These spiritual builders of our time will be called the bridge builders. They will build a bridge from our current level of awareness to kingdom consciousness. These steps will initiate a seismic shift in our worldview and rattle our bones to the core. Jesus predicted that once you discover the truth, you will be deeply disturbed, and ultimately amazed. When we begin to see the world through the eyes of God, we will be disturbed. The shackles of restraint will dissolve, leaving us free to live a life beyond what we can even begin to imagine today. The disturbance emerges from the dissolution of our current worldview as it slips into the past, allowing for the birth of our expanded and evolved existence. The amazement arises from seeing reality from an omniscient perspective. The opening of new senses coupled with an understanding of our full potential culminates into a golden key that unlocks the door to kingdom consciousness. As the key turns in the lock, the click activates within us the dormant DNA that has been waiting for this moment. Science has told us that we only use a small portion of our brains, and that we have DNA that does not appear to have a purpose.

These spiritual builders of our time will be called the bridge builders. They will build a bridge from our current level of awareness to kingdom consciousness. These steps will initiate a seismic shift in our worldview and rattle our bones to the core. Jesus predicted that once you discover the truth, you will be deeply disturbed, and ultimately amazed. When we begin to see the world through the eyes of God, we will be disturbed. The shackles of restraint will dissolve, leaving us free to live a life beyond what we can even begin to imagine today. The disturbance emerges from the dissolution of our current worldview as it slips into the past, allowing for the birth of our expanded and evolved existence. The amazement arises from seeing reality from an omniscient perspective. The opening of new senses coupled with an understanding of our full potential culminates into a golden key that unlocks the door to kingdom consciousness. As the key turns in the lock, the click activates within us the dormant DNA that has been waiting for this moment. Science has told us that we only use a small portion of our brains, and that we have DNA that does not appear to have a purpose.

Ignorance veils the nature of the self-luminous

Meditation tears out all veils.

Duality is caused by the effects of antahkarana; knowledge breaks the bond of objectivity and illusory appearances.

it is also declared that there is a false veil (of ignorance)

Mind veils reality, mind also unveils. Lower knowledge is deceptive only in the sense that it veils reality.

When the veil of ignorance is lifted, the “many” are perceived as the “One. For when the veil of mere Appearances has been lifted we are no longer deceived into accepting what Seems for what Is.

A veil divides Mind and Supermind

Waking up

Spinoza asks us to wake up from our conditioned mind, to go deeper into ourselves and discover a new understanding of reality. He knows this will take time and patience as we gain a growing awareness of how we’ve evolved to our present conditioned state. Eventually, we start to allow the deeper process of our intuition to hold greater sway over our lives.

Our intuition, after all, is that part of our mind connected to something bigger than just our brain! For Spinoza and mystics from many traditions over many millennia, our return to pure consciousness is understood as an enlightened state, a higher state of our being. Beyond our logical minds is our rich, deep, intuitional nature, intimately connected to the mind of God, to the one substance. Our mind and God’s mind are one mind. We’ll continue discussing this in greater depth, but, for now, allow the possibility that the weather will be changing—big time—and prepare yourself for it. Fog and low-visibility will be giving way to clear-seeing and deeper understanding! Our journey with Spinoza is still in its early stages. Many are the obstacles that can pull us back from progressing on the path to a full experience of his highest form of knowledge.

Spinoza points us toward a life of joy, wisdom, and blessedness that, deep inside, we have been longing and searching for over many years. This is not a journey for the faint of heart or for those wishing for instant gratification, even in the form of enlightenment. Spinoza is giving us the keys to unlock the realization of a higher knowledge within us. Once we step through the doorway to that new awareness, we’ll no longer need the keys he’s generously supplied.

“I must become aware of the total field of my own self, which is the consciousness of the individual. It is only then, when the mind goes beyond this individual, that I can become a light to myself that never goes out”.

Spinoza has much more to teach about our nature, showing us how, if we practice and assimilate what we have learned, we can operate at more potent levels of awareness. As we understand our intuitive nature more completely, we will begin trusting it as a bird trusts its wings to carry it through the air. Our awareness of the different gradations of human knowledge and our learning to use our intuition will carry us to the highest pinnacles where we discover our true nature and our greatest potential.

Therefore, Overmind is a veil and a principle of Ignorance. It veils because it creates discord. The global consciousness splits the Reality into different cosmic consciousness. Evolution must, therefore, ascend to a further step in order that it may obtain complete freedom from Ignorance.

The transition to Supermind through Overmind is a passage from Nature as we know it into Supernature.

If we wish to change the human being for the better , this veil has to be removed so that the Supermind can operate upon the human being .

Mind proceeds by division and distinction. It distorts the reality. It expresses only relative truth. It does not reveal the omniscient knowledge. It always creates distinction and has no vision of true unity; it has no vision of creation of many out of the one.

It is only after the veil is lifted and the dividing mind is overpowered that the mind gets back to the truth of things. Mind is really a subordinate instrumentation of the truth-consciousness. The fundamental error of the mind is “this fall from self-knowledge”. If it returns back to truth from which it has fallen, it becomes the final action of truth-consciousness. Mind cannot see the things as a whole. The difference between mind and supermind lies in their manner of apprehending reality.

The rending of the veil is the condition of the Life Divine.

The mind is antahkarana, inner instrument, and it is essentially a dividing or polarizing consciousness.

Mind – it is merely limited to a partial knowledge, not an integral knowledge of the truth.

The word ‘unconscious’ in this context does not mean the total absence of all consciousness. It rather implies the presence of consciousness in a veiled, self-alienated form, in a state of involution, in a state of involution, in a somnambulistic mode of operation. Integral knowledge of Being bridges the gulf, and resolves the dichotomy postulated by the dualistic thinking of the divided mind.

All beings are united in that One Self and Spirit but divided by a certain separability of consciousness, an ignorance of their true Self and Reality in the mind, life and body. It is possible by a certain psychological discipline to remove this veil of separative consciousness and become aware of the true Self, the Divinity within us and all.

‘The mind is incapable of realizing this higher unity because it operates in terms of isolated concepts and dichotomies, that divide up the essential unity of the reality into separate and conflicting bits that cannot again be reunited. Hence it cannot also look beyond the ego and its separate existence to the underlying unity.

A thin veil separates Mind from Supermind, and when that veil is removed, through the descent of the one the ascent of the other is achieved.

When God reveals or inspires there is a psychological *event* in the minds of those affected, a visio prophetica of some sort, an awareness of what is commonly hidden from human perception. *It is not God who is wrapped in veils; the veils are the ignorance and darkness, the unconsciousness which normally envelops our own minds.

There is cosmic ignorance as well as individual ignorance. We come in touch with cosmic ignorance in deep sleep. But when we awake, we have a thicker veil of untruth, of unreality, hiding Truth, in spite of our waking consciousness. Our individualized personality is a product of this Maya that veils the Truth and at the same time creates this whole phenomenon out of it.

The Divine descends from pure existence through the play of Consciousness-Force and Bliss and the creative medium of Supermind into cosmic being; we ascend from Matter through a developing life, soul and mind and the illuminating medium of supermind towards the divine being. The knot of the two, the higher and the lower hemisphere, is where mind and supermind meet with a veil between them.

The rending of the veil is the condition of the divine life in humanity; for by that rending, by the illumining descent of the higher into the nature of the lower being and the forceful ascent of the lower being into the nature of the higher, mind can recover its divine light in the all-comprehending supermind, the soul realise its divine self in the all-possessing all-blissful Ananda, life repossess its divine power in the play of omnipotent Conscious-Force and Matter open to its divine liberty as a form of the divine Existence.

And if there be any goal to the evolution which finds here its present crown and head in the human being, other than an aimless circling and an individual escape from the circling, if the infinite potentiality of this creature, who alone here stands between Spirit and Matter with the power to mediate between them, has any meaning other than an ultimate awakening from the delusion of life by despair and disgust of the cosmic effort and its complete rejection, then even such a luminous and puissant transfiguration and emergence of the Divine in the creature must be that high-uplifted goal and that supreme significance.

Meditation has been compared to sending a missile into outer space….We are literally shooting off from our earthbound station when we direct the consciousness upwards in meditation. Like a satellite leaving the launching pad, we are probing out to areas not yet sign-posted, to regions far beyond those that are known….It is truly a science of “inner space”

There is a metaphor that can be used to describe the journey from nonabiding to abiding awakening: that of a rocket ship. A rocket ship takes a tremendous amount of thrust and a tremendous amount of energy both to get off the ground and then to break the gravitational field as it travels through the sky and ultimately into space.

If there is enough fuel in the rocket and it gets far enough away from the Earth, it can eventually get beyond the gravitational field of the planet. Once the rocket is beyond the gravitational field of the Earth, the Earth no longer has the power to pull it back down.

As a metaphor, we can think of the egoic structure, or the dream state, as the Earth. The dream state has a gravitational force; it has the tendency to pull consciousness into itself. This gravitational force is really what one is dealing with throughout the entirety of the spiritual journey. Awakening is breaking free of this gravitational force. Initially, it may simply be leaving the dream state, awakening from the dream state of “me” and separation and isolation. But because we’ve awakened does not mean that consciousness has gotten past the gravitational pull of the dream state. If we haven’t gone completely beyond this gravitational field, we’re going to be pulled back toward the experience of “me” and the perception of separateness.

Using the metaphor of the rocket ship is a way of thinking about the process of awakening. The dissolution of the ego takes time. While the moment of awakening is a process that unfolds thereafter – the process of getting beyond the gravitational force of the dream state. This process, this greater individualization can override and shed one´s ego, and become a kind of superself that has the ability extend the individual consciousness beyond the constraints, into a form of communication with the Divine Consciousness or Universal Consciousness.

Yoga is a science of the soul, a method through which one can liberate oneself from the cycle of birth and death

Yoga is actually science, a method to realise and unite with the divine. It teaches one how to be free from the cycle of birth and rebirth (or birth and death), and be liberated from the three dimensional plane of existence.

Yoga teaches us how the will to attain freedom can be strengthened.

Yoga teaching that true freedom is known only when one gives up all ego activity.

Yoga teaches The Science of Self-Realization

The practice of Yoga as Science enable one to merge with the Divine Universal Self. This merging of individual consciousness with universal consciousness creates a “divine union” called “yoga”. The practice that leads to this state of self-mastery is also called “yoga”. So the royal road and the destination have the same name, “yoga”. Those who practice yoga are called yogis and those who master yoga are also called yogis. Yoga teaches self-mastery and how to stilling of all “thought waves” (brain waves) or mental modifications, thereby making the mind fit for concentration and meditation. science of yoga teaches; self-control, religious observances, physical postures, control of breath, withdrawel of the five senses, concentration, meditation, and wisdom state.

The word “yoga” means “to join”. The science of “yoga” teaches of the individual consciousness can “join” with universal consciousness. Yoga teaches the methods of merging the individual will with the cosmic will by controlling the mind and its modifications, thereby attaining liberation. On the physical plane, yoga bestows good health and physical efficiency; on the mental plane concentration, balance of mind, and peace. On the spiritual plane, it guarantees liberation from the chain of birth and death, and offers eternal bliss, immortality, perfection, and everlasting peace. The ultimate objective of yoga is not only individual liberation, but the transformation of the entire human race. It aims to instill a divine nature and life into the physical, mental, and spiritual life of humanity.

Yoga provides a technology, a method by which anyone who practices it can experience that divine identity within. To fully appreciate the value of the great gift of “yoga” can provide,w e need to understand why, for thousends of years, the Yogis kept in secret. Then “yoga” provides “spiritual technology” and with this follows power, because knowledge gives power, and power can be corrupt, so they kept this knowledge secret. The Matrix using science in a corrupt way that binds, captivates and imprison humankind into The matrix, and same “yoga technology” or ” quantum spiritual technology” can be used to free and liberate oneself from the Matrix. If the Matrix entangles (scientific materialism), the science of yoga disentangles (scientific yoga). When the ego becomes God, the scientist, at least some, consider themselves Gods as they manipulate nature applying technology.

The soul thus transfigured becomes the light body. … feelings we build the rainbow bridge of light that unites our physical brain to our immortal self, the divine presence within us

Bridges were an important alchemical symbol of the conjunction of opposites. Bridges neutralizes opposites and its structures of duality.

Building spiritual bridges; alchemy, synthesis, union, transformations, re-wiring, re-connect, merging, fusion of opposites, meditation and integration all symbolize bridges or integration of energies.

Each time we reach a stage where we are raising our consciousness, our inner knowing, this is when we cross a Bridge. This is called the Antahkarana. It happens when the Soul has reached a new level of understanding, then we are ready to move forward, to another level. There will come a point, after the Initiation when there will no longer be a need for the Soul, as it will have done its work guiding the personality forward to its highest conclusion. Then we shall be pure Spirit.

Energy is the natural bridge that connects the body, mind, and spirit. It is the perfect bridge to allow people to truly experience the universality of their existence. You no longer have to enter a monastery in high, secluded mountains to reach enlightenment. Consciousness then create a bridge of light.

Christ Consciousness is the Bridge across a gaping abyss. Its though faith and meditation one building this bridge.

The physical bridge is the bridge of the physical body that connects man to God and Earth. The bridge of the mind is the bridge that connects the mind of man to the Universal Knowledge. This bridge of the mind is indeed the memories of the soul of man that transcends with the spirit through eternity. The bridge of the spirit is the bridge that connects the heart of man to God. The Christ Consciousness is the path, across all the bridges to God, for man.

These bridges are the electromagnetic energy streams that weave a web of consciousness through the trilocular being of man.

These spiritual builders of our time will be called the bridge builders. They are not destined to build a physical bridge over a body of water, but rather they will build a bridge from our current level of awareness to kingdom consciousness. By taking our hands, they will gently lead us to a life engulfed in Christ consciousness.

The bridge builders will develop a new language to shift our consciousness, while at the same time they are firmly anchored in the new reality. By standing on one side of the bridge with extended arms, we who are just opening our eyes can be guided step by step across the river of doubt to the safety of our higher potential. These steps will initiate a seismic shift in our worldview and rattle our bones to the core. Jesus predicted that once you discover the truth, you will be deeply disturbed, and ultimately amazed. When we begin to see the world through the eyes of God, we will be disturbed.

The shackles of restraint will dissolve, leaving us free to live a life beyond what we can even begin to imagine today. The disturbance emerges from the dissolution of our current worldview as it slips into the past, allowing for the birth of our expanded and evolved existence. The amazement arises from seeing reality from an omniscient perspective. The opening of new senses coupled with an understanding of our full potential culminates into a golden key that unlocks the door to kingdom consciousness. As the key turns in the lock, the click activates within us the dormant DNA that has been waiting for this moment. Science has told us that we only use a small portion of our brains, and that we have DNA that does not appear to have a purpose.

We have been equipped with everything that we need to take this step into Christ consciousness, to understand that we already have the ability to live in kingdom consciousness and only need to step forward to claim our divine inheritance? It is our birthright to live a divine life. It is our destiny to live in kingdom consciousness. It is our natural evolutionary path to allow the full potential of the physical body and mind to merge with our soul as our Christed nature is born. Christ consciousness is nothing more than the ability to embrace our fullest potential as we emerge onto a new plane of existence. It is nothing less than our commitment to use every God-given gift to propel ourselves forth into birthing the kingdom of God on earth.

In the lower state of mind humans is disconnected from their divine source, and fears keeps the aplha-bridge down within the corpus callosum.

Building bridges within mind or consciousness is the work when one raising from one level to another. These bridges can also been seen as the ladder one need to able to climbing upwards.

Through visualization, three expressions of the human consciousness will become possible:

1.The antahkarana can be built and the shining of the Triad be definitely seen. Such will be the new vision—an outcome of the development of the sense of vision.

2. Groups, large wholes and major syntheses will also be visualized, and this will lead to a definite expansion of consciousness. Thus the sense of synthesis will be unfolded.

3. All creative an will be fostered by this training, and the new art of the future in all departments of creativity will be rapidly developed as the training proceeds. The unfoldment of the sense of vision and of the sense of synthesis, through visualization, will lead to a sense of livingness in form.”

We could look at this in terms of the three aspects:

1. The antahkarana and the sense of vision.

2. Groups, large wholes and the sense of synthesis.

3. All creative art and a sense of livingness in form.

The will of the first aspect is a key factor in building the antahkarana (the rainbow bridge), leading one to the new vision. The unity of the second aspect leads to a sense of synthesis. The third aspect deals with a new creative activity, a new creative living, and in a sense is the form aspect of the higher consciousness. That third or form aspect will be expressive of the “livingness in form” rather than expressive of form as a separate and somewhat isolated thing unto itself. The next two quotes shed additional light on visualization and seeing the livingness in form: “Through the practice of the power of visualisation, the third eye is developed. The forms visualised, and the ideas and abstractions which are, in the process, mentally clothed and vehicled, are pictured a few inches from the third eye.

Take place between God and man, between the divine pneuma and the ground of the human soul.

The art of alchemy allows one to build a conscious bridge or “Anthakarna’ to the innermost higher self

Building the Antahkarana: The Bridge between the Higher and Lower Selves,”

The awakening to the other takes place in antahkarana, the ‘bridge’ which links the lower mental to the Spiritual Soul. Awakening to Oneself is accomplished when that ‘bridge’, which is the materialization of the duality between the other and oneself, is destroyed. Henceforth the person is identified with the spiritual Soul, identical to the Universal Soul

The golden key for ascension is to build the antahkarana, or rainbow bridge. The antahkarana is the bridge of light you create between your personality, soul, monad and God. This basic spiritual work is crucial. The antahkarana is, first, the key to connecting your personality with your higher self. Then it connects you to your monad or mighty Divine Presence. Finally it serves as the bridge to help create the integration of these three aspects of self.

Once this bridge of light is complete, finish building your antahkarana all the way back to God. This is your cosmic antahkarana. This light bridge allows more light to come into the four-body system, which is healing on all of these levels. Building the antahkarana is a key aspect of the ascension process.

Another golden key has been the use of meditations to widen and clear out the antahkarana and the central canal. In The Complete Ascension meditations on how to do this using the spiritual vortex meditation and the corkscrew meditation. It is important to widen the central canal, the planetary antahkarana and the cosmic antahkarana, for then a greater amount of spiritual current can flow through. The more spiritual current that flows through, the faster your light quotient will build and the greater your physical health will be.

 In the Christian tradition, the bridge is symbolized by the cross: the vertical beam represents our link with the higher worlds.

In the Ageless Wisdom teachings, the bridge is called the Rainbow Bridge, or the Bridge of Light. In the Hindu texts, the bridge is called the Antahkarana, a Sanskrit word derived from antah, or “inner,” and karana, or “instrument.” This etheric bridge is our link between heaven and earth, our individual Jacob’s Ladder. It links the lower mind with the higher, our individual consciousness with the universal consciousness of the soul. It is through this bridge that we bring creative ideas and spiritual wisdom down to earth. In the Christian tradition, the bridge is symbolized by the cross: the vertical beam represents our link with the higher worlds. In the New Testament, Jesus refers to this bridge as the “strait” or “narrow” gate (Matt. 7:13).

How do we construct this bridge? The well-known esoteric saying, “Before we can tread the spiritual path we must become that path.


The threads that link us to our subtle bodies—the etheric, the emotional, and the lower mental—are created automatically through the evolutionary process. We now have to duplicate what God has done and consciously build a bridge to span the gaps that exist between the three aspects of the mind.  The Rainbow Bridge is built in two sections. The lower span is built between the rational mind, the highest aspect of the personality, and the soul.

The higher span is built between the soul and the higher mind. The threads that connect us to the soul include the life thread, anchored through the heart, and the consciousness thread, anchored in the head. These threads extend downward from the soul to the personality.

There is a third thread that we ourselves generate: the creative thread, anchored in the throat center. This thread begins to form when the throat center becomes active. Together, these three threads make up the Rainbow Bridge. This bridge is built as we project our attention upward from the personality to the soul.

Creative meditation is the tool we use to build this bridge. Many meditation practices focus only on quieting the mind. In creative meditation, we go a step further and actively train our minds to transmit information from the soul to the brain. How to learn to refine and raise the vibration of your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. The practice of creative meditation will help you to further refine and “weld” these bodies into a cohesive whole. You will then have a clear, unobstructed channel for the free flow of information from the soul to the brain. Over time, this type meditation will also result in the transfer of energy from the lower centers to the higher.

Meditation has been compared to sending a missile into outer space….We are literally shooting off from our earthbound station when we direct the consciousness upwards in meditation. Like a satellite leaving the launching pad, we are probing out to areas not yet sign-posted, to regions far beyond those that are known….It is truly a science of “inner space” [in the same way that] astrophysics is the science of the outer cosmic realm….In line with all scientific procedure, it is a deliberate, controlled, step by step process…a method of progressing in consciousness through various states or stages

It is the thought apparatus which is involved in Meditation  and which must be trained to add to this first function of the mind an ability to  turn in another direction, and to register with equal facility the inner or intangible  world. This ability to re-orient itself will enable the mind to register the world of  subjective realities, of intuitive perception and of abstract ideas. This is the high  heritage of the mystic, but seems as yet not to be within the grasp of the average  man.

Those gifted seekers with intuitive perception has the ability to pierce the veil.

“Man is a bridge. Even the superman, once we perceive that he is only the symbol of the strenuous ideal, turns out to be a bridge too. Our only assurance is that the gates of the future are always open.” Man is but a bridge on the road to Superman.

You have within yourself tremendous powers and latent faculties of which you have really never had any conception. You must awaken these dormant powers and faculties by the practice of meditation and Yoga. You must develop your will and control your senses and mind. You must purify yourself and practice regular meditation. Then only you can become a Superman or God-man.

Through regular use of yoga and mediation, it will be possible for you to evoke an Alpha-Theta mind state and hold your brain there long enough to experience deep relaxation. When you do this, it’s possible to enjoy the benefits of whole brain synchrony. You could call it a state of super consciousness or super intelligence—the evolution of man into superman. In other words, the yogin sees not in the ordinary waking state but in the superconscious state of samadhi.

Meditation leads to the gate of intuitive knowledge, which is real knowledge. It is a mysterious ladder that takes the aspirant from earth to heaven.

Synthesis is a connective, integral process that holds together and builds toward greater oneness.

The whole brain is greater than the sum of its parts, and the brain is a constantly interacting system within itself. The whole brain is greater than the sum of its parts, where the whole is the internal and  infinite world and the parts is the finite and external world.

Meditation is the best way to speed up the process of spiritual evolution, regardless of the stage a person has reached on the long staircase to enlightenment. The goal is to use all sides of the brain simultaneously and the whole body as an integral whole.

This work of new connections building new parthways, it´s healing the evolutionary brain, unite opposite energies to oneness, breaking up the design or concept of duality (parts) and rearrange its parts into wholeness, and through synthesis it expand the limit consciousness to unlimited cosmic consciousness, and through this process more and more new dna strands is been activated from the slumbering state of consciousness and liberation from bondage of ignorance that blinds the mind within humans.

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