55 things the Ego fears and 100 more good things to know about the ego and the matrix

55 things the Ego fears and 100 more good things to know about the ego and the matrix

  • Ego creates fear of death. The ego needs fear to survive. When negativity and fear is been removed then humans are re-connected to their Higher Divine Self
  • The ego fears the loss of conscious existence, and its final surrender means facing ‘the great unknown’. Fears fueling the ego and fears keeping its conscious awake. Fears keeps its attention programming in action. Fears is what keeping the ego alive. Fears is what keeps the veil of ignorance in place. This creates separation from the real higher divine self.
  • Our ego fears the opening of this tremendous abyss, or void, where “I will not be anybody.” That is the irony. Here you are fearing being nobody when this way of being nobody is your identity: the space, the pause.
  • The ego fears both life and death because lack of trust. The ego fears both life and death, because both are threatening to its survival.
  • The ego fears Oneness (present-eternal), timelessness (present), intuition (present-directly), authentic self (present-here and now)
  • The ego fears to be dissolved. The ego duality is dissolved in oneness, ego is dissolved in timelessness were no past and future exist. The past of the ego is dissolved when intuition is in action, and the ego is dissolved when humans re-connect with their authentic self.
  • The ego fears to not be something, so its working to be something. That is the irony. Here you are fearing being nobody when this way of being nobody is your identity. The ego is the mind and body identity and is not the real self, and fears no-mind, nobody that is in everything.
  • The ego fears to be still and therefore is constantly busy.
  • The ego fears to not fit in
  • The ego fears to be excluded.
  • The ego fearing ridicule and embarrassment, which to the ego is a death
  • The ego is driven by fear: fear of not fitting in, fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of loss of power or prestige, fear of loss of control.
  • Fear of not being good enough, fear of failing others, fear of losing a home, fear of getting sick, fear of being alone, even fear of having nothing to do (which we call boredom).
  • Fear of the unknown, fear of suffering, fear of loneliness, and fear of personal extinction. .The “fear” that man has is not of this natural process of change, but of the extinction of his “ego.
  • The ego fears loss of its illusory sovereignty, which is actually only grandiosity.
  • If one reaches the stage where one begins to see the folly of Ego, then there is fear of losing the Ego, and fear is one of its last weapons
  • Fear and intimidation controls mass consciousness, and producing a “corporate thought pattern”, that keep people in bondage and separation, and subconsciously this creates a fear of exclusion. This state of fear and intimidation is been affected through the “tribal consciousness” that is part of the lower matrix (ultra ego) and this mind-prison
  • Fear of exstinction and this fear can be strenghten and programmed by movies about exstinction or alien invasion as some example.
  • Most of the brain structure is simply coded out of receiving these higher impulses, much like tuning certain channels out on a T.V. set. Then, they will be pushed back into the subconscious, and accessed through dream state, perhaps, or in meditation. The ideal, of course, is not to need to go back to access, but to be in the present all of the time as this is the vaster part of who we are, and we are here to live that, to know of all that we are, here on earth.
  • As a result of flawed thinking (caused by a negative programmed mindset), most people either do not have the required tools, or are not interested in obtaining the knowledge for freedom or higher. Freedom and  higher consciousness require a desire to be free, effort, work, and change, all of which most people are programmed to avoid. The objective of this kind of programming is to have  people lose the ability to think freely. – ‘whatever you do not use you lose.’ Many people often want or seek the benefits of freedom without paying the price. However, freedom is never free.
  • Another common misunderstanding to the untrained eyes is how freedom is defined. Freedom is generally defined as the opportunity to get a “good” education, a “good” job and be financially sufficient to provide for their families. The definition of true freedom is a freed mentality. A freed mentality ensures people can have all of their desires, and also be in full control of their thoughts and mind.
  • With mental freedom, people can learn who they are, understand the role they play in the broader scope of the universe; appreciate and value themselves, others, and the natural environment, and be much better equipped to understand how societies and organizations are structured to control the minds of the masses.
  • Once you are able to free yourself mentally, finding the real purpose for your existence will no longer be a challenge.  Many people, regardless of how well educated they are, regrettably continue to be very narrow-minded when it comes to matters about the process and methods of achieving mental freedom. They feel this way because they are either unfamiliar with the subject, or have been programmed to reject such information as real and essential.
  • Thinking that mental freedom is something that can easily be attained is a colossal mistake. It requires a strong desire, clarity of thought, discipline, effort, work, courage, sacrifice, and change. Most people are just not prepared to be free -they have no control over their thoughts or their lives.
  • A large portion of their decisions derives from their societal programming. This fact is suppressed by the widely held view that people make decisions based on their personal choices and preferences. This view is merely a misconception. What many are ignoring either through ignorance or deliberate rejection is the fact that, the choices people make derived from their subconscious programmed condition and manipulated mentality.
  • Ascension is a journey, not a destination. It is an individual journey of the soul. We are always on a journey of ascension because we are always seeking the truth, seeking that which we feel we have lost. To live life in the lower realms of 3D demands that we lose our connection with God in order to experience duality, both sides of the opposing energies of our world.
  • Our ascension journey is about traversing the frequencies of the lower realms, garnering the truth that we are beings of light, and then transcending the 3D vibrational frequencies of duality. This is a journey to find our truth, our light and our divine essence, that “We Are God Also”. Only when you have this belief well and truly imbedded into your heart can you reach up to the upper realms and begin the ascension home, taking your physical vessel with you. In the journey of ascension into the higher dimensions of self, the Higher Self begins to meld with the biological body. Slowly the physical body takes on more and more of the Divine Intelligence, the Divine Wisdom, the Divine Creativity of the Higher Self, evolving into a manifested Lightbody form living on Earth.
  • Life journey is like playing hide and seek. The invisible world within is hidden, dormant, and waiting to be discovered and connected so that we can explore the divinity within us. Unless we are aware to a certain degree that we are spirit beings, it is not easy to attune to the concept. So it is important to become aware of all the vital supreme power which is responsible for every phase of life.
  • The collective unconscious is the consciousness that covers the original nature of the Earth. When the unconsciousness improves and its shell is finally cracked, the original consciousness of the Earth will be revealed; it is the same principle of the expansion or evolution of the human consciousness. If the collective unconscious doesn’t improve, the original “me” would always be shadowed by it.
  • When we close down our physical perception through our ego beliefs, the other rooms within our mansion continue to shine with light.
  • As we crack the cosmic shell of our ego, we rend the veil of our beliefs that surrounds our intellect and find ourself open to the wisdom and ingenuity of our soul and to the love, truth, and equality of our spirit. We will look upon our soul and spirit with total humility as we recognize the insignificance of our intellect when it is compared to our magnificent soul and spirit mind.
  • Cracking our ego shell to access the wisdom and ingenuity of our soul and the love, truth, and equality of our spirit will heal us of all physical, mental, and societal disease. From that moment forward the soul will consciously, with absolute freedom of choice, use disease only to complete a lesson of transformation. We have consciously denied our soul and spirit for millions of years. Our ego denial has made it necessary to hypnotize our conscious mind so that we can communicate with our subconscious soul and our unconscious spirit mind as a way to stay balanced within our intellectual mind. This is the state that we call sleep, and we have an inherent dependency upon sleep for our mental balance. Our soul and spirit has gently worked with us in our sleep to encourage our soul growth despite our state of ego denial.
  • Once we rind the veil of our ego we can also access our future soul experience and our angel hierarchy that covers the seven levels from our spirit consciousness to the Archangel energy of our Spirit. These higher levels of our energy can’t be accessed until the veil is rent, but we may experience temporary communica-tion with other levels as we perforate our cosmic shell. The subconscious memory of our soul lives serves our intellect as an alternate reality when we reach our threshold level of absorption in fear, pain, anger, abuse, and drama within our physical life experience.
  • When we can no longer cope with our physical or mental reality and our emotions, we change the focus of our mind into another soul print of memory, which is not understood by medicine. Changing the focus of our mind will be a common event when our soul memory and the Universal mind of our spirit is understood. We will have the mind power to con-sciously change into other life experiences to give us an opportunity to find the lessons that we have been intent upon repeat-ing. Once we rend the veil of our cosmic shell we are able to reach into all levels of the soul and spirit mind without difficulty.
  • To shift our consciousness as humans we must release our belief in inequality that has cast us into fear, control, and dependency as we have descended through the shadow side of our soul path. With absolute equality being practiced within a culture there is no dependency, and therefore there is no fear and control.
  • The final battle each of us must fight . It is the inner Armageddon , the battle between our ego – mind and our higher divine self.
  • This is the spiritual meaning of the Battle of Armageddon, the final battle of the forces of light and the darkness within.
  • So we are in the apocalypse, the “lifting of a veil” is a rising of consciousness that knows no fear (a physical lifting of a veil of ignorance
  • The art of meditation teaches that it is not only possible to control our thoughts, but to learn to transcend them completely. Through meditation we can bring our unruly minds under control. By mastering our own minds we immediately attain a new level of empowerment. Not only does this liberate us from feelings of failure or inability, it brings peace of mind and enables us to achieve our greatest potential.
  • Through meditation we gain a new perspective on life, untainted by our own egoistic perspective. We also transcend our fears, which for the most part are unsubstantiated and pointless. By gaining a more awakened awareness about the true nature of life and ourselves, we attain a greater sense of power, freedom and release from our own imaginary limitations. If we enter the meditative state often enough this will then be the new state of consciousness.
  • When we are aligned in our central axis, inwardly connecting Heaven and Earth, we are identifying with our soul-self and living our multidimensional reality. When the challenges of our lives and how others see us or wish us to be, shapes our sense of self, we are identifying with our ego and living as a replicate or imposter of our authentic self. The best use of our ego is in service to our soul in response to the challenges of life. The contrary viewpoint wants us to identify as our ego, decide who we are based on fear and our external pantheon, and thus limit the soul to what the ego and others will permit. Our developmental challenge is to learn to be aware of both and choose which identity needs to respond in a given situation. As we grow in our awareness of self, we become conscious that the self we know as ego and personality exist within a larger field, an energy matrix, or noetic field. Our sense of self is vital in our quest to develop a liberated and powerful orientation to life and to our internal realities. When we base our sense of self on the soul, we are resilient and centered. When we base our sense of self on ego, we are reactive and controlled by circumstances. We are multidimensional and as we awaken to this greater or higher self, our perspectives on life and how we think changes.
  • Reprogramming your Ego, and consciously integrating your spiritual nature will change your life. “When your ego stops trying to do everything all by itself and invites eternal spirit into your consciousness, your historical illusion evaporates like mist on a sunny morning. A polarity reversal takes place in the charge of your human envelope (your physical body and surrounding spiritual auric field). The field of consciousness around you changes. Instead of your Ego dominating your sense of identity, and blocking your awareness of the Great Spirit, an eternal sense of self awakens within you.
  • Most of the people imprisoned in the material world of the body, however, do not realize the true state of things; they are like a drunk person who needs to become sober or like someone sound asleep who needs to be awakened. In fact, the human spirit does not come from this world; it comes from the world above, from the divine realm. It is only when it realizes its true nature and origin that it can escape this world and return to the blessed existence of its eternal home. Salvation, in other words, comes through saving knowledge.
  • Knowledge is to be sought after, and when you realize that everything you thought you knew about this world is wrong, you become troubled. But then you realize the truth about this world, and you become amazed. And when that happens, you return, ultimately, to the divine realm from which you came and rule with the other divine beings over all there is. Or as expressed in another saying, “Whoever has come to understand the world has found only a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse is superior to the world” . This material world is dead; there is no life in it. Life is a matter of the spirit. Once you realize what the world really is—death—you are superior to the world and you rise above it. That is why the one who comes to this realization “will not experience death”
  • You are gifted with a questioning mind that will marvel at the deepest parts of the world around you. It will crave divine understanding because you are part of the divine whole, and it is the nature of the soul to seek to return to its spiritual state. Be forewarned. Once you leave the blind man’s cave that is our reality as we know it, you may never come back as the person you once were. During the first steps of awakening, there is a possibility that, in fear, you will want to return to your sleeping state for reprieve. However, you will still be unable to return to your previous state—no matter how hard you try. Once you have awoken, your level of consciousness has already shifted. You will have begun opening psychic spiritual doors. Since time does not go backward—and neither does evolution—there is no going back to the clouded principles you were fed within the blind man’s cave once you have seen past the stone walls.
  • The challenge overall is the tyranny of the ego, which manifests itself in a whole host of ugly ways. . The egotistical realm is highly time-bound, and thrives on the fastest, biggest and best, dominance and pride. The ego is anti-love, anti-harmony, isolationist and aggressive. It also thrives on unhappiness, disillusion and revenge, and spreads its tentacles through the media and gossip.
  • The ego’s tyranny is overturned when our physical well-being, through linking with our inner being, brightens the light of being by outshining the fear created by the ego. Thoughts are no more. But then where is the Divine? Where is God? Where is Realization? Where is Enlightenment? How does this happen?
  • When you grow in meditation, or it deepens, you start moving away from the surface. Surface implies the world operated by senses, duality, and illusions. So when you start going deeper you find darkness inside. Also, as soon as you leave the surface, you feel you are dying. You have identified yourself with the surface life.
  • We are under the misconception that we can only maintain life when we hold it tightly together. That’s why we’re afraid to let go. In this sense, what does “life” mean? It means we don’t want to lose our identity. We don’t want to stop being an individual with a unique existence, a distinct life. Unfortunately, what we’re usually thinking of as our identity is our outer ego’s ability to direct our thinking and our will.  This misidentification causes us to fear losing ourselves.
  • The challenge overall is the tyranny of the ego, which manifests itself in a whole host of ugly ways. The ego does its best to divert attention away from the third realm of the triad, our inner being, as it does not like the harmony and the connectedness with all that resides there. The ego even taunts us, through competition and vanity, to do things which jeopardize our physical being.
  • Egos when viewed from the outside may seem to bond beings, as at sports meetings. But instead of bonding, these egotistical activities only serve to separate us from each other. Real bonding ability resides with our inner being, and its ability to connect through love. The egotistical realm is highly time-bound, and thrives on the fastest, biggest and best, dominance and pride. The ego is anti-love, anti-harmony, isolationist and aggressive. It also thrives on unhappiness, disillusion and revenge, and spreads its tentacles through the media and gossip.
  • Our inner being and beauty ‘is as is’ and timeless. While we can view it as a ‘place’ within us, it is really a connection with universal illumination. Yet we feel it in our breast, often as a sort of divine, sensuous and exciting ‘tickle’. Alchemy of love is about building on the physical realm of the triad, while at the same time feeling the immensity of love and harmony in and around us. This great love, like gold, is immutable.
  • Through realizing and dissolving the strong activities of the ego, as well as feeling goodness in the physical realm, there is connection with our inner beauty. This then outshines the ego and makes it mute, as the ego has no answer to love. The possibility of feeling love is greatly enhanced when we focus on our physical well-being, both body and mind.

Time and Consciousness  – Time within Mass Consciousness – Understanding the Effects of Time on Conscious Manifestation

  • The human daily awaken consciousness and its Beta brain waves is fixed in time. It concurs with mind content identification. It identifies with ageing, anxiety, fear of death and concerns generally about the future or the past. Beta brain waves is the only brain waves that is related to doubts, negativity, fear, stress, anxiety and worries in all forms. Beta brain waves doesn’t recognise the “now”, it evaluates from inherent mindsets, from historical past. The ego is the author of fear and worries, and the ego is the past. Ego is beta brain waves, and ego is mass consciousness. Beta brain waves may be the only waves that make humans susceptible to negative fear programming. The ego is rooted in fear and therefore needs negativity and fear to be able to exist. When the veil of ignorance or veil of fear is neutralized then the ego is dissolved. The ego is been dissoloved in the present state, and therefore needs to feed the image of the past to survive.Through meditation practice one learning to switch from be rooted in the ego fear into be rooted in the present state of the heart and “NOW” state. Here lies the vertical self or authentic self. By ego´s concept of time it can keep humankind trapped in past and future, and replace the present state with its own dreamstate or the Matrix – the mind prison. 
  • The concept of time, as with all these concepts, has been developed through experience. The understanding of time constantly takes on a greater significance as one evolves. Our brain functions in a way that interprets time sequentially. It is our reality. It is difficult to dispute that time is incremental and sequential in nature, but this is a narrow perspective and one that is limited to our physical existence while we are enmeshed in mass consciousness. In truth, we are much greater than our physical bodies; we are multidimensional beings having existences in many spheres of consciousness. We can become so attached to the physical that the currents of mass consciousness are more part of us than that of our true consciousness. If we were to see how time functions on a conscious level, one could see there are differences between mass consciousness and true consciousness.
  • As you evolve your true consciousness, time develops into a new concept. A greater continuity within your being connects you to the higher aspects of yourself.
  • The more connected to true consciousness you are, the more you can express your true nature, that which comes from your life stream. The events of the world will have less and less effect on you as your expressions begin to flow from within. Your expressions become unique, as they are from you and not just rearranged and composed from mass consciousness. Your actions and ideas come from within and above, through your life stream and down through the spheres of consciousness. Eventually, this will manifest in the physical if it is your desire. You will build your creations in higher spheres of consciousness, and when they are ready you bring them down through you and out into the world. It is a building process. Its through meditation one is building.
  • When a thought form has been developed enough, it is passed down into the emotional level. And after enough emotional energy has clothed these thought forms, it eventually manifests or precipitates in the physical. All of these energies are being passed down from a higher level of consciousness into a lower level. It is a simple process and was not designed to be difficult. There have been so many interferences within our life stream that the ease of manifesting has been lost. Reconnecting your life stream with the lost parts of you allows for this flow to be reestablished again. In practical terms, we don’t know our selves. We have lost touch with our self. True concepts of our self, as a total being, hardly exist within mass consciousness. We are here to bring these concepts to light.
  • A transition occurs within our being from the flows and influences of mass consciousness into the currents within our true consciousness. We have grown so familiar and accustomed to the flows of mass consciousness that our true consciousness goes virtually unnoticed.
  • Until we have more fully developed our true consciousness, we will continue to be influenced by mass consciousness. This is the human experience and there’s nothing wrong with it; however, many of us have grown weary of this human experience. We cannot escape it, but we can and must outgrow it. This is the only way we will achieve our freedom.
  • The flow of spirit within your life stream knows no time. There are no revolutions of flow within spirit; it is timeless in its perfection. It does extend itself through the spheres of consciousness to express this perfection in whatever reality the Creator chooses. Those who become perfectly aligned with spirit can experience this timelessness within time. True consciousness becomes the medium in which you may create your expressions in this reality.
  • Your time is not the time of mass consciousness. Your time comes from above, through your life stream and down to you. You might say that “your time is up.”
  • Knowing yourself as a God presence here on this planet is something that this world has forgotten. The ego has disconnected huamnkind from their athentic divine self and instead make itself to be the god of this world.
  • Once you begin to grasp this concept of yourself as the God presence it becomes easier to release yourself  from the limitations of mass consciousness This world enslaves you by getting you to believe that you are something less than who you really are. We all grew up with many limitations and misunderstandings being impressed upon us. Now with this knowing of who we really are, we can begin to honor life as a growth process.
  • It takes a great deal of fortitude and discipline to overcome the magnetic pull of Nature’s animalistic lower self consciousness. When shifting gears from the horizontal to the vertical plane, it means we are moving away, going against the pull of Nature. We cannot escape our slavery to Nature without encountering a fierce fight.
  • There is nothing to worry about, if we don’t yet want to free our Self! The hunger for freedom is a seed within and when it sprouts we will have little choice in the matter. When this hunger comes then our time is at hand and nothing can deter us. We will then in earnest begin to look for the vertical ladder that will help us break free from Nature.
  • The lower self consciousness, which is in bondage to Mother Nature, has its existence on the horizontal plane. It is the plane of duality, space and time; it moves from left to right. The Higher Self Consciousness has Its main support on an ascending vertical plane, This plane is timeless and Its movement is from lower to ever higher levels of Transcendent Realms. The Higher Self is capable of moving back and forth between both planes.
  • For the ego to survive, it must make time— past and future—more important than the present moment.
  • Time, that is to say. past and future, is what the false mind-made self, the ego, lives on, and time is in your mind. It isn’t something that has an objective existence “out there.” It is a mind-structure needed for sensory perception, indispensable for practical purposes, but the greatest hindrance to knowing yourself.
  • Time is the horizontal dimension of life, the surface layer of reality. Then there is the vertical dimension of depth, accessible to you only through the portal of the present moment. For the ego to survive, it must make time— past and future—more important than the present moment. To survive the ego must keep it in the linear scale dimensions, away from the vertical scale and away from the present state of timelessness. The ego is represented through the linear and horizontal scale were the past and future scale dominates by the dreamstate. The vertical Self or authentic Self operarating on the vertical scale. The authentic self is always vertical. This self lives in the vertical dimension.
  • For the ego to survive, it must make time— past and future—more important than the present moment. In other terms it must disconnect the vertical scale and the authentic Self that resides in the present state and vertical state. Gaining consciousness on the vertical pole expands a person’s awareness into the third or soul. With consciousness in soul, the individual is able to apprehend the ego below and the divine above.
  • When we understand why the ego must make time— past and future—more important than the present moment. Then we understand that the ego is represented by the horizontal/linear time scale (past and future).
  • So when this scale is the dominated force the present time (vertical scale where the authentic Self resides) is disconnected and because it is disconnected then they can´t form their own future from the basic of the authentic self, but future then becomes a design based on the Ego´s own goal, and not goals of the authentic selfs goal. This is lost of choice because the authentic self if disconnected.
  • And mass consciousness is been dominated and ruled by the horizontal ego and disconnected from the vertical authentic self that resides in the present time. Through negative programming by media, fear doctrines, social engineering, forces of maya and illusions, the veil of ignorance humankind is trapped within one dimension of the three dimensional world. This dimensions is ruled by fear and low vibrational frequencies keeping them tuned into fear frequencies.
  • We have been programmed to look backward or forward in time (past-future). Only when we are in the present can we create the future, We no longer turn to the Dream (the ego) for the answer. An enlightened Being knows that the Dream is not real, The ego is the dreamer of it’s existence, the ego fear both life and death, Our fears in life keep us stuck in life. It is our fears in life that keep us bound, but it is when we lose our fear of death that we then can become conquerors in life. Fear controls time and past and future, but the present because ego can´t exist in present, Because the ego can´t exist in the present time reality and Oneness, the ego invests heavily in the past, and in the end believes that the past is the only aspect of time that is meaningful. The ego’s need to control is a lack of trust in life, and that lack of trust keeps us out of the flow of present no-time., “Now” has no meaning to the ego, so the ego keeping humankind in the dreamstate between past and future.
  • It is in the reality of “now,” without past or future, that the beginning of the appreciation of eternity lies. For only “now” is here, and only “now” presents the opportunities for the holy encounters in which salvation can be found.  The ego, on the other hand, regards the function of time as one of extending itself in place of eternity, for like the Holy Spirit, the ego interprets the goal of time as its own.  The continuity of past and future, under its direction, is the only purpose the ego perceives in time, and it closes over the present so that no gap in its own continuity can occur. Its continuity, then, would keep you in time, while the Holy Spirit would release you from it. t is His interpretation of the means of salvation that you must learn to accept, if you would share His goal of salvation for you.
  • The ego fears the loss of conscious existence, and its final surrender means facing ‘the great unknown’. The last step, therefore, requires great courage, faith, and the conviction of the truth of the great teachers. The core of the ego is then relinquished by Divine Grace, and the revelation that it ensures erases the last vestige of fear because its source has been removed.
  • What the ego fears is loss of control and domination. It fears the loss of switch from a linear scale to the vertical scale were the real authentic self resides.
  • Moving up the vertical axis is a unifying of consciousness, and healing can be considered a unifying of consciousness. It is where splits come together between parts of self: thinking, feeling, sensation, and spirit.
  • The Greatest Secret About the Ego – The ego part of us is not real. It is only our identification with it that makes it seem real for us. When we change our relationship to the ego by acknowledging that it’s there, letting go of it, and refusing to identify with it, it loses its power over us. By stepping back and observing the ego as it goes through its various manipulations and acrobatics, we create space between it and our authentic self, which allows us to see the ego for the illusion it really is.
  • At every moment, we make a choice between being horizontal (ego) or being more vertical (authentic). Choosing the ego suppresses life and causes conflict in our internal world and the world around us. The authentic self, on the other hand, is that creative part of us that wants to move forward, to learn, to grow, and to evolve. The authentic self is always vertical. This self lives in the vertical dimension, and when we choose it above the ego, we experience authentic motivation, authentic power, and an unlimited capacity for authentic action.
  • The more we nurture and reinforce the vertical habits, the more they strengthen and the easier it is to sustain them. The more we reinforce and support the horizontal and egotistic habits, the bigger they grow and the more difficult it becomes to free ourselves from the shackles of their attachments and ingrained dependencies.
  • When we are determined to live vertically and not be swayed by our ego’s desires, we can tap into an unlimited reserve of universal energy to bolster our resolve and explore how we can tap into unlimited source of energy and creativity.
  • Freedom does not come automatically; it is achieved. And it is not gained in a single bound; it must be achieved each day.
  • So instead of adding time to yourself, remove time. The elimination of time from your consciousness is the elimination of ego. It is the only true spiritual practice. When we speak of the elimination of tune, we are, of course, not referring to clock time, which is the use of time for practical purposes, such as making an appointment or planning a trip. It would be almost impossible to function in this world without clock time. What we are speaking of is the elimination of psychological time, which is the egoic mind’s endless preoccupation with past and future and its unwillingness to be one with life by living in alignment with the inevitable isness of the present moment.
  • “Pride can get in the way of forgiving. Pride is one manifestation of ego. Ego is the transient, false self. You are not your body. You are not your brain. You are not your ego. You are greater than all of these. You need your ego to survive in the three-dimensional world, but you need only that part of the ego which processes information. The rest—pride, arrogance, defensiveness, fear—is worse than useless. The rest of the ego separates you from wisdom, joy, and God. You must transcend your ego and find your true self. The true self is the permanent, deepest part of you. It is wise, loving, safe, and joyful. “Intellect is important in the three-dimensional world, but intuition is more important. “You have reversed reality and illusion. Reality is the recognition of your immortality, divinity, and timelessness. Illusion is your transient three-dimensional world. This reversal is damaging to you. You yearn for the illusion of security instead of the security of wisdom and love. You yearn to be accepted when, in reality, you can never be rejected. Ego creates illusion and hides truth. Ego must be dissolved, then truth can be seen. “With love and understanding comes the perspective of infinite patience. What is your hurry? There is no time anyway; it only feels that way to you. When you are not experiencing the present, when you are absorbed in the past or worried about the future, you bring great heartache and grief to yourself. Time is an illusion, too. Even in the three-dimensional world, future is only a system of probabilities. Why do you worry so?
  • The ego is not who you are; it is who you think you are. You don’t have a soul, you are a soul. This understanding switches the perception from to be a body with a soul to be a soul with a body, and switches from the lens of the ego to the lens of the soul.
  • Soul lives both in a physical body and in the greater Consciousness. Ego lives only in the physical, three-dimensional world. Because you are both ego and soul, you can access both the seen and unseen worlds. Therefore you are a bridge between Consciousness and this physical reality. Through your intuitive mind, the mind of soul, you can tap into Consciousness to dis-cover the potential that is waiting to unfold through any particular situation or circumstance.
  • Time freedom cannot be found within time. It cannot take more time to take you out of time. This is simple. Within time, there is suffering. In timelessness, there is joy. Outside of this third-dimensional experience on Earth is true timelessness. Your ego is earthbound; your spiritis timeless. Your mind is the house of the ego; your soul is the house of the spirit. Your spirit -your essence—can observe the egoic antics of the mind.
  • Time is a creation with many hidden qualities to the conscious mind. Time was created by humanity when they first began to form the ego, which believed it was separate from the totality of the soul. The ego created time so the charkas, subconscious mind and conscious analytical mind could use its past perceptions to calculate its future probabilities. Time is a mass consciousness creation, time is not a foundation of reality that was here before humanity existed. The mass consciousness of humanity created it. When God created physical existence, time did not exist until humanity created it. To the mind time seems like a foundation of reality that is not flexible.
  • Time is a creation that can be transformed by the power of divine love. Time is elastic. It can expand or contract. When you become enlightened, you move from living in the creation of time to living in the “Now” moment.
  • The now moment is eternity, there is no past and future in the reality of your soul’s unlimited existence. Living in the ‘now’ moment does not mean that you have no remembrance of events of the past or that you do not plan for the future. But it does mean that you stay in the divine power of the ‘now’ moment. If you did not create linear time you would live in the Now Moment in which you would progressively experience, but not because of past or future. The important difference with the Now moment vs. linear time is that you do not build perceptions in the Now moment.
  • You build perceptions from your experiences in linear time, and you refer to those for your next experience. This is why humanity created time to begin with, because once we thought we were not safe, we thought we needed this system.
  • In addition to the conscious-unconscious tension, Jung also addressed the tension between individual fulfillment and the necessity of some measure of conformity to social and cultural reality. While one must adopt a persona in order to relate to social conventions, he warned against the danger of becoming more identified with the persona than with the self. It is only as an individual that one can find meaning in life, since subservience to collective conscious ness leads to dissociation from the unconscious and absorption into the mass mind.
  • The ego creates separation within the mind, and its creates alienation from the real divine higher self, and this strengten the process to be absorbed into the mass mind and mind control programming.
  • The process of spiritual evolution to become a spiritual master requires us to reverse this by undoing all the mass-consciousness programming. To do this we must undo all the mass consciousness programming! We must get in complete control of the subconscious mind and not let it run us, and instead we must become the total computer programmer of it!
  • Our task as human beings is to use the mind, first to consolidate, then to separate our egos from the mass, then to lift them clear of instinctive levels toward the true Self.
  • Its sector of lower vibration (Lower Mind) serves as our organ of logical thought, our vehicle for concrete thinking. Because of our predominant, and often conditioned, thought patterns, the Focal Point’s primary reference rests here, directing most of the mental body’s force-matter to the brain in the physical body, which records the ongoing thoughts and emotions of the personality; the “i.” A diffused and less conditioned consciousness, it creates a small ‘envelope’ identified strongly with our emotions and ego. Focusing on this dimension of awareness limits capacity and options, and we easily getting entangled in the external world. This aspect of the analytic mind predominates in most people today; it is mass consciousness.
  • At this time mass consciousness grids controls the mind on planet Earth. The one most people are connected to is the polarity grid that runs on the surface of the Earth. Just like our minds are an auxiliary artificial intelligence software program for our bodies. It has all the polarity programs loaded into it. It is what is described in the movie Matrix. Right now the grid is being heavily bombarded by fear-based propaganda and it is affecting the emotional body of everyone plugged into it.
  • This means you do become free and disconnected from the reservoir of the energetic grid of duality; as you become a conscious creator that will never again serve the collectiveness of the mass group anymore that are still part of the reservoir of the energy grid of duality. In other words, for the very first time in your life, you will create what you desire without using the dualistic field of energy that surrounds most humans. It will be a time when you begin to focus on “who you truly are” for a change, and not on trying to serve someone else.
  • Let us consider the notion of “time.” Careful consideration of “time” will reveal that it is the nature of your “ordinary” mind to create “time” into three parts, divisions, or perspectives. We call these divisions “past time,” “present time,” and “future time.” Within your “ordinary” mind, these divisions create an illusory linear appearance we call “time.” In fact, “time” is really a mental concept that masquerades “time” as the “past, present, and future?’ However, a close inspection of the concept we call “time” will reveal its limitations (upadhis), and therefore, its falsehood. One such falsity is that the “present” is a dimension or time.” From the relative point of view of the concept of “time,” “time” is limited to that which has passed and that which is to come. And, the notion of a “present time” is not part of “time” at all! The “present time” exists outside of the concept of “time.” Real “time” is akin to the ever-present and eternal now which we call “eternity.” This eternal now is not “time” because it never comes nor passes. It is always here and now! This here and now is eternal.
  • If your actions are motivated by a predominance of “past time,” your eternal present and here and now, will be illusive. And, from your seed memories of “past time” you will be enslaved by your fears, doubts, and worries. Your fears, doubts, and worries are contained within your mental concept of a “past time.” And, beyond your so-called “past time,” you will most likely move into the notion of a non-existing “future time.” From the present, the here and now, you can never move into “future time!” You will still be in the present moment, the here and now, where you can only dive deeper and deeper into the eternal here and now of your obvious existence. Your discovery and realization of the ever-present eternal Truth as your primal Existence.
  • ‘Neither past nor future can exist to God; He lives undividedly, without limitations, and needs not, as man, to plot out his existence in a series of moments. Eternity then is not identical with unending time; it is a different form of existence, related to time as the perfect to the imperfect. Man as an entity for himself must have the natural limitations for the part. Conceived by God, man is eternal in the divine sense, but conceived by himself, man’s eternal life is clothed in the limitations we call time. The eternal is a constant present without beginning or end, without past or future.’
  • In the eternal Now, both past and future are consummated.
  • The ego is the past it must make the future same as the past. The ego has therefore replaced the present state with a dreamstate. The ego is the dreamer of future. Then the ego is the past it must invest heavily in the past, and in the end believes that the past is the only aspect of time that is meaningful. The ego tries to make the future like the past, and avoid the present. We have been programmed to look backward or forward in time (past-future). Only when we are in the present can we create the future.
  • When one begin to switch identification from the body to the Soul/Spirit then we get access to the “NOW” state or the timeless perception. Time disappears when your attention is taken away from the belief that you are a body identity. Without the ego we are able to see beyond the veil of time-space.  Intuition is timeless and can´t be controlled by the ego, that´s why ego blocks access to it. The very purpose of time is to bind and to limit, for that is how things get measured.
  • ONCE WE HAVE fully assimilated [Self-knowledge], we have reached the culmination of spiritual life—total transcendence of all sorrow. Understanding ourselves to be not the body, mind or intellect but all-pervading, eternal, blissful consciousness, there is no longer any scope for us to suffer from the sundry mental afflictions that are the curse of mankind. Understanding our Self to be the source of all bliss, what is there to want?
  • We become ever-free and blissful. This shift in identification should become permanent. Thereafter we can never see our-selves or the world as we did before. Our ‘eye of wisdom’ has been opened and can never be closed again.  Then you are free of the ego’s self-created emotional drama.
  • Whenever we are in separation we are lost. Whenever we don’t perceiving life through the light of our awakened mind we are asleep and lost within the illusion of separation. When we are asleep we are not aware, we are not present to the perfection of divine love that is who we truly are in this moment. Whenever we experience conflict and live in survival and scarcity as our ego mind, we are lost in the illusion of suffering.
  • Not to being lost as in a physical location in space, but being lost as a spiritual loss of Self . . . a spiritual forgetting. where we don’t know who or what we really are. When a world of duality appears real, we believe we are a limited physical body. and we forget that our true Self lives outside the world we see with our body’s eyes.
  • Our true Self lives in an eternal Reality where time, space. definition, and form do not exist, cannot exist, because they are all limitations. Who we really are is a timeless Mind, an eternally innocent, all loving awareness that is infinite. formless. permanent. and divine. The only part of you that is real is your eternal, invisible spirit, your timeless Mind that lives in Reality or Heaven … your true formless home.
  • When our Timeless Mind has fallen asleep and is dreaming that we are a body within a world of chaos and separation, we forget we are a Timeless essence and are unaware that we are dreaming. When we forget we are dreaming, we believe the world and the images within the world are real. then we are lost to the real, eternal, formless, all loving world that is our true home. When your mind lives in separation and duality, you are lost … when your mind fully returns to ecstatic Truth, you are found.
  • When you are unaware that you are lost, you cannot become free. However, the moment you discover you are lost, you begin to awaken to the awareness that you are already home. In those moments you are unconscious and asleep you cannot see that you are already home. The moment you are fully present and aware, you know that you are home.

Ego fear of death

  • Our ego-self thinks about its own time as moving in a trajectory from its birth, to its present life, to its future death.
  • Fear of death is our most primal fear, but if we know that even death holds no terror for us, what have we to fear? When we know that we ultimately have nothing to fear, then a most profound and lasting change for the better will be brought to this world. All those systems of thought and plays for control over the masses of people will meet their deserved dissolution.
  • Fear of death is a concept created by the ego, fear and ego working together to prevent he higher divine self from awakening in power and strength. Its through meditation one coming closer to the Divine God energy and its powers. Faith is power that come from the divine higher self.
  • Ego-death symbolize the apocalyptic change in vibrations to a higher state of divine consciousness. Its also symbolize death of the state of duality and birth of the state of Oneness.
  • At death, the limited “ego” consciousness is discarded; the subconscious becomes conscious; and the superconscious “awakens” from a latent to an active state. The process is reversed during reincarnation. The soul is no longer entrapped in matter. It is free. All that it retains from its sojourn in its earth shell is the total recall of its worldly experiences, now safely stored in its “memory bank”. But only the “conscious” mind has been discarded. The subconscious mind has survived because it neither consists of, nor depends on, matter. It now becomes the conscious mind of the soul, and will continue to function as such until the soul returns into the earth’s dense matter to begin its next life.
  • Man is present in a system of constant change, and that is a finite system, with a beginning and end. This is what he sees in the world, except for those who will hope, and plan for, an infinite everlasting system of expression. It is difficult to visualize what it is like to be in an infinite system. while you are in a world of a beginning and ending that you experience every day. Try to comprehend in your mind what eternity is like. Where You will find the word “beginning”, constantly popping up in your mind. So if something has always been, it can have no beginning, and therefore have no end. Just always being eternal, a hard concept to wrestle with.
  • Why do we fear death? Self-awareness is a supreme gift, a treasure as precious as life itself. This is what makes us human, but it comes at a costly price: the wound of mortality. Our existence is forever shadowed by the knowledge that we will grow, blossom, and inevitably diminish and die. When facing danger, our consciousness perceives and evaluates the risk involved to protect our lives, enhancing the possibility of our survival.
  • We fear death because we are unsure of what comes after it.
  • This capacity of the mind carries with it the realization that our very nature is vulnerable, limited, and mundane, and it raises feelings of terror and persistent thoughts focused on avoiding our inevitable death. Ever since, a fear of death has become covert and unconsciously influences almost all of our activities.
  • On the positive side, self-awareness of mortality offers an opportunity for authentic existence and an appreciation of life. It serves as motivation to pursue potential and create an uplifting sense of joy; yet additionally it can fill an individual with a concurrent realization that all things must come to an end. We become aware of the fact that this is the only life available to us and we should enjoy Its pleasures and delights without delay. Regrettably, many people are preoccupied with the idea, and even the dread, of imperma-nence. What’s the point in anything, they ask, if everything will eventually die away?
  • Each and every enjoyable activity is transitory and may end at any moment. Any pleasant feeling is doomed to vanish like all the other splendid things In life. Of course, no one could question the ephemerality of all things and also question the view that the transience of what is fascinating increases rather than decreases Its value. Epicurus used to say that just as one does not unconditionally choose the largest amount of food but the most pleasant food, he savors not the longest time, but the most pleasant.
  • A major source of death anxiety is existential in nature, which stems from the basic knowledge that human life must end. Many people fear the idea that they will entirety cease to exist after death happens. This is the fear of death as personal annihilation, the fear of going to the underworld is matched with the fear of going nowhere.
  • Some are swayed by the immensity of eternity, of being dead forever and ever; others are unable to take hold of the state of nonbeing and ask the question of where they will be when they are dead; others struggle with the notion of the fatality of death.
  • The reality is that death can never be fully understood by anyone who is living since no one in human history has survived it to tell us what really happens after we take our last breath.
  • Death continues to be the terminal mystery of human beings throughout time. A related existential view of death proposes that the human motivation to stay alive, coupled with the awareness that death can occur at any time, has the power to engender paralyzing fear of it; to manage or tranquilize this existential fear of death, people employ cultural woridviews and self-esteem as an anxiety-buffering shield.
  • Mankind does have organic fears ingrained in the unconscious such as a fear of altitude, darkness, loud noises, and certain animals. In those hidden places of our mind there is no trace of information about death. The unconscious is not occupied with death since it is not something that it has come into contact with. We know that repeated exposure over a long period of time becomes coded gradually into our genes. Nonetheless, death is not an experience of a living human being and naturally there is no way for it to turn into an innate feature of our brain. Basically, in the unconscious every one of us is persuaded of his own deathlessness. The fear of death, which manipulates us all the time, is subordinate and the result of mindfulness.
  • Desirelessness is the path that leads to the experience of totality. It leads to the experience of the immortal within. Life and death are two poles of existence. Death is more total and significant than life. Life is just trivial and superfluous; death is far deeper!
  • Through death you grow into real life. And through life you can only reach death. Life is a continuous journey. All that you understand by life is just a journey towards death. The entire life is a journey and nothing else. Once you know that life is just a journey, then you will be less interested in life. Your interest in death will increase. Once you are interested in death, you can delve deeper in life. You will not want to remain on the circumference.
  • By nature we cannot be interested in death. In every possible way, we want to escape death. We are afraid of death. What is the reason? We have made our life a garden, while we have completely deserted the domain of death.
  • And everyone is afraid of moving from an oasis to a desert. Death is not far. It is now and here. We are dying every moment. It is true physiologically, psychologically, and emotionally. Every moment cells die in our body and in their place new cells are born. Human skin constantly changes.
  • While we are dying, we continue to be concerned about life. Such concern about life is just a deep concern, a fear. Death is right there. It is deep inside. And not only there but is growing constantly. What you need to do is take an 180-degree turn. When you are concerned with death, then life will unfold a new meaning to you.
  • Once you are at ease with death, without any fear you enter into a deathless life. A life of tranquility and bliss! The moment you come to know death you will encounter life — eternal. Death is the door from the superfluous life, the so called life, the trivial life, the life that lives on the circumference. When you pass through this door you enter the domain of life that you have never known.
  • A dimensionless domain of eternity! A dimensionless domain of deeper, eternal, deathless life! From the life on the circumference, which is nothing but death, you pass through the door of death. Then you experience a life that is existential and eternal but without death. To reach the domain of immortality you have to pass through the door consciously.
  • We die many times but only unconsciously. We consider death as something inauspicious and ugly. We die most of the time, in a state of sleep or while unconscious. We are so afraid of death that the moment death approaches us, we become afraid and unconscious. When you die in this state, you are re-born. The whole process repeats itself. And, thus, continues the saga of the journey of the being. But you are not concerned with death.
  • Once you are ready to experience death rather than life, then you can pass through the door of death consciously. This is what meditation is.
  • Meditation implies to pass through the door of death consciously. To die consciously is meditation. However, you cannot wait for death, because death happens every moment.
  • And the door is not somewhere outside. Also, it is not a normal door that you know. The door is inside you. It is right there now.
  • What is necessary for this is to accept the very fact of death. Once you have accepted death, feel it every moment, live it, and be aware of it. Then suddenly the door opens. And through this door you begin to glimpse the life eternal. It is only through death you can experience eternity. It can be said that meditation is conscious death, a voluntary death. This is just a process of deepening within or drowning within. You are no more on the surface, instead you are moving deeper into your being. By Death is meant moving away from the surface. The surface is the ego.
  • How does this happen? When you grow in meditation, or it deepens, you start moving away from the surface. Surface implies the world operated by senses, duality, and illusions. So when you start going deeper you find darkness inside. Also, as soon as you leave the surface, you feel you are dying. You have identified yourself with the surface life.
  • On the surface there are waves. But the waves are not the ocean. Ocean is the totality. And waves arise on the surface. So too your surface life is accentuated by actions, illusions, and life force. You consider this as reality and get identified with it. So when you leave the surface, it is not that you are leaving the surface, instead you are losing your identity, your past, your mind, your memory.
  • All this was your reality. This you have to let go and transcend beyond the surface. Only then can you reach the reality. This reality is eternal and immutable. So when you are ready to die, this very readiness becomes the transcendence. This very readiness on your part is Religiousness.
  • When we say this particular person is worldly, it means he is more concerned with life than death. A religious person dies every moment. This means he is ever ready for the new and the unknown. He is not living in the dead past. Death does not come in the end. Death is a process of life. He knows all that is acquired in life or is known as life will be taken away. Every moment you go on losing it. Time cannot be retained.
  • Time cannot be prevented. Time cannot be reversed. Time is one dimensional. Time only moves forwards, but never goes backwards. Time keeps on dissolving in the abyss of death. Time goes on losing itself. And when time loses itself, you are dying. One day all the sand is lost and you are no more. Time is lost and you vanish! Be more concerned with death. It is right around the corner. Once you start looking for it, you become aware of it. It is right here, but you are trying to escape. Jump into death. This is the most difficult aspect of meditation. This is the austerity of it as well.
  • As long as desires exist, you cannot be silent. Desire is real noise. You may control your mind and reach a state of no thought. You can even stop thinking, but a deep desire still continues, because you are stopping the thinking to achieve something! Maybe meditation! Subtle noise will continue. Every moment you will be seeking the desiring to happen.
  • Thoughts are no more. But then where is the Divine? Where is God? Where is Realization? Where is Enlightenment? The moment you are aware of this phenomena, desiring will be no more. The mind continues to play tricks. And you are aware of the fact that certain objects are now redundant. Then you replace the object. And in changing the object desire continues to hold your consciousness.
  • When the existing house becomes outdated, another house becomes attractive. So too, when a particular man or woman becomes repulsive, then another comes in to replace the existing one through attraction. This process continues, until you realize the futility of all that you desired and the mind then moves to another object.
  • In this process the gap is lost. So when something becomes useless or unattractive and remains in the gap thus created, then two things are there. Either you are aware of the futility of the existing object or have become aware of the entire process of desiring. When you are aware of the futility of desiring itself, then suddenly something drops in you. You are transformed then. Your consciousness moves to another level. Thus, you move out of the wheel of the Sansara, the world!
  • What the ego does is to keep humankind attached to their surface identity or the ego-body-identity, and connect it with the desire consciounsess of materialism.
  • When “people” understand and realize at a deep level that all of us are, first of all, Forms of the different qualitative creative realization of Universal Energy (which, by its Nature, never disappears and possesses Eternal Existence), then the strongest and most persistent of our psychological fears — the fear of “Death” — will disappear per se, opening in front of us the door to the next, higher quality Levels of Cognition and Perception of the many other Worlds of Universal Reality.
  • We have been teached and programmed to believe more on the dying physical ego-surface-body-identity and not believning on the undying nature of the Soul/Spirit. Instead we have been teach and programmed to be afraid of our real divine selves. This is the basic understanding for fear odf death. The ego fears both death and life, and because of it the ego trying to make the future same as the past. This creates a loop of negative programming of the mind. This is what media is working with – fear and negative programming controls mass consciounsess.
  • The separation from “All That Is” is an illusion which only exists in the lower worlds of the third and fourth dimensions. When this illusion of separation is released, pain can be healed and the illusion no longer has a foundation to hold onto. Then you can begin to remember your true multidimensional Self and ground that Self in the third dimension.
  • Separation consciousness comes from mass consciousness where we all believe we are separate: a “me and him/her” mentality, an “us and them” mentality. It is where we believe we are separate from our Creator, from God. It causes us to not care about the world we live in. It causes us to fear death because we may have nowhere to go. It causes wars and acts of violence, because we are separate from the Love of God. In separation consciousness we are lost, always seeking to find a way out of the hell we seem to have created in our world, and not knowing where to go to find the solution.
  • The solution has always been to reunite once again with the love of God; to recognise that Love is everything. There is nothing else. God is Love and we are made in his image, so we too are Love. Religions have taught that we are separate from God. Governments have perpetuated this belief because people who believe they are separate from the Love of God are easier to control and manipulate. When you take back your power and reunite with God, you free yourself from the relentless demands of this 3D world and its controllers of this three dimensional reality and world of the Archons.
  • (Luke 17:36) simply means that one has expanded in consciousness to the point they leave the belief system of the Mass Consciousness behind.
  • “There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing.” This void of nothingness is our salvation, when we are willing to walk into “the valley of the shadow of death” to explore. The void is qualified as the absence of everything, so we meet collective darkness. This absence is the Eternal Life’s open doorway. We meet the collective fears of isolation, abandonment, hopelessness, helplessness and death. The root of humanity’s cumulative fear is the fear of this void. Duality requires two reference points that disappear simultaneously to realize non-duality. In this disappearance, Life is realized as the Heart.
  • Strange as it sounds, humans fear having a great spiritual experience the same way we fear death, which we assume to be horrible. We’ve also exaggerated our fear of death so much we’ve turned it into a seemingly rational fear. Further, we fear the great act of love and the letting go of the little self during the ecstasy of union. In the end, we’re afraid to muster the courage needed to let our inner selves manifest, bringing forth its wisdom and truth.
  • We are under the misconception that we can only maintain life when we hold it tightly together. That’s why we’re afraid to let go. In this sense, what does “life” mean? It means we don’t want to lose our identity. We don’t want to stop being an individual with a unique existence, a distinct life. Unfortunately, what we’re usually thinking of as our identity is our outer ego’s ability to direct our thinking and our will.
  • This misidentification causes us to fear losing ourselves. For who would we be without our volitional thoughts and actions? If we let go, we’ll lose our ego and this mans death, we think, because we’d feel nonexistent. Faced with “I am not,” we’ll keep holding on tightly, thank you, trying to hold our-selves together.
  • As humanity has evolved spiritually, we have arrived at this temporary state of holding on too tightly to our egos. Now it’s time to learn to reestablish balance. In our more recent evolution, we’ve concentrated overly much on using our ego faculties alone, such that we can’t see past the seemingly solid wall of matter in front of us. As the con sees it. this wall separates us from life.
  • This is why we associate our physical separateness with our individuality. Yes, it’s true that having a weak, ineffective ego diminishes our sense of ourselves as a person. Ironically, that’s the reason we need to strengthen our egos: for the sole purpose of relaxing them again. Then we can integrate our ego selves with what’s indirectly accessible, but which is deeper and wiser. When we identify exclusively with our outer ego, we must fear letting it go. For doing so threatens our very existence; it seems like annihilation.
  • Our separateness actually results from this threat. Its the very deepest root of our fear of letting go. But as long as we don’t loosen this grip, we can’t have true happiness. For all truly beautiful and meaningful experiences emerge from a perfect balance between our volitional outer ego and our non-volitional inner self. Valid and constructive experiences will manifest spontaneously only as long as there’s no overexertion from the ego. And these are the experiences that make us feel at one with the world. The fact that we constantly long for this oneness—and regardless of whether we’re aware of this longing, its there—is totally understandable.
  • For that’s where we’re all heading. It’s our natural state. Evolution is pushing all of us in the direction of unity. This is where we have to go. But we can’t get there if we’re clinging to our ego, refusing to drop into connection and integration with our deeper selves. When we unwittingly block ourselves from our destiny by trying to escape life and letting our fears and misconceptions lead to self-alienation, we create a conflict deep in our psyche.
  • Then our greatest longing—to reach the fulfillment of oneness—becomes our deepest fear. This dichotomy between desire and fear will be strongest in the areas of our lives where our strict control won’t allow our ego to step aside and let our inner self surface. In the areas where such over-control has gone on for some time, we’ll become exhausted. That´s when we resort to false means for freeing our-selves. We can’t stand how the burden of our too-tight control has overloaded our faculties and cut us off from our inner selves—which are infinitely better equipped to serve us—so we start looking for relict
  • The most prevalent conscious fear is that of physical survival because the body is believed to be the primary reality of life.
  • We fear death because we are unsure of what comes after it.
  • The Inner Self was never born. It will never die or ever change. It can´t be created because it has always exist. Your inner soul knows you are eternal. You are formless in that part of yourself and have no boundaries. Without boundaries there is no birth, no death. What was born will die, what was never born, can never die.
  • The soul seeks a inner immortality in consciousness that involves going beyond the form-based body and thought-based mind. The ego seeks to continue its worldly drives and ambitions by renewing the body.
  • The soul seeks for true immortality beyond the body. The ego is rooted in the fear of death. The soul meanwhile is not afraid of death but only of ignorance or lack of awareness.
  • If we learn to die every day to the ego. then our entire lives will be rooted in immortality. One can only know the immortal Self by dying to the mortal self and ego.
  • One can only enter into the pure consciousness beyond death by letting go of the mind and its attachments in the field of time. Death, in fact, is an illusion, perhaps the greatest of all illusions, created by the ego.
  • By learning to die every day to the ego one is able to switch from the ego identity into the divine higher self. We have been teached and programmed to believe in the dying nature of Being, not the undying Being of Soul/Spirit
  • Time disappears when your attention is taken away from the belief that you are a body. The ego needs identifying itself with the past, time and the body to be able to exist. In the present state of timelessness time disappears and when one is identifying with the ego-body-identity one can´t connect to the divine higher self.
  • Without the ego we are able to see beyond the veil of time-space.
  • No one has ever really died and no one ever will really die. Death is but a change of clothes for the immortal soul that cannot be diminished by any external action or agency.” Our true being, is inherently beyond all death and suffering. It is only because of our false identification with the body and mind that we fall under the illusion of death.
  • This means that we need not fear death, which is but a moment in time, but should lift our sense of who we are beyond any outer time based identities to immutable consciousness itself. It is only on the basis of an inner sense of deathlessness that any lasting rejuvenation can be possible, not out of a fear of death or an attempt to avoid death. In affirming the deathlessness of our inner being, we can access its powers of immortality.
  • Realization of our immortal Self is possible for all of us, though like-ly to be attained by very few, as it requires going beyond the ordinary human mind, emotions and attachments. Rejuvenation of the mind, at least to some degree, is not difficult for all of us if we but seriously take up Yoga and meditation practices. Rejuvenation of the body, similarly, is something that we are all capable of at least to some degree. Yet for all of these to be truly beneficial and efficacious, our mindset must change. We must look within. We must work on ourselves. We must connect with the greater universe of consciousness and also look into our inner being and its treasures of the unknown, the great mystery that is both life and death, and which carries and unites both together in an ongoing transformative process of cosmic existence.
  • To truly move from the stage in which we chase a dead world, to the one in which we embrace our immortality, we must detach from our ego, our personal needs and our beliefs.
  • The psychological ego death is a change from ego-duality to higher self-Oneness. Its a change from fear based frequencies into love based frequencies.

The ego (horizontal ego-duality-self) and vertical self (authentic self)

  • The Ego (Horizontal Self) Vs. Authentic Self (Vertical Self). Our fears in life keep us stuck in life. It is our fears in life that keep us bound, but it is when we lose our fear of death that we then can become conquerors in life. In facing death, we lay no claims or holds on life. When we no longer fear death, then life loses its hold on us. as death is. in fact, our bondage to life.  Second Timothy 2:4 tells us that “no man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this lift that he may please him who hail, drawn him to bee soldier.” Freedom is therefore that part of self we seek to lose. In losing self, we then free our mind to open up to others and new possibilities.  But, to free our mind is to free our mind of self. So. to free our mind is to forget about self, and to forget about self is to free our mind, which keeps us locked in. Bondage is being locked into self in the spirit (mind) where we are bound.  Romans 12:2 tells us to “be not conformed to this world; but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Also, Ephesians 4:23 tells us to ‘be restored in the spirit of your mind.” It is self that keeps us locked in and keeps our mind locked into self. But, to lose ourselves is to free our mind, and to free our mind is to lose or forget about self, which we think and worry so much about. Ego consciousness Vs. Authentic Consciousness and Alchemy. This is how the ego prevent transformation of leaden consciousness into golden consciousness (authentic self)
  • Take a look at the world now. We walk down the street talking on our cell phones, or not even talking, texting one another, spending hours sitting in front of a computer. We are absorbed in technology, taking us further and further away from nature, Spirit, and our Self, and our love of Self. In the original design, man and woman were created to have and maintain a connection with Spirit. Because of all the distractions and noise in our technological world, we are separated from the Divine, from our Selves. We have lost touch with that which grounds us, leading to disillusionment.
  • When we strip away technology, we embark on a journey to re-connect with that original design. When we stop, slow down, and listen to our thoughts, and the mind chatter running in our minds, we begin the process of re-connecting with our Self and Spirit, recreating the initial intention of being One on this planet. When that happens, it is transformational! When you are “hooked up” with Spirit, you operate from your authentic Self, you come from a place of trust and empowerment.
  • The un-authentic self is ego. The authentic self is our true identity. The vertical part (authentic self ) of you that wants to create and move forward has been overruled by the ego. The heart of the spiritual path is the longing to know and to be your true and authentic self. Your authentic self is actually your connection with spirit, which exists in infinity whether you choose to see it or not. It is timeless and has no space to occupy, with no constraints, in a material sense. Your authentic self always was, is, and will be. It is infinity; it is spirit and exists in the same realm as God. Everything that is created is manifested through intention into the physical world. Your intention has the power to co-create with the universe.
  • The un-authentic self is ego. The authentic self is our true identity. The vertical part (authentic self ) of you that wants to create and move forward has been overruled by the ego. The heart of the spiritual path is the longing to know and to be your true and authentic self.
  • Your authentic self is actually your connection with spirit, which exists in infinity whether you choose to see it or not. It is timeless and has no space to occupy, with no constraints, in a material sense. Your authentic self always was, is, and will be. It is infinity; it is spirit and exists in the same realm as God. Everything that is created is manifested through intention into the physical world. Your intention has the power to co-create with the universe.
  • The voice of the authentic Self is much softer than that of the ego. In fact the ego is usually making so much noise and flooding us with so many thoughts that we seldom hear the quiet voice of the authentic Self or even have time to listen for it. It is as if the ego’s technique for maintaining control of our lives is to keep us constantly bombarded with thoughts and images. just like a radio or TV station, “dead air time” is disallowed. As a society we are also uncomfortable with silence, so much so that one minute of silence on Remembrance Days seem like an eter-nity to some. Having grown up in an atmosphere of constant stimulation, we have no appreciation of silence or stillness. If we are to exercise authentic power, however, we will first need to learn to gain access to the authentic Self, and that will involve making time and space for listening for the quiet voice inside us.
  • The light of your true self illuminates a wide path and is the jumping off point into deeper mysteries.
  • This is a scary thought to those who are listening to their ego. The ego doesn’t want things to change. The ego wants to hold on to security. The ego wants to sit in the truth and stay there. Anything that contradicts this will make the ego angry, but the anger is simply a form of fear. The authentic self, however, is always willing to step out into the great adventure of insecurity. The true self is free to explore the world of spiritual thought (or any thought) without fear or apprehension.
  • The ego has created a world were humans ara afraid for the Unknown. This Unknown is the authentic self that has become Unknown because the ego has disconnected humankind from it for eons and generation and generation. The ego has programmed people to be afraid for the Unknown or their own Higher Authentic Self. When someone begins explore their inner authentic self the ego starts producing  emotions and thoughts of fear and insecurity. This is how the ego will trying to drag everyome back into the ego´s own comfort zone. Fear of transcendence is the major way our ego restricts access to our authentic self.
  • The ego don´t want you to have access to your loving authentic self.
  • Ego is defined as: “A distortion in the perception of the self created by an adherence to fear-based paradigms. The Ego identifies with external values and is reactive in nature.”
  • Identity is defined as: “The spiritual-based Self that identifies with inner values of Truth and Love and is Proactive in nature. The Identity is the Authentic Self, which is positive and creative.”
  • In the World of the dark ego, the act of authenticity and connection will appear like the illusion. You may lose you faith in your connection as you experience invalidation toward what you feel as right. Since the dark ego will not Love, it will not support your Loving connection with yourself. As you express your authentic self to have the Truth, accept your doubts within and in the World around you as you will threaten the dark ego. Accept any invalidation that may come your way for the reaction to preserve the dark ego is fear needed to be healed. You will find that the dark ego defends itself with fear and you may be tempted to match it only to go into competition with it and thus yourself.
  • Our authentic heart has been variously called our true self, real self, or genuine self (psychological terminology)—or our higher self, Buddha nature, God within, or Christ within (spiritual language). Both psychological and spiritual traditions recognize that something deep, powerful, and real exists within us, waiting to be discovered or born. This is our true nature.
  • So, spirit lives in our hearts and can move through our mind, will, and emotions. Spirit moves the soul. But we can lose touch with spirit when negative layers of thoughts and emotions cover the heart and soul. This makes us forget our true being. The purpose of healing is to align your soul with spirit. Healing ensures that you are not being ruled by negative emotions of the personal self but by the nature and spirit of God. All these negative thoughts are the functions of the lower mind, and they cause the soul to live in darkness because the mind has essentially switched off the light. The light is still there but it will only shine when the mind is switched to operate on a higher energy of consciousness.
  • Your thoughts have the ability to create higher or lower states of consciousness in your soul. When you are aware of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, you enable yourself to merge with higher levels of consciousness, which can elevate your mind and allow for a heavenly way of being to exist within you.
  • The healing, love, wisdom, and all the revelation you seek are in you through the spirit of God. This means as you move, God moves.
  • With grief, when the mind, will, and emotions are not guided by the spirit, the soul will try to wrap itself around the concept of the death experience. When this happens, our mind, will, thoughts, emotions, or our soul, becomes frayed and are misaligned with the consciousness of God. The light has been turned off and disconnected. It is important to manage all the aspects of our being and be led by spirit. Only with spirit, which resides in the heart and manifests through our being, can our souls find the peaceful state of consciousness as the heaven within us, the eternal light.
  • Your heart has been covered and forgotten when the One Spirit who lovingly created you is separate from your being. This is when you need to search the depths of your heart. You need to remember all that is eternally yours and connect to God, which is the Truth or Divine Intelligence that manifests itself though all existence and physical form.
  • Ultimate truth is your knowing of the divine within. It is your union with God. This awakening of consciousness allows you to become one with the ultimate truth of your being and the guardian of your soul. It allows you to connect to the infinite spirit within and beyond you, so the light of heaven can meet earth each day with eternal love (see Colossians 3:12).
  • In the vertical structure, intuition is a subtle level of the mind. Intuition or insight is the timeless perception. Meditation elevates consciousness vertically. Human consciousness stretched out vertically brings light, unity, and harmony into experience. This is seen in esoteric Christianity as the in-breaking of Christ’s resurrection or Christ consciousness emerging into lower levels of reality, which is the emerging of heaven on Earth. The access to vertical thinking get distorted by fear. The vertical energy is located in the state of present, and when fear dominates the human mind becomes distorted. Fear does not just distorts the access to the vertical consciounsess, it blocks the authentic self, and this is how the ego has control,  domination and power over the human mind.  Ego-Time is the horizontal dimension of life, the surface layer of reality. Then there is the vertical dimension of depth, accessible to you only through the portal of the present moment. For the ego to survive, it must make time— past and future—more important than the present moment. Finer and finer energies exist as one moves up the vertical axis. When these energies are consciously matched or mirrored in the human subtle body, corresponding worlds open up to human consciousness. These ever-finer worlds can be thought of as forms of light as well as energy, descending from pure light to denser opaque forms of darkness.
  • People in today’s world usually think of the ego, including the defended false self, as the seat of true individuality without realizing or acknowledging that it is soul that supports the life of the ego. Mental representations or complexes experienced in the ego consist of feeling-toned patterns of reaction that are physical, cognitive (thoughts), and emotional (affect and feeling). These feeling-toned patterns are habituated over time and thus become a familiar sense of “I” in the ego.
  • The capacity to see beyond the physical in clairvoyance, or hear beyond the physical sound limit, or the capacity to learn information through the telepathic method of touching physical items, attests to the perceptive organs of the subtle body. Awareness in soul and the life of the subtle body create a perception of the internal world that corresponds to perception of outer reality through the five senses, and enhances the latter. The inward center of perception is not a defensive state of isolation. It is instead open, fluid, and spontaneous relating to the self, to the outer world, and to others in a way that is securely rooted in the core experience of the internal self.
  • The establishment of this inner center does not mean one no longer has any needs for other human beings or external life. Needs are natural, easily accepted and expressed. We all need each other for various reasons throughout life. The essential human condition of interrelatedness does not change as awareness in soul is realized. In fact, when soul is realized a person has a much deeper capacity to be connected to others and the world.
  • An inward center of orientation on the vertical axis is a reversal of typical human experience. Life is less driven by external influences received through the five physical senses on the horizontal axis. Because people are aware of their own private, inner worlds, most believe this inward experience is a stable and secure base.
  • Actually, outer or external events tend to control people much more than an inner certainty and feeling of individual self. The un-individuated person experiences and perceives in the complexes, which produces needs and states that require almost constant maintenance by outer influence. People don’t usually turn inward to encounter the self, due to lack of knowledge about the nature of being.
  • Finer and finer energies exist as one moves up the vertical axis. When these energies are consciously matched or mirrored in the human subtle body, corresponding worlds open up to human consciousness. These ever-finer worlds can be thought of as forms of light as well as energy, descending from pure light to denser opaque forms of darkness.
  • Human consciousness stretched out vertically brings light, unity, and harmony into experience. This is seen in esoteric Christianity as the in-breaking of Christ’s resurrection or Christ consciousness emerging into lower levels of reality, which is the emerging of heaven on Earth.
  • The vertical axis understood as levels of mind, energy, and light can also be thought of as manifesting different qualities of meaning. Meaning descends from ultimate meaning in the divine into different kinds and qualities of meaning. The level upon which a person is conscious will determine the meaning he or she derives from life, and this meaning changes as level of being on the vertical axis changes.
  • Although our world is one of becoming, real transformation on the vertical axis or an increase of Being in consciousness does not happen mechanically on the linear or horizontal plane of time. On the horizontal axis, life continues in an endless round of effort towards pleasure, comfort, convenience, maintaining defenses, meeting the goals of self-esteem, and meeting the responsibilities of life (among other necessities). This round of activity has purpose in that it builds and protects the ego, but eventually a person experiences a need to reach beyond the life of the ego, a sense that there is more. This magnetic sense prompts work on the self. As Jung pointed out, transformation in the transcendent function does not happen along the natural gradient. Without this magnetic sense that there is more to being and life than what is valuable to the ego, it is inevitable that a person will feel stuck, remain self-absorbed, and continue to be controlled by the machine of personality and the materialistic values that are so characteristic of the western world.
  • Everyday waking consciousness is a kind of hypnotic sleep, a state of fleeting consciousness. One of the illusions of this waking state is a belief that one is actually awake and does not require healing of any kind.
  • Intuition or insight is the timeless perception. It is insight alone that can decondition the brain. Insight is complete and from that completeness there can be logical, sane and rational action. Only then there can be flowering of the brain. Pure clear insight is perception without any doubt. Understanding, learning and action are a cyclic process, which results in a spiral going upwards in the vertical dimension; it is a growth in the vertical dimension. The higher the understanding, the higher the expression of the Consciousness in the human brain-body system.
  • The science and technology, as it is today, rejects intuition because it is not amenable to measurement and logical reason. We have to transform the dimensions of science and technology so that these takes in its fold the intuition.
  • Time is the horizontal dimension of life, the surface layer of reality. Then there is the vertical dimension of depth, accessible to you only through the portal of the present moment. For the ego to survive, it must make time— past and future—more important than the present moment. To survive the ego must keep it in the linear scale dimensions, away from the verical scale and away from the present state of timelessness. The ego is represented through the linear and horizontal scale were the past and future scale dominates by the dreamstate. The vertical Self or authentic Self operarating on the vertical scale. The authentic self is always vertical. This self lives in the vertical dimension.
  • For the ego to survive, it must make time— past and future—more important than the present moment. In other terms it must disconnect the vertical scale and the authentic Self that resides in the present state and vertical state. Gaining consciousness on the vertical pole expands a person’s awareness into the third or soul. With consciousness in soul, the individual is able to apprehend the ego below and the divine above.
  • When we understand why the ego must make time— past and future—more important than the present moment. Then we understand that the ego is represented by the horizontal/linear time scale (past and future).
  • So when this scale is the dominated force the present time (vertical scale where the authentic Self resides) is disconnected and because it is disconnected then they can´t form their own future from the basic of the autethcic self, but future then becomes a design based on the Ego´s own goal, and not goals of the authentic selfs goal. This is lost of choice because the authentic self if disconnected.
  • And mass consciounsess is been dominated and ruled by the horizontal ego and disconnected from the vertical authentic self that resides in the present time. Through negative programming by media, fear doctrines, social enginering, forces of maya and illusions, the veil of ignorance humankind is trapped within one dimension of the three dimensional world. This dimensions is ruled by fear and low vibrational frequencies keeping them tuned into fear frequencies.
  • What the ego fears is loss of control and domination. It fears the loss of switch from a linear scale to the vertcial scale were the real authetic self resides.
  • Moving up the vertical axis is a unifying of consciousness, and healing can be considered a unifying of consciousness. It is where splits come together between parts of self: thinking, feeling, sensation, and spirit.
  • The Greatest Secret About the Ego – The ego part of us is not real. It is only our identification with it that makes it seem real for us. When we change our relationship to the ego by acknowledging that it’s there, letting go of it, and refusing to identify with it, it loses its power over us. By stepping back and observing the ego as it goes through its various manipulations and acrobatics, we create space between it and our authentic self, which allows us to see the ego for the illusion it really is.
  • At every moment, we make a choice between being horizontal (ego) or being more vertical (authentic). Choosing the ego suppresses life and causes conflict in our internal world and the world around us. The authentic self, on the other hand, is that creative part of us that wants to move forward, to learn, to grow, and to evolve. The authentic self is always vertical. This self lives in the vertical dimension, and when we choose it above the ego, we experience authentic motivation, authentic power, and an unlimited capacity for authentic action.
  • The more we nurture and reinforce the vertical habits, the more they strengthen and the easier it is to sustain them. The more we reinforce and support the horizontal and egotistic habits, the bigger they grow and the more difficult it becomes to free ourselves from the shackles of their attachments and ingrained dependencies.
  • When we are determined to live vertically and not be swayed by our ego’s desires, we can tap into an unlimited reserve of universal energy to bolster our resolve and explore how we can tap into unlimited source of energy and creativity.
  • Freedom does not come automatically; it is achieved. And it is not gained in a single bound; it must be achieved each day.
  • So instead of adding time to yourself, remove time. The elimination of time from your consciousness is the elimination of ego. It is the only true spiritual practice. When we speak of the elimination of tune, we are, of course, not referring to clock time, which is the use of time for practical purposes, such as making an appointment or planning a trip. It would be almost impossible to function in this world without clock time. What we are speaking of is the elimination of psychological time, which is the egoic mind’s endless preoccupation with past and future and its unwillingness to be one with life by living in alignment with the inevitable isness of the present moment.
  • In the vertical structure, intuition is a subtle level of the mind. Intuition or insight is the timeless perception. Meditation elevates consciousness vertically.
  • Human consciousness stretched out vertically brings light, unity, and harmony into experience. This is seen in esoteric Christianity as the in-breaking of Christ’s resurrection or Christ consciousness emerging into lower levels of reality, which is the emerging of heaven on Earth.
  • The access to vertical thinking get distorted by fear. The vertical energy is located in the state of present, and when fear dominates the human mind becomes distorted. Fear does not just distorts the access to the vertical consciounsess, it blocks the authentic self, and this is how the ego has control,  domination and power over the human mind.  Ego-Time is the horizontal dimension of life, the surface layer of reality. Then there is the vertical dimension of depth, accessible to you only through the portal of the present moment. For the ego to survive, it must make time— past and future—more important than the present moment.

Ego Duality

  • Duality that keeps us all bound in separation, and from the Self Mastery that was originally intended
  • The whole world is firmly established in the false idea of separateness, and being caught up in the illusion of duality. The root-cause of the illusion of manyness is that the soul, in its ignorance, identifies itself with its bodies or with the ego-mind. Those who have cast off the veil of duality experience the soul through itself independently of any mediums or vehicles.
  • The veil of conceptuality can be pierced but only by the enlightened consciousness.
  • When you begin to expand your consciousness beyond duality, your energy vibrations rise to a level where those who remain governed by duality beliefs are simply not a part of your world anymore. When you trust the process of letting go of your controls, your fears, belief in good and bad, even your belief in death, you will find your world becoming happier, healthier, and much more abundant. This is the indication that you are crossing the barrier from a 3-D world of duality to higher dimensions. The goal for the ego is not to expand your consciousness, but to limit and restrict it.
  • You have been teached and programmed to be afraid to listen to your Divine One Self.
  • The Ego projects false hope upon most human beings since it focuses on the past and deals with known facts rather than current reality. “Because the ego and its values have no real life;’ he says, “the real present becomes empty, and existence a perpetual disappointment, so that man lives on hope and prizes nothing more than continuity. In this general misplacement of value God, too, becomes a fact, a historical entity, since past and fixed facts now seem more real, more certain and sure than anything else.”
  • You have been teached and programmed to beileve the powers is outside and not within (the Divine One Self)
  • We have been programmed to look backward or forward in time (past-future). Only when we are in the present can we create the future.
  • Therefore, the ego tries to make the future like the past, and avoid the present.
  • The belief in hell is what prevents you from understanding the present, because you are afraid of it.
  • The fear of death concepts excludes the present time state and replace it with ego´s own dreamstate
  • When you observe in present-time, the veil of ignorance is neutralized, The now moment is eternity, there is no past and future in the reality of your soul’s unlimited existence, The controllers don´t want humankind living in the essence of present time, because it will rend the veil that controls humans minds on Earth
  • By controlling our perception of reality and mass consiounsess they can manipulate our thoughts at the source, keeping us trapped under their spell of matter, in a constant state of bewilderment and fear, unwitting slaves to unseen controllers /masters on Earth.

Don’t be who they wish you to be. Be that which you are! That which you were born to be! Bring in those divine vibrations and say goodbye to the global elites for good. Only when we stop getting sucked into the TV, papers, and all things external and focus on the internal will we change the outcome. It simply takes a change of thought and redirected focus.

⦁ They’re all end-of-the-world and alien-invasion films. This mas release is simply to program how you react in these situations.

⦁ The same awareness can be applied to the music and radio industry. Yes, the global elites have infiltrated these channels, too, and use them again to control us, steal our creative consciousness energy, fonn public opinion, and implant pro-programming.

⦁ Scientists have done experiments with water to see if certain sounds and vibrations have an effect, and the results were remarkable.

Subliminal messaging has been used by the global elites since time began to keep us in a low vibrational state. They do so through repetition. We associated certain symbols with a certain emotion. Subliminal messages aim emotionally trigger us, and they are used not only subliminally but also through media outlets. Much of what is seen on TV and in magazines is set to create an emotional response. This emotional response is the creative energy or driving force behind the creation of much of the world we see today.

• “Ego is your false self. Your true self is eternal. It is the God force within you that provides the energy for you to roam around in the clothes you call your body…. Believing you are only the physical self, the body enclosing the energy, is a false belief”

 • The ego promotes the concept of separateness, and enforces this every time we experience the feeling of being alone. Our culture also promotes this false belief.’

 • “Ego convinces you of your specialness. The ego cannot recognize that the loving presence sees everyone as divine and lovable. ‘No one is special’ is not an idea that the ego takes lightly. As a culture we tend to agree with the ego that there are special people and special situations.'”

• The Ego relishes being offended. The Ego prompts us to establish how we expect to be treated by others, which guarantees being offended..

• “Ego is cowardly. Your ego thrives on convincing you that you are separate from God. To keep this belief strong, it promotes the illusion of your guilt and sinfulness in a cowardly attempt to avoid the face of God, which is your true self?”.

• The Ego promotes acquiring material goods through giving us the idea we need more of certain items to bring peace of mind, and is threatened by the idea that we can find peace within..

 • The Ego’s main job is to block your awareness of your higher spiritual self.

•”Your ego wants to be the master of everything in your life. It knows that your wiser higher power has answers for you that are permanent and will provide you free passage to your sacred quest. This need to be in charge of everything is a control center for the ego. If ego did not have control, it would fear that you might discover the truth of your authentic self.

•The Soul encourages listening, while the Ego promotes talking, which is a block to spiritual awareness. Our Egos are very intolerant, while our spiritual self is very tolerant, creating a stumbling block to spiritual awareness…

• “Your ego is your long-time companion and doesn’t want you to abandon

• Our Egos thrive on our fears of inadequacy, which creates blocks to our intimacy with others. Thus we listen to our Ego and avoid complete intimacy.”

• “When you are dominating others, you are guaranteeing that conflict will exist. Conflict is the workplace of the ego.”.. * The Ego prompts us to correct the mistakes of others. By pointing out others’ errors, it makes our Egos feel more important…

  • In the millennia since humanity forgot its true spiritual origins, one element within each of us has helped to block remembrance of our true spiritual nature — our Ego. The self-made product of our Soul and Mind, our Ego stands in the doorway to our spiritual nature; it blocks our view of our true selves.
  • Our Ego only occasionally allows a glimpse of our spiritual nature to twinkle in the corners of our eyes. Understanding your Ego, and learning to control its domination of your life, is an important key to restoring your spiritual abilities and characteristics.
  • Our Ego “seized control” of our lives during the confusion of our ancient spiritual existence. It has since denied us full access to the true knowledge of our spiritual selves as a means of protecting its own existence.
  • To achieve proper balance in our lives, we must each reprogram our Ego, so we can restore its proper role to our lives, and allow our Soul to resume its true role as well. Visionary artist and mystic philosopher
  • Authors give good advice on how to deal with this problem when he advised us to cleanse “those doors of perception” that have been clouded for so long.’ For that to happen, we must each first tame our Ego, since it filters our experiences, censoring awareness of our true spiritual nature.
  • Only then can we re-establish our relationship with our Soul and begin to nurture and restore our long-dormant, neglected spiritual senses. To help us better understand the Ego, we will examine modern psychology’s views of its nature, and other informed sources to illuminate us about its true state.
  • The Ego projects false hope upon most human beings since it focuses on the past and deals with known facts rather than current reality. “Because the ego and its values have no real life;’ he says, “the real present becomes empty, and existence a perpetual disappointment, so that man lives on hope and prizes nothing more than continuity. In this general misplacement of value God, too, becomes a fact, a historical entity, since past and fixed facts now seem more real, more certain and sure than anything else.”
  • You have been teached and programmed to believe the powers is outside and not within (the Divine One Self)
  • We have been programmed to look backward or forward in time (past-future). Only when we are in the present can we create the future.
  • Therefore, the ego tries to make the future like the past, and avoid the present.
  • The belief in hell is what prevents you from understanding the present, because you are afraid of it.
  • The fear of death concepts excludes the present time state and replace it with ego´s own dreamstate
  • When you observe in present-time, the veil of ignorance is neutralized, The now moment is eternity, there is no past and future in the reality of your soul’s unlimited existence, The controllers don´t want humankind living in the essence of present time, because it will rend the veil that controls humans minds on Earth. By keeping humans tuned into their daily beta brain waves reality they can´t neutralize the veil of ignorance. The veil of ignorance represents time. Beta brain wave state is fixed in time. The present state of no-mind is represented by timelessness.
  • Time freedom cannot be found within time. It cannot take more time to take you out of time. This is simple. Within time, there is suffering. In timelessness, there is joy. Outside of this third-dimensional experience on Earth is true timelessness. Your ego is earthbound; your spiritis timeless. Your mind is the house of the ego; your soul is the house of the spirit. Your spirit -your essence—can observe the egoic antics of the mind.
  • We live in the past and future, prisoners trapped by concepts of time and space. In truth, the endless and timeless present is always with us and filled with possibility.
  • Left brain hemisphere and Beta brain waves interprets in a chronological (linear time), sequential order of presented facts. Left-brain Beta is fixed in time. It concurs with mind content identification. It identifies with ageing, anxiety, fear of death and concerns generally about the future or the past.
  • Beta brain waves doesn’t recognise the “now”, it evaluates from inherent mindsets, from historical past. Then ego is the past, so the beta brain waves must be the ego on Earth, or the “leaden consciousness” that through meditation and alchemy can be transformed into the “golden consciousness”. The ego prevents this alchemical transformation by using negaative formula of alchemy or daily programming with negativity and fear by media.
  • The human daily awaken consciousness is in the Beta brain wave state, but it doesn´t reqognise the “NOW”, but evaluates from the old evolutionary brain-mind-set. Then the ego can´t see itself as part of a larger consciousness because of its separation its reference point is the past, or from a alchemical poin of view; the “leaden consciousness” that can be transformed into “golden consciousness”, but the ego prevents this transformation because the ego will be dissolved in this alchemical transformation.
  • By controlling our perception of reality and mass consiounsess they can manipulate our thoughts at the source, keeping us trapped under their spell of matter, in a constant state of bewilderment and fear, unwitting slaves to unseen controllers /masters on Earth.
  • Your authentic self, the one aligned with your purpose, is different from the one that operates out of fear, or lack, and tries to find security in accumulating enough things to distract the fear.
  • The authentic self is Spirit and ego disconnects the Spirit (authentic self).
  • The authentic self resides in the present state of “NOW”. The ego makes us believe we are the surface-body-ego identity and this connects the body and mind to it´s time scale of past and future.
  • When one begin to switch identification from the body to the Soul/Spirit then we get access to the “NOW” state or the timeless perception.
  • Time disappears when your attention is taken away from the belief that you are a body.
  • Without the ego we are able to see beyond the veil of time-space.
  • Intuition is timeless and can´t be controlled by the ego, that´s why ego blocks access to it
  • The very purpose of time is to bind and to limit, for that is how things get measured.
  • Linear time is an illusion generated by the thinking mind, or ego. That´s why the ego has created the fear of death concept to keep it self alive and disconnects the real authentic self, disconnects intuition, disconnect Spirit, disconnects wisdom and knowledge. When you observe in present-time, the veil of ignorance is neutralized.
  • The ego must keep humankind away from the present state because when humankind can stay in this state they living in the present “NOW” and the veil of ego´s ignorance is neutralized. Through constant negative and fear programming they veil of ignorance is in place and in action. Neagtivity and fear feeding the veil of ignorance.            
  • The un-authentic self is ego. The authentic self is our true identity. The vertical part (authentic self ) of you that wants to create and move forward has been overruled by the ego.
  • The heart of the spiritual path is the longing to know and to be your true and authentic self. Your authentic self is actually your connection with spirit, which exists in infinity whether you choose to see it or not. It is timeless and has no space to occupy, with no constraints, in a material sense.
  • Your authentic self always was, is, and will be. It is infinity; it is spirit and exists in the same realm as God. Everything that is created is manifested through intention into the physical world. Your intention has the power to co-create with the universe.
  • The un-authentic self is ego. The authentic self is our true identity. The vertical part (authentic self ) of you that wants to create and move forward has been overruled by the ego. The heart of the spiritual path is the longing to know and to be your true and authentic self.
  • Where did the negative ego come from? In the beginning, prior to and just after creation, there was no negative ego mind. God didn’t create the negative ego; humanity did.
  • The negative ego are still run by the emotional body, succumb to lower-self desire, and are filled with negative emotions. Worse, they are taught that they cannot transcend this state but must adjust to it. It is simply not true that you cannot transcend the negative ego.
  • The ego that was established to serve the dualist mind. When you begin to expand your consciousness beyond duality, your energy vibrations rise to a level where those who remain governed by duality beliefs are simply not a part of your world anymore.
  • Your true Self exists within you and observes both the inner and outer world. The ego on the other hand, lives in the outer world and is incapable of looking inward. The ego pursues the outer world and enjoys sending you on assignments to attain the things of this world with the promises that they will bring you joy.
  • Only when we are in the present can we create the future
  • We no longer turn to the Dream (the ego) for the answer. An enlightened Being knows that the Dream is not real, The ego is the dreamer of it’s existence.
  • The ego fear both life and death, Our fears in life keep us stuck in life. It is our fears in life that keep us bound, but it is when we lose our fear of death that we then can become conquerors in life.
  • Fear controls time and past and future, but the present becase ego can´t exist in present, Because the ego can´t exist in the present time reality and Oneness
  • The ego invests heavily in the past, and in the end believes that the past is the only aspect of time that is meaningful.
  • The ego’s need to control is a lack of trust in life, and that lack of trust keeps us out of the flow of present no-time., “Now” has no meaning to the ego, so the ego keeping humankind in the dreamstate between past and future.
  • It is in the reality of “now,” without past or future, that the beginning of the appreciation of eternity lies. For only “now” is here, and only “now” presents the opportunities for the holy encounters in which salvation can be found.  The ego, on the other hand, regards the function of time as one of extending itself in place of eternity, for like the Holy Spirit, the ego interprets the goal of time as its own. 
  • The ego’s only playground is in the physical realm. Once we return to spirit, there is only oneness; the separated parts of mind merge. The more unattached to the physical realm a person is the larger the ego must be to hold onto the field coupling tether. The ego relaxes when it does not have to fight to keep a person in earth world. Doing grounding techniques will ease ego angst and allow for greater control over the mind.
  • Time is a creation that can be transformed by the power of divine love. Time is elastic. It can expand or contract. When you become enlightened, you move from living in the creation of time to living in the “Now” moment.
  • The Mind is in charge of the maintenance of the Body. Mind alone is limited to physical third dimensional reality so it can only create from within the limitation.
  • Time disappears when your attention is taken away from the belief that you are a body.
  • The very purpose of time is to bind and to limit, for that is how things get measured.
  • Linear time is an illusion generated by the thinking mind, or ego.
  • We are quire certain that these three selves are all called “me.” In fact, it is even more complicated than that. When we bring the past to mind, it is then the present. When we bring the future to mind, that also becomes the present. So what we are doing is not only putting boundaries around three separate selves, but we are also pursing boundaries around time and splitting it into three parts as well.
  • The only time the ego allows anyone to look upon with equanimity is the past. And even there, its only value is that it is no more. The only time the ego allows anyone to look upon with equanimity is the past. The ego tries to make the future like the past, and avoid the present.
  • The dark forces are no longer only reaching for man’s mind and intellect, they now want to absorb his entire consciousness, the being as such, including ‘heart and soul’. The individual aspect of this battle: the role consciousness plays in meeting the different forms of outside influence, and their subtle effects on our free will — which is no longer that free when we allow ourselves to be influenced.
  • When the Spirit and authentic self is disconnected humans is been in the hands of fear control and fear/negative programming. Fear is the power that disconnects the vertical self (authentic self). Fear is a product creates by the ego. When fear is the basic of foundation the authentic self is disconnected, and this also disconnects the present “NOW” state. The choices is then not made by the authentic self, but the ego or mass consciounsess. So it is not the authentic self that´s creates its future, but the ego. This disconnects the the whole deeper meaning of being human and have the ability to re-connect to the real inner Divine Being humankind have been separated from by the veil of ignorance and fear. Therefore they can actually destroy the whole meaning of Creation, and create future cyborgs through transhumanism.
  • The survival ego-self thrives on being busy.
  • The ego thrives on a sense control. To reinforce this primitive drive, our social programming has linked our sense of significance to how busy we are.
  • The ego gets its sense of worth not from the results it manifests or the contributions it makes, but by how busy it continues to be.
  • If we think and act in ways that feed our ego, then our ego will overpower our starving spirit, but if we feed our spirit divine qualities of love and mercy, then our spirit will overcome our ego.
  • One of the most important tools and keys to the psychology of ascension is owning your own personal power. The ego has make humankind believe the powers is outside him and not within. This concept connects humankind into the outer ego-matrix of control and enslavement, and giving away its own divine powers.
  • The left brain cleaved the right brain”s integrated sense of wholeness into a duality that resulted in humans creating a distinction between me-in-here and world- out-there. The ego requires duality to gain perspective.
  • The more they can keep you coming from the left side of the brain, the more easily you can be controlled, manipulated and programmed like a robotic being, and the easier it is to distract you from finding out who you truly are and what you are truly doing here.
  • The leaft brain is also the core that is using fear to stay in control and power, and fear is also the component that opens up the channels for mental negative programming of the mind. The ego has become the god behind these actions.
  • The powers that be are using computers to dumb down the masses and the next generation. Computers eliminate all right-side brain activity. The right side is the side that produces creativity, innovation, intuition, imagination, and insight, and these aspects go hand in hand with consciousness, creating, and the essence of your soul.
  • The ego is based less on repression/projection theory than on the belief, outlined above, of a duality between rationality and intuition. The ego is commonly associated with “left-brained”, narrow-minded rationality, and opposed to the “right-brained” intuitive and holistic faculties of the unconscious.
  • You have been teach and programmed and frightened for your physical survival, the physical survival of your planet, as well as the physical survival of other species and life forms on your planet. You fear the survival of cultures and indeed, of your very own self. Because of those fears you have created social structures in the attempt to retain a degree of safety. More and more you have separated yourself from your own spiritual power and your own spiritual awareness. You have become dependent upon the illusion to provide you with what you already are, and it cannot. You believe that somehow your social structures, your defense mechanisms, all the things you believe will keep you safe will protect you and they cannot. They have no power. All they can do is keep you imprisoned within the illusion.
  • Freedom is the ability to remove all those obstacles, especially one’s ego, that prevent one from doing the will of Divine.
  • After we find the courage to kick our ego out of our mind space, we will have the freedom to be and do things in ways that are right for us. In a sense, we will be reborn and free of fear.
  • As the negative ego tries to deceive you into falsely believing that you are operating out of a place of love or keeps you in a tape-loop of defensiveness against any real heart connections within yourself and with the world.
  • The ego knows that once you are reunited with the love (divine being) inside you, then there is no need for your ego.
  • You must recognize that the last thing the ego wishes you to realize is that you are afraid of it. For if the ego could give rise to fear, it would diminish your independence and weaken your power. Yet its one claim to your allegiance is that it can give power to you. Without this belief you would not listen to it at all. How, then, can its existence continue if you realize that, by accepting it, you are belittling yourself and depriving yourself of power?
  • The ego believes that it can, and that it can offer you its own “will” as a gift.
  • If you are completely dependent on television programming for forming your views, then surely you must realize that they are not your views at all but simply what you have been programmed to believe. Television is the most powerful programming tool by those who create their fortunes by manipulating opinions. Their agenda is to control what you think but who you are. The alternative is to point your compass to your spiritual source. In awareness we can realize most of television programming or any other programming is sourced from other egos. In awareness we can be released from the bondage that ego or collective egos capture us in.
  • The ego cut ourselves off from our “whole self” and are therefore unable to perceive the entire picture. We have created cultures that support the rational, logical mind and inadvertently neglect the whole brain. Free will is not truly free will if your ego is involved. How is the ego different from free will? The ego will operate on fear.
  • The ego in all of us decided not to accept God’s Will, since the ego relies on a separate will made by itself. Freedom is obtained through wholeness. What is free is not fearful. If your will springs from a feeling of lack or fear, it is simply a will of your ego that is necessary to maintain your separateness, where ego-based wishes begin their drive. This surely is not independence.
  • If the ego isn´t the real higher self, whos will is the ego´s will? How is “free will” free when it is not your will, but someone else’s, which must be done?
  • When the ego is created on the base of fear and then becomes mass consciounsess, so whos will is the mass consciounsess if the base of fear-ego isn´t the real higher divine self within humans? Fear disconnects the vertical self (authentic self), it diconnects intuition. Ego don´t control intuition.                                 
  • Through intuition, we can access the full range of our inner knowledge, especially that of our essence, our “higher self. The rational mind, doubt, busyness, fear, and the ego disconnect you from your intuitive nature and inner compass. Here on planet Earth, we live within a framework of linear time^past, present, and future. There is another dimension of time.
  • Intuition is timeless. Intuition is the voice of non- physical reality. The soul is non-physical reality. In the same way intuition is a non-physical reality, it is the essence of your being.
  • The false illusion of intuition that comes from your ego will be dominating, controlling, and associated with the wants and needs of the material life. The intuition of your soul will give you more wisdom and information about your life than your ego-mind or intellect can imagine. It will take practice to not confuse the intuition of your soul with the wants and needs of your ego. Trust what is within your soul and realize the role of your ego. Following the intuition of your soul will silence your ego and create change in your life
  • Through intuition, we can access the full range of our inner knowledge, especially that of our essence, our “higher self.
  • Intuition is like an inner gaze that is not bound by linear time. When we adopt an inner gaze, we step into our vast free nature. We relax into eternal time and are able to access knowledge that comes from the heart and is echoed in the stomach. Our hearts have their own way of seeing things.
  • The ego likes to think like the great majority. It is its glory. When it thinks like the others, it feels it is more intelligent. It reads the same news-papers, listens to the same radio stations, watches the same TV programs. Yet the ego fears the individuality that it nevertheless claims to be. It demands freedom but prohibits itself from thinking, talking, and reacting differently, as does the great majority, denying its desire for individual freedom in the process. This is ego´s creation of mass consciounsess. The separated ego-consciounsess and mass consciounsess is disconnected from the divine state of consciounsess.
  • You have been teach and programmed to believe the powers is outside and not within.
  • You will be able to see how your ego has fooled you into scattering yourself in all directions. You have been looking outside of yourself for the truth, when the truth was within you all the time, waiting to be discovered, waiting for you to come to the awareness of your soul, and going within to complete yourself rather than looking without into a world of falseness. Not until you come to this place will you truly be in the light.
  • Your ego wants to be the master of everything in your life. It knows that your wiser higher power has answers for you that are permanent and will provide you free passage to your sacred quest. This need to be in charge of everything is a control center for the ego. If ego did not have control, it would fear that you might discover the truth of your authentic self.
  • The ego is keeping itself and this ego-surface-body-identity-perception alive through the veil of ignorance. negative fear programming (through culture and media), and the ultimate fear of death. We have been teach and programmed to believe in the physical dying nature of Being, and not the undying nature of the Soul/Spirit. We havee been teach to be afraid for the undying nature of being. You have been teach and programmed to be afraid for the Unknown. This Unknown is the disconnected Soul/Spirit that have been separated for eons and generation after generation. It has become unknown because the ego want´s to survive and starve the real divine higher self (authentic self or vertical self). When humans are connected to their Divine state of Being the physical ego state is dissolved
  • When you observe in present-time, the veil of ignorance is neutralized. Without the ego we are able to see beyond the veil of time-space.  Time disappears when your attention is taken away from the belief that you are a body.
  • In the higher dimensions of perception, there are energies of higher status than the third dimensional state of perception, The collective unconscious is the consciousness that covers the original nature of the Earth,
  • The challenge for some of us seems to be work on “thinning the veils. The program itself is run from the structures, which are stretched across various parts of the brain as membrane veils, shutting the conscious from the super conscious, so you are not in connection with all that you are, With mental freedom, people can learn who they are, understand the role they play in the broader scope of the universe; appreciate and value themselves, others, and the natural environment, and be much better equipped to understand how societies and organizations are structured to control the minds of the masses, The true alchemical transformation is the true gold of conscious realization of the Self, redeemed from the leaden matter of its unconscious existence
  • The process of spiritual evolution to become a spiritual master requires us to reverse this by undoing all the mass-consciousness programming. We must get complete control of the subconscious mind and not let it run us; we must totally become the computer programmer of the subconscious mind. So there is a phase for us on our spiritual path — and this is true for all, disciples, initiates and masters — when the battle of Armageddon wages within us seekers of God. This phrase is good and appropriate. “Give up this unmanliness and self-pity and get up and fight!” “Life is a battlefield.”
  • There is a veil that exists in between the place you open and close your eyes. It interrupts your awareness and creates a pattern that shifts you between two different levels of consciousness.
  • This veil was put in place to keep you in the limited reality of separation.
  • Ascension is a journey, not a destination. It is an individual journey of the soul. We are always on a journey of ascension because we are always seeking the truth, seeking that which we feel we have lost. To live life in the lower realms of 3D demands that we lose our connection with God in order to experience duality, both sides of the opposing energies of our world.
  • Once the knowledge of spiritual truth has been discovered or consciousness has dawned within our being or to know who we are, we become transformed and view life differently and confidently through new eyes, with new understanding, for its purpose begins to fall into place to realise the divine plan to equip ourselves by service for the fulfilment of our inevitable destiny. Within us is a spirit being, and when we tune into the spiritual power that higher source can access the divine part of us when we realise and become aware.
  • To shift our consciousness as humans we must release our belief in inequality that has cast us into fear, control, and dependency as we have descended through the shadow side of our soul path. With absolute equality being practiced within a culture there is no dependency, and therefore there is no fear and control.
  • The final battle each of us must fight . It is the inner Armageddon , the battle between our ego – mind and our higher divine self.
  • So we are in the apocalypse, the “lifting of a veil” is a rising of consciousness that knows no fear (a physical lifting of a veil of ignorance.  Duality that keeps us all bound in separation, and from the Self Mastery that was originally intended. Transcending Armageddon Consciousness is nothing more than transcending the negative ego duality within self.
  • Apocalyptic Transformation: Alchemy – alchemy and apocalypse are inextricably linked: if apocalypse proposes a form of alchemical morphing of the world to some higher state, so too the fulfilment of the alchemical project would result in the apocalyptic transformation of the world.
  • As you believe something, you give it power; when you generate emotions around the thought, you enforce the object of your belief, gelling it, so to speak, into physical form. Even if you don’t consciously affirm/confirm a particular belief, if you don’t question or even are not aware of the underlying belief, it means that you implicitly believe in it and are part of the social agreement. When masses of people adhere to a collective belief, their consciousness has a collective creative effect.
  • If you are born into this system, you are educated into what is considered to be real by everyone around you, and you never come to see the cage of beliefs that surrounds you, nor do you understand your own participation and complicity in supporting the system. The Controllers very cleverly use the creative power of each individual by getting them to agree upon a system of belief that supports the Controllers who hold the puppet strings of the human collective.
  • This clearing program and dispensation from the Spiritual Hierarchy is extremely important for each closing. Removing the core-fear matrix is accomplished by a latticework of light that the inner-plane ascended masters anchor over each individual and which will highlight any imbalanced programming in your four-body system. The ascended masters have the ability to pull all fear-based programming, all negative-ego programming, all separative programming, right out of your field, like a gardener pulling weeds. Fear-based programming shows up under the latticework of a light-matrix removal as gray and black weeds intertwined throughout your subtle bodies.
  • The positive and negative become one and we lose the duality of dark and light that holds us back all the time.
  • Fear arises only where duality —because each point of the duality wants to possess ti other. The desire for possession always generates a fear of dispossession. But when there is no duality, who possess whom? Where possession itself is negated, thei fear can have no abode.
  • The ego that controls this world using negativity and fear programming, through culture, media and news, and through social engineering, fear programming through media, technological frequency technologies. The whole purpose is to keep humankind trapped in a state of low vibrational frequencies. The ego using negative alchemy to captivate the human soul within the physical matrix and three lower physical chakras.

Ego and duality

The ego is a fear-based, dualistic thought system that reveals the “false self.” It is the insecure self. It is what triggers fear, doubt, separation, jealousy, anger, control, and pride. It is what keeps many people from recognizing their true identity, their true spiritual essence. Beyond ego, we are fearless, infinite spiritual beings.

  • Fear arises only where duality —because each point of the duality wants to possess ti other. The desire for possession always generates a fear of dispossession. But when there is no duality, who possess whom? Where possession itself is negated, they fear can have no abode.
  • Developing an intuition of what lies beyond duality and opposites is the beginning of a deeper understanding. This is the shift from ego-reality to meta-reality, its a shift from the ego-lens to begin to see through a multiversal lens. Yet we do not perceive the world as through a giant magnifying lens, but through the limited ego-lens of the three dimensional world. Human consciousness is limited due to dense material of physical body. Consciousness, however, being non-material, is not limited to matter. Consciousness is independent of matter.
  • Our consciousness, however, being non-material, is not limited to matter. Just as light exists independently of shadows and darkness, consciousness is independent of matter. The consciousness of each human being has the potential of going beyond the limitations of material sense perception, even beyond the limitations of the body. The awakening process is a shift of consciousness and perceptions; from to be a body with a soul to soul with a body, and it is a shift from a body/ego perception to Universal Spiritual Perception of the real Divine.
  • The brain is the instrument through which reality reveals itself. Perceiving reality only through our body/ego-identification requires the use of a very limited part of our brain. 
  • When we move away from our limited self-identification, we open a wider window to our brain, and activate larger parts of it. This process of expanding the use of our brain may lead us to experience phenomena that are perceived as unusual, like knowing about events and actions before they unfold, commonly known as intuition.
  • Through the practice of meditation we exploit a larger portion of the unused brain. The end of this development process is when the mind realizes itself. If we utilize the full potential of our brains, we can expand our perception to its maximum. This is when we start to see reality as it is, beyond time and space. This state gives us the power to know, even before we process any empirical information. This is intuition! We tap into a spontaneous flow of events beyond logical reasoning.
  • The intuitive mind has access to information that lies beyond the reach of rational and logical abilities. Our intuition, or sixth sense, frees us from our thinking mind which is designed to conceptualize, analyse and interpret our experience. Learning to dowse is one way to develop intuition and connect more deeply with the gift of inner knowing.
  • The Matrix movie describes a bleak holographic artificial system that exploits people for their electrical energy. Computer programmer Neo is drawn into a rebellion against the machines, to free humanity from the Matrix. The movie’s premise is not too far from the truth, a truth that is initially frightening in its scope and implications. We are in the Matrix, an artificial world that enslaves and exploits us for our energy.
  • The Matrix, while disempowering the humans that supply the Matrix its power. The Matrix uses your innate creative power to sustain a world that doesn’t benefit you. The Matrix is set up to control and dominate us; we are its subjects as long as we remain ignorant of our own power. A new, amazing future is arriving. We are all facing a decision: we can choose to stay in the Matrix or leave it for a life of freedom.
  • In emotional attachment to Maya the whole world is asleep. It forgets its true spiritual nature and is asleep to it, but is awake to material consciousness. It is from this Maya, the enticer, has captivated the whole world.
  • Through the process of maya, of dualistic thought, we introduce illusory dualities or divisions, “creating two worlds from one.”
  • Throughout our Duality-based life-times, we have accumulated numerous heavy thought-patterns in the brain. This has influenced our decision-making and polluted our mental and emotional bodies. This heavy debris has knotted the links, causing a type of sluggishness within the Chakra board which prevents a clear flow of energy throughout the system of the human construct. All connecting lines must be cleared before the final switch can be activated.
  • The platform of non-duality brain waves exists outside of the dualistic matrix of the nervous system. and communication with the higher vibrational realities can now proceed. Reaching this station stimulates the high platform of the Merkaba, which is the Merkaba configuration that initiates the ability to navigate the multi-dimensional highways. This is the realm of the ascended Masters who are entering the higher dimensional vibrations, after releasing all ties to the human personality and immersed themselves into the energies of non-duality. This is a high place of functioning and it enables the Master to ascend into the realms of Light Consciousness where the Over-Soul resides.
  • One of the biggest challenges people have when they meditate is switching out of high-range (and even mid-range) beta and slipping into alpha and then theta brain-wave frequencies. It’s absolutely vital to do so, though, because when they slow down their brain waves to these other frequencies, they are no longer paying attention to the outer world and all the distractions they’re so used to thinking about when they’re under stress. And since they’re not analyzing and strategizing, trying to prepare for the worst-case scenario in their future based on their fearful memories of the past, they have the opportunity to become present, to exist only in the now. Wouldn’t it be wonderful during a meditation to disconnect your association to all the elements in your outer environment, to get beyond your body, your fears, and your schedule and forget about your familiar past and your predictable future? If you do it right, you will even lose track of time. As you overcome your automatic thinking, your emotions, and your habits in meditation, that is exactly what happens: You get beyond your body, your environment, and time. You weaken the energetic bonds with your past-present reality and find yourself in the present moment. Only in the present moment can you call your energy back to you. This does take some effort (although it will get easier with practice) because you’re living by the hormones of stress most of the time
  • Through meditation one learn the ability to  (lowering, stilling, quitening, emptying  brain waves) and redirect one´s brain energy—shifting one´s mind state into optimal patterns where one become more receptive to new learning. The “theta state” acquire super-receptivity to new information, and the super-learning ability comes through the inutitive mind, which has the ability to instantly access information in the Alpha State of Consciousness in the present “now”.
  • The theta brain wave is sought after most with meditators and mystics, mainly because, with the right conditions, it’s said to open up the pineal gland – and the theta brain wave state is also the collective subconscious mind that holds all of the experience and human programming in the grid of the Matrix. Theta brain-wave state that connects him with a higher god-source power and bring enormous transformation, conscious access to it. Your greater capacity exists in such subtle energy of self that you can only know it in this relaxed theta state. A great benefit of thinking in theta connected to Source is that you disconnect from the limiting and fearful thoughts.
  • When the right and left brain is balanced one is able to connect up more easilyto obtain information. When your´re centered and balanced, your energy will start expanding; it´ll start going up your spine again, then it expands out of the body , but including the body, into the experience that we tend to call bliss.
  • When the alpha bridge is down, beta brain waves dominate and concepts of duality controls this world. It results in; It builds two worlds out of one. This other world is The matrix, the dreamworld that is mention in “The Matrix”.
  • For many people, relaxing is watching TV. This is not true relaxation. They are still in a beta state, unless they fall asleep in front of the television. Becoming a conscious healthy being requires the ability to choose which state of brain activity we want to be in. From looking at the given definitions, it may become clear that some brain states help us to connect with information that cannot be perceived with our five senses. Both the theta and the delta states help us to do this. In order to get there, we need to learn to relax in the alpha state. Once we master the different states, we are able to access information other than through the active logical mind—the beta state, which is connected with our five senses.
  • Connecting begins with the realization that there is more to this world than we can perceive through our five senses. In order to access insight from our Higher Power, we need to switch our mind’s attention from the rational to the intuitive. The rational mind uses our five senses to gather information. It is through the elusive sixth sense that we gain entry into the intuitive mind, bringing us the inner guidance we desire.
  • There is no satisfaction and pleasant in the domain of “Beta”, in same way there is no peace of life in the “Beta” state, and there is no oneness in the beta state because duality cannot exist in higher realms of oneness, and ego cannot exist in oneness, and the ”rational” beta brain wave cannot access the soul.
  • When we are only in the beta state, we do not have access to other states of awareness, we have not access to other dimensions, we have not access to other realities.
  • The brain is the instrument through which reality reveals itself. Perceiving reality only through our body/ego-identification requires the use of a very limited part of our brain. 
  • Beta brain waves dominate the normal waking state of consciousness when attention is directed towards the outside world. Meditation is the art of switching attention from the outer “beta” frequency of the world, to the inner world through alpha, theta and delta brain waves.
  • The only brainwave that is related to fears and anxiety is beta brain waves and beta brain waves is the daily awaken consciousness through the day.
  • Because the beta brain waves is anchored in outer world it creates a error; The error that man has made is believing that power is outside him, and this creates the error of limitation; Man’s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there. Its the intellect and ego that binds him to “The Matrix”.
  • When you are in the Beta Consciousness State of mind that uses a faster frequency, you are unable to transmit on the necessary brain wave frequency for directing your subconscious to make changes. It is analogous to radio reception. First you must be on the correct radio station channel frequency to get clear reception. Then you can call and reach that channel to offer your comments and someone is there to answer the phone and respond.
  • When you are in your normal Beta Consciousness State, it is like being unable to tune in to the correct radio station for effective subconscious communications.
  • Our priority at this time in evolution is to move on from the fixation of Beta left brain and the finite mind – and tune into infinite brain waves other than the “beta” radio station.
  • Beta brain waves splits reality into two; its creates two worlds out of one and then make humans believe the power is outside him and not teaching that all divine power is within. Beta brain waves is part of the concept of duality and mass consciousness. The whole idea is built up around duality and the matrix; it creates two worlds out of one, or it splits one world into two worlds, and the Matrix world is the computer created “dreamworld”.
  • The remainder of our consciousness split into our subconscious and super-consciousness. Our brain function also split into two parts, losing its connection through the tunnel found within the corpus callosum to the Pineal Gland, our third eye, which enables us to see our ‘soul’ members and the unseen worlds. The vortex within our Tree of Life stopped moving.
  • Through the evolutionary history we were isolated in one dimension of our total world, the rest of us cut adrift in the void or the Matrix. Our self-conscious being could only use the five physical senses and ten percent of our brain.
  • Beta — is a functioning of the left brain and deals with the ego personality, the intellect, logic — being constantly engaged. It’s the so-called thinking, analytical mind which functions mainly through known facts, subconscious conditioning, or through learned, societal behavioural patterns, good or otherwise. Beta interprets in a chronological, sequential order of presented facts. Left-brain Beta is fixed in time. It concurs with mind content identification. It identifies with ageing, anxiety, fear of death and concerns generally about the future or the past. The higher the oscillations of Beta, which can extend into Gamma frequency, the greater can be your anxiety level. Beta doesn’t recognise the “now”, it evaluates from inherent mindsets, from historical past, which includes parents, society, religion and national identity, all of which form left-brain personality, the perceived as normal persona, from which you perform in the world.
  • Duality cannot, and does not exist in the higher dimensional states of consciousness; therefore, it is impossible for the Ego to survive within the higher realities.
  • Beta brain waves interprets in a chronological (linear time), sequential order of presented facts. Left-brain Beta brain waves is fixed in time. It concurs with mind content identification. It identifies with ageing, anxiety, fear of death and concerns generally about the future or the past.
  • Beta brain waves doesn’t recognise the “now”, it evaluates from inherent mindsets, from historical past. Then ego is the past, so the beta brain waves must be the ego on Earth, or the “leaden consciousness” that through meditation and alchemy can be transformed into the “golden consciousness”. The ego prevents this alchemical transformation by using negative formula of alchemy or daily programming with negativity and fear by media.

Ego Alchemy

When one begins to understand how the ego is working, then we can begin understand how it is connected to alchemy and the process of transforming lead into gold. The ego prevent humankind from transforming their material leaden consciounsess into the spiritual golden consciounsess.

Apocalyptic Transformation: Alchemy – alchemy and apocalypse are inextricably linked: if apocalypse proposes a form of alchemical morphing of the world to some higher state, so too the fulfilment of the alchemical project would result in the apocalyptic transformation of the world.

  • Within the individual, it is coming into true wholeness. In an interior alchemy, our leaden, fragmented self is transmuted into gold, its true nature and highest expression. Whether we then are immortal, as the alchemists predicted, is a mystery beyond knowing.
  • The esoteric alchemist’s aim was to transmute the base metals of ignorance into the gold of awareness.
  • Turning base metal into gold is a metaphor referring to the psychological transmutation of turning the leaden aspects of our mind into the golden strands of consciousness.
  • The objective was to transmute leaden consciousness into golden consciousness. It was to transmute bondage into freedom and poverty into prosperity through a direct rapport with the Higher Self.
  • The Philosopher’s Stone – the latter was said to be the catalyst for the transmutation of lead to gold. In alchemical writings, this was often viewed as a metaphor for the transmutation of the self from the crude ego-bound person to the awakened spiritual human.
  • “This resonates with the old alchemical assertions that the lipid” is inherent within the lead; and that the processes of transmutation will “free” the gold within the lead.
  • The alchemical steps which lead to the making of gold were processes in their own bodies and built up and vitalized organs. This body of gold was to be transmuted out of the ordinary body, which is like lead. The symbols of transmutation: Both the body and the psyche can be transmuted, or refined and perfected, by means of a regenerative transformation which is psycho-spiritual alchemy.
  • For alchemy truly was a profound marriage of science and spirituality. Its actual aim was for the alchemist to transmute from a state of “leaden” earthly awareness to one of “golden” spiritual perfection.
  • The very hollowness of our physical heart reminds us to become empty as the alchemical crucible. By focusing on a spiritually oriented paradigm of the heart, we start to lose our attachment to the mundane, dualistic world. The leaden consciousness of the slumbering mind is transmuted into its golden, luminous state of perfection: the heart-mind that identifies with its own holiness.
  • The master alchemist is our own heart. Listening to our heart and actively working to remember its union with Source are the only tasks we need to perfect.
  • The process of raising consciousness beyond the limits of duality and into oneness is a lesson in alchemy. Historically, alchemy focused on the processes by which we might transform base metals into precious metals, such as lead into gold.
  • The soul in its chaotic, unregenerate state is lead.
  • The leaden consciousness of the slumbering mind is transmuted into its golden, luminous state of perfection: the heart-mind that identifies with its own holiness.
  • Hermeticism could have to do with transmuting the “lead” of ordinary experience into the “gold” of consciousness.
  • We can learn the art of transmutation, that process philosophers and alchemists dreamed of long ago by means of which we might turn the lead of ordinary consciousness into the gold of self-realization. Transmutation of the human identity into lasting awareness of the Self cannot take place unless it is preceded by a process of individuation.
  • The true alchemical transformation is the true gold of conscious realization of the Self, redeemed from the leaden matter of its unconscious existence – a emergent evolution, an alchemical vessel that takes our leaden thoughts and turns them into gold- a flame burning and purifying the ignoble leaden condition until it reaches the sublime golden state
  • The ordinary state of the body and ego is the slumbering state of leaden consciousness, so civilisation has been kept in this state of mind for eons, thosuends of years, generation after generation by the controllers of this planet.
  • The slumbering state of the veil of ignorance may be the leaden consciounsess that´s keeping humankind trapped and imprisoned within matter, and prevents the spark of life to become enlighten. “This resonates with the old alchemical assertions that the lipid” is inherent within the lead; and that the processes of transmutation will “free” the gold within the lead.
  • Man’s inner self hides various latent and active abilities which expand his being, his consciousness, beyond the physical. An alchemical process can occur whereby the leaden ego is transmuted into the gold of the Self.

Ego mass consciousness

  • The Earth is coming out of a dark history, and this darkness is still retained within mass consciousness.
  • In a dark world such as this, the lower levels of consciousness (the depths of mass consciousness) provide no comfortable places to hang out. The pressures are very great. The impressions and the influences that are pressed upon our consciousness are greater than our ability to keep them out. We become very much a part of mass consciousness and less of our true self, with very little true consciousness around us. We become more survival-based, more reactive, and more negative. We believe that things happen to us from outside, rather than seeing things happening from within us. All the aspects of our being are literally turned inside out; we serve the outer world rather than focusing on the true authority that exists within us. It has been forgotten. We are serving many things that we do not see, many forces that do not have our best interests at heart. Being in the depths of mass consciousness can be a very uncomfortable place.
  • The ego is the outer and external ego and mass consciounsess.
  • When man functions from the external energy of the ego, he does not relate to the consciousnesses within the inner self and the higher self. This man, in effect, does not know who he is. Therefore, man will search for his identity within the external energy forces of life. He is functioning within the external ego world so it is logical for him to create support for that ego self from that external world. External identity consciousness creates an external support system for man and his ego.
  • Focusing on one single ego-dimension of awareness limits capacity and options, and we easily getting entangled in the external world.
  • The ego is the first layer of human consciousness and is the mass consciousness.
  • By controlling our perception of reality and mass consiounsess they can manipulate our thoughts at the source, keeping us trapped under their spell of matter, in a constant state of bewilderment and fear, unwitting slaves to unseen controllers /masters on Earth.
  • We think of slavery in the physical sense readily, but the worst form of slavery is not the slavery of the physical body. The worst form of enslavement is the enslavement of the soul.
  • The soul is captivated within matter and the three dimensional world and the Matrix and Mind Prison
  • Growth within our being and the evolution of true consciousness go hand-in-hand. We can break down growth into two distinct processes: one which is linear and the other which is expansive. With linear growth it is our outer consciousness (ego and mass consciouness), or outer awareness, which transitions through our being from birth to death in a linear fashion. Our outer consciousness is that which we are tuned into, aware of, and in touch with at any given moment within our world.
  • The more ego-limitations we accept, the narrower our perspective and the less sensitive we are to our surroundings. Our outer therefore, has a narrower bandwidth (ego-single-low-vibrational-frequency-dimension). The narrower our outer consciousness is, the less real our situations become. Our experiences and our relationships become more superficial when we are lacking an in-depth-ness within our being. It is like a radio dial that is sweeping through the various frequencies within our being. At first this outer consciousness resonates to the root chakra and progresses up the spine through each center until our so-called death.
  • Mass consciousness enters solar plexus
  • Mass consciousness is created through concept of fear.
  • Mass society reflects industrial mass production in which people consume the same industrialized products and culture.
  • Mass society, mass-belief, mass media, mass production, mass distribution, mass consumption, mass-produced and mass-consumed, mass entertainment, mass communication, mass education, mass consciousness, mass psychology, mass hysteria, mass illusion and this all parts of the Matrix.
  • What is the meaning of being robotized? MASS CONSCIOUSNESS – it mechanizing and automatizing the human soul to become robotized. 
  • Separation consciousness comes from mass consciousness where we all believe we are separate: a “me and him/her” mentality, an “us and them” mentality. It is where we believe we are separate from our Creator, from God. It causes us to not care about the world we live in. It causes us to fear death because we may have nowhere to go. In separation consciousness we are lost, always seeking to find a way out of the hell we seem to have created in our world, and not knowing where to go to find the solution. The solution has always been to reunite once again with the love of God; to recognise that Love is everything. There is nothing else. God is Love and we are made in his image, so we too are Love. Religions have taught that we are separate from God. Governments have perpetuated this belief because people who believe they are separate from the Love of God are easier to control and manipulate. When you take back your power and reunite with God, you free yourself from the relentless demands of this 3D world and its rulers.
  • Free will is not truly free will if your ego is involved. How is the ego different from free will? The ego will operate on fear. The ego in all of us decided not to accept God’s Will, since the ego relies on a separate will made by itself.
  • If the ego isn´t the real higher self, whos will is the ego´s will?  How is “free will” free when it is not your will, but someone else’s, which must be done?  When the ego is created on the base of fear and then becomes mass consciounsess, so whos will is the mass consciounsess if the base of fear-ego isn´t the real higher divine self within humans? If the ego isn´t the real higher self, who´s will is mass consciounsess follow, and were is consciounsess if humankind is disconnected from it?
  • And if one have made God in our image, rather than our image in the image of God, whos will is humankind follow, who´s image if not God´s, and if forsaking the one true God, we make science to our religion. Science is nothing but a language used to study his creations, but science is neither the god nor it can lead us to god. This is reality in the three dimensional reality and world. And they have turn off all 10 etheric and spirititual dna strands, so humankind continues to be disconnected from the real Source of Divine, disonnected from their inner real Divine Being, disconnected from inner spiritual wisdom, disconnected from third eye intuition, and disconnected from other dimensions and all higher levels of consciounsess. Through this process the ego has become God of this world.
  • Technology The methods of subliminal messages and suggestion, while still heavily employed, will soon be obsolete. Why mess around with suggestion when there are ways to just make someone think exactly what you want.
  • Mass psychology swing the masses to their will because they work with the collective, though undeveloped, consciousness.
  • How does this control-matrix called “corporate thinking” work? We all desire to be accepted. Every one of us has an inherent need for the approbation and acknowledgment of others. Because the enemy knows this, as soon as he gets control of a group, he brings all who may object to his will under control using the fear of not being accepted. It is called the “fear of exclusion.” This type of fear is an intimidating fear.
  • Some people live in what is called “people bondage.” People bondage is when people cannot separate their personal lives from other people’s thoughts and opinions about them. Because they cannot separate the two, they are perpetually governed by the opinions of others.
  • Fear and intimidation controls mass consciousness, and producing a “corporate thought pattern”, that keep people in bondage and separation, and subconsciously this creates a fear of exclusion. This state of fear and intimidation is been affected through the “tribal consciousness” that is part of the lower matrix (ultra ego) and this mind-prison.
  • For eons, human will has been controlled by the collective will. For example, the will of the tribe has dictated the will of its tribe members, i.e., “my will and tribal will are one.” However, the individualization process requires that we develop a sense of our own will. Only when we can make decisions based on our inner guidance can we liberate ourselves from the dictates of the collective will, external authorities, as well as the manipulative and exploitative political and economic systems.
  • The ego likes to think like the great majority. It is its glory. When it thinks like the others, it feels it is more intelligent. It reads the same news-papers, listens to the same radio stations, watches the same TV programs. Yet the ego fears the individuality that it nevertheless claims to be. It demands freedom but prohibits itself from thinking, talking, and reacting differently, as does the great majority, denying its desire for individual freedom in the process. This is ego´s creation of mass consciounsess. The separated ego-consciounsess and mass consciounsess is disconnected from the divine state of consciounsess.
  • The definition of intimidation: Intimidation is the art of deterring someone through fear.
  • Revealing their true self causes ridicule, persecution, and never ending insults of projections of being labeled as delusional or heretics against the false reality belief system within the mass of collective energy.
  • The reason why many stay trapped in the tomb is because they want to fit in.
  • The author of fear is the ego, and ego is the mass consciousness, and to control the masses the ego of mass consciousness using massmedia, television and masstechnologies to stay in power and control of the human mind or the matrix.
  • The mass media provides us with our on-the-surface view of reality. This superficial view reflects the beliefs we currently hold to be true of reality. The news media’s reports tend to focus on events that stimulate our fears—which are generated by our collective core beliefs. As you may have gathered from the media, the prevailing worldview suggests we live in an unsafe universe—echoing a primal fear within our collective psyche, that we are separated from Source. The beliefs of both science and religion predominantly support this view.
  • We have been intoxicated with these media news and dramas of life as social media. These bind us to collective consciousness. These collective consciousness polluted by our collective energy release and affecting the psyche of every one of us. When we are into these fearful thoughts, vibrating negativity, we are forced to feel the collective energy response, whether we like it or not. We feel everything, but may feel difficult to express. But when we free ourselves by detoxifying ourselves, remaining media free, news free, ads free, etc you will free yourself from this matrix.
  • Then once the authorities were tuned in, they manipulated the mind into controlling the mass through fear and false belief systems. Even today, the authorities control us with fear, obligation, and punishment.
  • The memory of God has been placed inside of your mind. It has never left you and goes with you wherever you go. It is the miracle that you are seeking to find. You will know when you begun to find the miracle within yourself, the path to the memory of God when you have begun to see the sparks and the flashes of white light. That is the answer to the problem. That is the solution to every problem that you will ever encounter while you awaken from your dream of illusions. Everything you see and experience is an illusion with the exception of the light within your mind.
  • You have been teached and programmed to be afraid to listen to your One Self. Negative programming in this world makes humans afraid to listen to their One Self because it means no more compromises. Only the ego would have you make compromises. In Reality, there are no compromises because you are an unlimited One Self as the Son of God. Everything has been given to you by your Creator, all power in Heaven and on earth.
  • Falling into duality means going against the divine harmony of the Whole. Just as opposing the light creates shadows, opposing God creates the ego. ‘Ego’ means the loss of one’s original consciousness of being eternal and individual, which is an illusion because in reality we are always parts of the Whole. This opposition is an act of free will because it is neither forced nor necessary.
  • Under the influence of the ego, one’s original state of consciousness is covered and eclipsed. There is no longer the experience of eternity (timelessness, spacelessness). Consciousness is now projected into the duality of ‘past’ and ‘future’. All of a sudden, eternity and divine harmony look boring and impractical.
  • All of a sudden, one thinks that one has to be busy and has to become something. Why? Because one feels that one has lost something. And one starts to run and race, thinking this to be necessary! The concept of ‘having to become something’ comes out of the ego. It indicates that one has lost the consciousness of one’s original nature. In reality, ‘I am always what I am’ — the eternal indivisible part of the Whole. This is the deep meaning of the I-AM consciousness’, a notion very common in modern esoterics. It is an essential truth. (Nobody speaks about an `I-BECOME consciousness’!)
  • The dark forces are no longer only reaching for man’s mind and intellect, they now want to absorb his entire consciousness, the being as such, including ‘heart and soul’. The individual aspect of this battle: the role consciousness plays in meeting the different forms of outside influence, and their subtle effects on our free will — which is no longer that free when we allow ourselves to be influenced.
  • If transhumanism and technoracy is growing humans will be treated and as machines and not humans, and as consequense; computers do not have a free will. They are meant to be manipulated and programmed. Machines cannot become like humans, but humans can become like machines. They will be manipulated and programmed in same way machines and robots is been programmed; to follow the instruction. This is lost of the free will they think is their free will.
  • This is one of many examples of materialistic propaganda: Consciousness is considered to be a product of the brain, and the question ‘Who am I?’ is suggestively answered in the sense of ‘You are nothing but a material body’. If people’s understanding of life is limited to a materialistic concept, they have no access to their real self and are not immune against negative influence. Identifying oneself with the mortal body makes one vulnerable and fearful. However, the materialistic concept of life is neither logical nor substantiated by experience.
  • Great mystics, divine revelations, paranormal phenomena, out-of-body experiences, natural intuition and research in reincarnation as well as holistic philosophy — all of this `circumstantial evidence’ points out that living entities are more than mortal bodies. We have a body and a brain, but we are not our body and brain. Life and self-consciousness are not produced by the brain. Rather, the non-material individual (the soul) emanates consciousness and thus animates the material body. When the body is no longer animated by the presence of the soul, it decays. In order to understand the workings of the subtle energies, one has to know about the metaphysical aspects of ife, and this again will open up the door to the spiritual aspects of life.
  • The global materialistic system can only survive within the dualistic tension of supply and demand. Stagnation is tantamount to a threat to this system. Content people are a potential danger because they might be interested in other things than mere production and consumption. Apparently, this system depends on people never finding real, inner peace! Is this the reason why the world is constantly being flooded with new needs, demands and products? At least one thing is obvious: The result is not content satisfaction but restless gratification. In order to avoid a saturation or stagnation of the turnover, consumption has to be continuously increased by the creation of new artificial needs, by new ways of propaganda, and by opening up new markets If that is no longer possible, consumption has to be expanded by yet another method, namely by increasing destruction.
  • The easiest way to bring about total control is to create an atmosphere (atmos-f ear!) of fear and intimidation. And this, again, starts in the mind.
  • Learn to control vibrations by controlling thoughts and you will hold the keys of Eternal Life in your hands. The Eternal energy surging through all matter, the power of existence in atoms with their whirling molecules and electrons in all earthly substance are nothing more or less than vibrations condensed to the point of slow, heavy, mortal tangibility. Control the vibrations and the power to control substance and material energy will eventually be given, that is the keys of handling Eternal Life.
  • As the ego boundaries become stronger, we gradually ‘Fall’ into separateness. And at the same time, what you could call a ‘redistribution of energy’ occurs. The energy that used to be left free for perception of the world’s is-ness and radiance is diverted to the ego. The desensitizing mechanism starts to operate, as a way of conserving energy for the ego. As a result, our perceptions become automatic, and the world which was once so full of wonder becomes a shadowy, half-real place. This is the point when, as individuals, we fall asleep, and knowledge fall in sleep, the DNA Helix keeps humankind trapped in the three dimensional world.
  • The desire soul obstructs the realization of the true soul life. Intuition comes when ego and duality is dissolved. “Wherever energy is tied in knots of self-deception, of dissonance, of selfishness, fears, doubts through the ego – thus, when the momentum of dissonance becomes too great, the top of the threefold flame cannot spin. This is how the archons have hijacking the flow of energy and influence it with negative fear programming.

Ego Left Brain hemisphere

  • Mass psychology swing the masses to their will because they work with the collective, though undeveloped, consciousness.
  • How does this control-matrix called “corporate thinking” work? We all desire to be accepted. Every one of us has an inherent need for the approbation and acknowledgment of others. Because the enemy knows this, as soon as he gets control of a group, he brings all who may object to his will under control using the fear of not being accepted. It is called the “fear of exclusion.” This type of fear is an intimidating fear.
  • Some people live in what is called “people bondage.” People bondage is when people cannot separate their personal lives from other people’s thoughts and opinions about them. Because they cannot separate the two, they are perpetually governed by the opinions of others.
  • Fear and intimidation controls mass consciousness, and producing a “corporate thought pattern”, that keep people in bondage and separation, and subconsciously this creates a fear of exclusion. This state of fear and intimidation is been affected through the “tribal consciousness” that is part of the lower matrix (ultra ego) and this mind-prison.
  • For eons, human will has been controlled by the collective will. For example, the will of the tribe has dictated the will of its tribe members, i.e., “my will and tribal will are one.” However, the individualization process requires that we develop a sense of our own will. Only when we can make decisions based on our inner guidance can we liberate ourselves from the dictates of the collective will, external authorities, as well as the manipulative and exploitative political and economic systems.
  • The ego likes to think like the great majority. It is its glory. When it thinks like the others, it feels it is more intelligent. It reads the same news-papers, listens to the same radio stations, watches the same TV programs. Yet the ego fears the individuality that it nevertheless claims to be. It demands freedom but prohibits itself from thinking, talking, and reacting differently, as does the great majority, denying its desire for individual freedom in the process. This is ego´s creation of mass consciounsess. The separated ego-consciounsess and mass consciounsess is disconnected from the divine state of consciounsess.
  • The definition of intimidation: Intimidation is the art of deterring someone through fear.
  • Revealing their true self causes ridicule, persecution, and never ending insults of projections of being labeled as delusional or heretics against the false reality belief system within the mass of collective energy.
  • The reason why many stay trapped in the tomb is because they want to fit in.
  • The more they can keep you coming from the left side of the brain, the more easily you can be controlled. manipulated, condtioned and programmed, and the easier it is to distract you from finding out who you truly are and what you are truly doing here.
  • The leaft brain is also the core that is using fear to stay in control and power, and fear is also the component that opens up the channels for mental negative programming of the mind.
  • The left brain cleaved the right brain”s integrated sense of wholeness into a duality that resulted in humans creating a distinction between me-in-here and world- out-there. The ego requires duality to gain perspective.
  • The ego plays its games over and over again until you don’t get it. You never will be able to solve the ego’s problems because the ego thought system in the split mind is designed to never be resolved. It is designed to sustain itself in conflict and chaos as long as it can. Conflict and chaos is what sustains the ego thought system. It is what appears to give it life but it cannot be life because it is a thought that was made.
  • The ego is based less on repression/projection theory than on the belief, outlined above, of a duality between rationality and intuition. The ego is commonly associated with “left-brained”, narrow-minded rationality, and opposed to the “right-brained” intuitive and holistic faculties of the unconscious.
  • The powers are using computers to dumb down the masses and the next generation. Computers eliminate all right-side brain activity. The right side is the side that produces creativity, innovation, intuition, imagination, and insight, and these aspects go hand in hand with consciousness, creating, and the essence of your soul.
  • Separation and the the ego cut ourselves off from our “whole self” and are therefore unable to perceive the entire picture. We have created cultures that support the rational, logical mind and inadvertently neglect the whole brain.
  • The ego using many different concepts to gain control over the human mind and body. Fear of death is a concept created by the ego to be able to stay in control. Fear of exclusions from mass consciousness is another, so one must confirm to all ego concepts, agendas and doctrines that is in action. Separation is another and fueling the veil of ignorance. Identification with the body created bondage to the body and then ego is the past it need the past to be able to exist, so the ego is the negative ego. This world is fueling the Matrix and negative with negativity and fear programming through media. This controls mass consciousness. Through these concepts humankind have been teached and programmed to just believe in the horizontal and linear concept of time (past, present, future). The ego is operating with the past and future and trying to make future as the past. The ego will be dissolved in the present state, because here lies the authentic self and higher intuition. Instead the ego has replaced the present state with its own dreamstate. The ego is the dreamer who fueling the dreamworld and the matrix. Humankind become trapped and captivated in all these concepts time, duality, ego perception, the matrix, fear of death, and bound to mass consciousness. The ego and mass consciousness is a artificial concept of reality and it´s foundation is based on fear.

When we begin to understand this it is easier to see how the ego is working and is in action today.

  • When you begin to expand your consciousness beyond duality, your energy vibrations rise to a level where those who remain governed by duality beliefs are simply not a part of your world anymore. When you trust the process of letting go of your controls, your fears, belief in good and bad, even your belief in death, you will find your world becoming happier, healthier, and much more abundant. This is the indication that you are crossing the barrier from a 3-D world of duality to higher dimensions. The goal for the ego is not to expand your consciousness, but to limit and restrict it.
  • The Elite are presently working very hard at cultivating FEAR among the masses. They do this by staging, or broadcasting, natural or man made disasters, wars and pestilence around the world at regular intervals. FEAR keeps people ASLEEP. Someone who is ASLEEP has no FREE WILL. They are enslaved. FREE WILL is one of the fundamental laws of this universe. The Elite have broken that law by taking away the FREE WILL of billions of living beings in this planet.
  • When fear is programming the human mind to be in the sleep state and lack of free will they become susceptible to fear, and fear is component that holds control and power over the mind and make it susceptible for programming of the global elite.
  • Fear keeps the real Higher Self asleep, fear breaks down the power of free will, fear blocks new information and fear creates a mind that want a controlled and predictable life. Humans then welcome all ideas from the controllers.
  • The more automatic, mechanized, monotonous and routine-oriented humans become the less aware they need to be. When computers thinking for humans or humanity the mind has become increasingly unconscious.
  • When less part of the brain capacity is needed you are not even exerting your conscious awareness enough to even be aware of what you are even doing at the moment you are doing it. This is in combination by making make everything so predictable as possible reality and life becomes mechanized and robotized. This make it even easier for the controllers to control the mass consciousness and control everybody destiny. Fear keeps the higher self asleep and fear welcome automatic, mechanized, monotonous and routine-oriented lifestyle and think this make everything so musch easier. Want they don´t have concsdered is if this may be part of the global elite agenda to control and enslave humankind. Fear is component that holds control and power over the mind and make it susceptible for programming of the global elite.
  • If the ego already is the god of this world, then will transhumanism and technoracy just conitinue to create some kind of a artificial God ruled world. If humans then is been treated more like machines and computer programs than humans, they will be forever enslaved. As a consequense; computers do not have a free will. They are meant to be manipulated and programmed. Machines cannot become like humans, but humans can become like machines. Humans will be manipulated and programmed in same way machines and robots is been programmed; to follow the instruction. This is lost of the free will they think is their free will.
  • “The more they can keep you coming from the left side of the brain, the more easily you can be controlled. manipulated, condtioned and programmed, and the easier it is to distract you from finding out who you truly are and what you are truly doing here. The powers are using computers to dumb down the masses and the next generation. Computers eliminate all right-side brain activity. The right side is the side that produces creativity, innovation, intuition, imagination, and insight, and these aspects go hand in hand with consciousness, creating, and the essence of your soul.”
  • The ego want´s to be in control of the human body, mind, reality, perception, life and world and the ego is the author of fear and the easiest way to make everyone to confirm into a system of ego created systems is the creation of  artificial based mass consciousness within a Matrix.
  • Fear can be used to make people welcome the ego´s ideas of the predictable future and more and more giving away their own power into the hands of the ego. Everything working towards a system where the computer is thinking for you and this is the basic creation of the digital global world brain humankind will be connected into, and disconnected from their authentic selfs.
  • Sometime is the evolutionary history Earth was throught these unseen spiritual powers, authorities, principalities made to their domain and they went about rearranging the D.N.A of native human species through genetic manipulation and through unplug the other 10 spiritual dna strands (the 98% junk dna) so the human race would be manageable and easier to control. Therefore, everything that was unnecessary for survival was disconnected. Man was left just with a subconsciousness script and code that controls the template of the 2 dna strand of the carbon-body of humans.
  • The concept of the ego and this world and its matrix is based on one thing; control. “the human race would be manageable and easier to control. Therefore, everything that was unnecessary for survival was disconnected.
  • Predictable methods connects people to automatic thinking systems (less need of awareness). Fear and chaos can welcome ideas that make life more mechanized, automatized and robotized and represent the creation of predictable control. This then creates a false belief of being safety.
  • Its through meditation one understand that; One cannot evolve from one’s robothood until one realizes how totally one has been robotized. Its through meditation one understand that; the robotized, automatized, mechanized mind is what hides the other realities, dimensions and the real Self in robotized “darkness of ignorance”.
  • When the human mind more and more becomes automatized, mechanized robotized it strenghtens a reality based on one single dimension, controlled by one single low vibrational frequency, and ruled by one world of control. So this excludes all other dimensions and realities, and this disconnects the authentic self and intuition. Its then easier to continue keep humankind in the state of ignorance and veil of ignorance.
  • When we are only in the beta state, we do not have access to other states of awareness, we have not access to other dimensions, we have not access to other realities.
  • The brain is the instrument through which reality reveals itself. Perceiving reality only through our body/ego-identification requires the use of a very limited part of our brain. 
  • Beta brain waves dominate the normal waking state of consciousness when attention is directed towards the outside world. Meditation is the art of switching attention from the outer “beta” frequency of the world, to the inner world through alpha, theta and delta brain waves.
  • Because the beta brain waves is anchored in outer world it creates a error; The error that man has made is believing that power is outside him, and this creates the error of limitation; Man’s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there. Its the intellect and ego that binds him to “The Matrix”.
  • The Matrix operates below the conciousness awareness. When one becomes aware of that box in which humans live, based on automatic impulses, external frames, then it is possible to take back control of the mind. The auto-pilot pattern is controlled at the subconsciousness level and constraining all emotions.
  • Humans is said to be the most intelligent being and humans is the only species who invented their own prisons. This Mind Prison is kept in place through the The Three Knots of bondage and limitations. The mind prison is the result when everythings spiritual is turned off (real self, real reality and real knowledge).
  • Through subliminal messaging and daily repetition they mechanizing, automatizing and robotizing the human mind into slavery within the matrix by conforming into the “beast system” or “the matrix”.
  • Subliminal messaging has been used by the global elites since time began to keep us in a low vibrational state. They do so through repetition. We associated certain symbols with a certain emotion. Subliminal messages aim emotionally trigger us, and they are used not only subliminally but also through media outlets. Much of what is seen on TV and in magazines is set to create an emotional response. This emotional response is the creative energy or driving force behind the creation of much of the world we see today.
  • TV and media have only one use: to produce an emotional reaction. While you give your energy to the negative events shown in the media (which have basically been made up), others can use their energy to create these events to benefit the powers that be. They prevent or distract you from using that same emotional or creative energy to create that which you wish to see in your reality and, even more so, distract you from uncovering who you truly are, finding your happiness, and feeling your joy and peace.
  • The media does this work by triggering a change in emotional states, and they are doing without you even knowing or being aware of it. It’s this emotional hijacking that creates all sorts of problems in the individual and collective consciousness. The global elites want to replace positive vibrations with negative vibrations.

Ego Luciferian programming

  • James 4:1 reveals how the carnal mind is designed to protect the carnal desires of this world or the desire consciousness of this world, and Revelation 13:17 reveals how the RFID chip system will protect the carnal beast system of the mind; nobody will be able to buy or sell – or do much of anything, for that matter – without the RFID-chip. The RFID will captor the carnal mind into the lower matrix and prevent spiritual progress.
  • Ego is one of the main programs that can stop you from reconnecting with the God within, but ego can be broken. It’s a distraction that produces emotions that must be mastered in order for you to see the illusion of separation for what it is, an illusion. Ego divides, which is what the Archons want.
  • The human body have been pre- programmed with negative programming, by the fallen hierarchy of the archons. This just keeps us on a negative spiral, and giving our power away, instead of realizing our divine birthright as sparks of Divine natures. This world creates a illusions that everyone is equal, but the archons has creates a linear reality based up on a pyramid hierachy of corporation, and at the bottom of this pyramid is the masses which is been negative programmed to stay in line or not spiritual progress. This is mass consciousness programming.
  • Negative programming makes it more difficult to carry the crystalline light body of cosmic consciousness, so it is difficult to hold and maintain those higher states as one goes about the day. There are no codings and structures to maintain the higher more evolved states, and this there indeed needs to be. The higher states come in and have no anchorage point in the realms of duality. The polarity will just split off the perfect consciousness, causing one to experience both extremes, by which time the energy has been pulled out of its perfect state of unity and harmony, and now looks nothing like it originally did.
  • This new era, has already started with the forced reengineering of our planet and us humans. ChemTrails are not only changing the environment we live in, but are changing us from the inside out. Planetary re-engineering goes beyond controlling the weather. The people behind geo-engineering are after the human race. Transhumanism
  • Transhumanist intend to replace all natural laws with their own set of rules which will make it easier to control it all. It is nothing more than an agenda to destroy humanity and human nature. It seeks to devolve and enslave humans in a way that will be irreversible.
  • How to control everyone in the easiest way? Through the collective Hive Mind, and because of its collective properties The Hive Mind as Sensorimotor Network It is possible for a neuroprosthesis to link the mind of its host with other intelligent agents to a Computer Brain, Mind Control Technology, or the Global world brain.
  • Transhumanist intend to replace all natural laws with their own set of rules which will make it easier to control it all. It is nothing more than an agenda to destroy humanity and human nature. It seeks to devolve and enslave humans in a way that will be irreversible.
  • How to control everyone in the easiest way? Through the collective Hive Mind, and because of its collective properties The Hive Mind as Sensorimotor Network It is possible for a neuroprosthesis to link the mind of its host with other intelligent agents to a Computer Brain, Mind Control Technology, or the Global world brain.
  • Control the bio-neurology of the human population through electromagnetic signals, prescription drugs, medical devices, GMO’s, and an assortment of toxins and poisons placed in the air, water and food supply, that generate many human diseases, while ensuring that the knowledge to cure these diseases is made unavailable to the masses.
  • If a technologically advanced extradimensional race has decided to implement a gradual takeover of a planet and its inhabitants, what kind of strategy would it use? First they would look to how they could maximize the efficiency of the invasion process and reduce the expenditure of resources that they have to generate themselves. To achieve this goal the secretive infiltration of the core societal organizational structures such as: religions, medical, financial and legal systems, would be ideal to shape the value systems that generate reality belief systems they want to control. Through the engineering of a labyrinth of self—enforced enslavement policies based on fear and intimidation among the earth inhabitants, they would achieve the use of minimal “off planet” resources by piggy backing on the earth-human resources. The people on earth would effectively enforce their own enslavement as well as enslave their own global human family by giving up their rights and their resources. This is very effective for takeover and invasion with minimal resistance or revolt by inhabitants who are unaware they are being invaded. This is called the Archontic Deception Strategy.
  • One genre of magic, ESP or telepathy, operates upon the same electromagnetic spectrum as radio waves. “Basically, every human body is a walking radio station, broadcasting and receiving on ultra-long wavelengths of the standard electro-magnetic energy spectrum…And 99 percent of all instructions for casting spells are ways of changing your neural system!’ These neural patterns link together creating something called a “switchboard:’ a “metapattern” or mass mind which is the common sea of consciousness shared by all individuals linked together like an invisible psychic internet. Jung called this the “collective unconscious” and it is in this realm that the sorcerer can do his best work.
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Matrix have no other references to other worlds or other dimensions, so this becomes Reality. Enslavement is the the result of the False Matrix. Icke believes humanity is being controlled and enslaved in a false matrix. We are infinte beings, he believes, designed for harmony and peace, who are trapped in a war-like matrix of the lower mind. Aren’t we constantly fed false realities in order to keep us quiet and to prevent us being free?
  • Technocrack: Thanks to the advent of technology, the devil’s mind-control regimen is delivered via an addictive barrage that enters our minds through smartphones, MP3s, TV, Internet, video games, etc. Technology is the syringe through which the poisonous drugs of Masonic programming are administered. With each passing generation of electronic equipment, the human mind becomes increasingly more addicted, as we are rapidly disconnected from our friends, family, and nature via these novel gadgets. In the process of our technical addiction, our minds are overloaded with a plethora of both explicit and subliminal messages that are meant to enslave us to the materialistic and carnal programming of Hell, Inc.
  • The commercial possibilities biochip implanting is tremendous. In the coming years the biochip implants will become a billion dollar business. The biochip implants will be used for enhancing human capabilities. In the future the computers will be implanted inside human body. Then the communication and Control the computers will be aocomplished by connecting the signals and thoughts of the individuals nervous system to the computer. Then keyboards and mouse will become unnecessary. Gradually mankind may lose its dominion to machines.
  • “Machines cannot become like men, but men can become like machines”
  • Machines will begin to control man. Machines will make choices and man will have to obey them. Man will lose his capacity to make independent choices by the exercise of his freewill. On the other hand man will begin to choose by succumbing to the imperatives set by the technological circumstances. Man will begin to consider machines as more valuable than humans. Ultimately man will worship the machines. Biochip implants will be promoted on the justification that the domination of machines can be countered only by enhancing man’s capabilities by implanting computers inside human body.
  • In The Matrix, Neo is “saved” through gnosis, or secret knowledge about the unreality of sensory perception. The Matrix is described by Morpheus as “a prison for your mind.” It is a dependent “Construct” made up of the interlocking digital projections of billions of human beings who are unaware of the illusory nature of the reality in which they live and are completely dependent on the hardware attached to their real bodies and the elaborate software programs created by Al.
  • Humans are trapped in a cycle of illusion, and their ignorance of this cycle keeps them locked in it, fully dependent upon their own interactions with the programs, the illusions of sensory experience which these provide, and the sensory projections of others. These projections are strengthened by humans’ enormous desire to believe that what they perceive to be real is in fact real.
  • Ego is one of the main programs trying to stop you from reconnecting with the God within, it can be broken. It’s a distraction and is one of the main emotions you must master in order to see the illusion of separation for what it is, an illusion. Ego divides, which is what they want, the Archons (The Lower Light). Ego is the reason for the tower of Babel which led to the separation of Humanity and led to Humanity losing the oneness and not understanding each other. Ego is the root to all this.
  • The Global Elite, are simply a group of people who realized what the true nature of our Universe was, eliminated everyone else who knew this information, and used the information to harness the power (chi, ability to do) of the uninformed masses. The global elites know the truth about the Universe. They know that we create and the power of thought. Therefore, mainstream news channels and media are doing the work for the global elites, which promotes fear, ego, negative public opinion, competition, hate, separation, and lower vibration mental states. They don’t want us to know this information, because if we did, we would walk through the prison bars (the low vibrational state of ego and break through the veil of ignorance) and free ourselves from the prison – the matrix. The archon system is designed to keep us enthralled in their system and ignorant of how the universe actually works.
  • Their methodology is very mechanical in nature. They use sacred geometry, power points on the Earth, as well as mind control via the media and chemicals. Plus a continuing elimination of those individuals as well as native people and cultures who hold the sacred knowledge of creation.
  • Their bread and butter is FEAR. When we are fearful, we are weak and a low frequency or vibration. The lower state of the ego is more fixed in the vibration of what we call ‘negativity’. As you are born into a physical body and learn how to control it with your physical brain, you automatically become absorbed into Mass Mind. The three dimensional world and reality is disconnected from the divine source becaus elow vibrations not vibrate fast enought to be in touch wither higher levels of consciousness. The ego waves of fear has come into every center of consciousness. These dark masses of energy bring our vibration down and keep us heavy in the lower frequencies of the physical world and reality.
  • The mind, the intellect, the lower mind (not the soul or the higher mind or intelligence) thus arises from a basic fear reaction to this state of unknowingness. This basic fear polarizes as desire and crystallizes as the ego, not the pure I of the conscious Self.
  • Fear keeping separation in place and prevent all forms of spiritual progress. They inducing negativity, stress, fear, worries, anxiety and panic into the mass consciousness to keep the state od duality in action. Beyond the veil of ignorance is the Higher Self and in the state of Oneness there is no fear, so to prevent humankind from transforming themselves from the ego-identity (of fear) to the state of Oneness (state where there is no fear). Fear feeding eth ego-diality state on Earth. In the three dimensional reality/world “Matter mentality” suppresses “Spirit mentality”, in this state it is Matter over Spirit, but when one has transform from ego to spirit its “Consciousness over Matter”. At this state one can create with Consciousness. This new state can not just create it can also heal, and one will have access to unlimited knowledge about life and existence, and living in present reality of here and now. One will also be able to see into the future. In this new state of mind there is no past or future. just present and one will be able to live in present time of reality. FEAR keeps these spiritual asleep and affects the free will to do want others want you to do and think.
  • The Elite are presently working very hard at cultivating FEAR among the masses. They do this by staging, or broadcasting, natural or man made disasters, wars and pestilence around the world at regular intervals. FEAR keeps people ASLEEP. Someone who is ASLEEP has no FREE WILL. They are enslaved. FREE WILL is one of the fundamental laws of this universe. The Elite have broken that law by taking away the FREE WILL of billions of living beings in this planet.
  • Fear and illusion are synonymous. Fear has no reality whatsoever. Fear is that component of the illusion that says you can be destroyed somehow, or you can be harm or you can experience pain which is perceived to be all very real to the ego. The large part of the illusion lies in who you believe you are. In the perceptions of many lifetimes you believe you have a physical body that can be destroyed or can be hurt. You believe that you can be controlled. You believe that you can control others. There are a lot of beliefs that you have. Now, these beliefs say that you are in danger, and so the beliefs d say you are in danger translates to fear. Fear started expressing through emotions. Now fear began to express itself emotionally in many ways as the ego reacted to its perception of its experiences. Fear reacts in the emotion of happiness.
  • The illusion is the ego’s limited belief of who you are. The illusion is that little tiny pie-shape of your total consciousness, when reality is the totality of who you are. If you knew your reality, you would have no reason for fear, because there would not be anything that would take place that would create the reactions that you are having in this limited state of illusion. “Fear and illusion” versus “Divine Love and Reality”. Fear expresses as an emotion, a part of the ego system, a belief system of this limited part of your knowing of your consciousness. Fear expresses as the ego belief you are separated from your soul’s
  • Fear attacks the amygdala, the reptilian, survivor portion of the brain. The induction of fear bypasses the operation of the frontal lobe, the logic, reasoning, and reality center of the brain.
  • Fears and intimidation blocks the access to easily obtain information.
  • Fear is generally the reason those with access to higher conscious awareness are persecuted.
  • When fear blocks the ability of visions, it prevents us from seeing reality as it is. and make true learning, or real change. It blocks and creates major restrictions to knowing the real Higher Self and creates an illusions one is living in a comfort zone, and when one start to leaving the comfort zone the ego reacts with negativity, fear, stress, anxiety or panic, and if one continues to progress against these emotions and thoughts, then the mass consciousness will start organized gang stalking actions (spiritual and psychological warfare to prevent one from make any changes and leaving the matrix).
  • During the twentieth century, more people have been turned into dupes along those two false-trail pursuits than any competing obsessions.
  • The effect of that sort of misdirected search for the ultimate, global master-conspiracy is principally twofold. The dupes themselves are misled away from the secrets being hidden in this manner. Secondly, the discredit which is directed to fall upon the lured turns most others, foolishly, away from all searches for the secrets of those “inner elites” which have in fact run the world’s affairs during approximately three thousand years of known history.
  • The daily news programs concentrate the majority of their programming on getting us to accept what they want us to believe, and incorporating it as part of our natural environment. The entire population is unknowingly subjected to many covert subliminal transmissions through overt mind manipulation programming through major media, entertainment, news, video, games, and significant programming. The Global Elite easily promote overall programming of the entire population through telecommunications around the world, used to manipulate and control national and global views through planted stories in the media. Extensive social manipulation and programming are brought about through consciousness modification programming involving health and mood-altering substances placed in the air, food, and water supply. The media is no more than a disinformation campaign to discredit the truth and promote any government agenda or program.
  • Even new age philosophy has been infiltrated and manipulated to keep your general perceptions continuously controlled and manipulated. All of history has been thoroughly manipulated so that you will only know what they want you to know. Everything around you is designed so that you only see and hear what they want you to, to keep you ignorant to the reality of the way things really are. The educational system reinforces preplanned programming, while the media verifies lies to keep building and forming our culture.
  • The global elite has created a egotistical-social-superstructure to be winning the battle for global self-consciousness. Technocratic controlled governments become the new Global Dictatorship by the Ruling Class or Super Elite.
  • [Ground Wave Emergency Network] towers, microwave cell-phone towers, and the soon-to-be-mandatory High Definition Digital TV that will enter your home via: a) cable, b) satellite, c) HD TVs, or d) those oh-so-easy-to-obtain ‘digital converter boxes’ that the government is so anxious to help you obtain and underwrite most of the cost on your behalf.” Because of surreptitious programming broadcast at high or low frequencies outside the range of conscious perception. All content aside, the television has become a dangerous mind-control device. Why the need for such control? The would-be masters of the world desire an undisciplined public, ignorant of the basic principles of individual liberty. They wish to keep them confused, disorganized, and absorbed with unimportant or distracting issues.
  • Agents of the world’s elite have been long engaged in a war on the populace of Earth. Greed is the motivation for this war, a greed so pervasive that it encompasses the planet and all of the beings on it, but in recent times a philosophy has been used to justify that greed. It is the philosophy of mass control, that ultimately aims at dictating every aspect of human life—even remolding man’s perception of reality and himself. Although the lust for control can be discerned since the beginning of recorded history.
  • The war is the war on consciousness. Let’s start with the media and its impacts on society.
  • All media is out to control us. There are many TV shows and broadcasts that promote good vibrations, were created for pure entertainment, and to focus on personal self-development
  • Mainstream media, highlighting the ways the global elites and these mainstream corporations and governments manipulate human consciousness through subliminal messages, symbolism, and false propaganda. The reason for this mind control—or conscious control, is to ensure that we don’t think for ourselves and to keep us in a low vibration consciousness level so that we keep turning to the media to solve our every issue and so that we fight to keep the status quo. They want us in a low vibrational state because it keeps us from raising our vibrations and becoming aware of who we are and our Divine gifts. It keeps the global elites in control by having us “freely” hand over our Divine power. It keeps the global elites in power. The global elites need us to be in a low vibrational state to keep the status quo. Those who seek to control the masses thrive of fear and use that fear to create that which they wish to see in the world.
  • The global elites know the truth about the Universe. They know that we create and the power of thought. Therefore, mainstream news channels and media are doing the work for the global elites, which promotes fear, ego, negative public opinion, competition, hate, separation, and lower vibration mental states.
  • Remember, we are all creators of that which we experience. The same can be said for the collective experience. One mind creating is powerful, but two minds creating is extra powerful. Can you imagine all the minds of the world collectively creating and our power and energy combined? It’s a power that we can’t even begin to fathom, a power that could move mountains and part the seas. If we were to become aware of the power of the collective consciousness, then we would no longer sit in front of a box (the TV) listening to what it is telling us to be, do, and feel. We would no longer buy magazines and newspapers full of false news and that only produce negativity. But of because this is not what the powers that be want for us. People strongly believe that TV is here to help us, teach us, and entertain us. While that belief this is partly true, it is not the purpose of mainstream programming. The TV is not your friend. It doesn’t want you to love who you are or love others. It doesn’t want to teach you positive things, to be your own person, or to think for yourself, and it most certainly doesn’t want you to remember who you truly are.
  • When you look at mainstream TV from this perspective, you will see the real agenda behind this programming. Seeing TV from this perspective will enable you to enjoy the entertainment aspects while removing yourself from the attempts of false programming upon your subconscious. One clue is in the name: television programming. “Program” as in “to program you.” Let’s define the word “program.” There are many different definitions of the word “program,” and that is no accident. These multiple definitions were created to give us a false idea about what is truly going on. We find this a lot in the English language. One word with on hundred meanings. This situation serves to create more confusion and mental manipulation.
  • Regardless of the other hundreds of meanings, the definition of “program” we are focusing on is this perspective meaning “to tell a device or system to operate in a particular way, or part a particular time.” This definition is the truth the agenda is when it comes to TV, magazines, and radio, for that matter. They are there to program you, to program your subconscious (the system) regarding what is right and wrong, what is good and bad, what to feel and when to feel it (operate in a particular way), and how to perceive yourself, people, and the world. You are subconsciously being programmed to be how the global elite wants you to be, and they do this by creating mass public opinion and corporate profits. The media’s new agenda seems to be to distort your moral compass and family values. Take soap operas for instance, the main theme of these shows are affairs, death and disease. Just take a minute and think about that, how TV or media have caused you judge and label things and people.
  • Did you know that when the patent for the TV was issued, scientists did some research on its effects on the watcher? This is what they found: Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near ‘/z Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computers monitor’s and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set.
  • There is much more they say on this topic, but I want to focus on the statement, “It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set.” The media can not only implant ideas through the images on a TV screen but also affect the viewer’s emotions natural bodily functions. The global elites know that if we all put our energy into a cause created by them, then we will create that very cause ourselves. Therefore, they create endless fake wars, terrorist attacks, and other false flag events that they promote through TV. They know that these energies, events, and experiences can only be created by us for their gain and agenda, but only if we give them our energy and permission.
  • Again, we are going back to the law of free will. Nothing in the universe can harm us or take or use our energy useless we give it permission to do so. If we didn’t give our conscious energy to the things we see on mainstream media, the corporations and governments would simply hold no power. The only way the global elites can bring these energies and experiences into fruition is by using our collective creative energy against us to create that which they wish to see, which is exactly what they do. But why? There are more of us than them, so they want to prevent an uprising, so to speak. That is why the global elites try to convince us that endless wars are going on. They want to control the whole world, and to do so, we must give permission. The only way they can get us to give them permission is to make it seems like we need them to be safe and survive. This propaganda is all an attempt to keep us in survival mode so that we don’t raise our vibrations and start to bring forth new energies of Divine love and unite. They know that unity creates power, which would overthrow their plans. What we have forgotten is that every emotional reaction and word spoken adds energy to the cause, each person causing that certain thing or energy to gain momentum. With all creative processes, enough energy given to the cause will create it to happen in the physical.
  • Don’t be who they wish you to be. Be that which you are! That which you were born to be! Bring in those divine vibrations and say goodbye to the global elites for good. Only when we stop getting sucked into the TV, papers, and all things external and focus on the internal will we change the outcome. It simply takes a change of thought and redirected focus.
  • They’re all end-of-the-world and alien-invasion films. This mas release is simply to program how you react in these situations.
  • The same awareness can be applied to the music and radio industry. Yes, the global elites have infiltrated these channels, too, and use them again to control us, steal our creative consciousness energy, fonn public opinion, and implant pro-programming.
  • Scientists have done experiments with water to see if certain sounds and vibrations have an effect, and the results were remarkable.
  • Subliminal messaging has been used by the global elites since time began to keep us in a low vibrational state. They do so through repetition. We associated certain symbols with a certain emotion. Subliminal messages aim emotionally trigger us, and they are used not only subliminally but also through media outlets. Much of what is seen on TV and in magazines is set to create an emotional response. This emotional response is the creative energy or driving force behind the creation of much of the world we see today.
  • TV and media have only one use: to produce an emotional reaction. While you give your energy to the negative events shown in the media (which have basically been made up), others can use their energy to create these events to benefit the powers that be. They prevent or distract you from using that same emotional or creative energy to create that which you wish to see in your reality and, even more so, distract you from uncovering who you truly are, finding your happiness, and feeling your joy and peace.
  • The media does this work by triggering a change in emotional states, and they are doing without you even knowing or being aware of it. It’s this emotional hijacking that creates all sorts of problems in the individual and collective consciousness. The global elites want to replace positive vibrations with negative vibrations.
  • The global elites’ main source of consciousness is manipulation. These mediums are all designed to distract us from the real issues going on in and around us, create fear in ourselves, create negative public opinion, and persuade us to buy, buy, buy so we that we get into debt, debt, debt. They do all this while also causing competition (separation between people and nations)—who’s got the latest gadgets, what wealth, health, and success look like— so that we hand over our creative consciousness to those who wish to use it against us. Don’t look to governments to govern you. Govern yourself, your thoughts, your healing, and your creations. Come together with like-minded souls and simply be the change you wish to see.
  • One need not to become an introvert and retreat from society. Rather, simply take a step back from that which you’re attached to—in this instance, emotionally attached to—and focus on your being through meditation, writing, adventures in nature, and self-development. By doing so, we can diminish the effects of the campaigns and programming unknowingly set upon us. Through cultivated awareness of the bigger picture of the war on consciousness, we have the power to dissolve the global elites’ agendas and missions of mind control and, eventually, all of their control. It is about the willingness to consciously dedicate time to uncover Divine knowledge of the Universal processes (Universal laws) and of the self, to pay attention to personal problems and creations, such as self-healing, mental processes, and to direct your energy in a way that serves you and the world. You can call on the angels and ascended masters to help and support you in every way, in all your endeavors. Simply being aware of the true agenda gives you all the power you need to take yours back.
  • Governments use fear to keep us in check—or the illusion of fear. Governments were created to set in place the agenda of the global elites—to put the plans into action but without the true leaders being seen or known. They are the puppets of the system, having their strings pulled.
  • One can start to protect onerself and take your power back. Once you see with Divine eyes the true agenda of the government and mainstream media and entertainment, you can start to refocus your conscious energy on that which you wish to create rather than creating for the global elites.
  • As our consciousness raises its vibration, the lifestyle of that soul will dramatically change, this is normal within the ascension process.
  • The main reason for the extensive use of computers and technology within the education system is to stomp out independent thinking.
  • The powers that be are using computers to dumb down the masses and the next generation. Computers eliminate all right-side brain activity. The right side is the side that produces creativity, innovation, intuition, imagination, and insight, and these aspects go hand in hand with consciousness, creating, and the essence of your soul.
  • It is scientifically proven that we use fewer muscles and experience less brain activity—including the ability to remember—when using computers. That is why they say if you really wish to remember something, write it down. Writing uses more muscles and increases brain activity, activating the right side of the brain.
  • The powers that be do not want that. The more they can keep you coming from the left side of the brain, the more easily you can be social engineered. controlled. manipulated, conditioned and programmed, and the easier it is to distract you from finding out who you truly are and what you are truly doing here.
  • The creative rightbrain persona being held prisoner by the leftbrain “ego-self”

Ego Mind Prison Planet

  • In the third-dimensional world, fear and anger are the tools of abundance, and control and manipulation are the most successful weapons.
  • The Earth we are speaking of is what you perceive as your planet. Your planet is not all what you see or think it is.
  • We live in the past and future, prisoners trapped by concepts of time and space. In truth, the endless and timeless present is always with us and filled with possibility.
  • Humans is said to be the most intelligent being and humans is the only species who invented their own prisons. This Mind Prison is kept in place through the The Three Knots of bondage and limitations. The mind prison is the result when everything spiritual is turned off (real self, real reality and real knowledge).
  • The ego is bondage to the past, out of which it is constructed, and to the future, for which alone it lives. The only way to make sense out of a changing order of things is to change with it. The ego is the past and the ego therefor need the past to survive, so it is feeding of the past, in same way the archons feeding of negativity and fear by controlling “The Matrix” and “Veil of Ignorance”.
  • The ego is a temporary entity. Matter is temporary; Idea is eternal, Matter is transient; Idea is indestructible, Matter is perishable. Ideas, he believed, exist all by themselves in some unknown dimension, but when they are connected with Matter they are, so to speak, trapped, limited, inhibited, imprisoned. Think about what that means for understanding what human beings are. Humans are Ideas trapped in Matter, or to put it into other terminology, Souls trapped in Bodies. The body is a prison-house of the soul. The ego needs the body to exist, so it has created a self-identification that humans are just their bodies. They identifying themselves with the temporary ego/physical body and its dying nature of being, not identifying themselves with the undying nature and eternal Soul/Spirit.
  • We are truly on a prison planet, no longer having a natural connection with the divine spirit, “Why”. The story of the “Garden of Eden” (and paradise lost), is the eviction from Paradise. This story becomes our true reality. But instead of eating an apple from a sacred tree, “what” could be the true story? Remember the old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. This is not just a fancy saying, because the apple has a monatomic substance which can heal you, and more importantly helps to activate the pineal gland between the brain (every ones third eye). But instead of nourishing our stargate to gain access to a higher self, this ability has been manipulated with chemicals in the air, food, and water. A time when a different race came from heaven to earth, who we call god’s because they were so advanced. Revelation quotes that these god’s created man to their likeness, well they improved mans ability on a molecular level, more or less changing our DNA.
  • Sometime is the evolutionary history Earth was throught these unseen spiritual powers, authorities, principalities made to their domain and they went about rearranging the D.N.A of native human species through genetic manipulation and through unplug the other 10 spiritual dna strands (the 98% junk dna) so the human race would be manageable and easier to control. Therefore, everything that was unnecessary for survival was disconnected. Man was left just with a subconsciousness script and code that controls the template of the 2 dna strand of the carbon-body of humans.
  • Ignorance is an enemy of knowledge: Ignorance never cooperates with knowledge.
  • Ignorance gives room to the enemy: A person who lacks knowledge is never secure. What ignorance do is to open the door widely for the enemy to come in and you may have believed to have gotten adequate security.
  • It can put one in bondage for long: Ignorance doesn’t have pity on people. It makes sure he keeps its victim in bondage as long as it could until the person dies or breaks loose.
  • It is a limitation: Ignorance will always limit you. It will make you to lag behind, to be stagnant, and to go spiritually backward. The ego don´t want any kind of spiritual progress of the real higher self.
  • To live life in the lower realms of 3D demands that we lose our connection with God in order to experience duality, both sides of the opposing energies of our world.
  • In the physical world, we lose a great deal of our conscious
  • The reason for this is quite simple, clear and logical. By coming into the physical world we become amnesiacs and forget our true identity, our origins, our destiny, and the very reason for which we incarnated in the physical dimension! Moreover, not knowing who we really are, where we come from and where we are going, we are compelled to confront ourselves with evil and its three faces: lies, violence and ugliness! To accept this type of “adventure or experience you must truly be courageous and very motivated, attributes which you acquire on the other side of life and functioning in a higher state of consciousness and being if you are on this side!
  • THE GREEK WORD « metanoia » means conversion, conversion not in a gious or moral sense but rather as a “passage” or transformation in our way of perceiving, defining, and reacting to what we are experiencing and living through. It is the equivalent, but with greater depth and a more spiritual orientation, of the word “reframing” used by modern psychology and psychotherapy. From the spiritual viewpoint it is quite clear, self-evident, that what we call “reality”, or “truth”, have two essential components: the external or objective one and the internal and subjective one, and that the most important one, the dynamic and evolutionary component, unquestionably, is the internal and subjective one—our way of perceiving, defining and reacting to various situations.
  • Metanoia: shifting our focus and center of attention from the outside physical world to our own nature and self—to our consciousness in particular. In psychological terms, it means moving from extraversion to introversion and from infraversion to supraversion; in other words, from the outside world to ourselves and from matter to spirit.
  • This shifting means to switch from the outer external ego (mass consciousness) and it means to tune into another brain wave state than the beta brain wave state. The daily living consciousness is the ego (mass consciousness) and beta brain waves. This is the ego-body perception.
  • Living in this three-dimensional world, we experience limited understanding and illusionary perceptions of the ego mind. The Ego bends every effort to quicken vibration. Man’s ego-perception and vision has lately been reduced to a single dimension; he now thinks of his activity as limited to on the surface of the earth. Then the lower ego-self vibrates slow it can´t access higher levels of consciousness and therefore not vibrating fast enough to be in touch with the spiritual realm. The Earth we are speaking of is what you perceive as your planet. Your planet is not all what you see or think it is. Earth is a vibrational mind prison and humans is kept within a full-scale vibratory imprisonment or enslavement of this world. To live life in the lower realms of 3D demands that we lose our connection with God in order to experience duality, both sides of the opposing energies of our world.
  • The Ego bends every effort to quicken vibration.
  • Man’s ego-perception and vision has lately been reduced to a single dimension; he now thinks of his activity as limited to on the surface of the earth.
  • Then the lower ego-self vibrates slow it can´t access higher levels of consciousness and therefore not vibrating fast enough to be in touch with the spiritual realm.
  • The ego has become the “God” of the collective awareness among energy systems within the mass of collective energy. The dividing factor of separation from spiritual energy and God’s energy was when the ego entered and took over the unconsciousness of the energy system. As long as the ego remains in control of the energy system, the truth of knowing God is inhibited. Spiritual energy and God’s energy must converge to allow total connection to the higher levels of consciousness. The ego suppresses spirituality and God’s energy, thereby, disconnecting the energy system from believing in anything greater than itself.
  • The god of this controls this world because the Ego bends every effort to quicken vibration to be change to higher vibrations. Therefore humans is held in a reality where one single dimension dominates the mind and perception. When vibrations not vibrating fast enough it prevents humans from be in touch with the spiritual realm. Low vibrational frequencies keeps humankind disconnected from the Divine God, disconnected from their real higher divine nature. To live life in the lower realms of 3D demands that we lose our connection with God in order to experience duality, both sides of the opposing energies of our world.
  • This is the concept of duality and concept of the matrix or the mind prison on Earth. Its a “vibratory prison” where humans in kept in one dimension and one dominating vibration – this vibration is based on fear or the fear frequency. The veil of ignorance produces fear for the unknown and fear for the unknown is a result when humankind don´t are in touch with their other higher vibrations. Lack of knowledge creates fear for the unknown or it creates fear what is outside the single dimension of reality humankind is experiencing through the ego-perception. And mass consciousness buying this concept because mass consciousness is the egp of this concept of duality.
  • Once you have an account of your belief system, you then face a second difficulty: acknowledging that your actions and current path may not be leading you to a higher vibrational existence. Within this second difficulty, there are two blocks: the ego, which cannot admit to an imbalanced course, and tribal pressure (mass consciousness), which hinders you from going against what is accepted by everyone around you. Humankind is enslaved within a three dimensional vibratory mind prison based on low vibrational frequencies, and mass consciousness (the ego) bends every effort to quicken vibration or raising their inner vibrations.
  • Low vibrational frequencies creates an enviroment that prevents vibrations to vibrating fast enough to be in touch with the spiritual realm. The link to God is broken and disconnected and this creates free space to the ego to become god of this world. The ego teaching there is no god and them who think they can become like god´s are wicked, but the ego itself can become god and rules the world. Low vibrations breaks the communication link to the divine source of light and when vibrations not vibrating fast enough to be in touch with the spiritual realm they also are disconnected from the path as multidimensional divine beings.
  • When you observe in present-time, the veil is neutralized, allowing observation from the Higher Mind. It’s here where this partition or veil is dismantled and reconstructed into its originally intended function: to open your awareness of the multidimensional consciousness from where you have come. Here the hypothalamus, medulla oblongata, pineal gland and seventh and eighth chakras become more engaged, the ninth, tenth and eleventh chakras become accessible. Here, with the use of higher-vibrational Light and color vibrations, the coarse tissue of the corpus callosum will be altered into a softer electrochemical gel, allowing the right and left hemispheres of the brain to function as originally intended, in full communication with each other.
  • The Earth we are speaking of is what you perceive as your planet. Your planet is not all what you see or think it is.
  • Earth is a vibrational mind prison and humans is kept within a full-scale vibratory imprisonment or enslavement of this world
  • The Earthly Life Mind is immersed in the maya-hypnotized existence, remains in ignorance, deeming himself to be a physical being. The maya-hypnotized ego creates the distortions of reality or distortions of the powers within. The first distortion-error that man has made is believing that power is outside him, the second distortion-error is made through believing in the dying nature of man, and not the undying nature of the real Self/Soul. The third error-distortion of man´s mind is not limited by his physical body, although he usually thinks it is. But it is the intellect and the ego that bind him there. The human body system and chakra system has “three knots”. These knots are found within the energetic interior of our psychic system. They are problematic because they bind us in a state of ignorance, distort everything we experience, and lock up our wisdom. These mind-errors is the mind-illusions that distorts reality. Another term for illusions is “maya” and the “dream state” of the mind is the maya-hypnotized mind.
  • One dimension and one low vibrational frequency 3D reality; The human ego will do its best to keep us in the small enclosed area of accepted reality (the reality of the matrix and mind prison). This work is done through the mass consciousness.
  • The stepping up of our physical low vibratory frequencies will also include the reactivation of dormant DNA strands thus enabling a more conscious absorption of the higher spectrum of light and facilitating an enhanced level of sensory perception and awareness.
  • Part of the physical changes which we will manifest will be an ability to withstand a higher level of high frequency light, holding it within the cellular structures of our bodies. This will be due to changes in the spiritual make-up, those aspects that hold our cell structures together. New, light encoded will allow more light to be contained inside us.
  • Once you realize that the consciousness is not the body, you will have realizations as to the eternal nature of consciousness, and the illumination of who you really are. You will see that death is an illusion, just as all the great teachers in history have expounded.
  • If you so choose, you will no longer sleep in the traditional sense of the word. The physical body will be rested, while the awareness and consciousness are eternally present. In other words, you will retain your consciousness even though your physical body is asleep. The Truth and The Path will become of utmost importance in life. Everything else in the world becomes secondary to being in touch with the Divine Presence.
  • So, connection to source is simply a matter of upgrading our energetic wirings and removing the trapped static energy within our bioenergetic fields so the higher frequencies can flow. When we chose to live in a slower, denser vibration (through life style choices or unawareness), our knowledge is limited because we do not have the capability of gathering the higher wisdom that comes through the faster channels. As we lift our vibrations, we are able to connect to source in a way that we can not only hear but completely understand the message.
  • We become better receivers, enabled conduits and a perfect match to source energy. We are moving from lightworker (copper cables) to light beings (fiber optics). We have now regained the ability to once again tap into source for full disclo-sure. An ancient paradigm is being reborn in the 21″ Century, one that states we are source energy, that we have never been separated, that techniques are to be used like training wheels until we have grown into our full remembrance. And, we are being upgraded in every layer of our being to store this higher wisdom so that future generations can use us as a spring board into an even greater connection.
  • Becoming keenly aware that the old paradigms of techniques keep us mired in the 3 dimensional realms will be the challenge. Because we like our stuff, our ways of doing, it comforts us as humans to let change be someone else’s job.
  • Our fear is manipulated. heightened. and eventually harvested. This tactic also promotes fear waves of bioenergy to halt, or obstruct, the energetic evolutionary impulse of humankind. We are being sold short not only on who we are but also on what we can become. As a consequence, we are selling our future(s) short and not only for ourselves but also for the new generations to come.
  • The reptilian brain has the ability to shut down the other “brains” if it senses danger. Capable of paranoia, it is our reptilian brains that allow persecution of others.
  • This is why we are bombarded daily with negative messages that frighten us. It suspends our conscious processing and keeps our subconscious mind open to suggestive programming.
  • Negative fear programming; fear-based thinking, feeling, and negative ego/fear based/separative programming held within the four lower bodies of the earth and all her inhabitants.
  • This faulty negative ego programming became seeded in the collective consciousness and was passed along through the generations.
  • As you believe something, you give it power; when you generate emotions around the thought, you enforce the object of your belief, gelling it, so to speak, into physical form. Even if you don’t consciously affirm/confirm a particular belief, if you don’t question or even are not aware of the underlying belief, it means that you implicitly believe in it and are part of the social agreement. When masses of people adhere to a collective belief, their consciousness has a collective creative effect.
  • If you are born into this system, you are educated into what is considered to be real by everyone around you, and you never come to see the cage of beliefs that surrounds you, nor do you understand your own participation and complicity in supporting the system. The Controllers very cleverly use the creative power of each individual by getting them to agree upon a system of belief that supports the Controllers who hold the puppet strings of the human collective.
  • We are kept within its boundaries to experience, expose and eventually exorcise the potentially destructive elements of our nature, while the Universe outside is left relatively undisturbed by these destabilising experiences. Individually and thus collectively we each must Face and pass through the Abyss to reunite our complete nature, and to gain the awareness of our eternal spiritual nature and the Universe this may come to serve. The darkness of the Abyss reflects back to each of us the weaknesses and fears of our own egos. It is an illusory barrier that we compose by the fears we project, and on the other side lies our spiritual awareness that works to compel us forward and through (`cailing’ us forward).
  • In the lowest pit of reality, where seekers cannot see the light, it is possible for them to think they will be stuck there forever. They can lose all hope and feel helpless. There may be times when there does not seem to be any possible solutions to their psychic and spiritual setbacks. Since the seekers cannot see the light at the end of the dark tunnel, they search for it in the darkness because they are not in the right place to begin with. In the end, they do not find the hope and confidence they have lost. When this happens, immediately defy the feeling of despair so it does not grow. Replace it with confidence, knowing that you will get out of the darkness. Know that you will succeed against all things. Trust and love. This confidence and positive energy will raise your and raise you out of the pit you fell into.
  • When you are ready to receive wisdom and break free from the ignorance of the ego, you have to let go of your ego for it stops you (the ego is the veil of ignorance). It hindering you because it is part of you so you are hindering yourself. Once you let go of this ego and think of yourself as equal with all other human beings here upon this Earth-plane, then you will rise into the Light. Then the wisdom will flood through you on whatever you need this wisdom on for you are more than this physical being. Ego and mass consciousness is not equal to divine higher self. It doesn´t mean the higher self is better than ego or mass consciousness, fear and faith aren´t same, darkness and light is not equal powers, pride and grace are not equal ideals.
  • When inner vibrations raises fear can no longer live in the body. In the end this mean all the concepts the ego is using no longer affect and controls your mind and life.
  • “There is much in the world to make us afraid. There is much more in our faith to make us unafraid.” Humans are evolving into a higher bioenergetic form, removing the denseness to be filled with higher vibrational light energy.
  • Earth is a vibrational mind prison and humans is kept within a full-scale vibratory imprisonment or enslavement of this world
  • The archons has pushed human race into a “an ever-depening spiritual sleep.” David Icke has written in The Veil of Tears that certain frequencies can be used to block receipt of radio information, and that certain frequencies can be used to block receipt of radio information.
  • Through technologies they can create a “vibratory prison.” He asserts that all we need to do is extend this concept to the planet as a whole to get an idea of how spiritual information is being perceptually blocked from the 4th dimension, creating a material prison. He writes:
  • The complete takeover of the Earth by extraterrestrial expressions of the Luciferic Consciousness was accomplished by creating a vibratory prison. We are multidimensional beings, naturally able to experience many frequencies and dimensions at the same time. However, when the imprisoning vibration an imposed blocking ‘frequency net’- was thrown around this planet long ago, it prevented us from accessing the higher levels of our consciousness and potenpotential – or, the higher dimensions. It caused us to cease to be ‘whole’ or tial we became disconnected from ‘the Father.’
  • According to Icke, the full-scale vibratory imprisonment of Earth humans may also have been effectuated by closing down crucial Earth vortexes linking the physical (3-D) world with other space/time dimensions. Some of these important windows, however, are still open, and, as well, certain rituals are said to be able to re-open them. Icke speculates that these interdimensional portals may have been closed to prevent negative entities from entering this space/time reality. Thus, this may have been a necessity to minimize chaos and disorder. However, it left Earth humans detached from higher levels of being and cut off our “eternal memory” of who we are. This is essentially the story of the “Fall of Man.”
  • The human race has for ages been living out its existence inside a kind of meta-physical box with the lid held down. We sit in the dark, believing that our potential, and Creation in general, is limited to what is within that box, within that vibratory prison. Over the ages since the vibratory net was cast around the Earth, we have been a people working at a fraction of our full and infinite potential. Life on Earth was changed dramatically by our extraterrestrial jailors, and this also affected the animal kingdom.
  • Luciferic consciousness works through human consciousness to manipulate human nature and our understanding of reality. It stimulates us to perform inhumane acts by awakening negative emotions.
  • The archons creates a environment that creates negativity, fear, stress, anxiety, panic, phobias, doubts, worries, and pain is another way the archons controls this world through. Pain is the duality state of mind, and the healing and bliss energies is represented by Oneness, and the archons separation of this world prevent the old evolutionary brain from be healed and access higher levels of consciousness. The archons triggering helpnessless. Through all archons methods humankind hasen´t been able to to activate more dna strands for thousends oof years. The archons have hijacked reality and peprception and disconnected humankind from the divine god source.
  • In the universal order pain is not generally experienced by the creation. It is generally only experienced in reality systems that are controlled by the archons, in order to control, manipulate and render powerless those whose energies they feed off because they have lost their connection to the universal exchange energy system.
  • Archons uisng pain to control humankind on Earth in one form or another, and none is immune to it. The archons have done this by disconnecting all other soul beings here from Source, and wiping out their eternal divine memory of who they are, where they come from, and what their purpose is. Instead, they have connected us to cellular memory that limits our remembrance of who they are, where they come from, and what their purpose is. Most people consider that memory is contained in the brain, or central processing unit. This is not true here on earth. Memory is stored in the cells of our physical bodies. Only short term memory (a few minutes) is stored in the Hippocampus in the brain. It is called the cellular memory. Pain comes from our cellular memories stored in our bodies.
  • Because pain is located in our cellular memory, we easily feel it, and experience it, because it is stored as memory in our cellular structure, that is why anesthetics work. When the cellular form is deadened no pain is experienced.
  • Over time, our cellular bodies are ‘loaded’ with pain memories, and so we begin a process of avoiding pain, and the whole societal and social structure here is designed to avoid pain, i.e. a re-occurrence of previous pain. That is understandable and also sensible, unless one understands that it doesn’t have to be that way. It works this way. Once we are thoroughly indoctrinated with the notion of pain we avoid pain, and feel it before it has actually occurred.
  • Pain resides in our cellular memory and we can feel it before it occurs or our bodies are subject to any kind of damage. Most of us can remember some pain or other from our past, and don’t know where that memory comes from, how it is stored in the cells of our bodies, why we try to avoid a re-occurrence of it, and why it is there.
  • Fear here is largely the avoidance of previously stored pain and the memory of it. That is how the archons have captured, captivated and controlled us like sheep. We exist, mainly to avoid pain.
  • Understanding that all species here are similarly afflicted by pain, and that our pain sometimes causes us to inflict pain on other soul beings, as we do, may provide us with the basis for overcoming pain. Pain is essentially a memory that is carried in our cellular bodies, so that we can feel the pain and recall the memory, even if we are not under any duress or affliction. We all remember some pain or other, and we spend most of our lives, and doings, avoiding that emotion and the memory of that pain.
  • Pain is the system of imprisonment here. The pain body and system here was specifically designed to control us, and to keep us subjugated and imprisoned in a system and a prison with no bars, and of our own making. This is done by building a memory base stored in the cells in our bodies that ‘punishes’ us when we don’t conform to their system of control, and we feel ‘pain’, when we don’t conform.
  • It’s a bit like being in a prison with electrified iron barriers, and if we try to get out of the prison we are given a shock. That is the role that pain has in the archon system.
  • The archon system is designed to keep us enthralled in their system and ignorant of how the universe actually works.
  • They don’t want us to know this information, because if we did, we would walk through the prison bars and free ourselves from the prison.
  • “The (alien) group” requires that we don’t develop our natural psychic senses (open the third eye and learn yoga science of liberation), because this would give us the ability to see beyond “the veil of ignorance” that’s been set in place around us for eons and thousands of years. With our natural psychic senses fully developed, we would begin to intuitively become aware of their presence and the lies that have distorted our perceptions of ourselves and our world for so long. Recognizing and developing our psychic abilities would free us from the clutches of any deceptions that they have used against us for most of our history. It has been deeply ingrained into the social fabric to doubt and even ridicule anyone who purports to have psychic powers. The commonly held belief that we don’t have these abilities is by itself the greatest impediment to our being able to develop and use them. The heart center is surrounded by what has been called the “veil of tears,” and it is the last veil to be cleared on the path of enlightenment. We learn then to see beyond the illusion and limitations of ordinary reality.

Ego Matrix

  • Spiritual knowledge will lead us out of mortal mind into super consciousness of our higher selves – consciousness is your only reality. Spiritual knowledge will lead us out of mortal mind into super consciousness of our higher selves of who we really are and not what we are programmed to be. To affect any changes one must first cancel, eliminate, remove the currently installed programming and only then can you reprogram. The subconscious mind can only react or respond to existing programs already contained in your mind’s memory as the collective shadow within the lower matrix of the archons. Fear is such pre-programmed pattern that is social and evolutionary engineered to limit awareness of this world and limit knowledge to understand that you are divine being. A veil of ignorance is in place and subconsciously affects the pre-programmed reptilian brain, and therefore our intellect and our spiritual eyes are covered, as it were, with the veil of ignorance. There is a web of deception around the essential error that enmeshes us in “co-emergent ignorance” with the Archons.
  • Where did the negative ego come from? In the beginning, prior to and just after creation, there was no negative ego mind. God didn’t create the negative ego; humanity did. When human started to overidentifying themselves with the physical body and not their divine higher self, the negative ego was developed. Ego using negative alchemy of fear. The ego seeks that you should become caught up in one drama after another. Spirit cannot be Known by Mind, then ego (duality) can´t exist in the state of Oneness. “And yet the mind seems to act independently of the brain in the same sense that the programmer acts independently of the computer.
  • Fear had a much different purpose before. It actually was created as a function, not a state of being. This state of fear is been controlled by the ego. . The very moment we create any illusory thought of separation from God, we then, at that moment, create a dichotomy, and this is been controlled by the ego.
  • The more they can keep you coming from the left side of the brain, the more easily you can be controlled and manipulated, and the easier it is to distract you from finding out who you truly are and what you are truly doing here. The leaft brain is also the core that is using fear to stay in control and power, and fear is also the component that opens up the channels for mental nefative programming of the mind. The powers that be are using computers to dumb down the masses and the next generation. Computers eliminate all right-side brain activity. The right side is the side that produces creativity, innovation, intuition, imagination, and insight, and these aspects go hand in hand with consciousness, creating, and the essence of your soul. This is the work of the ego.
  • Fear is the frequency they using or the psychology of fear. Fear is the component that keeps the subconsciousness mind susceptible for negative fear programming. Fear is been produced by the left brain hemisphere.
  • The ego is an ally of time, but not a friend. For it is as mistrustful of death as it is of life, and what it wants for you it cannot tolerate. The ego wants you dead, but not itself. The outcome of its strange religion must therefore be the conviction that it can pursue you beyond the grave. And out of its unwillingness for you to find peace even in death, it offers you immortality in hell. It speaks to you of Heaven, but assures you that Heaven is not for you. How can the guilty hope for Heaven?
  • The belief in hell is inescapable to those who identify with the ego. Their nightmares and their fears are all associated with it. The ego teaches that hell is in the future, for this is what all its teaching is directed to. Hell is its goal. For although the ego aims at death and dissolution as an end, it does not believe it. The goal of death, which it craves for you, leaves it unsatisfied. No one who follows the ego’s teaching is without the fear of death. Yet if death were thought merely as an end to pain, would it be feared?
  • We have seen this strange paradox in the ego’s thought system before, but never so clearly as here. For the ego must seem to keep fear from you to hold your allegiance. Yet it must engender fear in order to maintain itself. Again the ego tries, and all too frequently succeeds, in doing both, by using dissociation for holding its contradictory aims together so that they seem to be reconciled. The ego teaches thus: Death is the end as far as hope of Heaven goes. Yet because you and the ego cannot be separated, and because it cannot conceive of its own death, it will pursue you still, because guilt is eternal. Such is the ego’s version of immortality. And it is this the ego’s version of time supports.
  • The ego teaches that Heaven is here and now because the future is hell. Even when it attacks so savagely that it tries to take the life of someone who thinks its is the only voice, it speaks of hell even to him. For it tells him hell is here as well, and bids him leap from hell into oblivion. The only time the ego allows anyone to look upon with equanimity is the past. And even there, its only value is that it is no more.
  • How bleak and despairing is the ego’s use of time! And how terrifying! For underneath its fanatical insistence that the past and future be the same is hidden a far more insidious threat to peace. The ego does not advertise its final threat, for it would have its worshippers still believe that it can offer them escape. But the belief in guilt must lead to the belief in hell, and always does. The only way in which the ego allows the fear of hell to be experienced is to bring hell here, but always as a foretaste of the future. For no one who considers himself as deserving of hell can believe that punishment will end in peace.
  • The ego tries to make the future like the past, and avoid the present.
  • The Holy Spirit teaches thus: There is no hell. Hell is only what the ego has made of the present. The belief in hell is what prevents you from understanding the present, because you are afraid of it. The Holy Spirit leads as steadily to Heaven as the ego drives to hell. For the Holy Spirit, Who knows only the present, uses it to undo the fear by which the ego would make the present useless. There is no escape from fear in the ego’s use of time. For time, according to its teaching, is nothing but a teaching device for compounding guilt until it becomes all-encompassing, demanding vengeance forever.
  • The Holy Spirit would undo all of this now. Fear is not of the present, but only of the past and future, which do not exist. There is no fear in the present when each instant stands clear and separated from the past, without its shadow reaching out into the future. Each instant is a clean, untarnished birth, in which the Son of God emerges from the past into the present. And the present extends forever. It is so beautiful and so clean and free of guilt that nothing but happiness is there. No darkness is remembered, and immortality and joy are now.
  • This lesson takes no time. For what is time without a past and future? It has taken time to misguide you so completely, but it takes no time at all to be what you arc. Begin to practice the Holy Spirit’s use of time as a teaching aid to happiness and peace. Take this very instant, now, and think of it as all there is of time. Nothing can reach you here out of the past, and it is here that you are completely absolved, completely free and wholly without condemnation. From this holy instant %%herein holiness was born again you will go forth in time without fear, and with no sense of change with time.
  • Time is your friend, if you leave it to the Holy Spirit to use. He needs but very little to restore God’s whole power to you. He Who transcends time for you understands what time is for. Holiness lies not in time, but in eternity. There never was an instant in which God’s Son could lose his purity. His changeless state is beyond time, for his purity remains forever beyond attack and without variability.
  • Time stands still in his holiness, and changes not. And so it is no longer time at all. For caught in the single instant of the eternal sanctity of God’s creation, it is transformed into forever. Give the eternal instant, that eternity may be remembered for you, in that shining instant of perfect release. Offer the miracle of the holy instant through the Holy Spirit, and leave His giving it to you to Him.
  • The Atonement is in time, but not for time. Being in you, it is eternal. What holds remembrance of God cannot be bound by time. No more are you. For unless God is bound, you cannot be. An instant offered to the Holy Spirit is offered to God on your behalf, and in that instant you will awaken gently in Him. In the blessed instant you will let go all your past learning, and the Holy Spirit will quickly offer you the whole lesson of peace. What can take time, when all the obstacles to learning it have been removed? Truth is so far beyond time that all of it happens at once. For as it was created one, so its oneness depends not on time at all.
  • Do not be concerned with time, and fear not the instant of holiness that will remove all fear. For the instant of peace is eternal because it is without fear. It will come, being the lesson God gives you, through the Teacher He has appointed to translate time into eternity. Blessed is God’s Teacher, Whose joy it is to teach God’s holy Son his holiness. His joy is not contained in time. His teaching is for you because His joy is yours. Through Him you stand before God’s altar, where He gently translates hell into Heaven. For it is only in Heaven that God would have you be.
  • How long can it take to be where God would have you? For you are where you have forever been and will forever be. All that you have, you have forever. The blessed instant reaches out to encompass time, as God extends Himself to encompass you. You who have spent days, hours and even years in chaining your brothers to your ego in an attempt to support it and uphold its weakness, do not perceive the Source of strength. In this holy instant you will unchain all your brothers, and refuse to support either their weakness or your own.
  • You do not realize how much you have misused your brothers by seeing them as sources of ego support. As a result, they witness to the ego in your perception, and seem to provide reasons for not letting it go. Yet they are far stronger and much more compelling witnesses for the Holy Spirit. And they support His strength. It is, therefore, your choice whether they support the ego or the Holy Spirit in you.
  • What do you want? Light or darkness, knowledge or ignorance are yours, but not both. Opposites must be brought together, not kept apart. For their separation is only in your mind, and they are reconciled by union, as you are. In union, everything that is not real must disappear, for truth is union. As darkness disappears in light, so ignorance fades away when knowledge dawns. Perception is the medium by which ignorance is brought to knowledge. Yet the perception must be without deceit, for otherwise it becomes the messenger of ignorance rather than a helper in the search for truth.
  • The search for truth is but the honest searching out of everything that interferes with truth. Truth is. It can neither be lost nor sought nor found. It is there, wherever you are, being within you. Yet it can be recognized or unrecognized, real or false to you. If you hide it, it becomes unreal to you because you hid it and surrounded it with fear. Under each cornerstone of fear on which you have erected your insane system of belief, the truth lies hidden. Yet you cannot know this, for by hiding truth in fear, you see no reason to believe that the more you look at fear the less you see it, and the clearer what it conceals becomes.
  • It is not possible to convince the unknowing that they know. From their point of view it is not true. Yet it is true because God knows it. These are clearly opposite viewpoints on what the “unknowing” are. To God, unknowing is impossible. It is therefore not a point of view at all, but merely a belief in something that does not exist. It is only this belief that the unknowing have, and by it they are wrong about themselves. They have defined themselves as they were not created. Their creation was not a point of view, but rather a certainty. Uncertainty brought to certainty does not retain any conviction of reality.
  • Our emphasis has been on bringing what is undesirable to the desirable; what you do not want to what you do. You will realize that salvation must come to you this way, if you consider what dissociation is. Dissociation is a distorted process of thinking whereby two systems of belief which cannot coexist are both maintained. If they are brought together, their joint acceptance becomes impossible.
  • But if one is kept in darkness from the other, their separation seems to keep them both alive and equal in their reality. Their joining thus becomes the source of fear, for if they meet, acceptance must be withdrawn from one of them. You cannot have them both, for each denies the other. Apart, this fact is lost from sight, for each in a separate place can be endowed with firm belief. Bring them together, and the fact of their complete incompatibility is instantly apparent. One will go, because the other is seen in the same place.
  • A hypothesis about the ego is that “we” are the ego process in the brain. But without our ego process’s awareness, our main brain knows everything what we are thinking. In computer terms we are just a sub-program (ego) of a big comprehensive master program (brain). We have been programmed to assume we are the master program (hidden system + ego program). But we are not the master program. We don’t have any control over the master program or even have the slightest awareness of its existence. We are limited to the boundaries of the ego based sub program. We assume and feel that we run the master program. But we don’t. The big program runs us, controls us, and restricts our control only in the territory that it wants us to be in. The master program even makes our ego program to reject this type of ideas just like an antivirus program rejects the viruses. The master program and the ego programs that we understand as ourselves, is our entire brain that comprise of complex arrays of massive networks of living cells. We human beings are mere puny mortals who cannot ever hope to understand that this due to our limited perspective.
  • It is an interesting concept that we would be trapped in a computer program or enslaved by a self-aware machine that outwardly tells us that our godlike qualities are our weakness and undoing (Luciferian program, that was Agent Smith talking to the bound-up Morphius) but ultimately are shown to be a lie and, in the end, saves us after we reach a summit of SELF-recognition, where we are no longer blaspheming the Holy Spirit, and the machine itself is now no longer the colluding adversary but a willing and eager collaborator to propel its host to new heights of SELF-realization.
  • Let’s assume that the cortex, the seat of consciousness is a millionfold network of neurons. A fantastic computing machine. Cultural learning has imposed a few pitifully small programs on the cortex. These programs may activate perhaps one-hundredth of the potential neural connections. All the learned games of life can be seen as programs which select, censor, alert and thus drastically limit the available cortical response. The consciousness-expanding drugs unplug these narrow programs. They unplug the ego, the game machinery, and the mind (that cluster of game concepts). And with the ego and mind unplugged, what is left? .. . What is left is something Western culture knows little about. The open brain. The uncensored cortex, alert and open to a broad sweep of internal and external stimuli hitherto screened out.
  • The mind is very good at keeping itself busy so that it appears there is no space left for anything else. But this is only an appearance; it’s what the ego (or self-made image of who you think are) uses to blind you to who you really are. Our minds go quiet many times a day, but we don’t notice. Why? Because our conscious awareness is experiencing what is happening without needing commentary from the mind. Thinking is not required; it is called living in the moment. The ego or mind-created entity we call me does not like the present moment because the ego cannot exist in it; it’s not required. To survive, the ego has to take you into the future or the past. When you go there mentally, you are no longer here, in this present moment. Even though your physical body is present, your mind if off somewhere else, which deprives you of living now. It is an ingenious game but a game played solely within ourselves.
  • In order to break the habit of depriving ourselves of living in the moment, we have to become conscious of what is really happening. Instead of being just aware of what we are experiencing, we must become consciously aware—aware of the mind game the ego is playing inside our heads.
  • Once the ego is seen for what it is, it cannot survive. The ego has kept us in the dark for most of our lives. It became who we believed ourselves to be. Once you become aware (although you are always aware; you just haven’t realized it yet)—rather, consciously aware—of what the ego is and what role it plays, the ego begins to fade away. It is like putting a small candle in a dark room; even though the light is small, the darkness loses its power over the room and shrinks. It is still there in the corners, as the small light cannot penetrate the entire space. So it is with you.
  • This is the key to understand ego´s concepts of fear of death; Once the ego is seen for what it is, it cannot survive.
  • As you create this space inside yourself, you shine the light of conscious awareness onto the ego, or false self. You begin to realize that the ego is not you. You are not your story, or mental conception, of who you believe yourself to be. You start to realize that you are actually the conscious awareness itself, the real you. It is no longer a mental concept; it becomes a direct knowing. You become self-realized; another popular term is enlightened.
  • This is a wonderful discovery—to “realize” your true nature! You are not a bunch of stories, feelings, and emotions that, when added together, become a me and my story. You discover you are separate from that. You are something you cannot describe in words, but you feel it; you sense its presence. or in the present of “Now” or “no time”.
  • Your true Self exists within you and observes both the inner and outer world. The ego on the other hand, lives in the outer world and is incapable of looking inward. The ego pursues the outer world and enjoys sending you on assignments to attain the things of this world with the promises that they will bring you joy.
  • The ego seeks that you should become caught up in one drama after another. Like a canoe immersed in a raging river, the ego lives for and enjoys turbulent emotions because it thrives on the drama and the energy of discord. Turbulence is what fuels its energy, its life force and keeps it alive. If the ego was not able to gain your attention, you would have no need for it.
  • This lower state of consciousness is destined to find friction and dissension because distress has a way of consuming much if not all of your attention. However, once you decide to stop giving it energy, the ego does not dissipate immediately, instead, in protestation the ego finds new ways to capture your attention. Many will fall for the games of ego, but this is part of your evolving spiritually; for the ego only teaches you to ignore it by causing you such discomfort and pain that you long for peace.
  • The 3D Self has so thoroughly been programmed to NOT remember and to forget their true essence as Infinite Love and the experience of living in Golden Earth consciousness. The 3D Self has ‘fused’ to the veil of amnesia and not been awakened to see beyond it.
  • The pervading consensus reality, 3D reality as most people experience it, is only a subconscious agreement, a `box’ to repress our senses to mostly only the five we experience through the greatly limited physical body, logical mind (left side of the brain), and the tiny visible light spectrum. This limited perception of reality is especially supported by the Western, Newtonian model of ‘if we can see it, we can prove its existence’ which currently dominates mainstream science.
  • In order to survive in this ‘prison’ of limited perception, a 3D Self version of us (or unaware or unawakened ego or personality structures or personas) is created out of a self loving need to ‘fit in’ with our reduced capacity and limited bandwidth of expression.
  • Our 3D Self can lock us out of our soul gift capacities and anything that might elevate us beyond the body/mind reality. We are then blocked from reconnecting to Golden consciousness and remembering how powerful we actually are when we are expressing as our most authentic selves with an expanded consciousness.
  • Third dimensional (3D) frequencies are of separation, isolation, competition, sense of survival and lack (scarcity). 3D is five sense reality processing (only what the body and mind can see is `real’), logic dominating, attachment to religious and other belief systems, with a focus on differences.
  • The illusion is the ego’s limited belief of who you are. The illusion is that little tiny pie-shape of your total consciousness, when reality is the totality of who you are. If you knew your reality, you would have no reason for fear, because there would not be anything that would take place that would create the reactions that you are having in this limited state of illusion. “Fear and illusion” versus “Divine Love and Reality”. Fear expresses as an emotion, a part of the ego system, a belief system of this limited part of your knowing of your consciousness. Fear expresses as the ego belief you are separated from your soul’s
  • When you begin to expand your consciousness beyond duality, your energy vibrations rise to a level where those who remain governed by duality beliefs are simply not a part of your world anymore. When you trust the process of letting go of your controls, your fears, belief in good and bad, even your belief in death, you will find your world becoming happier, healthier, and much more abundant. This is the indication that you are crossing the barrier from a 3-D world of duality to higher dimensions.
  • Escape from this war within the matrix on Earth is through consciousness, not the mind. The great awareness we call consciousness liberates you. Mind traps you in the third-dimensional ego states of being, but consciousness is larger than the ego, and expands to include a multi-dimensional self-awareness.
  • It will thus be seen how great is the power of man’s thought. While thought is not the power of the Spirit, it is the power by which man either connects himself up with the Infinite Power, opening himself to the Divine Inflow, or cuts himself off and separates himself from his Spiritual Source. Thus, in a sense, man is what he thinks he is. If he thinks he is separate from Divinity and cut off from His Power, then it is as though this were really the case, and he is just actually existed apart from Divinity.
  • We’ve been programmed by current culture and media to believe that we can’t thrive without constant distraction of cell phones, computer games, social media, and the latest music. These build up the illusion that there isn’t anything significant going on within us if all this barrage of input ceased—which is very far from the truth. The glories of Divine potentials exist at a subtle level of consciousness. These are as powerful as the roaring ocean when we develop our skills of opening to them. They will most likely remain hidden to those who tune their consciousness mainly to the mass mind and the latest popular fads. The sacred treasures of higher potentials reveal themselves freely to those who approach with quiet respect, clarity, purity, and patience. There is a conduit of powerful energy that opens up from one’s crown center at the top of the head and gradually accesses up toward the higher Spiritual levels of consciousness which come down to meet it. This is one’s connection to higher realities. It is one’s lifeline to expressing brilliance and profound capacities. This pathway to God Consciousness is a superhighway that cuts right through the chatter of the mass mind and limited thinking and self-doubt. It is a direct access route to the powers of one’s Higher Self and God.

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You are a three-fold being. You consist of body, mind, and spirit. You could also call these the physical, the non-physical, and the metaphysical’. This is the Holy Trinity, and it has been called by many names. Some of your theologians have called this Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Your psychiatrists have recognized this triumvirate and called it conscious, subconscious, and superconscious. Science calls this energy, matter, and antimatter. Poets speak of mind, heart, and soul. New Age thinkers refer to body, mind, and spirit. Alchemist using terms as make lead to gold – transforming leaden consciousness into golden consciousness. These three phases—arising, enduring, decaying—can be associated with the Three Principles of Mercury, Sulphur, and Salt. Biology speaking about birth – life – death Your time is divided into past. present, and future.  Religion speaking about Hell, Earth, Heaven. Could this not be the same as subconscious, conscious, and superconscious? Space is likewise divided into three: here, there, and the space between

Baptism by Fire- The act of baptism represents that point of attainment where kundalini rises to the crown chakra, the crown chakra opens, and the blessings of Spirit pour forth for the personality and all in its vicinity. It’s the rise of Kundalini, energizing of the shells of the body. Bodhisattvas remain just in such state. The Matter within their bodies occultly “rises”, “is saved”.

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