STAYING POWERFUL – Once an awareness , no matter what the awareness is , reaches a critical point within mass consciousness , this awareness can touch everyone’s individual consciousness. Governments tell us what to do, marketing companies hound us, media pressures us, advertising aims to bend us to their needs, movie stars, films and books influence us, and people in power argue about what is right and wrong. Ignorance is but fear blocking reason and enlightenment. Mass consciousness is now generating great fear and hysteria, which is causing the physical manifestations of the weakness to increase upon planet Earth

STAYING POWERFUL – Once an awareness , no matter what the awareness is , reaches a critical point within mass consciousness , this awareness can touch everyone’s individual consciousness. Governments tell us what to do, marketing companies hound us, media pressures us, advertising aims to bend us to their needs, movie stars, films and books influence us, and people in power argue about what is right and wrong. Ignorance is but fear blocking reason and enlightenment. Mass consciousness is now generating great fear and hysteria, which is causing the physical manifestations of the weakness to increase upon planet Earth.

Without an open heart you can get just so far. Therefore, we have access to what we need in those worlds and dimensions, but we still are not whole in consciousness. We lost our wholeness as our consciousness became cloudy or blocked with Earth level density. When the density of Earth began blocking parts of our energetic supply (Divine Life Force), we had to find other ways to generate energy.

Mass consciousness

In the spiritual states between Earthly incarnations and in other more physical worlds in the many Universes, our developmental stage is the same as when we are on Earth. However, we are focused on those particular worlds and dimensions. Therefore, we have access to what we need in those worlds and dimensions, but we still are not whole in consciousness. We lost our wholeness as our consciousness became cloudy or blocked with Earth level density. When the density of Earth began blocking parts of our energetic supply (Divine Life Force), we had to find other ways to generate energy, learning that different types of thought forms, emotions, and behaviors provide different intensities of energy. We began pulling from one another. In time, we have formed a group-mass type of consciousness that is very dense, heavy, and vibrationally slow. In order to break out of this mass consciousness, each one of us has to start consciously reconnecting with Divine Life Force, reworking one’s system (body, mind and spirit) to be able to vibrate once again in the Higher frequency ranges.


There are many zones of influence that exert power over us whether we realize it or not and they come in many forms. —) We are connected to mass consciousness thought and belief from societies, media, friends, family and politics and all this impacts on our belief bank. Unless we actively guard against this other power gets in and we absorb it as our own. We need to be aware of its manipulative power, guard against it, block and throw it out. Basic belief self-defence is a good starting point to block and change this outside power.

Once an awareness , no matter what the awareness is , reaches a critical point within mass consciousness , this awareness can touch everyone’s individual consciousness.


Governments tell us what to do, marketing companies hound us, media pressures us, advertising aims to bend us to their needs, movie stars, films and books influence us, and people in power argue about what is right and wrong.

Ignorance is but fear blocking reason and enlightenment. Mass consciousness is now generating great fear and hysteria, which is causing the physical manifestations of the weakness to increase upon planet Earth.

Most importantly you have to understand how the mass consciousness affects your ability to connect to the purity of

How To Transform Your Perceptions

There are some principles invoked with transforming your perceptions:

  1. Understand your perceptions are an intangible creation in your life that determines your emotional triggers and your creative ability. Understand this is a powerful step in transforming your perceptions because you are now aware that you have a choice of living with limiting perceptions. or transforming your perceptions to heal your emotions and expanding your creative ability to manifest your desires by allowing the power of divine lost to flow through your chakras.
  2. Understand the power of divine love is the highest vibration that is able to connect with all other creations in existence and transform the vibrational rhythm pattern of these creations. The greater your connection to divine love. the more powerful your ability to transform your perceptions of pain. fear. and limitation. The key is to connect to the purest source of divine love possible.

The most powerful source of divine love that exists that can be used to transform your perceptions is located in the now moment. The now moment is a state of existence beyond time and the limitation of space where the illusion of the ego. of emotions, of limiting perceptions cannot exist. simply because the purity of divine love transforms these lower vibrational rhythm pattern creations back to the innate perfection within these creations. Flow you reach the now moment is by living each one of the combat transformation principles. each of which are designed to transform your creations, that separate you from your divine perfection. and to focus your unlimited freewill to connect to the power of divine love that exists in the now moment. You have to transform your perceptions of time and space. You meditate to expand your consciousness into the now moment. Most importantly you have to understand how the mass consciousness affects your ability to connect to the purity of divine love in the now moment.

If you stood in the middle of a vast stadium of pure white light that represented the transforming power of divine love. your freewill could set an intent to heal a limiting perception stored in your chakra. The vibrational rhythm pattern of divine love would connect to and raise the lower vibrations of the limiting perception. In this example there is a clear playing field between your creations and the purity of divine love.

Now add billions of creations of fear to this vast stadium of pure white light. This transforms the pure white light where you could see. touch and connect to pure divine love everywhere into a jungle of limiting perceptions that hide and distort your connection to the pure white light of divine love. To fix this problem of billions of creations of limitation blocking your access to pure divine love, humanity’s requests and prayers for help to higher awarenesses In the universe were answered with the solution of seven energy pathways being anchored by them on the planet as a gift.

It’s as if you had engineers who went through the jungles and built a road. so that you could now go through the jungle on your transportation much easier that cutting your v. ay through and fighting all of the tree limbs, all of the plants. and all of the things that were in the way. The seven energy pathways anchored to your planet simply have cut a path for you through the vast anointsof limiting ribuJonal rhythm patterns of the mass consciousness. These pathways are maintained the same as the road may be maintained. You need do nothing to maintain these pathways.

They are a gift to you. Just as the road is built through the jungle, you may or may not choose to use it. You may choose to still take a wandering path through the jungle, or you may never be interested in entering the jungle at all. You may never enter into the road that is there yet it is there, and it is maintained any time you wish to use it.

The same is true of the seven energy pathways, so long as they are a service to humanity, they shall be anchored and they shall be maintained. Clearing your chakras using a clear energy pathway is not something you could do in the past before the seven energy pathways were anchored to the planet. It’s very important to understand that, because you may have made a very definite attempt to work on transforming the perceptions stored in your chakra system. Without using the seven energy pathways, you are working with masses of energy without being able to clear the energy. You are only rearranging the perceptions in your chakras somewhat and at times being able to transform some of the perceptions that had collected there.

  1. Set your intent to connect to the purest source of divine love you can and use the transforming power of this divine love to heal the limiting perceptions stored in your chakras. You can do this by connecting to seven energy pathways through setting your intent. You may want to see these pathways as light, or anything that serves you because the mind often needs a visual. Remember, energy is without definition and therefore, all this is, is clear energy without distortion. Your intent to enter that energy pathway simply puts your there. It isn’t difficult which is very important for you to know. See your perceptions travel from your chakras up into the pathways designed for them to be transformed by pure divine love. Then see your transformed perceptions returned to your chakras in a transformed state. To help you accomplish this read for the next ten days the following guided chakra clearing meditation:

Setting Your Heart on Fire

One of the highest skills wherein the practitioner wreaths himself in the Divine flames

The heart center feeds the upper chakras, and as it clears and becomes pure, the third eye chakra opens to a greater intuition and awareness, and the crown chakra opens to a higher consciousness. This purifying or clearing is like that of God’s refining fire…where the wheat and the chaff will be separated and “the chaff burned with unquenchable fire” (Matthew 3:12).

When the chakras are cleared, and the emotional and physical blockages are released, an opening in the crown chakra allows for an energetic exchange with the universal energy field.

……It also began the process of mass consciousness on the Earth to identify with masculine energies over feminine energies. mind over heart!

All too often people on the path of ascension spend so much time developing the light and wisdom aspects of self that they in essence close down heart. Without an open heart you can get just so far. The statement “God is love” is not a sentimental one but a fact. It is one of the essential qualities at the very core of this solar system.

The love/heart nature of God and ourselves is in dire need of attention as we seek to follow the path of initiation and ascension. What must eventually take place within each and every one of us is a complete integration of the four-body system with that of the higher bodies. In this process, none of the divine attributes that comprise ourselves on any level of our beings can be overlooked.

The lower-self qualities, or negative-ego qualities, must be brought under the control of the conscious mind and replaced with the higher, christed or spiritual qualities of the oversoul and monad. We must therefore work with that blessed attribute of love. In this process we clear away all hindrances to love’s true and full expression by working through the blocks that exist in our subconscious minds.

We likewise work with learning how to invoke the quality of divine love, which will descend upon us when called forth sincerely, as a downpouring from the very heart of God itself.

We begin with love. What is the nature and purpose of this divine heart-force that rises from the depths of our being? How does it melt the False Self and heal our relationships? And how can we participate in its sacred call to action?

In mystical consciousness, love is experienced as a divine force field that extends to infinity. It is conscious and its center is everywhere and wherever we are. In the experience of loving consciousness, there is no separation, no separate self, no other, only One. Beyond time, space and place, the power of love transcends all the artificial limits and beliefs imposed by conventional beliefs. Touch anywhere and we touch the whole, love anywhere and we love the whole, love the whole and we touch everyone and everything. Unlike a bank account, love never runs out, never, and we can never use it up. The more we spend, the more rises within, like a primed pump. The greatest gift of love is more love. Love can even affect the past and the future, for all is one, even time, and time disappears in love. When we immerse ourselves in the divine force field of love, we become what God is: Love. We discover all this when we learn to experience our own divinity.

This state of awakening consciousness and its subtle effects are real. They are what the world needs now to balance its endless call for more rhetoric, conflict, war, grandiosity and top-down agendas. Too often, our heroism simply moves the pieces of the problem around, like a never-ending chess game, changing nothing, for the self-idea and its intrinsic duality will always produce more actors to produce more tragedies. What’s the alternative? Wake up! Wake up as a Divine Human in a sacred world. Love is our ultimate goal, the Divine Human is the ultimate way.

Known as the Divine Plan, it included an accelerated period of consciousness-raising in the last years of Earth’s evolution that would awaken multitudes of evolved souls to their creative potentials and to their destinies to serve an evolution of consciousness on Earth. Reawakening to the power of the light within their hearts, they would begin a process of cleansing and purification to reintegrate the unified aspects of masculine and feminine intelligence. The evolutionary plan also included a promise to honor God above all.

People were to realize their divine connection as the unity that God had intended in the beginning and honor their promises to each other. The course was set as a divine destiny for humanity and for the Earth. A recent period, the “quickening”, awakened many to the potentials of their higher intelligence. It opened many hearts to the presence of God in their lives and sparked imagination to envision a more positive future, should enough of human-ity grow to the intelligence of love. Through consciousness raising efforts, many awakened individuals teach us that a mass consciousness shift will occur that will eventually transfigure the Earth and its inhabitants, completing Earth’s evolution and redeeming humanity in God’s eyes. However, the creative legacy of evil has proved more resilient than expect-ed, and as prophesied, there were many false prophets, as well as doomsday plans orchestrated by Dark Lords.

For when the mind is tranquillised and purified and the pure psyche liberated from the insistence of the desire soul, these experiences are free from any serious danger, — except indeed that of limitation and a certain element of error which cannot be entirely eliminated so long as the soul experiences and acts on the mental level. For there is then a pure action of the true psychical consciousness and its powers, a reception of psychical experience pure in itself of the worse deformations, although subject to the limitations of the representing mind, and capable of a high spiritualisation and light. The complete power and truth, however, can only come by the opening of the supermind and the supramentalising of the mental and psychical experience.

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When the human mind is on fire, it becomes a powerful weapon. A time will come when the warm breath of Cosmic Awareness will exhaust the dark sea of matter. When we are free of the restrictions of matter, and in the reflective light, we are alive in a refined copy of the physical body, but much more alive, sensitive and dynamic. When we are awake in this light, we can capture the true memory of nature and our motives, desires, and impulses. Opening heart and body to the earth expands us.

Mass consciouness is built up around low vibrational frequencies of FEAR. Everything on Earth is designed to create a lifestyle that just promotes low vibrational frequencies. This includes culture, media, food industry, technologies. Once an awareness , no matter what the awareness is , reaches a critical point within mass consciousness , this awareness can touch everyone’s individual consciousness. We also have a vibration frequency, and as soon as our frequency is higher than that of 5G, 5G can no longer harm us. Basically, everything that is happening on Earth at the moment is part of a huge war that is ultimately about vibration frequencies. Whatever happens, whatever is reported on in the mass media -ultimately, the side of the unlight is only interested in spreading fear among human beings. This is because fear has a very low frequency, and through this frequency of fear, the total vibration of humanity can be kept low. So the two crucial questions are: What allows the vibration of humankind to increase? And what makes it fall?

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