, and we immediately leap into higher consciousness. We become aware of realities that are beyond our third dimension awareness. In the moment we leap into gamma consciousness, we awaken to multidimensional awareness! This is the multidimensional awareness or the seventh sense. From there, we are no longer aware of limitations of time, limitations of space, or any other type of limitations.
It is interesting that the Epsilon frequency is also associated with very similar states of being. With the advancement of brainwave research it has been found that these frequencies co-exist. The Hyper-Gamma, Lambda and Epsilon frequencies are linked together in a circular relationship” when the brain exhibits the higher frequencies, you will also find Epsilon folded into the frequency and vice-versa. This interesting relationship is one that requires further investigation. During the sounding exercises your brainwaves may well slow to between 3 and 12 hz and there may even be times when Epsilon, Gamma and Hyper-Gamma frequencies are present, especially if you are experiencing bursts of pre-cognition.
Each strand provides us with a different level of awareness. Scientific studies find that we can turn our genes on and off by our thoughts, feelings and emotions. When we awaken, activate and unite all twelve DNA strands we develop access to all knowledge wisdom. When we cultivate a good combination of each of the brain waves we can take full control of our mind and our life. Level one began at birth using Low Beta Waves associated with sensory feedback. This provides us with the courage to overcome our fears and move ahead. Next, at level two, we began to apply the Beta Brainwave Range, the normal state of wakeful consciousness associated with alertness. Then, at level three, we applied High Beta Waves that help us to get ideas quickly. At the higher end of Beta, the brain moves into level four, the Gamma brain wave patterns that focus our mind. At the next level, five, Hyper-Gamma, our imagination shapes our thinking. Level six, Lambda then increases our state of consciousness providing us with inspiration through meditation and visualization. The next range, level seven, Alpha links our conscious, waking mind, with our unconscious mind and increases our creativity. Next, at level eight, we reach the Alpha / Theta Bridge, the balance point between our mental and emotional states. Just above this level, the level nine Theta Brain Waves awaken our intuition, allowing us to gain access to the power of our subconscious mind and providing us with the ability to accept and live within diversity. Following this, at level ten, the Theta / Delta Bridge allows us to access our long-term memory. Next, at the eleventh level, Delta Brainwaves tap into our genetic memories of the universal mind. Level 12, Epsilon is our highest state of consciousness, bringing us the awareness of total unification.
New Brain, New World
Several Indian masters have claimed that the frontal cortex in most humans is in a sleeping state and needs more energy to awaken. There are also indications from recent research into meditation and higher states of consciousness that under the right circumstances the frontal cortex can function at a much higher energy level, generating very fast brainwave frequencies called gamma waves.
That differentiation of the cortex is the aggregate of neurons or brain cells, while the medulla is an aggregate of nerve fibres connecting different parts of the cortex to each other and to the rest of the body. Therefore, the brain being divided into lobes (the cerebral cortex). This division has allowed a common misconception that we think with only 10 percent of the brain. First, we have not ever located where we think. And yes, the cortex accounts for only 10 percent of the brain. That does not mean that we think with 10 percent, or that if we ever learn to use more than 10 percent, we will be superhuman. Remember, the other 90 percent is formed of fibres connecting the cells of the 10 percent to each other. The only parts of the brain that are not so connected with a specific function of the body are the frontal lobes. Instead of being connected with the body, the fibres from these lobes seem to connect only to the other parts of the cortex. This led researchers to suggest that the frontal lobes act as the controller to the rest of the brain as much as the rest of the brain is the controller of the body. While other waves predominantly affect areas of the brain, Gamma influeces the entire brain. During meditation, the grand central stationlike cable of nerves connecting your two brain hemispheres, the Corpus Callosum — becomes deeply stimulated.
Communication between the two hemispheres is handled by the corpus callosum, a bundle of over two hundred million nerve fibers. The two hemispheres are connected by a broad band of fibers, known as the corpus callosum. The corpus callosum, is a high- bandwidth transmission channel with greater “bandwidth”. During meditation, the grand central stationlike cable of nerves connecting your two brain hemispheres, the Corpus Callosum — becomes deeply stimulated. It is where neural connections are activated to the extent of creating new neural pathways or dendritic synapses, between them, breaking the barrier of lack of corpus callosum energy.
Meditation studies shows that lowering and reducing brain activity also increasing the gamma brain waves; meditation could be linked to monatomic gold and when electrons becomes photons in high spin. Gamma brain waves could actually be the monatomic state with healing properties and both monatomic gold and gamma brain waves has healing effects on the body and mind. The gamma state provides new fibers in a high bandwidth transmission channel, and both monatomic gold and gamma consiousness is related to higher dimension of light and the superconductive brain.
Not only do your cells communicate via chemicals and electricity in your nervous system but also through the exchange of photons or light particles through the bio-photonic network.
Light is innately intelligent and carries higher quantities of “purer” information as well as being superconductive. The more of it you can bring into your system, the more you can transform your body at the cellular level, from your organs, muscles, and tissues to your brain and nervous system. Monatomic elements are superconductive, and when they are ingested into our bodies they change our cellular structure into a super-conductive matrix because they are the cause of energy at the cellular level.
This means that the cells become superconductors for an increased Now of photons that increase your electrical and electromagnetic field. “Put another way, you could say that monatomics transform the body’s ‘wiring’ from being simple copper cable to being wired with fiber-optics, where the same ‘width’ of wiring is able to carry a thousand times as much ‘process’ information
It is through meditation that we create the threads and cables that connect the three aspects of the mind. In the same way that our homes are wired for phone and internet reception, these threads function as communication lines that allow us to receive information from the higher planes. Over time, as we project our attention upward, these threads and cables fuse and widen as a symbolic bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds is built. This bridge is built in two pieces. The lower span links the lower mind and the soul. When we build this bridge, we create a direct channel for the downpouring of information from the soul to the brain, where it is interpreted and used. This experience has produced many of our greatest achievements in religion, the arts, and business. At a later stage in our spiritual development, the higher span—the one between the soul and the higher mind—is built.
The power and science of meditation is not just yoga, it is through meditation one can build a whole new brain and may even create a new world in the future.
Certain knowledge that has been largely kept from public awareness through persistent scientific ridicule and the resulting lack of empirical research is that psychic abilities such as telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis, levitation, and even materialization and dematerialization are quite real phenomena. They are natural traits in the human species that have atrophied over time through disuse, and our greater knowledge and awareness of them has been repressed through the intentional influencing of our beliefs regarding such phenomena.
Corpus Callosum
These crossings symbolize – the end of the Spinal Cord at the twelfth dorsal vertebra where Jesus was baptized, and the base of skull where Jesus was crucified. It reamins two and half days in the tomb (cerebellum). On the third day it ascends to the Pineal Gland, which connects the Cerebellum with the Optic Thalamus, the cenral eye in the throne of God (brain) (mk 16.19)
That is the Chamber overtopped by the hollow (hallowed) caused by the curve of the Cerebrum (Most High).
So the Bible says? “He that dwelleth in the secret place (Pineal) of the Most High (brain) shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Cerebrum) (Ps. 91:1). The symbolism is clear and the picture understood.
Hence, no man hath ascended up to heaven (brain), but he that came down from heaven (Divine Essence), even the Son (Seed) of Man which is in heaven (Jn. 3:13). What and if ye shall see the Son (Seed) of Man ascend up where he was before (Jn. 6:62). The symbolism is clear and the picture is understood.
This is related to what you read about Ida, Pingala and Sushumna; The nerves “Ida” and “Pingala” are situated on the right and left respectively of the susumna in the spinal cord, and the Sushumna in the middle. These (three) principal nadls have their mouths downwards, and are like thin threads of lotus. They are all supported by the vertebral column, and are symbolized by the sun (pingala), moon (ida) and fire (sushumna). The crucifixation is the crossing in the third eye (three energies merge) and the Single Eye is named Third Eye (Ida, Pingala and Sushumna)
After this the crystal at the top tranforming into the Star of David in the heart (represents the balance between all chakras and their opposite forces – and the root chakra is no longer the root, but the heart has become the new root chakra, based on love and not fear. Scriptures mention this a “the new heart and new mind”, and the threefold flame become the eternal flame. This process is mentions in alchemy and even used to understand how chakras is conducters of bioelectricity in the body
If you wish to transmute something that already has a solid form, for example your body-mind and soul, then that object has to undergo a process of disintegration and transformation to move toward the zero point. From the zero point it can begin moving toward materializing its new, transformed being.
The “nearer” one is to the zero point, the higher the vibration. So, in order to prepare your physical body to receive all the other bodies of light, you must raise the frequency, clarity, and spaciousness of your physical body, bringing the physical closer to the vibrational levels of the more formless bodies of light.
When one have achived this proceess the mind have the power over matter and can then create. The super conductivity of the brain will allow one to have the power of mind over matter.
The law of resonance states that when two or more energies are vibrating at different rates of speed that the lower frequency will be raised, the higher frequency will be lowered, and the two will meet in the middle, until they are vibrating at the same rate. The middle is the entrance to the Zero Point Field of Universe, it is The Magnetic Resonance Key to the Fifth dimensions of Heaven. The law of orgonotic law is built up on the law of resonance.
The law of the orgonotic potential says; This law, which is supposed to be valid for all kinds of energy, says that when systems with different energy charges are brought into contact, their energies will equalize until both systems have the same energy charge. This is the central key of knowledge in Alchemy and the keystone of wisdom to produce the unified zero-point field of energy, and the “Philsosopher´s Stone.
For example, if the human mind were to have greater contact with external magnetic fields, we would have greater control over matter. If superconductors were, one day, to be embedded within objects, then they could create magnetic fields that could be controlled by human thought.
Yogic texts mention fourteen important nadis that carry both kinds of energy. Three of these fourteen are of vital importance. These three nadis, Ida, Pingala and Sushumna, are connected with the limbic system. Activating Ida influences the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, and thus the growth hormones and anabolic processes; activating Pingala influences the thalamus and hypothalamus but not the pituitary. The Sushumna is connected with the corpus callosum and the cerebellum. When it bifurcates in the brain stem, one branch of the Sushumna goes to the corpus callosum, while the other, known as the posterior Sushumna, passes through the cerebellum to the cerebral cortex and terminates in the corpus callosum. Here it joins the other branch, known as the anterior Sushumna. This point of termination is called fontanella.
Through their connection with the endocrine glands, these three nadis influence body chemistry and the chemical nature of the human organism. The Sushumna nadi is the only nadi that directly pierces all the chakras or psychic centers of the subtle body. These centers are connected with internal organs through sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, which are connected with the autonomic nervous system working through the spinal column. The Sushumna is thus connected with the network of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves and the autonomic nervous system through its connection to the chakras and its passage through the spinal column. Although the three nadis meet at the same place in the pelvic plexus, they originate in different parts of the Muladhara, or the base of the spine.
It is where neural connections are activated to the extent of creating new neural pathways or dendritic synapses, between them, breaking the barrier of lack of corpus callosum energy.
Causing the integration of the two cerebral hemispheres with the cerebellum, so this acted to greater capacity and can deploy certain characteristics (powers), which allow the initiated to resolve the situations of imminent death that was exposed.
To overcome this state of existential crisis existential and actual initiation occurs that called spiritual rebirth, being that he was taken to the state and will never be the same again.
This is because the human body acts as an integral whole, where the cerebrospinal new neuro perform reconnections, and raise others that were not in use, (creates new gap or new bridges)
The goal is to use all sides of the brain simultaneously and the whole body as an integral whole.
For the vast majority of consciences is not possible greater interconnection of the corpus callosum, reflection and visionary dream alert they are out of reach, in an associative confusion. The conscious ego is disconnected from the transpersonal inner being, there are many blockages between the hemispheres where one dominates the other and an illusory appearance of artificial symmetry is created, there is no internal consistency that coven everything, including the chaos and unpredictability. We find ourselves caught in a consensual reality caused by a vision limited to the left hemisphere. The differences between the dreamer and the director must end and allow the two hemispheres to communicate through that brain interface that is the corpus callosum.
The corpus callosum is more than 700 million fibers interconnection and each fiber is capable of transmitting more than 300,000 simultaneous data in both directions, only 0.7% of these fibers is used, which gives us the ability to increase capacity without to genetically modify the brain. We fully complete our spinal neuro brain system is capable of simultaneous access to all dimensions, we only need to grow in awareness and the ability to crystallize energy.
The communication of the cerebral hemispheres by the corpus callosum and cerebellum is the most important pan of the overall integrated communication, but there is another alternate route is the communication between hemispheres through the physical body. type of communication is slower because it involves emotional and sentimental brains, as suffixes preprograms established for knee-jerk reactions: automatic and not conscious ego.
Many scholars believe that at this point, is where human beings act as an integral whole conscious, but this is not entirely true, at all. One thing is that the body is involved in the mundane daily activity, and another is the use of awareness, reflection and quantitative, qualitative analysis Attention intention and higher to form a pattern of quantum reality in its entirety consistent clement. Another is that the multidimensional energy vortexes located along the column are used as suppliers of energy and information at various levels of quantum line 25 so that the entire brain to make its integral work of intelligent and reflective consciousness.
Now, there is something quite interesting here. The sushumna rises through the medulla oblongata and separates into two streams. One stream goes straight up through the Brahma Randra into the Higher Great Void, remaining there with full consciousness.
The second stream takes a journey which would appear to keep ones consciousness aware of the Universe while at the same time the first sushumna stream maintains awareness in the Great Sunyata. So the second stream journeys under the frontal brain region then goes up the forehead, deep into and through the ajna, joining with the ida (on the left) and pingala (on the right) nerves, then moves upward to a higher part of the forehead, piercing inward, turning down and then looping or circling around and upwards as it penetrates the Sahasrara, after moving through the corpus callosum and then upward, side by side, with the first sushumna stream.
This remains so until the time for dying and death. At this time the two streams unite and pass upward as one sushumna stream into the Higher Sunya. Death is then open, vast and clear The one sushumna joins with the Vajra Dada and then with Shankini Nadi and finally these streams blended into one, merge into Shankini Herself. This process begins at the Prana or Talu chakras, enters the Kantha near the top of the medulla oblongata and then finishes when the rejoined sushumna stream, the stalk of Shankini, enters the mouth of Shankini which is the higher region of the 10th Gate, that started at the Talu, where the process of opening the Prana chakra, the 10th Gate, initially set out. This complex process in simple terms illustrates two things. One, the unity of consciousness as awareness of Universe and the Great Mystery, within Anuttara. Second, a comforting way of passage in the manner of which dying may be done.
The veil of ignorance holds rigid structure in place that does not allow the DNA software programming and the coding structure of the DNA to actively integrate into the higher-dimensional chakra system necessary to activate aspects of the hypothalamus, medulla oblongata and pineal gland. These aspects are limited by this veil or partition. This partition is also what holds you in third-dimensional linear time (time as a past—present—future loop) and creates major restrictions to knowing yourself.
There are two partitions within the brain. The first partition is the corpus callosum, a coarse tissue that separates the right and left hemispheres. The original purpose of this tissue was to assist both sides of the brain to communicate with each other. With the Fall of Consciousness and aeons of living in the dense third dimension, this capacity has become significantly restricted.
The second is a vertical nonphysical partition that is perpendicular to the corpus callosum and located between the temples on either side of the head. This partition minimizes the function of the hypothalamus, medulla oblongata and pineal gland and it significantly limits the performance of the seventh and eight chakras in the physical experience. This nonphysical partition, or veil, holds each of us in a narrow field of logic, duality and rigid rules.
This veil is an electromagnetic field of energy. As you think thoughts, the thoughts pass through this electromagnetic field and are filtered based upon past memories or future concerns. This filter instantly draws a similar emotion to the thoughts you think based on those past experiences or future beliefs, fears or doubts. However, when you are in a present-time now experience such as amusement, laughter or play, the filter is neutralized.
It has no negative past or future concerns, no doubts or fears to draw upon. When you observe in present-time, the veil is neutralized, allowing observation from the Higher Mind. It’s here where this partition or veil is dismantled and reconstructed into its originally intended function: to open your awareness of the multidimensional consciousness from where you have come.
Here the hypothalamus, medulla oblongata, pineal gland and seventh and eighth chakras become more engaged, the ninth, tenth and eleventh chakras become accessible. Here, with the use of higher-vibrational Light and colour vibrations, the coarse tissue of the corpus callosum will be altered into a softer electrochemical gel, allowing the right and left hemispheres of the brain to function as originally intended, in full communication with each other.
The endbrain has two cerebral hemispheres, which gradually enlarged as evolution progressed from the lowly mammal to primates and humans. The surface of the cerebral hemispheres has a layer of nerve cells, which is about two to five millimeters thick. This layer is the cerebral cortex, and is known as the ‘grey matter.’ Though the surface of the cerebral cortex is only a quarter of a square meter, the grey matter has got around a hundred billion neurons.
The bundle of fibers under the cortex is the axons, and this is the ‘white matter.’ The bundle of axons crosses the hemisphere to the opposite one—and is known as corpus callosum. Information is transferred from one side to the other through the corpus callosum.
Deep in the white matter are the basal ganglia. hippocampus and amygdala, which have neural collections. The basal ganglion is responsible for the control of movements. The hippocampus resembles a sea horse in shape (hence this name), and the amygdala has an almond shape. They are concerned with memory and emotions.
All these senses except smell pass through the thalamus to the cortex. The hypothalamus, which is below the thalamus. controls the hormonal system through the pituitary gland and acts through the autonomic nervous system—sympathetic and parasympathetic. The former controls blood pressure and the latter controls most of the other involuntary functions such as appetite, thirst, salt and water balance, body temperature. movements of the gut and so on. The sympathetic nervous system prepares the body for vigorous action—fright, flight and fight. Sleep and wakefulness is controlled by the hypothalamus in collaboration with other parts of the brain.
It is interesting that the Epsilon frequency is also associated with very similar states of being. With the advancement of brainwave research it has been found that these frequencies co-exist. According to Beth Coleman, “the Hyper-Gamma, Lambda and Epsilon frequencies are linked together in a circular relationship” she goes on to say that when the brain exhibits the higher frequencies, you will also find Epsilon folded into the frequency and vice-versa. This interesting relationship is one that requires further investigation. During the sounding exercises in Part II of this book your brainwaves may well slow to between 3 and 12 hz and there may even be times when Epsilon, Gamma and Hyper-Gamma frequencies are present, especially if you are experi-encing bursts of pre-cognition.
The soul resides at the very center of the brain, specifically between the corpus callosum and the corpata striata.
The corpus callosum has been considered as the seat of the soul—because it decays last during post mortem brain autolysis
Followers of the idea that the soul resides in the ventricular fluid
It is the “information superhighway” of the brain.
These hemispheres are connected by a bundle of fibers, kind of an information superhighway called the corpus callosum. Over the centuries of our evolution, this superhighway has been getting larger.
the corpus callosum, the connection between the two hemispheres of your brain. (Its bandwidth is just about the same as a current-day high-speed Ethernet connection.) …
Of its kind, Euler’s proposed solution to the physiological problem of interaction is no better than that proposed by Descartes. Descartes’ appeal to the pineal gland and the animal spirits carried along with the flow of the blood was well known to be unsatisfactory. Euler’s theory replaces the pineal gland with the corpus calosum, and the animal spirits with the nerves.
The theory is thus parsimonious; it eliminates one untraceable entity, the animal spirits, and reduces all action save that of the soul itself to physical nervous impulses. But the theory is not for these reasons more believable than that of Descartes; the familiar confusion of logical or ontological types still occurs, unrecognized, in Euler’s theory. Briefly, this is Euler’s theory: anatomists have discover-ed the “seat of the soul” to be the corpus callosum, the broad band of nerve fibres connecting the two hemispheres of the brain. His unnamed anatomical informants told him that this is the place where the nerves terminate, an observation that is not quite correct.’
This “callous membrane” is the “place” of the soul only in the sense that the soul acts there; it is not confined or attached there. “It may be said, that the soul is present there: but not that it exists there, or that its existence is limited to it”. The soul perceives all that passes there, and it is also able to produce reciprocal impressions in the corpus callosum. What happens in this body is the source of all of our knowledge.
The soul-body interaction takes place by the work of a “subtile fluid” flowing through the nerves (perhaps the animal spirits have not disappeared after all!), as follows. The slightest change effected in a nerve by some impression received by an organ of sense is transmitted instantly to the corpus calllosum, where the soul “observes” the effect.
The nerve fibres of this thick stratum radiate into both hemispheres of the brain connecting parts of one hemisphere with corresponding ones of the other; the fibres terminate in the grey matter of the periphery. Nice points of anatomy and physiology aside, the corpus callosum is probably a better candidate for the seat of the soul than the pineal gland, an organ whose functions are still not well understood, and which was thought by some of Kant’s contemporaries to be a fossil remnant.
Often it is stated that the pineal gland is bathed in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
The sensations he places in the corpora striata ; these sensations are represented upon the corpus callosum
Euler, Willis, Lapeyronie, Lancisi, Bonnet , Vieussens among others thought the corpus callosum a likely candidate for “the seat of the soul”; …
In other cases spirits ascended beyond the corpus callosum and struck the cortex, where Willis believed ther higher faculties resided.
transferred the soul to the septum lucidum, in place of the corpus callosum. … their faculties, as we ascend in the scale of being, shows us that the number of these faculties increases in proportion as the cerebral parts are multiplied.
Layer of polymorphic cells: a. Cells with ascending nerve-processes, ending within the granule-layer, b. … within the gyrus dentatus. In its further course, the gyrus dentatus continues, as the induseum griseum, over the corpus callosum.
Vieussens decided that ” the pineal body is not the seat of the soul, but a lymphatic gland. … the seat of imagination in the centrum ovale ;
only when the subjective conscious mind becomes one with the objective unconscious is wholeness – The’ universal awareness
The journey of Kundalini energy passing through the brain system
This is also termed brahmadvara, from the root dvara (gate). This doorway, through which kundalini must pass, is at the base of sushumna nadi, which runs through the vertebral column all the way up to the brain. At its lower end, sushumna nadi arises from a nadi center called kanda mula (root bulb), which lies just below muladhara (root chakra), under the lower end of filum terminale, below the coccyx (tailbone). Then sushumna ascends up the spine through the filum terminale, central canal of the spinal column, fourth ventricle of the brain, cerebral aqueduct, third ventricle of the brain, telencephalon medium, anterior commissure, fornix, septum pellucidum, corpus callosum, and longitudinal fissure, to reach the central point of the cerebral cortex. At its top, sushumna nadi reaches brahmarandhra (also known as nirvana chakra), a pranic complex at the top center of the head. Brahmarandhra (hollow of Brahman), believed to be the dwelling place of the human soul, is the crown of the head called anterior fontanelle, between the parietal and occipital bones
Because the head is a dense, tight structure, acoustic plane waves generated by oscillations in the body subject the brain to mild rhythmic up and down impacts. Since the brain tissue acts like a piezoelectric gel, these mechanical vibrations can be converted into electrical impulses and vice versa.
This has a stimulating effect which is further enhanced by vibrations reflected off the skull. When the spread of acoustic waves through the skeleton reach the skull they can go no further and are reflected inwards. This focuses them on the third and lateral ventricles at the center of the brain. These are cavities filled with cerebrospinal fluid and are continu-ous with the cavity running down the middle of the spinal cord.
The impact of the acoustic plane waves on the cerebrospinal fluid sets it oscillating, producing a second standing wave, this time in the head. It is these standing waves in the cerebral ventricles which trig-ger off the circular movement of nerve impulses in the sensory areas of the cortex which are thought to be responsible for the physio-kundalini cycle.
They do this because the ventricles underlie the median fissure which divides the cortex into two hemispheres and along the invaginated sides of which the sensory areas associated with the feet and legs are distributed. The ventricles are only separated from the base of this fissure by the corpus callosum, a narrow band of brain tissue which joins the two halves of the brain.
Mechanical vibrations in the corpus callosum and the sensory nerve tissue above it, converted into electrical impulses, generate waves of stimulation in the two hemispheres simultaneously, one wave of impulses going clockwise front the midline and the other anti-clockwise. Each of these, running from the ventricles back to the ventricles. forms a closed circuit.
These circuits generate fluctuating magnetic fields with opposing polarities. The stimulated areas involved in these circular movements include two at least of the pleasure centers in the brain, The sounds heard would be secondary results of standing waves in the cerebral ventricles activating structures in the middle ear and producing ‘inner sounds.’
The rule of universal awareness; only when the subjective conscious mind becomes one with the objective unconscious is wholeness.
The Solar Plexus and Corpus Callosum
Now, investigation shows that the physical body, is a mechanism specially adapted for the transmutation of the inner or mental power into modes of external activity. We know from medical science that the whole body is traversed by a network of nerves which serve as the channels of communication between the indwelling spiritual ego, which we call mind, and the functions of the external organism.
This nervous system is dual.
One system, known as the Sympathetic, is the channel for all those activities which are not consciously directed by our volition, such as the operation of the digestive organs, the repair of the daily wear and tear of the tissues, and the like.
The other system, known as the Voluntary or Cerebro-spinal system, is the channel through which we receive conscious perception from the physical senses and exercise control over the movements of the body. This system has its centre in the brain, while the other has its centre in a ganglionic mass at the back of the stomach known as the solar plexus, and sometimes spoken of as the abdominal brain.
The cerebro- spinal system is the channel of our volitional or conscious mental action, and the sympathetic system is the channel of that mental action which unconsciously supports the vital functions of the body. Thus the cerebro- spinal system is the organ of conscious mind and the sympathetic is that of sub-conscious mind. But the interaction of conscious and subconscious mind requires a similar interaction between the corresponding systems of nerves, and one conspicuous connection by which this is provided is the “vagus” nerve.
This nerve passes out of the cerebral region as a portion of the voluntary system, and through it we control the vocal organs; then it passes onwards to the thorax sending out branches to the heart and lungs; and finally, passing through the diaphragm, it loses the outer coating which distinguishes the nerves of the voluntary system and becomes identified with those of the sympathetic system, so forming a connecting link between the two and making the man physically a single entity.
Similarly different areas of the brain indicate, their connection with the objective and subjective activities of the mind respectively, and speaking in a general way we may assign the frontal portion of the brain to the former and the posterior portion to the latter, while the intermediate portion partakes of the character of both.
The intuitional faculty has its correspondence in this upper area of the brain situated between the frontal and posterior portions, and physiologically speaking, it is here that intuitive ideas find entrance.
These at first are more or less unformed and generalized in character, but are nevertheless perceived by the conscious mind, otherwise we should not be aware of them at all. Then the effort of nature is to bring these ideas into more definite and usable shape, so the conscious mind lays hold of them and induces a corresponding vibratory current in the voluntary system of nerves, and this in turn induces a similar current in the involuntary system, thus handing the idea over to the subjective mind.
The vibratory current which had first descended from the apex of the brain to the frontal brain and thus through the voluntary system to the solar plexus is now reversed and ascends from the solar plexus through the sympathetic system to the posterior brain, this return current indicating the action of the subjective mind. If we were to remove the surface portion of the apex of the brain we should find immediately below it the shining belt of brain substance called the “corpus callosum.”
This is the point of union between the subjective and objective, and as the current returns from the solar plexus to this point it is restored to the objective portion of the brain in a fresh form which it has acquired by the silent alchemy of the subjective mind.
Thus the conception which was at first only vaguely recognized is restored to the objective mind in a definite and workable form, and then the objective mind, acting through the frontal brain—the area of comparison and analysis—proceeds to work upon a clearly perceived idea and to bring out the potentialities that are latent in it.
It must of course be borne in mind that I am here speaking of the mental ego in that, mode of its existence with which we are most familiar, that is as clothed in flesh, though there may be much to say as to other modes of its activity. But for our daily life we have to consider ourselves as we are in that aspect of life, and from this point of view the physiological correspondence of the body to the action of the mind is an important item; and therefore, although we must always remember that the origin of ideas is purely mental, we must not forget that on the physical plane every mental action implies a corresponding molecular action in the brain and in the two-fold nervous system.
At the same time it is important to remember that such a thing as reversal of the relation between cause and effect is possible, just as the same apparatus may be made to generate mechanical power by the application of electricity, or to generate electricity by the application of mechanical power. And the importance of this principle consists in this.
There is always a tendency for actions which were at first voluntary to become automatic, that is, to pass from the region of conscious mind into that of subconscious mind, and to acquire a permanent domicile there.
Every thought produces a slight molecular change in the substance of the brain, and the repetition of the same action of thought causes a repetition of the same molecular action until at last a veritable channel is formed in the brain substance, which can only be eradicated by a reverse process of thought. In this way “grooves of thought” are very literal things, and when once established the vibrations of the cosmic currents flow automatically through them and thus react upon the mind by a process the reverse of that by which our voluntary and intentional in-drawing from the invisible is affected. In this way are formed what we call “habits,” and hence the importance of controlling our thinking and guarding it against undesirable ideas.
But on the other hand this reactionary process may be used to confirm good and life-giving modes of thought, so that by a knowledge of its laws we may enlist even the physical body itself in the building up of that perfectly whole personality, the attainment of which is the aim and object of our studies.
The molecular structures of the corpus callosum, which combine the qualities that are charactheristic of reptiles and mammals, will later become the sources of quite a great amount of Energy, which – in much later higher-qualitative (than our present ones). this will be necessary for an intensified evolutional stimulation of the creative functions of the cortex not only on the cellular but also on the tissular levels.
It is no wonder that we cannot comprehend these things. If we could understand them, we would have the same capacity as God.
He who understands the 96 Tattvas and he who comprehends the Divine SELF he makes the impossible for Man become reality as; for Divine/God everything is possible. Its through meditation practice one make all the spiritual working. It is through meditation that we create the threads and cables that connect the three aspects of the mind. In the same way that our homes are wired for phone and internet reception, these threads function as communication lines that allow us to receive information from the higher planes. Its through meditation one building “new” neural connections and creating new neural pathways or dendritic synapses, between them. The rule of universal awareness; only when the subjective conscious mind becomes one with the objective unconscious is wholeness. Kundalini energy breaking the barrier of lack of corpus callosum energy, and working towards the newest brain (frontal cortex).
There is knot in the base of the spine and the first human chakra named as the knot of ignorance; and ignorance is “a kind of deep slumber in which the transmigrating souls sleep without any consciousness of their true nature.
This is known and illusions and creates room for deceptions of reality. In this state the lotus is hanging or is turned downwards and when this “frozen light” becomes “awaken light” and the downwards hanging lotus then turns upwards. Then does several Indian masters have claimed that the frontal cortex in most humans is in a sleeping state and needs more energy to awaken.
So both the kundalini at the spine is in the sleeping state in form of “ignorance” and the frontal cortex lacks of energy and therefore also is slumbering, and when kundalini energy awakens it to the highest point of the frontal cortex it working towards. Its even passing through the “corpus callosum”. The frontal cortex may be where the higher intuitive faculties resided. This slumbering state of Consciousness allows the ego to create a illusionary and deceptive mind and this is done through make the mind automatized, mechanized and robotized. The slumbering in other terms is; “Man the machine” is an unbearable concept to those who are not ready to mutate beyond the lower, robot circuits. One cannot evolve from one’s robothood until one realizes how totally one has been robotized. When energy awakens, the real Self is awaken from the illusions that is held in the first knot.
Here is a description how the kundalini energy passing through the brain system;
This is also termed brahmadvara, from the root dvara (gate). This doorway, through which kundalini must pass, is at the base of sushumna nadi, which runs through the vertebral column all the way up to the brain. At its lower end, sushumna nadi arises from a nadi center called kanda mula (root bulb), which lies just below muladhara (root chakra), under the lower end of filum terminale, below the coccyx (tailbone). Then sushumna ascends up the spine through the filum terminale, central canal of the spinal column, fourth ventricle of the brain, cerebral aqueduct, third ventricle of the brain, telencephalon medium, anterior commissure, fornix, septum pellucidum, corpus callosum, and longitudinal fissure, to reach the central point of the cerebral cortex. At its top, sushumna nadi reaches brahmarandhra (also known as nirvana chakra), a pranic complex at the top center of the head. Brahmarandhra (hollow of Brahman), believed to be the dwelling place of the human soul, is the crown of the head called anterior fontanelle, between the parietal and occipital bones
Sankhya means “number”, which indicates that the philosophy is composed of number of tattvas (`things’) which evolve out of one another and which possess both literal and numerological significance. Only one of Sankhya’s tattvas, Purusha, is really real and forever, changelessly true. It is the One, the Supreme Singularity, the transcendent consciousness which is beyond time, space and causation, the Reality which remains when ever the universe ceases to exist. Creation begins whenever the Purusha desires to experience Itself; that desire causes a sense of separateness to arise, which is known as Prakriti, or Nature, and is the womb of the manifested universe, the macrocosm. Desire is the foundation of the manifested universe. Awareness of this separateness produces mahat, or buddhi, which is transcendent, limitless awareness, and individuation of this awareness produces ahamkara.
When Kundalini is in the brain, the yogi must use all his powers to retain it there, as the natural tendency is to return to the point of its origin at the base of the spine. The longer this is done, the nearer does he come to the perfect state in which it can be permanently retained in the brain Liberation is not attained by stirring up Kundalini and fixing it in any of the lowest centers. Liberation is attained only when Kundalini takes up its permanent residence in the brain. After remaining there a time, some yogis lead Kundalini down to the heart center. Great power is gained by a yogi who can retain Kundalini in the brain three days and three nights.
“For as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish three days and three nights, so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”
The spiritual body determines the quality of the physical body, the bridge or what binds the physical and bodies are the 50 words and the 96 tattvas. When one goes beyond the Crown chakra – Sahasrara chakra of the head one become a full-blown Yogi.
The Nirvana refers to the transcendent state and it has 100 petals and is the end of the sushumna nadi. Sahasrara in sanskrit means 1000 lotus petals. These 1000 lotus petals could be connected to the 96 tattvas and these represents the original 96 cells at the base of the spine, which holds the blueprint for the individual’s life. 96 tattvas in base of the spine and the Nirvana state at the crown has 100 petals, so 96 tattvas and 100 petals (960) may refer to the thousends lotus petals opening of enlightment.
When this illusory idea of objectivity is removed the subject-consciousness also ceases to exist. Tattva defines Absolute Reality (Tattva) as ‘That which is free from duality; the ground for illusion.
Ignorance is “a kind of deep slumber in which the transmigrating souls sleep without any consciousness of their true nature. And the first knot of the three knots is the knot of ignorance. This region is also known as the knot of Brahma, which is the first knot to be pierced in the Sushumna Nadi.
The 96 tattvas – The original 96 cells at the base of the spine. They hold the blueprint for the individual’s life.
The secret of awakening Kundalini is to open the entrance of the spinal canal, which is ordinarily closed at the base. This is an internal operation which is achieved by yoga methods. Usually the coiled Serpent closes the Gate of Brahma, while sleeping in a coiled condition at the base of the spine. To awaken Kundalini, this Serpent must be aroused from its slumber. In other words, this force must be raised from its latent, potential, inactive state to one of activity and then brought up to the pineal gland which it causes to glow by electrifying it. While Kundalini sleeps at the base of the spine, one lives in a world of illusion, but when awakened and ascended, and after absorbing all the Tattvas (planetary vibrations) of the Chakras, one reaches a higher state of consciousness (Samhadi), which occurs when Kundalini ascends to the brain.
Usually kundalini is asleep, coiled near the tailbone in muladhara (the first or root chakra), in brahmarandhra mukha (mouth of God), derived from mukha (mouth) and brahma (God).
Kundalini is the individualized bodily expression of Cosmic Life Energy, which, when awakened and united with the pineal gland, brings supreme (cosmic) consciousness and liberation. The rousing and stirring up of Kundalini, so that it may bring about a merging of the individual and universal consciousness, is the end of every system of Indian Yoga. To awaken Kundalini, the breath must be regulated and held for a certain period of time. Also, through Mantras, sound vibrations can awaken the chakras. When it is aroused, it rises from center to center until it reaches the brain. At each center one gains consciousness of a different cosmic plane of planetary vibration (Tattvas).
In kundalini yoga, the body is thought to exist within a field of energy that is most concentrated in the seven major chakras (wheels), that is, subtle centers along the chief vein of the body, known as susumna (channel). In the first chakra, muladhara, the lowest “wheel,” behind the genitals, is the kundalini, the “serpent power,” which is generally in a quiescent state. By yogic practices, however, the kundalini is awakened, rises through the susumna, passes through all the seven “wheels” of psychic force, and unites with the topmost, sahasrara. By awakening and raising his kundalini, the yogi gains spiritual power, and by uniting it with sahasrara, he wins salvation. The root chakra (muladhara) is the seat of “Earth”.