There are still 13 Illuminati bloodlines ruling the world today which hold their origins to the lineage of Cain through Ham. They have over the centuries accumulated and centralized wealth by overemphasizing strategic marriage and controlled inheritance. It is because they are careful to only intermarry with other elitist families that they have come to control all the wealth and power of the world. These blood lines own all of the oil companies, media groups, defense contractors, entertainment companies, and central banks of the world. They set-up, maintain, and manipulate all stock markets of various nations as a means to steal the wealth of citizens in all parts of the world.

They print the money loaned to governments at interest through the central banks they have spread out all across the globe for use in manipulating regional currencies. It is through globalization and monopolized so called free trade that they continue to increase their wealth, power, and influence. It is through these same systems that they oppress the populations, control the masses, and destroy the wage earning capacities of specific nations and regions. Anyone interested in learning more about this particular subject and the current Illuminati bloodlines ruling the world can look to the work of Fritz Springmeier on the 13 Illuminati bloodlines.

Whether you call them the secret government, the Illuminati, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, or the Council on Foreign Relations, the name is irrelevant. The “secret government” is basically made up of the richest people in the world. There are about two thou-sand of them and they have been controlling our so-called governments for a long time. They control who gets elected, when, and where; they control when there is a war and when there isn’t. They control planetary food shortages and whether a country’s currency is inflated or deflated. All these things are dominated completely by these people.

They can’t control natural disasters, of course, but they can and do control a lot.’ Now just what do I mean by that? First, let’s give a little background. I initially heard of the secret government in January 1991 when Doug gave me a copy of Bill Cooper’s manuscript “The Secret Government: The Origin, Identity, and Purpose of MJ-12.”

Shortly there-after I discovered his book Behold A Pale Horse. Prior to that, I always sensed there was something going on behind the scenes.

The events of the 196os caused me to wake up a great deal—both Kennedy assassinations, the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.. and of course, Vietnam. But really I had no idea what was going on. Cooper’s information was a great awakening for me, to say the least.

In June 1992. Drunvalo gave detailed information about the secret government, but with one big difference. He was speaking from the context of the bigger picture, that we need to wake up and move into the reality of oneness; they are us and we are them—we are all in this together. He also pointed out that these people operate almost totally from the left brain, that they are extremely intelligent—and they have almost no emotional bodies. He went on to say that any of us would probably act pretty much in the same way if we had no emotions. Power and control are about all that is left. More recently, I discovered an even better source of information on the secret government. David Ikke’s book …and the truth shall set you free.4 Then as luck would have it (it was pure luck, of course), Icke happened to be in the Bay Area, so I went to hear him speak and I came home with a copy of his video Turning of the Tide… .

…..Icke has not only done his homework, but he has a grasp of spiritual context. This combination makes him an excel-lent source. What follows is a summary of the research I have done regarding the secret government. To begin, Icke says we need to understand that the pyramid is the basic structure of society, whether secret societies, governments, banks, corporations, or universities. That means there are a very few people at the top of the pyramid who know the full story. The closer you get to the base, the less is known. This is called compartmentalization. Most people are informed only on a “need to know” basis. The people at the bottom may know very little of the true nature of their organization.

The intelligence agency network, the banking system, the multinational corporations, the global media network, and so on, are all pyramids. Then, according to Icke’s video: There is a global pyramid within which all these work, in which the peaks of all these individual pyramids—banking, business, media, etc., fuse into one peak. Up there it is speculated by many that there are thirteen families at the peak. Percolating down through these different levels is the same basic policy, which is pushing the world towards more and more centralization of power. Within this global pyramid are a series of organizations which working together form the core of the secret government of the world.’ Icke says that the goal of this secret government is a one-world government with centralized control including: a central bank to administer all financial transactions in an electronic cashless society, a world army, and a micro-chipped population linked to a global computer. Icke goes on to say how this is all operating well above the level of the outer governments; that in fact those at the top of the pyramid manipulate events to make sure their people get into positions of power. FDR once said. “In politics nothing happens by accident; if it happens you can bet it was planned that way.” According to Icke, this whole scenario is played out by the politicians and the media as though presidents and prime ministers are at the top of the decision-making process. According to media portrayals, the ones above the visible political leaders who really make the decisions don’t even exist. (No doubt most journalists are unaware of this secret government anyway.)

Yet these elites are the ones who run and control it all—the money, the media, and even who is allowed to run for high office. Icke goes on to tell how this group of organizations began after the establishment of a secret society in Britain known as the Round Table.

He says that in 1919 the American members of this secret society met with the British members and they decided to create off-shoot organizations, which, working together, would constitute a major part of the secret government of the world.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) was the first of these off-shoot organizations. It was founded in 1920 in London. Then in 1921 came its American counterpart, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Icke says that the RIIA and the CFR both work behind the scenes to control foreign policy, although they affect other policies also. It should be noted that since 1921, virtually all U.S. presidents have been CFR members. Since FDR, they all have, with one exception—JFK. In 1954 came the key organization, the Bilderberg Group. Its members include the top people in politics, banking, multi-national corporations, the military, and the media.

Then in 1972-73, the Trilateral Commission was created by David Rockefeller (a CFR and Bilderberg member) and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Its purpose was to coordinate the control pattern among Europe, the United States, and Japan. One of its first goals was to elect one of its members to the United States Presidency. This was accomplished in 1976 when Jimmy Carter, who ran as an “outsider,” was elected. Of course, his Cabinet was awash with CFR and Trilateralists including Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter’s national security advisor. Icke says that this has continued to be the case with every succeeding administration.

So why don’t we ever hear about these organizations and their agendas? The closest the media ever comes to including them is an occasional reference to them as “think tanks.” Likely the answer has to do with the fact that the media is controlled or owned by members of these organizations. Now let’s look at the 1992 presidential election. On the surface, it looked as though there might be a choice, like there might actually be some differences between the candidates. But a closer examination shows us that the choice was between Republican George Bush, who is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Skull and Bones Society; and Democrat Bill Clin-ton, who is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group. Are you getting the picture?

Nothing happens on this level unless it is allowed to happen. Furthermore, the President’s inner circle is composed solely of members of these organizations. That means in order even to be considered for a Cabinet position, or a key ambassadorship, you must be an insider, a member of one of these organizations.

Consider also how the secret government controls war situations. When you own both sides, you can’t lose. You spawn the conditions that lead to war, then you manipulate behind the scenes to control who wins, then you offer the “solution” to the problem. Of course, since you created the problem in the first place, the solution is predesigned to tighten your rein on the controls.

After World War I we were given the League of Nations as the “solution.” It failed, so conditions were created that made World War II inevitable. Its solution was the United Nations. The “solution” in each case is moving us increasingly closer to the New World Order, the One World Government, with guess who at the helm.

They control whether a country’s currency is inflated or deflated via a central banking system. Consider the Federal Reserve that it is no more federal than Federal Express- it is a private corporation, a “gift” given to us by the inter- national bankers for the purpose of manipulating our economy and our country. Consider the statement of Baron M. A. Rothchild: “Give me control over a nation’s currency and I care not who makes its laws.”

From that time on, nearly every major event, from WWII through the Cold War, and from Vietnam to the wars in the Middle East, could all be traced to the ideology of the Illuminati. Beginning with FDR, nearly every single President, Secretary of State, and Secretary of Defense has been a product of the Council on Foreign Relations. And, with the one notable exception of John F. Kennedy, who was trying to free the country from its debt-based banking system and was quite possibly assassinated because of that fact, the FED has continued to control the ebb and flow of the military/industrial complex known as the U.S. Government.

With the United States in its control, the Illuminati began to focus its attention on the next phase of its plan; the implementation of a system of world government. It would call its ideal the New World Order.

From its position of world dominance, the Illuminati could well afford to continue its course of slow, measured influence.

Of all of the attributes displayed by the Illuminati throughout the years, the most constant and most effective was patience. From generation to generation, they realized that world dominance, and world governance, would not come easily, and would not come quickly.

For the remainder of the Twentieth Century, the Illuminati would advance its ideals in a series of well planned, gradual increments. They would continue to consolidate wealth in the hands of the few, and combine the powers of politics, finance, and industry. They would begin to expand their influence into a global scale, and the United States would be their tool for doing so. Like it or not, it became our destiny to become an imperial power. Whether or not we were in control of our own destiny would be a question that few were prepared to ask, and even fewer were qualified to answer.

To consider the role of the United States in the advancement of the Illuminati quest for world governance, one must first consider how we came to be in such a dominant position of power. Our fledgling nation was incubated in the heat of the Industrial Revolution, and our abundant natural resources helped push that revolution to unsurpassed heights. To understand the growth of our country, one must look no further than one basic resource, from which the entire development of the United States into a world superpower can be easily traced. That resource has become the language of industry and the currency of commerce. It is more valuable than money, and more powerful than all the standing armies of the world. It is, of course, oil.

From its discovery in the Pennsylvania countryside until the end of WWII, America and American companies had a virtual lock on all things related to oil. The Great War was both waged with oil, and won largely because of it.  In WWII, the U.S. Navy effectively blockaded the South China Sea, preventing shipments of petroleum from reaching the Japanese fleet, all but ending their involvement in the war. Throughout the campaign, massive amounts of American oil fueled the ships, tanks, and airplanes of the Allied forces, and the recognition of oil as a strategic resource continued to grow in the minds of the leaders of government and business. Well before the end of the war, it was obvious that the domestic supplies of oil would not be sufficient to guarantee all future needs for industry, transportation, and national security. It was at that time that the eyes of the world first began to focus on the barren desert lands surrounding the Persian Gulf, and the promising discoveries of oil beneath those desert sands.

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